Nightmare Attack

Chapter 374 Qiao Yu

"That coffee shop belongs to Brother Qiao Yu, my dear brother. He usually does odd jobs for others when he has nothing to do, and he happens to stay in the shop at night.

"Have you been there already?" Jiang Cheng looked at him and asked.

Seemingly thinking of something, Liu Guo's face twitched unnaturally, but he still nodded, "Yes, we found the cafe and met his brother."

"The relationship between their brothers is very good. Since Qiao Yu's death, his brother has been stimulated and doesn't care much about business matters. Now the store is almost closed down, and a large part of the downstairs is rented out to Other merchants.”

"After learning that we wanted to investigate the real cause of Qiao Yu's death, his brother was very cooperative. It can be seen that he also suspected that there was something fishy in Qiao Yu's death."

"Because a few days before Qiao Yu died, he clearly felt that something was wrong with his younger brother. When he was sleeping at home at night, he would often receive calls from his younger brother in the cafe, and each time it was because of the same thing. Asked him if he went back to the cafe quietly, but didn’t tell him.”

"How is that possible?" Liu Guo shook his head, "It was already late at night. Who could be up late at night and have the leisure to tease him? But listening to Qiao Yu's tone, he didn't seem to believe his brother's words."

"At first, he didn't take it seriously. He just thought it was his brother who was drunk and talking nonsense. Qiao Yu had a habit of drinking. But later, this happened more and more frequently. Sometimes he could even receive 5 calls a night. , 6 calls from Qiao Yu.

"His girlfriend had a lot of quarrels with him over this matter."

"Later, when he inquired about it, he found out that Qiao Yu not only called him, but also all the employees working in the cafe. They all asked the same question, asking them if they had sneaked back to the cafe at night without telling him."

"Now he realized something was wrong, so he went to Qiao Yu and asked him what happened. At first, Qiao Yu refused to say anything and looked at him with that strange look in his eyes, as if they had joined forces and deceived him."

"Then, looking at his brother's haggard appearance, Qiao Yu seemed a little shaken. He made a weird face and asked in a low voice: Are the footsteps downstairs at night really not yours?"

"Of course not! His brother has never been here at all, and neither have other employees!"

Hearing this, Hua Luo's eyes looked strange. He looked at Liu Guo and asked, "You mean Qiao Yu heard the footsteps?"

Liu Guo let out a long breath, turned his body and nodded to Hualuo, "According to the man's memory, Qiao Yu said that these days he has been busy editing and editing the videos he shot before, usually until midnight, and the sound of footsteps It also appeared in the latter part of the night.”

"It was like someone was walking back and forth down there."

At this point, Wei Jinting, who had been silent, interrupted and said: "But this is basically impossible. According to the man, he took sound insulation into consideration when decorating this place, so even if it is quiet at night, if you walk around downstairs normally, you can still hear the sound." less than.

"And according to the man's statistics, nothing was missing from his cafe. It doesn't look like there was a break-in."

"What happened next?" Jiao Tailang frowned, obviously a little anxious.

"Although the man didn't believe that such a thing could happen, seeing that his brother was really scared, he agreed to stay with him that day to see what was going on with the footsteps."

"The man is quite cautious." Liu Guo said: "He was cautious and asked a strong employee to stay with him."

"In this way, the three of them kept watch until late at night. Later, when he had already dozed off, Qiao Yu woke him up."

"At that time, Qiao Yu's face turned pale with fear. His lips were trembling. He took the man's arm and said in a trembling voice: Here he comes."

"The man and the strong employee he left behind immediately became energetic, but they held their breath and listened for a long time, but they didn't hear any footsteps."

"But Qiao Yu said that the footsteps were always there. Later, the man asked Qiao Yu to stay in the room while he took Zhuang Staff down to take a look. But Qiao Yu dared to stay by himself, so he begged to take him with him."

"A man has never seen his brother begging for help. He has been disobedient since he was a child. He is a person who will never utter the word "submit" no matter how hard he beats him."

"The man was actually a little panicked at the moment, but he didn't show it. There were three of them, the strong employee carrying a baseball bat, and the man himself holding a folding chair, and they crowded together and went downstairs."

"The cafe downstairs is very large. They turned on all the lights and searched inside and out several times. Not to mention anyone, they couldn't find a single ghost."

"Then they checked the doors and windows and found that they were all locked and there was no sign of anyone coming in."

"Employee Zhuang glanced at Qiao Yu and didn't say anything, but from the look in his eyes, he must have thought that Qiao Yu was sick, either delusional or having his brain damaged by drinking."

"The place he should go is the hospital."

"Qiao Yu returned upstairs with his head hanging, but just as they closed the door and sat down, and before they had time to speak, Qiao Yu's body suddenly began to tremble uncontrollably. He suddenly raised his head and looked towards outside the door."

"Brother." Qiao Yu grinned, as if he was about to cry in the next second.

"It followed upstairs"

The fat man who was listening attentively shivered and seemed frightened by the story.

"Continue." Jiang Cheng said.

Liu Guo looked at everyone and found that everyone's expressions were similar to the first time he heard it. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"But it's still the same as before. No one heard the footsteps except Qiao Yu. To be precise, no sound was heard."

"There's no one outside the door, right?" the fat man asked cautiously.

Liu Guo shook his head and gave him a helpless look, "I don't know, but the man and the strong employee were also scared at that time. The three of them huddled in the room all night, but no one dared to open the door and take a look until dawn the next day. There are employees coming to work.”

This reaction was true. Jiang Cheng nodded. If it were him, he would probably do the same thing.

He even wondered if if the man had opened the door that night, he would still be alive to this day and be able to tell them the whole story.

"Later, the man planned to send his brother Qiao Yu to the hospital for a check-up, but Qiao Yu refused. He shouted that he was not sick, but there were footsteps, and this coffee shop was haunted!"

"As soon as these words came out, the man was completely annoyed. He pointed at this coffee shop. If this spreads, how can he do business."

"So I told Qiao Yu to get lost out of anger, scolding him as a lunatic and that he had lost his brain after drinking. Unexpectedly, from that day on, Qiao Yu really disappeared and the phone calls couldn't be reached."

"Later, the police came to his door and told him that his brother Qiao Yu was dead."

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