"General, there is a high slope ahead!"

"There are hills over there!"

"The terrain here is the most complicated!"

Scouts kept coming over and reporting the terrain ahead to Wu Lin.

Wu Lin studied with the staff officers of the military department.

"General, it is best to set up an ambush here! This is the only place to go from Zhenhai Mansion to Fenghai Ranch! The Jurchens are mostly cavalry, and there are many jungles here. The speed of the Jurchens' cavalry will be greatly affected. On the contrary, it is beneficial to our soldiers. Combat! There is an avenue in the middle, and the avenue also has ups and downs, we can set up an ambush here!" A staff officer said.

"That's right, General, this is indeed the best place to set up an ambush!" Another staff officer said.

"Within ten miles, this is the best place!" The rest of the staff officers also spoke one after another.

"Okay! It's decided here! Continue to send scouts to pay close attention to the situation of Zhenhai Mansion and the situation of the Jurchen army." Wu Lin finally made a decision.

The army moved forward and set up an ambush at the designated location ahead.

"Second Uncle, there are probably dozens of Jurchens who have escaped from Fenghai Ranch! Fenghai Ranch is only 30 miles away from Zhenhai Mansion. They should be able to reach Zhenhai Mansion before dawn!" Wu Gong came to Wu Lin beside him, said.

"Very good! According to the information from the Intelligence Department, the guard of Zhenhai Mansion is called Wendi Hanman, and he is the head of the Jurchens! This Wendi Hanman is average in strength, but he is the son-in-law begged by Wanyan Wu, so Only then can he become the guard of the Zhenhai Mansion! He has 10,000 soldiers and horses, all of whom are Jurchens! This time we will wipe out all the 10,000 Jurchens! After years of war, the number of Jurchens has become smaller and smaller, and 10,000 of them will be wiped out. Humans are also a huge trauma to Jurchen!" Wu Lin said.

The heavy rain was pouring, and the soldiers were hiding in the woods at this moment. Except for the sound of wind and rain, the voices of the soldiers could no longer be heard!

Countless soldiers lay there, motionless!

In the past, they have experienced countless times of such training! Sometimes it is lying in the grass full of mosquitoes, staying for a whole day! Sometimes it is lying in the mud by the sea, letting the sun bake your body! Each of them is a real professional soldier, and their quality far exceeds the average quality of soldiers in this era! Especially the Jurchens, they conquered the world with their bravery, but their discipline was far inferior to the current Song Army! Many years have passed, and the current Jurchen army is far behind the Song army!

*** ***

On the road from Fenghai Ranch to Zhenhai Mansion, dozens of Jurchens are fleeing in a hurry.

They were riding on war horses, looking extremely embarrassed at the moment.

Finally, after more than an hour, they came to Zhenhai Mansion.

It was pitch black, and the city gate of Zhenhai Mansion had already been closed, and these Jurchens shouted loudly under the city gate.

The city wall was empty, without a single Jurchen soldier! In such a heavy rain, the Jurchen soldiers are hiding in the house!

"Hurry up and open the door! Fenghai Ranch is under attack!"

"Open the city gate and let us in!"

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone?"

They were yelling and roaring crazily, and finally a few Jurchen soldiers climbed onto the city wall.

"Open the city gate quickly!" Seeing the appearance of the Jurchen soldiers, the Jurchens who escaped from the Fenghai Ranch were overjoyed and shouted again.

"Who are you?" A Jurchen soldier above asked while yawning.

"We come from Fenghai Ranch! Open the door!"

After a while, the city gate finally opened, and dozens of Jurchens rushed in from outside.

"What's the matter? Are you here at this time?" A Jurchen soldier asked in surprise.

"Fenghai Ranch has been attacked! The soldiers and horses guarding Fenghai Ranch have all died at the hands of the enemy!" The Jurchens who came from Fenghai Ranch said.

"What?" The Jurchen soldier was taken aback.

"Hurry up and take us to see General Wendy Hanman! There are countless cattle, sheep, horses and livestock in Fenghai Ranch, we must rescue Fenghai Ranch immediately!" the man said.

Now these Jurchen soldiers didn't dare to delay, they immediately took the Jurchen who escaped from Fenghai Ranch to the government office of Zhenhai Mansion.

After a quarter of an hour, Jurchen guard Wendy Hanman was finally awakened!

This Wendihan is quite long and unusually tall, almost two meters high! He is only in his twenties, but he has a beard all over his face! The weather was hot, and he came out with his upper body bare, and his chest hair was unusually lush! He looks like a big bear, rough and strong!

"How could Fenghai Ranch be attacked? Who attacked Fenghai Ranch?" Wen Dihan said savagely.

"General, it might be a pirate!" A person from Fenghai Ranch said.

"Pirates? Could it be Japanese pirates?" Wendyhan said savagely.

The name of Japanese pirates is known all over the world, and the Jurchens have also encountered Japanese pirates in recent years!

"It may be Japanese pirates, but they are much more powerful than ordinary Japanese pirates, and they have a lot of bows and arrows in their hands!"

"How many of them are there?" Wendyhan said savagely.

"There are always thousands of people!"

