Rebirth 2008: I Can Make Money Reading

Chapter 107 The Progress of Xinghai Machinery Production Safety Management (1/3)

Chapter 107 The Progress of Xinghai Machinery Production Safety Management (13)

The next morning when I went to work, during the morning meeting, the personnel department carried out safety production publicity and education in response to yesterday's production safety accident, and posted 4 production safety promotional posters on the bulletin board.

When Mu Yang came to the company at nine o'clock, he also noticed the production safety regulations on the bulletin board, densely packed, with thousands of words, it gave him a headache when he saw it, and he didn't want to read it after just one glance.

Frowning, he came to his office, made a pot of tea, picked up the landline, called Lai Chunqin, the head of the HR department, and asked her to come to his office.

At the beginning, a woman was chosen as the personnel supervisor because the personnel had to deal with the workers, and it was not easy for workers to have conflicts with women.

Lai Chunqin's affinity is very good. No matter who she faces, she can maintain a gentle smile, but she is very capable when dealing with things. This is why Mu Yang valued her and appointed her as the personnel supervisor.

After a while,

Lai Chunqin came to the general manager's office, knocked on the door, and walked into the office after hearing the boss' reply "Please come in", and sat on the sofa opposite the boss.

Mu Yang made her a cup of tea, and then asked: "In the event of a production safety accident, it is good that you can immediately think of production safety knowledge promotion and training."

He probably understands the boss's temperament, and he will never call her here for no reason, there must be something he is dissatisfied with, otherwise, he has no time to gossip with her, he must be looking at the information.

Therefore, when Lai Chunqin heard the boss praise her, she didn't smile, but she was a little uneasy.

Seeing that Mu Yang paused for a moment, he continued: "I just read the production safety regulations posted, is it posted by your department?"

"Well, it's a little hasty, and it's not very good."

Mu Yang didn't care about the elder sister who was ten years older than him, and directly criticized: "Sister Lai, I don't know if you found any problems after you posted it.

But my first impression was that my head was a little numb. These production regulations are densely packed with words, and these workers may not read them.

Our company should not engage in formalism, it is too general, if so, just copy a copy of the production safety system from the Internet, and then copy it to the workers.

But does it work?

When we send them information, they will take a look at most, and most of them will use it to pad their buttocks or throw it into the trash can. They are rarely interested in the content. Our company is okay. In some factories, the older workers have low education levels and cannot understand the content. .

Even if he understood it, he pretended to be stupid and said he couldn't understand it, thinking that it was none of his business.

Miss Lai has read the novel.

Some articles are rich in rhetoric, empty and contentless, or even incomprehensible, so they are not as good as Xiaobaiwen.

I suggest that this production safety publicity be made into graphic explanations, with less text, and foolish teaching, so that even workers with poor education levels can understand it at a glance.

In a conspicuous place at the gate of the workshop, set up a display board, which is a picture of the requirement to wear a safety helmet, and you can see it as soon as you enter the workshop;

At the place where the sling is hung, remind whether the sling is damaged. During the hoisting process, do not walk under the sling, and do not hold these with your hands.

A few pictures and a few simple words will do. This is a better way.

At the same time, play some short videos on production safety education in front of the small cafeteria, so that workers can accept it, remember it, and form a habit.

There are also many good publicity methods, you can search online and learn from other people's successful experiences.

On the production side, I will ask the workshop supervisor to emphasize in the morning meeting. Our company currently has no security officers, and it all depends on their conscious compliance and mutual supervision.

Of course, if you have a better way, do it your way. "

Mu Yang is like a teacher, teaching his students dutifully.

"The boss is right, I also feel that there are too many words, I don't even want to read it, this matter is a bit hasty.

And the method you proposed, boss, is really very good. Lai Chunqin was sorry to say that the boss discovered the problem within an hour after posting it.

Lai Chunqin doesn't think that the boss knows nothing when he is young. He started two companies from scratch and is worth nearly 100 million yuan. He is really admirable.

As for the plan proposed by the boss just now, her eyes lit up when she heard it. She is really proficient in production safety.

For workers with low educational levels.

Simple and effective!

"Well, do it again, it's okay.

However, production safety regulations still need to be posted. I know that some workers probably won’t read them, but things have to be done. We have a system first, and the number of words is less. Take a time when production is not busy and give them production safety training. "

Mu Yang said that the rules have to be settled, and the effect may not be very good.

