Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1077 Who to choose as successor

The achievement of such good sales results is also due to Wang Ye.

During the stock preparation stage before the release of the mobile phone, Gang Leader Qiao was not very confident. Although his new mobile phone was technologically advanced, he did not know what the sales volume would be.

After all, there have been too many precedents where the product was very good but the sales failed miserably...

Therefore, he originally planned to sell the first-generation product in the United States on a trial basis. If he could sell over one million units within the product cycle, it would be considered a great success!

Then collect user feedback, improve the integration of the supply chain, increase production, and develop second-generation products at the same time. When the second-generation products are released, they will be expanded to the entire North American region, step by step.

But after Wang Ye saw his production and sales plan at that time, he put forward different opinions.

First of all, Wang Ye suggested spending a lot of money to integrate the supply chain in the first year, prepare enough production, and conduct sales in stages. When it is first launched, it will face the entire North American market, and then look at the sales situation and user reputation. If everything goes well, the European and Asian markets will be opened directly, which is basically equivalent to a global sale!

Wang Ye's plan was of course much more radical than Gang Leader Qiao's, and the amount of money needed to be invested was doubled. Fortunately, he was a major shareholder, and his words in the board of directors still had weight. In addition, Gang Leader Qiao was also convinced by him, so there was current sales.

And this sales volume also proves that Wang Ye is forward-looking and has a long-term vision.

Therefore, when the sales of mobile phones exceeded one million, Gang Leader Qiao called Wang Ye excitedly.

"Mr. Mikhail, our mobile phone sales have officially exceeded one million units!

This is a data of historic significance. It seems that your prediction of sales exceeding 5 million or even 10 million in the first year is possible.

Now our colleagues in charge of production are working overtime, urging OEMs and supply chain partners to produce for us as soon as possible.

Next, I plan to start selling it in Europe. However, because we have very few retail stores in Europe, we can only rely on the sales channels of those communication companies.

I have recently negotiated cooperation with several major communication companies in Europe, and plan to start selling Apple mobile phones in countries such as the UK, France, Germany, Russia, Italy, etc.

At the same time, our company’s own retail stores will also be fully rolled out in major European cities..."

On the phone, Gang Leader Qiao talked non-stop, his tone seemed very excited.

Also, as he said at the mobile phone launch conference, a person is very lucky to be able to participate in something that changes the world in his life.

And he has led the launch of three important products that can change the world's technological landscape, from MAC computers to IPOD and now Apple mobile phones!

Perhaps it can be said that I have died without regrets...

Gang Leader Qiao himself also knows that his time is running out. He is terminally ill. Even if he can enjoy the world's top medical resources, it is only a matter of five years or three years. It cannot completely treat his terminal illness. cure.

So now he no longer takes terminal illness seriously. If he can live one more day, he will earn more. Instead, he devotes all his time and energy to work, hoping to do his best in the short time. Perfect product.

Leave something to this world.

Sometimes Wang Ye admires people like Gang Leader Qiao who live a "simple" life with clear goals and firm will.

Unlike myself, living so tiredly...


After Gang Leader Qiao finished speaking, Wang Yecai smiled and said:

"Congratulations, Joe, you really did it.

Apple mobile phones are loved by the vast majority of users. I think the most important task for the company now is to continue to increase production and strive to bring this mobile phone to users around the world in the shortest possible time.

As far as I know, there are already many users in Moscow who are impatiently waiting for the arrival of Apple mobile phones. "

This is true. After all, Wang Ye and many senior executives personally help Apple "bring goods", and their influence is large enough.

The Apple retail store in the Kitty Eagle Shopping Center in Nalan Yaqi is also under renovation. A communications company controlled by Constantine has also negotiated cooperation with Apple. It is estimated that Apple mobile phones will be officially available in about three to six months. On sale in Russia.

Of course, almost all major countries in Europe are making progress. The speed may not be as fast as Russia, but it will not be much slower.

