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Chapter 347 347 Spring Festival Gala

Chapter 347 347. Spring Festival Gala


Qiao Mu came to the door of the fried chicken shop and greeted Su Hong who was waiting here.

"where did you go?"

Su Hong was confused. All the fried chicken restaurants had been closed. In the near future, maybe a new fried chicken restaurant would open here. Whether it was called idiot fried chicken or mediocre fried chicken, it had nothing to do with abnormality.

Su Hong's phone had been buzzing with notifications since just now. It was some push messages in the news app. He glanced at it twice and found that it was some relatively well-known companies announcing donations.

Several billion-dollar companies unexpectedly donated all their assets to the Hope Project. Due to the sudden incident, even reporters who usually run very fast could not catch up with the hot ones.

He could vaguely guess that this was related to what Qiao Mu asked him to do last night.

However, Su Hong was a little relieved to see Qiao Mu appearing in front of her safe and sound.

"Hanging from the streetlight all night last night."

Qiao Mu told the truth.

On the side, the little witch looked at the nearby street lamp suspiciously and frowned.

"Let's not talk about it for now, I have big news."

Qiao Mu said.

"Are you talking about donations from corporate companies?"

Su Hong asked back.

"No, who cares about that? We are the chosen ones."

Qiao Mu corrected him in a tone of "I'm discussing the theory of relativity with you, but you just want to sleep with me."

".What's the big news?"

The corners of Su Hong's mouth twitched and she asked.

"These anomalies are man-made."

Qiao Mu told the two of them what he saw and heard last night.

"It's strange that I have never heard of such an organization before."

Su Hong muttered.

As everyone knows.

The major Chosen organizations have strict control over anomalies, but the Chosen themselves use force to break the ban and are difficult to be bound by conventional laws. They can only be restrained by the self-restraint of the Chosen organization.

Therefore, the crimes committed by the God's Chosen are even more fearful to major organizations than the anomalous ones.

Not to mention the crimes committed by such organized and disciplined Chosen Ones, even those who fight alone are almost always annihilated by the joint efforts of the major Chosen Ones organizations.

Unless you can hide yourself and clean up, defecting alone to commit crimes will make death come earlier than the next game.

The reason the Chosen One judged was that he was seriously polluted and wanted to find someone to share the burden with. As long as he wanted to do this, it would inevitably cause riots and it would be difficult not to be noticed.

Just like Yinque before, he wanted to rely on [Borrowing Life Money] to dilute the pollution, but was caught by Qiao Mu.

The organization of the Chosen Ones that Qiao Mu spoke of sounded a bit unbelievable to Su Hong.

"Perhaps there is some antimemetic contamination or the like, which makes people subconsciously ignore it."

The little witch guessed at the side.

Antimemetic pollution is exactly the opposite of memetic pollution. If memetic pollution means adding something more to people's cognition, then antimeme means reducing something to people's cognition. A classic paradox is , your inability to remember things you have forgotten is the best explanation of antimemetics.

"If it was an antimeme, there's no way we would be discussing it right now."

Su Hong retorted, he thought for a while and then continued to speak.

"These chosen ones are spreading abnormally and causing great harm. I will write a report to the boss first and see what she says."


Qiao Mu clapped his hands.

He had been blown by the cold wind all night last night, and now he was going back to the house to take a hot bath and enjoy a hot meal.

Su Hong went back to the editorial office to write a report. Qiao Mu and the little witch returned home, just in time to catch up with the old woman next door making lunch. Qiao Mu didn't refuse, so she could only buy a roast duck and eat it with the old woman.

The little witch stayed at Qiao Mu's house until Christmas. The end of the year was approaching, which also heralded the end of the cultural exchange summit.

The little witch reluctantly got on the plane, and Qiao Mu's life fell into peace again.

After the report written by Su Hong was given to Zhou Mingke, there was no follow-up.

It seems that the emergence of such a group of God's Chosen Ones is more or less related to the poor supervision of the major God's Chosen Organizations, or the anomalies they manipulate involve some of the core secrets of the God's Chosen Organizations. It is Qiao Mu and Su It's something that a B-class investigator like Hong can't know.

New Year's Day has passed, and there is still light snow in Jiangcheng. Whenever it snows, Qiao Mu will go for a walk downstairs.

The tower of flesh and blood still stood among the high-rise buildings, but Qiao Mu hadn't noticed any new customers on the street lights recently, and he hadn't heard of the company CEO disappearing from the world in the news.

Perhaps the unlucky Chosen One Qiao Mu met last time alerted those behind him and stopped planting capitalist leeks.

Qiao Mu spent the New Year alone at home.

He called the children of the old lady next door and asked them to pick him up for the Chinese New Year. The apartment became quite deserted during the Spring Festival.

"Busy, please stay busy."

Qiao Mu sighed.

There are many migrant workers in Jiangcheng, so during the Spring Festival, many migrant workers return to their hometowns to celebrate the New Year, and the city becomes lonely. Even the number of delivery boys has decreased by one-third. Especially in the days approaching the Spring Festival, even some restaurants are closed. Open for business.

Qiao Mu could only cook by herself.

Stir-fried bitter melon with meat, shredded potatoes, tomato and egg soup, simple.

He set out three pairs of chopsticks.

"Let's just make do with it."

Qiao Mu took a photo and posted it on with text.

[The whole family will get together and start eating New Year’s Eve dinner]

Then put down the phone.

Ah Hui emerged from the shadow and sat next to Qiao Mu. Qiao Mu's cell phone automatically transformed and assembled into a small robot.

Qiao Mu put down a bowl with some minced meat in it. The coin men immediately gathered around and ate it like ants.

As for Ah Xin, she was eating and drinking well at the little witch's place, and she was happy not to miss Shu.

"When the children grow up, they no longer want to go home."

Qiao Mu sighed.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, Qiao Mu watched the Spring Festival Gala on TV and surfed the Shudong website.

Every time a program is broadcast during the Spring Festival Gala, countless people complain about the program on It is much better than the program itself. Qiao Mu thinks it is quite interesting. After all, if the program is interesting, then everyone's evaluation will also be that it is good-looking and good-looking. The same thing is not as good as now. There is room for all kinds of jokers to show their talents. The wisdom of the people is endless.

When the bell rang and the melody of Unforgettable Tonight was flying, everyone also experienced a carnival online, which was quite good.

Jiangcheng City prohibits the setting off of fireworks in the urban area, so during the New Year, there are no fireworks to watch, only the cheers of some children. Qiao Mu came to the balcony and looked at the lively but lonely city in the cold wind.

The next moment, Qiao Mu saw the distorted lights of thousands of houses, outlining the depressing and crazy words of the God of Choice game.

[To you two thousand years from now]

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