Nightmare Attack

Chapter 360 Sequence

"Shen Aiwei." Jiao Tailang, who was half-kneeling beside him, frowned.

It's obviously the names of two people, and they should be lovers.

The man's name is Shen and the woman's name is Wei.

"Love murder?" Hua Luo lowered her voice: "Could it be that this woman named Song Xiaoyou robbed Wei's boyfriend Shen, and then Wei committed suicide and turned into a ghost to seek revenge?"

This is a more likely guess.

Jiao Tailang stood up and looked around. Standing here, he always felt like someone was hiding somewhere and peeping at him.

"Take the ring and leave first." Jiao Tailang said, "We'll talk about it when we get back."

"Doctor." The fat man looked at Jiang Cheng longingly and swallowed. "Can you eat slowly and leave some for me?" he asked in a consultative tone.

"Not good." Jiang Cheng threw away the shrimp shells, looked at the fat man and exhaled, and said seriously: "Fat man, eating these things is not good for your health."

"And this really doesn't taste good." After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng sucked the soup on his fingers.

Fatty: ""

"This is a nightmare, not reality." Fatty muttered unwillingly, and this was still his room.

Half an hour ago, the doctor dug out a box of spicy crayfish from the bottom of the refrigerator, and then his eyes lit up. He couldn't wait to heat up the crayfish, and asked the fat man to cook two portions of instant noodles.

He specifically emphasized that it should be boiled and not soaked, saying that soaked food would not taste good.

The fat man stabbed his noodles with a fork while staring at the crayfish in front of the doctor with a very sad expression.

A burst of urgent phone calls interrupted this harmonious scene.

"Doctor." The fat man said in surprise, "The phone is ringing."

Each room here is equipped with a landline phone, and a phone book is thoughtfully placed next to the phone, with a pencil sharpened to only a small section.

The phone book records the telephone numbers of 12 rooms, which is very considerate.

After taking out two tissues and wiping his hands, Jiang Cheng trotted over. The number displayed on the screen was Room 404, Building 2.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while and asked Fatty to answer the phone.

After a moment, Jiao Tailang's voice came from the other side, "Mr. Jiang." The other person's voice sounded a little strange, as if he was worried about something, "Didn't you go out to look for clues?"

Fatty still uses the pseudonym Jiang Fugui in this book, and his identity is a truck driver who is not an orphan.

The fat man looked at the doctor, who made a gesture to him.

"I'm a little uncomfortable and have a headache." The fat man said, "I didn't get a good rest last night. I came back to catch up on my sleep."

"You're not with Chu Jiu and Xu Yi?" The other party seemed relieved.

The fat man answered according to the doctor's instructions: "No, I was alone in the room, and they all went out to look for clues.

"Huh -" Jiao Tailang's breathing suddenly became rapid, "Mr. Jiang, listen to me now, we just went to a shopping mall, where this ghost in the room I was working was. We saw her, she His name was Song Xiaoyou, and he deceived us by pretending to be a store owner, and then killed Yu Lan. "

"We found a ring on Yulan's body, and when we came back, we found clues in the room through some information on the ring."

Jiao Tailang spoke very quickly, as if someone was urging him from behind. He said excitedly: "Listen to me, Mr. Jiang, we have found the order in which the ghosts in the room were killed."

"Yulan shouldn't be the first to die. The first to have an accident should be your Building 1! Room 607 in Building 1!"

"607?" The fat man's voice changed.

"Yes, it's 607." Jiao Tailang said, "It's Chu Jiu! Chu Jiu is dead. She is a ghost! She is a ghost!"

A chill came from his heart. The fat man looked at the doctor and found that the latter's eyes kept flashing. The doctor's reasoning came true.

"Never, never go out!" Jiao Tailang said: "I will bring the evidence to find you now. Guan Yuaning and Hua Luo have already gone to notify the others."

"Okay." The fat man nodded repeatedly, "Then be careful."

"Please remember this number, we got two mobile phones, this one is mine, so we can contact you more easily."

The fat man held up his little chubby hand and wrote down a series of numbers in a book. After confirming with Jiao Tailang that they were correct, he hung up the phone.

"Doctor." The fat man looked at Jiang Cheng and said in a tone of uncontrollable panic, "You are right, that Chujiu Chujiu is a ghost!"

"Maybe Xu Yi is also dead."

This also explains why so many people encountered ghosts on the first day, but no one died.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, then turned to the fat man and said, "Don't be confused. They are not with us. Why are you panicking?"

"But I feel like they're coming back soon." Fatty whispered, and looked at the door at the same time, as if he was afraid of Xu Yi or Chu Jiu's voice suddenly ringing behind the door.

According to the information revealed by Jiao Tailang, the people in Building 2 have confirmed the identity of the ghost, which is the one in Jiao Tailang's room.

The ghost's name is Song Xiaoyou, and he once worked in a shopping mall.

The price is that Magnolia dies.

Just when the fat man couldn't help it, he wanted to speak again.

The door rang.

"Dong dong dong." Although the knock on the door was relatively light, it was very urgent. It seemed that the person who came did not want to make too much noise, but could not suppress the anxiety inside.

"Mr. Jiang." There was a very soft call from outside the door.

It's Jiao Tailang!

Standing up, the fat man immediately went to open the door.

But what he didn't expect was that someone was faster than him, pulled him back, and then covered his mouth.

Jiang Cheng stared at the door and frowned slightly.

The fat man immediately calmed down and looked at the doctor and the door with doubtful eyes.

Jiang Cheng turned to look at the phone. After a moment, his expression turned gloomy.

Jiao Tailang outside the door seemed very anxious, and whispered in the direction of the door: "Mr. Jiang, it's me, Jiao Tailang, open the door quickly."

"It would be terrible if Chu Jiu and Xu Yi come back later!"

"Can you hear me?" Jiao Tailang said hurriedly: "Mr. Jiang, open the door quickly!"

His last tone even had a hint of pleading.

Then, the phone rang so suddenly that the fat man, who was highly concentrated, trembled.

Staring at the number displayed on the screen, Fatty slowly realized something was wrong.

After a few seconds, the sounds outside the door suddenly stopped, and the sound of the phone disappeared, replaced by a long and inexplicable friction sound.

It was like someone was walking down the corridor with their feet firmly on the ground.

And extremely unwilling.

The fat man could imagine the other person turning back three times with each step.

Fortunately, the footsteps got farther and farther and finally disappeared.

After waiting for another 10 minutes, until there was no sound at all, the fat man asked Jiang Cheng in a very small voice: "Doctor." He gestured with his lips and twisted his face together, almost crying, "You How did you figure it out?"

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