This first-generation Apple mobile phone will definitely be sold in most major countries in Europe, Asia and North America before the second-generation new product is launched. There should not be much suspense about the sales data Wang Ye originally predicted.

"Thank you, Mr. Mikhail, without your support, Apple would not be so successful.

By the way, I’m going to start training a successor. You also know my situation. I don’t know when I will go to see God, haha...

Which of the senior executives in the company do you think is more suitable? "

Gang Leader Qiao said in a brisk tone, and even made a rare joke. It was obvious that he really didn't take his illness to heart.

Wang Ye is not a mother-in-law. Even if he is a reborn person and has the ability to "predict the future", he is powerless in the face of terminal illness.

When Leader Qiao asked for his opinion, he hesitated for a moment and responded without hesitation: "Cook, I think he is the most suitable!"

Among Apple's management, Gang Leader Qiao is undoubtedly the most central figure.

But under him, Cook is actually not very prominent now. He is only responsible for supply chain management.

Several other executives in charge of design and sales ranked higher than him.

Especially design director Ive, who is undeniably one of the souls of Apple. It is he and Joe who determine the style of Apple products.

From MAC computers to IPOD to iPhones, the design styles are all created by him!

It can be said that after Gang Leader Qiao was diagnosed with a terminal illness, Ivey was the one who called for his successor the most.

As a result, Wang Ye said that he was more optimistic about Cook today, which surprised Gang Leader Qiao.

I subconsciously asked: "Huh? Why is it Cook and not Ive?"

Gang Leader Qiao himself is also hesitating now. In his mind, there are two people who are most suitable to take over his position, and that is Ivey and Cook.

Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Ivey is actually more like Gang Leader Qiao, focusing on product design, pursuing perfection, and often coming up with unconstrained new ideas.

But his disadvantage is that he is not very good at running the company.

As for Cook, he is proficient in company operations and management, and is even better at supply chain management. He is also quite proficient in finance and does a good job of controlling costs.

However, his shortcoming is that he doesn't know much about product design, which is completely opposite to Ivey.

Gang Leader Qiao was not sure which one to choose, so he asked Wang Ye for his opinion on the phone today.

After all, when choosing a company's CEO, the opinions of major shareholders are of course very important. Otherwise, even if you choose a person and it fails to pass the board of directors, it will be a waste of time.

Wang Ye smiled and patiently explained:

“For Apple in the future, maintaining success will be more important than pioneering!

Perhaps many people are not yet aware of the importance of smartphones, but time will tell us the answer.

IPHONE alone, as long as it is done well, can push Apple to unprecedented heights!

Therefore, this product no longer needs too many breakthroughs. The first-generation product has laid a solid foundation. Subsequent generations are nothing more than the application of new technologies and the improvement of performance.

However, for the entire company, our products will be sold all over the world in the future, and the annual shipment volume will be amazing.

In this aspect, Cook has a much greater advantage than Ivey.

This is why I chose him! "

After hearing this, Gang Leader Qiao was silent for a while as he was digesting Wang Ye's words.

To be honest, sometimes Gang Leader Qiao feels that Wang Ye has more confidence in Apple than he does...

To be honest, Gang Leader Qiao himself was embarrassed to say such words as "reinventing the mobile phone" and "unprecedented heights", but Wang Ye said it as a matter of course.

If the company can really develop as Wang Ye predicts, then Cook will naturally be more suitable than Ive to take over the position of CEO.

It is easy to start a business, but difficult to maintain it. This principle is equally applicable to the business world.

Now the first-generation Apple mobile phone is only for sale in North America. It has sold one million copies in two months, which should make the entire management a little confused.

In the future, it will really sell well all over the world. When it sells hundreds of millions of mobile phones a year like Nokia, the scale of the company will expand to an extent that Qiao Gang Leader cannot even imagine!

Indeed, by that time, Cook's advantages became apparent.

