Nightmare Attack

Chapter 374 The team to destroy the team

"But what surprised him was that the police officer who came was very secretive about his brother's state of death and the way of his death. He just told him that his brother Qiao Yu died in a relatively remote place and asked him to come to the details. The police said.

"Of course he followed. The police officer in charge of the reception comforted him for a while, and then asked his brother if there were any signs before the accident, such as whether he had any mental problems."

Hearing this, Wan Yuan Ning frowned. It seemed that the police had also discovered some unusual circumstances, otherwise they would not have asked this question.

"Of course the man would not hide his brother's situation, but what surprised him was that the police officer in charge only took notes but refused to disclose anything."

"After the man narrated for a while, the police officer who recorded the incident even called a few more people. Everyone looked at the man, with strange looks flashing in their eyes from time to time."

"Later, after the man's repeated requests, he learned that his brother Qiao Yu died in a relatively remote small square."

"The police officer took some more clothes and photos of belongings for the man to identify. The man was sure that the deceased was his brother Qiao Yu."

"Is there no photo of the deceased?" Guan Yuanning lowered her voice. Since the body has been found, it would be more direct to use the photo of the deceased.

Unless the death condition of the deceased is extremely tragic and the appearance cannot be identified, or it is because of caring for the physical condition of the family members that they are worried that they will not be able to accept it for a while.

But Guan Yuaning judged that Qiao Yu's brother should not belong to the second category.

Liu Guo glanced at her, but did not answer her question directly, and continued: "The police officer then took the man to another room. As soon as the man entered the room, he found that there was a laptop on the table, and this laptop was I bought it for Qiao Yu on his 20th birthday.”

"First, he signaled the man to calm down, and then the police officer sat on the chair next to him, took a long breath, looked at him very formally and said, no matter what he sees next, I hope he can stay calm."

"The police officer found one of the folders and clicked it. Inside was a relatively blurry video. The surroundings were darker, but not pitch black. There was still some light."

"The video was probably shot hand-held, and the shaking is quite severe. The sound coming from the built-in speakers is the whistling of the wind, and there is also a person breathing rapidly."

"The man immediately recognized that the rapid breathing sound was Qiao Yu." Liu Guo said.

"The camera slowly scanned the surroundings. The person taking the video probably wanted to let people who could see the video later know where he was now."

"Gradually, it became clear that this area is a small square, but it seems that people don't come here often. From time to time, snack bags or mineral water bottle caps and other garbage appear on the ground. It seems that it is usually neglected."

"There is a row of street lights along the square. The light is not very strong, it can only be said to be better than nothing. Now, the person who shot the video with his hand is standing under one of the street lights.

"Slowly, other voices began to appear in the video. It was Qiao Yu's voice. He seemed to be facing great fear."

"It's coming, right here." Liu Guo imitated the tone he heard at that time, fearful and suffocating.

"The filming equipment in Qiao Yu's hand was shaking even more. He said urgently, I can feel the footsteps!"

"It was like the ravings of a madman. No one knew what the footsteps he was talking about were. The police also told the man that they used professional equipment to reduce the audio noise, but they still heard nothing. There were only natural sounds in the surrounding area. Qiao Yu was the only one left talking to himself. "

"The next second, the equipment shook violently, and then it was pointed in one direction. Qiao Yu's breathing immediately became rapid, as if his lungs were about to explode."

"That's the direction of the street lights. Qiao Yu was standing under one of the street lights at the time, and the direction he took the photo was towards the end of the row of street lights."

"There are probably more than 10 lights, and the farthest one is less than 100 meters away from him."

"But then, the farthest street light suddenly started to flicker, and then after a few seconds, it went out silently."

Hearing this, the ominous premonition in everyone's hearts became stronger. Liu Guo is a good storyteller and he managed the atmosphere just right.

The uneasy atmosphere began to ferment, and everyone unconsciously moved closer to each other.

The fat man pulled Chu Jiu over and asked her to stand in front of him, leaning against him.

"Immediately afterwards, the next street light next to the extinguished street light also started to flicker, and then also went out."

"One after another, the speed is gradually increasing. From the perspective of the cameraman, it seems that there is something extremely terrifying in the darkness, gradually approaching."

"But there's obviously nothing under the streetlight!"

"The light was being devoured little by little, the video stability was getting worse and worse, and Qiao Yu's voice began to become desperate. It seemed that he no longer wanted to run, or knew that running would be useless."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please let me go," Qiao Yu cried, his voice becoming hoarse. It was all their fault. It has nothing to do with me. I know I was wrong, don't, don't, don't."


Liu Guo took a deep breath and retelling this incident made him feel very nervous and even made him feel chills on his back.

After he calmed down a bit, he continued to speak.

He looked at Jiang Cheng, who was frowning slightly, and said, "As the screen shook violently, the entire video went black."

Obviously, Qiao Yu, who was holding the device in his hand, died.

So the device falls naturally and no one cares about it.

For a long time after that, everyone was silent, not all because of weirdness and fear, but more because of thinking.

Thinking about the connection.

"Do you still remember what the nurse said?" Jiao Tailang touched his chin and said.

Yu Youwei said similar words before she died. She knelt on the ground, crying and saying that she was wrong, please, please let me go.

"And Li Maoshen." Wu's voice was flat and cold, and he added: "He also said that he was wrong before he died."

They all said they were wrong.

Judging from the results, they should already know what the thing is that is going to kill them, or at least they know why they are being killed.

Otherwise I wouldn’t say that.

The most important thing now is to figure out what they did wrong.

"It should have something to do with the video." Liu Guo raised his head and said suddenly, "They took something they shouldn't have taken."

"Reason?" Jiang Cheng looked at him and asked coldly.

"We have been looking for the relationship between them before, but now I think it should be clear." He took out a photo from his pocket and handed it to Jiang Cheng.

There are several young people above, 2 men and 3 women, smiling very brightly.

The six red letters labeled "Shen Wei Spirit Exploration Team" under the photo are extremely dazzling.

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