Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1078 The popularity is amazing

"Well, we just finished shooting two days ago, and we finally filmed the first season.

The original plan was to shoot and broadcast at the same time, so that it could be released earlier, but then I discussed it with Goncharovsky and thought it would be better to shoot it all and then broadcast it.

Because the requirements for this drama are so high, almost every shot needs to be polished repeatedly, so the filming was very slow.

In this way, it is impossible to film and broadcast at the same time. You can't broadcast one episode every half a month, otherwise the audience will probably curse. "

Serev explained to Wang Ye seriously.

This is understandable to Wang Ye. If you are eager for quick success, you will not be able to produce good works. You must be able to calm down and focus on the details bit by bit, so that the things you shoot will look good.

In addition, the investment in this drama is so huge, Serev and the others are really afraid of screwing up.

If you think about it from his perspective, if you were in Serev's position, you might be more cautious than him.

So, Wang Ye nodded and said with a smile: "It would be great if it can be filmed, then let's arrange for it to be broadcast. I guess many viewers are impatient to wait. I see that this drama has always been very popular on the Internet."

When Wang Ye has free time, he occasionally surfs the Internet and checks Facebook.

After all, he is also a politician of the younger generation, and is not out of touch with the Internet generation like the "old guys" like Gryzlov, Zhirinov, and Gorbrev.

Wang Ye also has a personal account on Facebook, and he is also a super V!

However, the content on his Facebook is basically written and sent by Nova, and the content is quite diverse, including photos of Wang Ye when he is focused on work, photos of him sitting on the Duma rostrum during a meeting, and photos of him swimming and bowling in his leisure time He even drove an off-road vehicle to hunt in the primeval forest. He also practiced marksmanship, drove armored vehicles and even armed helicopters at the Wagner training base.

Anyway, it just highlights one’s versatility!

Moreover, the photos were taken very professionally and from very good angles, making the already handsome Wang Ye look even more outstanding and more dazzling than the so-called stars.

In terms of personal "marketing", Wang Ye was definitely ahead of everyone in the Moscow political arena at that time!

The reason why he spends energy to manage his personal Facebook account is to let the younger generation of netizens understand him and feel more familiar with him, instead of being so distant as a cold name that only exists on TV or in the news.

Maybe you won’t see the benefits of doing this in a short period of time, but over time, under the influence of subtle influence, as long as Wang Ye is not exposed to any big scandal, the younger generation who hold the votes will have a profound impression on Wang Ye. good impression.

If Wang Ye needs their support at some point, they will definitely respond with a response and burst out with amazing energy!

Or votes...


Therefore, Wang Ye is very clear about Internet trends. He said that the drama "Empress Catherine" is very popular on the Internet. He is not joking. In the past year, topics about this drama have hit Facebook from time to time. Hot list.

Speaking of Facebook’s hot list, this was also created under Wang Ye’s suggestion.

The most discussed topic of the day will be displayed in a special column for everyone to understand.

Of course, Facebook is still very conscientious and does not do any "bidding ranking", which means that even if you want to spend money to get on the hot list, you can't.

The hot topics shown on the hot list are indeed real, and there is no such thing as spending money to buy them.

On this hot list on Facebook, Wang Ye saw topics about "Empress Catherine" from time to time.

For example, "A conflict broke out on the set of Ye Huang, and the director angrily scolded the actors in public", "An actress expressed to her friends behind her back that she was dissatisfied with the heroine", "The director of the set of Ye Huang told reporters in frustration that the filming was not going well" and so on.

However, Wang Ye didn't bother to click in to see the specific content. It was probably just some gossip paparazzi making things up, or the crew was deliberately trying to create publicity to attract everyone's attention.


Hearing Wang Ye say that this drama is very popular on the Internet, Serev's face lit up with joy.

He quickly said: "There is a reason for this. I think the influence of the Internet is getting stronger and stronger, and may even surpass traditional media in the future, so Taiwan has also established a special department to be responsible for the Internet.