Perhaps as Wang Ye said, Cook is indeed the most suitable candidate. It is not that he is more capable than Ive, but that his strengths are exactly what Apple needs.

Cook must have never imagined that his future would be decided when Gang Leader Qiao had a phone call with Wang Ye.

Moreover, Wang Ye, a major shareholder who had not had much dealings with him, was so optimistic about him. It was only with Wang Ye's recommendation that Gang Leader Qiao made up his mind and prepared to hand over his position to Cook to take over...


Time came to April. On this day, Wang Ye was handling official business in the office. Assistant Nova walked in and reported:

"Boss, Mr. Serev from NTV and director Goncharovsky have arrived. Would you like to invite them in?"

Wang Ye said without raising his head: "Let them come in."

After a while, Nova led Serev and Goncharovsky into Wang Ye's office.

The two came to Wang Ye's desk and greeted Wang Ye respectfully. Wang Ye raised his head and smiled and motioned for them to sit down. He said slightly apologetically: "Wait for me for a few minutes. I still have an important job to deal with."

Station director Serev hurriedly smiled and said: "Speaker, please do your work first, we will wait, it's okay."

The two of them sat in front of Wang Ye's desk, their backs straightened, and they waited with bated breath for Wang Ye to finish his work.

After seven or eight minutes, Wang Ye put down the official document in his hand, stretched, reached for a box of black Russians, and said with a smile: "Come, let's smoke a cigarette and relax together. I remember that you two are both Smoking."

Serev and Goncharovsky nodded at the same time. They were both old smokers, but the Speaker could remember their smoking habit, which made them both a little flattered...

The three of them lit up their cigarettes and puffed away for a while before getting down to business.

Wang Ye asked: "That big drama has been filmed? It seems to have been almost a year since the filming started."

Serev and Goncharovsky came here today to report to Wang Ye that the filming of the drama "Empress Catherine" has been completed and is ready to be broadcast on TV.

A year has passed since the establishment of the project, and Wang Ye has not asked about this matter.

But Serev and Goncharovsky must be under a lot of pressure, because this drama has invested US$500 million, and this investment has set a record worldwide!

If they can't come up with a perfect answer, there will be no need for Wang Ye to hold them accountable, and they themselves will have no face to hang around in this circle.

Therefore, over the past year, Serev and Goncharovsky have really worked day and night to polish every detail, striving to achieve perfection in every detail.

The actors in the crew are also working very hard. Everyone knows that after the show is broadcast, it will directly determine their acting careers!

Whether they become an instant hit and become a superstar in the global entertainment industry, or whether they mess up and become a laughing stock, all depends on their performance level in the play.

Therefore, no matter whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, or even the "passerby" who has no lines, no one dares to take it lightly. They must use their best condition to play every role well!

In fact, Wang Ye is not completely unaware of the filming situation of this drama. His "little girlfriend" Tonya played the role of young Ekaterina in the drama and also joined the crew for a while. Although her role Not a lot.

After returning from the crew for a while, Dongnia complained in front of Wang Ye a lot.

It's not that she was bullied. To be honest, no one in the crew dared to bully her. The director Gangcharovsky knew where Tonya was from and it was too late to support her. How could he dare to neglect her? .

Dongnia mainly complained that the director's requirements were too high and too harsh!

She had never received professional training before, and now she suddenly joined the crew to act, which was naturally more difficult. She often had to shoot a scene a dozen or more times, and the director was still not satisfied.

Therefore, Dongnia was very tired and felt that being a star was not that easy after all.

Originally, she thought that being a star meant just acting casually in movies and TV shows, which was not difficult, then performing shows in various public places, and accepting some big-name spokespersons. This was how she became a star.

But now that I have really come into contact with this industry, I find that this is not the case at all...

When acting, she suffered more and was even more tired than when she practiced ballet!

However, she gritted her teeth and persisted without flinching. After all, she knew how rare this opportunity was.

If Wang Ye hadn't supported him, how would he have had the chance to join this crew?

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