"Not good!" Seeing the rolling stones falling from above, Wendyhan was quite surprised, and his face changed dramatically.

The faces of the Jurchen soldiers in the back also changed drastically!

"Run away! Run away!" Some Jurchen soldiers were already yelling frantically.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to escape now!

After a while, screams came from the front, and then more and more screams, and more and more boulders fell from above!

Wendy Hanman got off his horse for the first time and retreated back!

After a full quarter of an hour, the Jurchens retreated from the top, they regrouped, and Wendy Hanman had already ridden on the horse again.

"General, more than a thousand of us died!" A commander came to Wendy Hanman's side and said.

"Damn Han people, they really are good at intrigue! However, this is their only advantage. Apart from intrigue, they are not as good as us Jurchens in every way!" Wen Dihan gritted his teeth.

"General, what shall we do now?" the commander said.

"Let's go around from the two wings!" Wendyhan said after thinking for a while.

"Okay!" The commander nodded.

"After rushing up, I must execute all the Han people in a hurry! No one will be left, and all will be killed!" Wen Dihan said savagely.

At present, the remaining nearly 9,000 Jurchen soldiers are divided into two groups, leaving from the left and right wings.

There are jungles on the left and right sides, and more than 4,000 Jurchen soldiers on the left wing have come to the front of the jungle. At this moment, there is a sound of bowstring vibrating in the jungle!

The sound of the rain was still loud, but it couldn't cover up the sound of the bowstring!

Accompanied by the sound of the bowstring is the scream of the Jurchens!

It was already dawn, and the Jurchen realized that there were countless soldiers of the Song Army standing up in the jungle!

When these soldiers of the Song Army first stood up, their formation was relatively scattered, but they assembled in just a moment! The crossbowmen lined up in rows, and on both sides of the crossbowmen were lined up spearmen!

"The Han people are here! Come on, kill them!" The Jurchen soldiers were furious and shouted one after another.

Many Jurchen soldiers had already rushed towards the jungle, but when they came to the jungle, the number of Song troops here was actually increasing! The endless Song army from behind pressed forward! And the Song army has already headed west, completely blocking their retreat!

The rain in the sky is cold, but even colder is the "Arrow Rain"! Arrows fell from the sky endlessly, falling into the Jurchen army, and the Jurchen army was in chaos! The Jurchens were screaming, and their war horses were screaming! There is rain on the ground, but more blood! At this moment the ground has turned red!

The Jurchen army was completely in chaos, and the Song army had rushed out of the jungle one after another! The faces of the soldiers of the Song Army were extremely indifferent, their formation was extremely neat, and their cooperation was extremely tight! The more than 4,000 Jurchen soldiers in front of them are not in their eyes at all! If it was on the plains, more than 4,000 Jurchen soldiers charged together, it would indeed have a certain lethality! It's just that the Jurchen army is so chaotic, it's impossible to be their opponent!

"Is this the Jurchens? Although they are more powerful than the gangsters in Dongting Lake and Lianghuai River, they are nothing more than that! They are vulnerable to our Song army!"

"What kind of Jurchen is invincible, what a joke!"

"This battle is too easy!"

None of the soldiers of the Song Army spoke, they were just harvesting the lives of the Jurchens as quickly as possible, but they inevitably had such thoughts in their hearts!

On the right wing, the Jurchen army there is also in chaos!

The Song army in the jungle on the right also rushed out one after another. Some of them attacked from the front, and some of them also began to block the retreat of the Jurchen army! From Sichuan and Shu to Jiangnan, from Jiangnan to Lianghuai, from Lianghuai to Dengzhou, from the first year of Xuanwu to the seventh year of Xuanwu, they don't know how much hard training, how many exercises and battles they have experienced, and how to encircle the enemy. , They are already familiar with it to the point where they can no longer be familiar with it! At this moment, they are doing what they usually train!

"All together! Let's charge together to defeat the Han people! Don't make a mess! Don't make a mess!" Wendy Hanman was terrified at the moment, and he was still yelling crazily!

At this time, the Song army on the high slope had already rushed down, and suddenly there was a rain of arrows in front of them!

"Song Jun rushed down by himself! Kill! Kill them all!" Wen Dihan yelled loudly. He pushed aside the arrows that fell from the sky and rushed forward.

Behind him, dozens of Jurchen soldiers rushed forward together.

"Shoot!" There was a faint shout from the opposite side, and then dozens of bows and crossbows aimed at Wendy Hanman!

There was a swishing sound, and the sound was unusually sharp. This is the divine arm bow!

Wendy Han pushed an arrow aside, but more arrows were already heading towards him!

Then, he got an arrow in his arm, he felt a sharp pain, and soon he got an arrow in his eye! After a while, he rolled off the horse, and countless horses charged forward behind him. He was trampled by the horses, and he kept wailing and screaming!

And more arrows were still shooting towards the soldiers behind him, and those soldiers also fell into the rain one after another.

After only a quarter of an hour, the battlefield began to calm down, and the corpses of the Jurchens were everywhere! Countless war horses also fell in a pool of blood, but there are still thousands of war horses standing alone on the battlefield at this moment. Some war horses were hit by arrows, but the physique of the war horses is far superior to that of humans, so they have not fallen down yet.