In the drama Ye Huang, the Internet department is trying its best to create hot spots on the Internet through some so-called breaking news that is easier to attract people's attention, attracting everyone's attention to this drama.

After trying it, I feel that this kind of soft propaganda is very effective and is more easily accepted by young people because their participation is relatively high.

Traditional media are at a disadvantage in this regard. No matter how beautifully shot your advertisement is, there are only so many people who can see it, and you cannot play an advertisement 24 hours a day, so the final audience is limited.

So I think TV stations can consider how to transform to the Internet in the future..."

These words made Wang Ye look at Serev with admiration.

Being able to see in early 2007 that traditional media will decline in the future and Internet media will rise, I have to say that I am still very visionary.

What's even more valuable is that this guy actually figured out a set of Internet self-media routines that would only become popular in a few years...

It seems that there is no shortage of smart people in this world!


Wang Ye nodded and said approvingly:

"Well done. Regarding the Internet, I think you can try boldly and take bigger steps!

In addition to this kind of invisible news soft advertisement, you can also take advantage of your traditional TV stations and shoot some relatively short and beautiful short videos. Perhaps the audience will be larger on the Internet and it will be easier to attract everyone's attention.

I don’t know if you have noticed that in the United States, video websites such as YouTube, MSN VIDEO and GOOGLE VIDEO have emerged and attracted a lot of Internet users. "

In 2007, video websites had already emerged and were nothing new.

It’s just that there are no short video websites yet. The model of most video websites is still relatively traditional, with more long videos, but some individual video producers have begun to emerge.

However, traditional media have not paid attention to this trend, and no powerful media companies have ended up. These video websites are all Internet companies.

Serev nodded quickly and responded: "Yes, I have noticed it. However, there are currently no video websites on the Russian Internet that have become popular. I am also considering whether our NTV TV station can rely on its huge film source library to create its own A video website.”

The most important thing about a video website is of course the content, and the early video websites did not attract many individual video shooters, also known as video bloggers. After all, not many people could shoot videos by themselves at that time, and even if there were, they would not be able to do so. They are all powered by love, just personal interests.

Therefore, if a video website wants to attract a large number of users, it can only spend money to purchase traditional media resources, such as TV series and movies.

In the next ten years or so, video websites will also begin to subdivide.

There are long-form video websites that focus on movies, TV shows, and online dramas, and there are also short-video websites that rely entirely on content created by individual users.

The biggest annual expense for long video websites, in addition to computer room servers and broadband costs, is the cost of acquiring copyrights, which can be said to be very high.

Serev's idea is correct. Their TV station itself has a huge film source library, and it has huge appeal and connections in the industry. It might not be a bad idea to build a long video website focusing on movies and TV series. Maybe It's quite promising.

Wang Ye was quite supportive of his idea, and also suggested that Serev could meet and chat with the person in charge of YANDEX or Facebook to see if cooperation could be reached and both parties would jointly fund the project.

After all, NTV is a newbie when it comes to the Internet and does not have the corresponding technical reserves. It just has a relatively large film source library.

As for the Internet, YANDEX and Facebook are veterans and have strong technical capabilities.

If cooperation can be achieved, it will be a strong alliance, and the probability of success will be much greater!

Serev came over today. In addition to reporting on the completion of the filming of "Empress Catherine", he also brought the source of the drama so that Wang Ye could take a look at it when he had time. If there were any questions or Wang Ye was dissatisfied, You can also make repairs before the official broadcast.


The episodes Serev sent were burned into a set of CDs. Wang Ye planned to watch them when he went back in the evening, and he notified Rosiana in advance and asked her to come over and watch them together in the evening.

After all, this photo is from Rosiana’s ancestors…

In the evening, in a small screening room on the top floor of the Kitty Eagle Hotel, Wang Ye, Rosiana and Nalan Yaqi happily prepared fruit snacks and tea to watch this movie together. Big drama released.

I have to say that money can make all the difference. This saying is not true at all.