This is a way to promote the system, but the actual implementation is not just a matter of the system. Mu Yang took a sip of tea and let her slowly digest what she just said.

After a while, Mu Yang said again,

"Sister Lai, in fact, we want to solve this problem thoroughly. I think that for these low-educated employees, sometimes it is difficult to communicate with reason. In fact, it is better to restrain them from punishment and rewards. .

What do you think is a good measure? How did your previous company handle this kind of thing? How's the effect? "

In fact, Mu Yang already had a general idea in mind, let's ask Lai Chunqin first, if he doesn't say it first, he will not let her enter his own thinking mode and let her use her imagination.

It is impossible for her to come up with a solution in a short period of time, depending on whether she has experience in dealing with similar problems before.

Lai Chunqin thought for a while and said: "Boss, for example, the first-line workshop requires wearing a hard hat. The HR department often goes to the workshop to check, and the production department sometimes turns a blind eye. The effect is there, but there are still workers who repeatedly If you don't change it, educate it once, and you won't care about it after a while.

But I think there must still be a punishment system, but it is a bit sensitive when it comes to employees' money. "

Mu Yang nodded: "You're right, some workers, it's hard to reason with him, don't try to convince others with reason, in practice, it doesn't work at all.

Do you think these people are ignorant?

I know everything, but I haven't formed a good habit.

Only by talking to him about his interests will it be effective.

If the salary is tens of yuan less than him, he will definitely fight with you.

There will be more and more employees in our company. If we don’t set the rules now, it will be very difficult to reform when the company becomes larger.

So, as long as it works, try it.

This production safety really depends on punishment, the effect is the best!

Of course, if there are rewards and punishments, workers feel that it is fair, driven by interests, and better implemented. "

The penalty is not to deduct workers' money, but to restrain them.

Mu Yang understands that it is difficult for workers to make money, but rules are rules, and human relations cannot be considered. Without rules, his company will be in chaos.

Although he doesn't care about human feelings in terms of the system, he is humane. Isn't there a reward for this? To be fair, as long as you can do it, the company will reward you.

After Mu Yang finished speaking, he asked Lai Chunqin to go back and figure out the reward and punishment system of the production safety regulations.

In the afternoon, Lai Chunqin showed Mu Yang the production safety regulations. Mu Yang found some faults and asked her to revise them.

Mu Yang was not satisfied until she revised it twice, then printed it, signed it, stamped it with the company seal, and posted it on the company bulletin board.

After get off work in the afternoon, workers quickly saw this system.

★Xinghai Machinery Co., Ltd. Production Safety Regulations★

In order to implement the basic policy of safety production of "safety first, prevention first", according to the spirit of the general manager, carry out a safety production knowledge training, and strive to achieve "everyone pays attention to safety, everyone learns about safety, everyone understands safety, everyone speaks Safety", fundamentally put an end to the phenomenon of "three violations".

At the same time, the following regulations are formulated, and all employees are expected to abide by them to maintain everyone's production safety.


1. Outsiders entering the workshop must wear safety helmets. If found once, the interface will be fined 200 yuan per person;

2 Workshop staff must wear safety helmets and labor protection supplies, and are forbidden to wear slippers. If they are found not wearing safety helmets once, they will be fined 200 yuan, and the workshop supervisor will double the fine;

3 Smoking is prohibited in the workshop, and a fine of 200 yuan will be fined once found;

Fines are deducted from wages, and all employees are requested to abide by them.

Incentive measures: production safety, zero accidents, within the month, the workshop team will be rewarded with 50 yuan per person, and the workshop supervisor will be rewarded with 100 yuan;

If there is a fine in the current month, all rewards will be canceled in the next month.


A fine of two hundred yuan is not much, and some companies charge several hundred yuan.

When it comes to fines and rewards, everyone is more concerned. After a while, dozens of employees gathered at the bulletin board to discuss.

I was a little puzzled at first, but when I saw that there was a reward, I started discussing it excitedly.

"There is still money, which is not bad, but I don't know if it is good to take it."

"Who is that, pay attention next time, don't cheat our team, next time I see you smoking, I will hit your mouth."

"It's none of your business if I smoke."

"Then you ask whether everyone agrees or not."

Seeing everyone looking over, the worker who often smoked suddenly fell silent.

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