Players please close your eyes

Chapter 346 346 Leeks

Chapter 346 346. Leeks

It is said that once the legs are off the ground, the IQ will reach a high point. When Qiao Mu was hung from the street lamp, she did feel that her thinking was clear.

"These defecting investigators are also implicated in each other, and one of them is using these capitalists to cleanse themselves of the pollution."

He murmured that he had gained a lot of information from the man in the long trench coat, enough for him to think slowly throughout the night.

"They have mastered some abnormal information in their respective God's Chosen Organizations, and induced those who are greedy to contact them, and use the abnormality to make a fortune, thereby triggering the rules and hanging them here."

Qiao Mu could see from the knowledge gained from this man that some people were responsible for sowing and some were responsible for harvesting.

They buried abnormal seeds in ordinary people, waiting for them to take root and sprout.

Some students may ask, must those ordinary people be polluted and hung from street lamps?

Although Qiao Mu really wants to eulogize human courage, love and beauty, the reality is that when faced with the temptation of making money quickly with no visible side effects, not many people can resist it. When the profit exceeds half, people will He will take desperate risks, and when the profit exceeds three times, he will not be able to stop even death.

Therefore, most people who come into contact with abnormalities will eventually be hung from a street lamp.

Who would have thought that capitalists who rely on cutting leeks to rise will eventually become leeks themselves.

And the chosen ones who are responsible for cutting the capitalists' leeks, just like this man, come under the street lights and absorb the pollution in their bodies to neutralize their own pollution. Although this will lead to a decrease in depth, they can maintain their sanity, just like and A simplified version of those god-controlling bodies made by Island Culture.

The key point is the anomaly of this chandelier.

Because the depth of this anomaly is very deep, it can even pull ordinary people to a depth that even the ordinary Chosen Ones cannot visually see. And this dragging process allows the Chosen Ones to transfer their own pollution, Achieve anchoring.

However, what they are anchored to is not reality, but the deeper sea surface.

To put it simply, as long as you can keep yourself at a crazy level, you are not crazy.

"worth learning."

Qiao Mu knew very well that in fact, human society had already sunk a lot, and it was no longer at its original depth.

These defected Chosen Ones anchor themselves underwater and wait until the entire world sinks, then they will gradually become normal.

"So, it seems I can't get off this street light."

Qiao Mu had two ways to leave. One was to find the contradiction in the rules of this anomaly and escape through the cracks. The other was to let the anomaly continue to sink to a depth that even he could not detect.

The second method may not be successful. If this abnormal sinking pulls down all the capitalists on the street lights, it will be difficult for Qiao Mu to withstand it.

We can only find the first way.

The night wind was very cold, and Qiao Mu hung from the street lamp, floating in the wind like a string of dried bacon.

Qiao Mu remembered that when he was a child, he always looked forward to the Chinese New Year, because during the Chinese New Year, his family would make bacon and sausages, and he loved eating them.

Until one day, the family accidentally made too much sausage and ended up eating sausages for a whole year. From then on, Qiao Mu never ate sausages again.

"I don't know if I taste good."

He picked up the phone.

At least now through Xiao Ai, Qiao Mu can still send messages to the real world.

Thinking of this, Qiao Mu's thoughts began to diverge.

Since this anomaly hangs bad capitalists as street lights, what about good capitalists?

Of course, if you are smart, you can also say that if you search carefully, there are good capitalists in this world, but from this anomaly, only the capitalists hanging on the street lamps are good capitalists.

Those ordinary people who came into contact with anomalies failed to resist the temptation and were punished after falling. Although it is unlikely, it is indeed possible that a certain businessman resisted the temptation.

Just like Zhao Cai, although he had made a lot of dirty money before, it wasn't until Qiao Mu became the boss and started to reduce costs and increase efficiency that this abnormality came to him.

"If I become a good capitalist, can I get off this rope?"

Qiao Mu thought of this and decided to do an experiment. He sent a message to Su Hong.

[Qiao Mu]: Xiaohong, are you asleep?

[Su Hong]: What's going on over there?

[Qiao Mu]: It’s almost done. You can help me do something tomorrow.

[Su Hong]: What’s the matter?

[Qiao Mu]: First, shut down all Genius fried chicken chain stores, and then donate all the company’s money to poverty alleviation projects to build primary schools in poor areas.

[Su Hong]:?

[Qiao Mu]: Just do it.

Putting down the phone, Qiao Mu yawned.


Qiao Mu heard a gust of howling wind, and just when he thought it was getting colder again, a man in a suit fell from the sky on the street lamp next door, and was hung on the street lamp with a clang. He barely struggled, and his neck was probably It had already broken while being dragged.

"Brother, believe me, it will hurt a little the first time, you'll get used to it."

Qiao Mu greeted the other party.

The other party swayed in the light without any response.

Qiao Mu chatted with the corpse for a while, then closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, around four o'clock, the noise woke Qiao Mu.

He saw that the vendors had begun to enter the market to set up stalls one after another, and some breakfast cooks also got up early to light the stove, which was bustling with people.

“If you buy a house in the future, never buy it next door to a vegetable market.”

Qiao Mu saw Su Hong coming to the store. After a while, the little witch also came.

He picked up his phone, checked the news, and soon discovered the report about Genius Fried Chicken.

Just as Qiao Mu requested, all chain stores were closed, all employees were laid off, and all funds were donated to Hope Primary School.

Although some people expressed doubts about this behavior and felt that the genius fried chicken was just showing off, it is undeniable that children in at least one village can afford to read.

It is also considered a meritorious deed.

Suddenly, Qiao Mu felt her neck relax.


He fell from the streetlight.

"It turns out it really works."

Qiao Mu couldn't help but sigh.

This anomaly is quite reasonable and will not harm good capitalists.

Of course, Qiao Mu could be considered a good capitalist who died when he was hanged on it. If it had been anyone else, he wasn't sure he would have survived.

"That group of people also planted several abnormal leeks. These people must be notified."

Qiao Mu learned the names of those people through the knowledge flowing into his mind, and asked Xiao Ai to send anonymous messages to these businessmen, telling them to donate all their properties to do good deeds, so that they can avoid living an honest life from now on. The fate of being hung from the street lamp.

Hidden merit and fame.

"I hope they take care of themselves."

Qiao Mu moved her neck and prepared to walk to the fried chicken restaurant.



Qiao Mu turned around and found a new capitalist hanging on the street lamp. It seemed that he didn't take it seriously after receiving the news from Qiao Mu and continued to do evil.


Qiao Mu said he was very sorry.

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