Because enough money was spent, the shooting specifications of this drama are no less than those of movie blockbusters. The majestic music and shocking scenes at the beginning make people feel that this TV drama is different from the ones they usually watch. no the same……

After the TV series officially started, the scene layout and character costumes were all very exquisite and sophisticated.

Basically it can be said that it truly restores the aristocratic life of that era.

The protagonist of the previous episodes was Girls' Generation's Ye Huang, the role played by Tonya, so when Tonya appeared, Rosiana asked Wang Yedao jokingly:

"Is this your little ballet star?

Tsk tsk, she is quite beautiful, I feel pity for her.

But judging from her appearance, she seems to be quite young. Is she an adult? "

Wang Ye smiled awkwardly and said: "Hey, hey, they are all in college, so they must be adults. They just look smaller."

"Then why don't you ask her to come and watch it together today? She probably hasn't even seen herself on the screen yet." Rosiana asked.

Wang Ye scratched his head, how to answer this question.

He didn't ask Tonya to come over, of course because Rosiana was there!

Although Rosiana didn't mind the women around him, that didn't mean that Wang Ye didn't need to consider her feelings.

Fortunately, the exciting plot quickly attracted Rosiana's attention, and she did not continue to "make things difficult" for Wang Ye, but concentrated on watching TV.

After dinner, it was past eleven o'clock in the evening. Wang Ye couldn't bear it and went to bed, while Rosiana and Nalan Yaqi continued to watch in high spirits.

It can be seen from the expressions of the two of them that this drama has been successful...

Therefore, after Wang Ye went to work the next day, he called Serev and informed him that it could be broadcast directly!


Throughout April, nothing major happened. If I had to mention it, it would only be the broadcast of "Empress Catherine".

Once this drama aired, it immediately became the most popular drama.

Have you ever seen a TV series that cost hundreds of millions of dollars to shoot? It is simply more exciting than the movie!

The performance of every actor in the play is very exciting, and the plot arrangement is also fascinating with its ups and downs, directly bringing the audience into the era before the rise of Tsarist Russia.

Originally, these old fools were very empty spiritually. Their original beliefs collapsed more than ten years ago, but new beliefs have not yet been established.

Although with the strong invasion of European and American culture, some young people have begun to pursue the so-called "Western culture", but after all, it is not their own thing, so they cannot fully accept it.

Now this drama completely belongs to its own culture and its own characteristics, and it has the title of "the most expensive TV drama in the world", which makes everyone more or less vain and feels that their country is "down and out" After all these years, we finally have something we can use, and it is even better than developed countries in Europe and the United States, so how can we not support it!

As a result, on the Russian Internet and in real life, the show spread quickly like a "virus".

In schools, various units, companies, even restaurants, bars and even on the roadside, you can hear people discussing this drama at any time, saying how wonderful this drama is and how beautiful (handsome) the actors are. …

Moreover, not only is it popular in Russia, but also in all Russian-speaking countries, including Ermao, Sanmao, and several Stans, the influence of this drama is unprecedented!

NTV originally had satellite channels that could cover most Russian-speaking countries, but their previous influence was not great enough, their popularity in other countries was not high enough, and their ratings were relatively low.

But with the broadcast of this drama, NTV's ratings began to skyrocket!

Especially when broadcasting TV series, NTV’s viewership peak in Russia has reached an astonishing 76%!

Basically, as long as there is a TV at home, most of them are watching this TV series on time!

When the TV series was aired, it could be said that the streets were empty...

Even in countries like Stan, the ratings of this drama exceeded 50%.

In addition, this drama has not only received unprecedented acclaim in Russian-speaking countries, but also other countries have begun to pay attention to the popularity of this drama, and have come to discuss cooperation with NTV TV station for broadcasting.

It seems that it is very possible to become popular all over the world.

Wang Ye's strategy of large investment and large production can be regarded as an initial success.

As the second season of Ye Huang and other major dramas begin to be filmed, the influence of NTV will be further enhanced. It will no longer be a problem to overwhelm several other domestic TV stations...

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