"Second Uncle, this battle really went too smoothly." Wu Gong came to Wu Lin, he wiped the rain from his face, and laughed.

Wu Gong's clothes were also stained red with blood, obviously he also threw himself into the battle just now.

"The Jurchens are too contemptuous of us! Moreover, we have achieved favorable terrain, and our strength is five times that of theirs! If we can't successfully destroy the enemy, then we are too incompetent!" Wu Lin said.

"Second Uncle, now Zhenhai Mansion can let us run freely!" Wu Gong laughed.

"Zhenhai Mansion is still hundreds of miles away from Liaoyang. It will take a while for Liaoyang to get the news! You immediately lead people to the west, block the road from Zhenhai Mansion to Liaoyang, and buy time for the army!" Wu Lin said.

"Is there anything else we need to do?" Wu Gong asked in surprise.

"There are pastures all around Zhenhai Mansion. Fenghai Ranch alone has tens of thousands of war horses, cattle and sheep. We want to transport these war horses, cattle and sheep back!" Wu Lin said.

"Ah! Send it back!" Wu Gong was taken aback.

"This is a great fortune! It won't take too long to transport these horses, cattle and sheep!" Wu Lin said.

This is where the Liaodong Peninsula is located, and Wu Lin's naval base is in Dengzhou on the Shandong Peninsula! Liaodong Peninsula is very close to Shandong Peninsula, the shortest place is only 101 kilometers! It only takes one day at most to send the horses, cattle and sheep to Dengzhou! However, there are too many war horses, cattle and sheep, and they cannot be transported all at once. Wu Lin has already figured out a way. He plans to call the fishermen of Dengzhou immediately after returning, and let those fishermen take fishing boats and merchant ships to follow them to Zhenhai Mansion. Empty the horses, cattle and sheep here! Of course, if the Jurchens react quickly, Wu Lin can only kill all the horses, cattle and sheep and throw them into the sea. He will never leave the "food" to the Jurchens!

"Second Uncle, the General Staff Headquarters asked us to contact the Khitan people after we came here to see if we can encourage the Khitan people to rebel in Liaodong! We must not forget this matter!" Wu Gong said after thinking about it before leaving.

"I have already sent someone to contact the Khitan people, you don't have to worry about it!" Wu Lin said.

Contacting the Khitan people is also a task assigned by the General Staff Headquarters, but Wu Lin is a little worried. He also knows that Yelu Dashi has joined forces with the Jurchens, and he wonders if the Khitan people in Liaodong will rebel again! But no matter what, he has to give it a try!

*** ***

In Liaoyang Prefecture, Tokyo, it also started to rain lightly in the early morning.

Wanyan Zonghan had just woken up, when the voice of reporting came from outside, and the voice was very urgent.

"Is it Heshi Lie Zhining? Come in quickly!" Wanyan Zonghan said.

After a while, a young general came in from the outside. It was the young general who followed Wan Yan Zonghan into the Liao Kingdom Palace in Liaoyang Mansion yesterday! This person is a rising star among the Jurchens, with high martial arts skills! In history, he was Jin Wushu's son-in-law, but now he is only Wanyan Zonghan's general and has not yet married Jin Wushu's daughter.

"Marshal, we just got the news that Han people broke into the vicinity of Liaoyang late last night, and all five of our granaries south of Liaoyang were burned down by Han people!" Heshi Lie Zhining said.

"What?" Wanyan Zonghan froze there for a while.

"Marshal, the number of Han Chinese who burned down our granary is extremely large, tens of thousands!" He Shi Lie Zhining said.

"How could such a thing happen? Those granaries have been stored by us for many years! The granary was burned, how can we go south to attack the Han people? Our Jurchens are going to starve!" Wanyan Zonghan murmured.

"Marshal, the Han people have not gone far, we must immediately pursue the Han people!" He Shi Lie Zhining said.

"Let's go! Go and have a look first! Yes, gather the army!" Shocked by the news, Wanyan Zonghan took a deep breath and calmed down, saying.

He still can't believe it!

Soon, more than 30,000 Jurchen cavalrymen gathered in Liaoyang City, and Wanyan Zonghan led the 30,000 people towards the south in the rain.

When he came to the granary and saw that the granary had been turned into ruins, Wanyan Zonghan accepted this fact! He has a very anxious feeling! Originally, he planned to use troops against Shanhaiguan, but now that something like this has happened, most of the army rations have been burned, how can he go south?

"Marshal, we still have countless cattle and sheep in Zhenhai Mansion! It's really not possible, we can drive the cattle and sheep south! Now we want to chase the Song Army! I don't know how the Song Army came here!" He Shi Lie Zhining said.

"Yes! Chase them immediately! They burned down our granary last night, and it's only been a few hours, and they can't escape very far! They are all infantry, and our 30,000 cavalry can catch up to them soon! Damn Han Chinese , There are so many tricks, it’s hard to guard against! They should come from the sea! How come I never thought that they would fight across the sea?" Wanyan Zonghan said angrily.

At that moment, he picked up the whip and lashed the horse fiercely. The horse galloped towards the south while neighing, and more than 30,000 Jurchen soldiers followed Wanyan Zonghan and galloped towards the south.

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