Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 149 Life is too decadent

Kovchenko directly gave the Kitty Eagle Hotel to his "nephew" Mikhail, which surprised Abramovich and the three of them.

Although everyone present is a big boss, this is still an asset worth hundreds of millions of dollars!

You can't just give it away to anyone you put it on.

It seems that Hovchenko is really unusual for his "nephew"...


After signing the agreement, Hovchenko and Mayilov could be regarded as "shaking hands and making peace."

Wang Ye smiled and said to Mayilov: "Sir, in two days we can take time to sit together and talk about how the two markets can cooperate. Now I am managing the New Sun Market."

Mayilov nodded without hesitation and said: "You can do it at any time. My office is on the top floor of the Alfa Hotel near the Grand Market. Just call me when you get there."

Wang Ye's words were not polite. He really had some ideas and needed ACT's cooperation.

The wholesale market has a golden life span of at least seven or eight years in Russia!

If you can make good use of this period, you can make a lot of money.

"Let's exchange mobile phone numbers. Since you are responsible for managing the New Sun Market, we can communicate more in the future." Maylov said enthusiastically.

To be honest, at his level, he is still far behind Hovchenko.

On the other hand, Wang Ye, who is deeply trusted by Hovchenko, is almost "on an equal footing" with him...

"Well, Mikhail, give me your phone number too. I'm quite interested in knowing what you young people think. I might want to hear your thoughts on some things in the future." Gebrev suddenly said.

Mayilov asked for Wang Ye's phone number, which is understandable because both of them manage large markets and have many things to communicate with.

But Gorbrev, this is the chief steward of the Kremlin, a popular man next to the emperor, and an absolute confidant!

He even took the initiative to ask Wang Ye for his phone number, which was a bit unusual...

Obviously, it was what Wang Ye said just now that made him interested, especially because there was something fresh and unique in Wang Ye's words.

For example, "harmonious society"...

This word is very consistent with the current pursuit of Russian society!

"Give it to me too, this young man Misha is very good. Let's communicate more in the future." Abu also joined in the fun and said.


All three people took out their mobile phones and wanted to exchange mobile phone numbers with Wang Ye.

Wang Ye hesitated and looked at Hovchenko.

Hovchenko smiled and nodded.

That's no problem. Wang Ye skillfully reported his mobile phone number, and Abu and the three of them recorded it directly on their mobile phones.

When they recorded the mobile phone number, Wang Ye discovered a problem.

That is, the mobile phones used by the three of them are of the same brand, VERTU!

Russia's richest people and top politicians seem to prefer this brand of mobile phones.

After all, at that time, mobile phones had similar functions. Among many mobile phone brands, VERTU was the only one that could highlight their wealth and status...

The cheapest mobile phones of this brand are said to cost tens of thousands of dollars.

In comparison, Wang Ye's Nokia 3310 is a bit hard to sell...

However, Wang Ye didn't feel any embarrassment. He took out his 3310 and recorded the phone numbers of Abu and the others.


After exchanging mobile phone numbers, Abu looked at the time, stood up and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go have dinner. If you have anything to do, we can chat while eating."

Several people got up and went to the restaurant next door.

This is not like a small restaurant in an ordinary family at all, but like the most luxurious banquet hall in a top hotel!

The area is undoubtedly huge, covering two to three hundred square meters.

In the center is a huge long oak dining table, with blooming flowers, snow-white tablecloths, and sparkling silver tableware...

As for food, there is everything from black caviar, truffles, and foie gras.

These are quite normal and are not beyond Wang Ye's imagination.

After all, this is a dinner party hosted by Abu, so it must be extremely luxurious.

They were eating, and there was a so-called pianist playing live music next to them, which was quite normal...

But after the pianist finished playing, a girl came out quietly and sang a Russian love song in a gentle voice.

Wang Ye didn't pay attention at first, but when he accidentally glanced at the girl, he was stunned.

After carefully looking up and down, he was sure that he had not mistaken the person!

This girl is his "neighbor"!

That little singer who drives a Porsche 911...

She was different from the "hot girl" she usually met. Today, this girl was wearing a long white dress, with her long blond hair spread smoothly back and light makeup.

Judging from Wang Ye's aesthetics, she is more beautiful than usual!

As for what song she sang, Wang Ye was not familiar with it, but the girl's voice was very sweet and it sounded pretty good.

Because she was his "neighbor", Wang Ye took a few more glances. The girl was singing seriously and seemed not to notice that Wang Ye was sizing her up.

But Abu, who was sitting opposite Wang Ye, saw it.

He smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to call the butler behind him, and gave a few instructions in a low voice...


On the other side, Gorbrev was chatting with Hovchenko.

"I heard that your Yukos company is acquiring a Siberian oil company? As far as I know, Yukos's oil production accounts for almost half of Russia's total. If you want to continue to acquire more, you must have too much appetite!" He smiled. asked.

Hovchenko put down the knife and fork in his hand and replied casually: "To make money, of course the more the better! In fact, I want to merge with Abu's oil company. By then, Yukos will be considered a real energy giant. Even in the whole world, it can be ranked number one!"

Abu's business is relatively complex, including finance, oil, natural gas, and metals. He even accepted several news media groups left behind by Berezov after his exile!

He has indeed recently intended to streamline his business and is negotiating with Kovchenko to sell his oil business to Yukos.

However, such large-scale mergers and acquisitions naturally cannot be negotiated in a short time and involve many complicated procedures.

After hearing what he said, Gebrev also put down the tableware in his hand and said seriously: "As a friend, I want to remind you that there is no problem in doing business, and there is no problem in wanting to make the business bigger, but you must abide by the law and discipline! Just like Misha said, maintain social stability and order and build a harmonious society together!"

There is something behind the words, and of course someone as smart as Hovchenko can hear it.

He frowned slightly and responded with some displeasure: "I know what to do! In fact, I also want to remind you that the Russian people hope that the country will be free and democratic, and stop trying to use those authoritarian means to interfere with our normal business. Behavior!"

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