Wendy Hanman frowned, he felt more and more wrong! The scale of Japanese pirates in this era has not yet grown to tens of thousands! The Japanese pirates gathered as an army to attack the city had only happened in the Jiangnan area before, but not in the Liaodong area, so he began to speculate whether those people were Japanese pirates, or were they sailors from the Central Plains?

It's just that the navy is only fighting on the water, why did they come to Zhenhai Mansion?

Jurchens have limited knowledge of navy! When they destroyed the Liao Kingdom, they had never encountered a navy in ten years of fighting! When they invaded the Central Plains, from the first year of Jingkang to the sixth year of Xuanwu, most of the wars took place in the Guanshan area, and they never encountered a navy in Guanshan! So much so that Wendyhan was so confused for a while that he thought that the navy could only fight on the water!

"General, what should we do?" a commander said.

"No matter who they are, they must be wiped out and driven away! I think it is very likely that they are Han Chinese! The Han Chinese are the most incompetent race in the world, and they are definitely not the opponents of our Jurchens! Gather all the troops together Get up, let's kill the Han people!" Wendy Han said savagely.

After a while, the sound of war drums came from the entire Zhenhai Mansion, and countless Jurchens were forced to crawl out of their beds. Some Jurchen soldiers were unwilling to get up, and the Jurchen generals were still beating them with whips as before! The Jurchen army is completely different from the Song army. If it was more than ten years ago, when they first emerged, their enthusiasm and discipline were quite good, but now, they have completely degenerated.

*** ***

Another half an hour later, the 10,000 Jurchen soldiers stationed in Zhenhai Mansion had already mounted their horses. They left Zhenhai Mansion and rushed towards Fenghai Ranch in the east.

"They are just pirates, they may be Japanese pirates, or they may be Han Chinese! Japanese pirates are not worth mentioning. As for Han Chinese, they only have conspiracies and tricks. They are useless except for conspiracies and tricks! In the Central Plains, the reason why we failed was because we were hit. Their conspiracies and tricks! If it is a real battle, our Jurchens are invincible, and a hundred thousand Han people are no match for our 10,000 Jurchens! Tell the children, relax, this time it will be a hunt!" Wendy Han Man rode on a white horse and laughed.

Behind him, those Jurchen commanders, centurions, and soldiers couldn't help laughing loudly!

The 200,000 Jurchens led by Wanyan Zongwang were wiped out in the Central Plains, but most of these Jurchens in the north have never gone south, so they have limited understanding of the Song Army! Jurchen executives Wanyan Zonghan, Wanyanchang and others have seen the fighting power of the Han people, but they are not willing to tell these things to ordinary Jurchen soldiers. On the one hand, they are afraid of demoralizing, and on the other hand, they themselves are skeptical about the fighting power of the Han people! The result of these is that the Jurchens' combat power is not as good as before, but the Jurchens are still proud and arrogant, thinking that they are invincible in the world, and they despise the Song Army extremely!

"Come on!" Wendyhan laughed unceasingly.

The rain fell from the sky, and his clothes were already soaked, but his mood was getting better and better! Thinking that he could actually fight the Han people, and he thought that he could wipe out all the Han people in one battle and make meritorious deeds, he was very excited!

The same is true for the rest of the Jurchen soldiers behind him at this moment!

They didn't know that tens of thousands of Han soldiers were ambushing in the jungle at this moment, like hunters waiting for their prey, allowing them to break into the encirclement.

It's dawn! In the past, the sky has brightened at this time, but today is cloudy, and it is still dark at this time.

"General, there are enemy troops ahead!" At this moment, a few Jurchen soldiers rode over from a distance and shouted loudly.

"Oh? There are enemy troops in front? Are they Han Chinese?" Wen Dihan asked with great joy.

"We don't know if they are Han people! There are a lot of them, we dare not go there!" a Jurchen soldier said.

"Bastards! The Han people are incompetent and weak. If you rush over, you might scare the shit out of all the Han people. It should be no problem for you to kill dozens or hundreds of Han people. You dare not rush up! " Wendy Han cursed.

"General, what should we do? Shall we go straight up?" a commander said.

"Naturally, we rushed straight up! Kill all the Han people! Go!" Wendyhan yelled loudly.

"Come on!" Behind him, countless Jurchen soldiers also shouted loudly.

A high slope appeared in front of them, and they rushed towards the high slope!

At this moment, the sky is slightly bright, and they can already see the soldiers of the Song Army on the high slope!

After seeing the scene in front of him quite clearly, Wendyhan was also slightly taken aback! There are rows of densely packed soldiers standing in front of them, all of them are wearing black armor, and countless soldiers are holding strong crossbows in their hands!

It's just that the Jurchen army has already rushed up!

"They are only Han Chinese! Don't be afraid!" Wendy Hanman secretly encouraged himself!

Because of the rain, the slope was steep and slippery, and the Jurchens' speed was greatly affected!

However, they are getting closer and closer to the top of the slope!

"Be careful with their bows and arrows!" Wendy Han shouted loudly.

However, at this moment, the sound of boom, boom sounded!

From above, countless boulders rolled down!

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