Rebirth: Family Chaebol

Chapter 416: Got overwhelmed?

The smooth start of 1997 made Yuan Fangguo feel that his life seemed to be on an auspicious road. Sometimes he dreamed that he might be able to rush out of Bashu and go to the whole country in just a few years, and he could become Bashu in just a few years. The province is even the richest man in China.

However, in mid-April, the payment collection time in North China became longer and longer, which made the company's circulating funds become less and less.

Thinking of "cash is king", Yuan Fangguo could not help but immediately think of the financial crisis that swept over half of Asia in July 1997.

The collection rate and the financial crisis do not seem to be related, but in fact, they are definitely related. Once the capital chain breaks, it will be quite difficult to get a loan from the bank. .

In response to these two problems, Yuan Fangguo first contacted Song Yide. With the beautiful financial statements from last year and the first quarter of this year, and continued to give Song Yide a favor, Song Yide promised to lend him another 100 million within a month.

In response to the actual situation of the long payment cycle in North China, Yuan Fangguo asked Zhao Yong to fly to North China to find out what was going on.

Zhao Yong flew to North China with a mission, and just two days later, he flew back again.

"The sales task there is a little tight this year." Zhao Yong brought such information, "There are many plains in the north, and they prefer to use agricultural vehicles rather than motorcycles compared to the mountainous areas in the south."

"Have you seen the dealers with your own eyes?" Yuan Fangguo seemed a little unbelievable. This year's sales tasks are not linked to this month's payment. The real link is the batch of goods organized from LZ port at the end of last year. , According to the requirements, that batch of goods should be refunded.

"I went to see it, there is a lot of backlog of goods this year." Zhao Yong was indeed taken by Yang Baolong to various dealers including their warehouses to see, instead of making up and fooling Yuan Fangguo.

"In the past few months, they have bought a total of 20,000 motorcycles. They have inventory, but the sales volume is definitely 10,000. According to the sales price of 2,000 yuan, we have at least 20 million in total sales. But now we have only 5 million, and 15 million of the sales are backlogged with the seller, which is a very abnormal phenomenon." Yuan Fangguo patiently analyzed to Zhao Yong.

"Mr. Yuan, I really haven't found anything abnormal from Yang Baolong." Zhao Yong said a little embarrassedly.

"He will tell you that he is not normal?" Yuan Fangguo sneered, "Yang Baolong was very active last year, but this year he has suddenly become quite negative. I always feel that there is a problem here."

"What's the problem?" Zhao Yong was still puzzled.

"That's the problem with that 15 million sales."

"Why don't I fly to North China again to figure this out." Zhao Yong saw that Yuan Fangguo insisted that there was something wrong with Yang Baolong, and his heart began to grow furious, feeling that he might have been deceived by Yang Baolong.

"Let's go together and bring Da Fei along with them." Yuan Fangguo said.

Da Fei and several volunteer soldiers from Jiangnan City have also retired in the past two years. Due to their length of service, they do not meet the resettlement policy. However, Yuan Fangguo also found jobs for them in the factory. When everyone goes to work, they go up and down There is a hierarchical relationship. After work, you should be called a brother, and you will be called a brother. The division between work and life is obvious.

"Okay, I'll bring a few of them. If Yang Baolong dares to lie to us, I will definitely kill him." Zhao Yong became a little exasperated.

There are almost few courses in the last semester of the university. At the beginning of the year, everyone also learned the news. This year, the pilot program will not include assignments, and graduates will find jobs by themselves. Although Bashu University is not among them, this policy is released. After the opening, almost the final period of the university courses will start.

Now that there is no restraint of the course, Yuan Fangguo took Zhao Yong, Da Fei and others on a trip that said they would leave.

After arriving in North China, Yuan Fangguo did not go to Yang Baolong immediately, but asked Zhao Yong and the others to conduct research separately to see how their motorcycle sales were.

This time, Zhao Yong and the others did not dare to neglect them. It took two days to visit more than a dozen sales stores selling Huaxia Long motorcycles and obtained complete information.

The results obtained by everyone are amazingly consistent, that is, although the market share of Huaxia Long Motorcycles is still not as good as that of Lifan, Loncin, Jialing and other motorcycles, the stocking rate is not as high as those of those manufacturers. For example, Loncin's stock-holding rate has reached 70%, while their stock-holding rate is only about 55%.

The stock-holding rate is inversely proportional to the sales rate. The higher the stock-holding rate, the lower the sales rate. The reason why the sales volume (not the sales rate) and the market share of those traditional and old-fashioned manufacturers are still overwhelming them. The phenomenon of eating out.

And they also found a problem, that is, the sellers in the north will not exclusively represent one brand, but basically many brands are represented together.

If their payment time becomes longer, then other manufacturers will also become longer.

Yuan Fangguo inquired about those manufacturers through the relationship, and found that their payment time did not get longer.

So the conclusion is very simple, that is, there is something wrong with Yang Baolong.

Yuan Fangguo was very angry, but before he broke his face with Yang Baolong, he restrained his emotions very well.

"Mr. Yuan, let's take that **** Yang Baolong by surprise, let's see what the **** he's up to?" Zhao Yong wanted to kill Yang Baolong, and he also secretly blamed himself for the last time he left. Cut No, we come normally, I will call him now. After speaking, Yuan Fangguo took out his mobile phone and called Yang Baolong.

On the phone, Yuan Fangguo told Yang Baolong that he was in charge of Ma Tingting's inspection in South China and was going to fly to them tomorrow.

"Then I'll pick you up." When Yang Baolong heard that Yuan Fangguo was coming, he couldn't help but panic.

"Okay." Yuan Fangguo responded immediately.

After he hung up the phone, Da Fei asked in surprise: "Mr. Yuan, if they come to pick us up at the airport, we have to come out of the station, isn't this revealing?"

"No need, we'll go there tomorrow morning." Yuan Fangguo said.

His nonsensical tricks made Zhao Yong and Da Fei completely at a loss, but after seeing his sworn expression, they didn't ask any more questions.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Yuan Fangguo and the others stopped a taxi and went straight to the office building in the North China sales area.

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