Using flashlights to illuminate the surroundings, they quickly found the wig shop Song Xiaoyou mentioned.

In an inconspicuous corner, the store was very messy, with wooden chairs lying on the floor and broken glass next to the wall.

Several very large mirrors were arranged on the wall, some of which were already cracked. The flashlight flashed through, and the figures of several people were reflected in the mirrors.

The cracks on the mirror are like sharp blades, cutting the figure of the future person into pieces.

"Don't look in the mirror." Guan Yuanning reminded.

Several beams of light left the mirror, and everyone quickly found a door behind it.

The door was ajar. Jiao Tailang stepped forward and slowly opened the door. The door shaft made a harsh "creep" sound.

It seems that no one has been here for a long time.

But as the door was pushed open, without Hua Luo's reminder, the expressions of the other two people suddenly changed, and they smelled a strong smell of blood.

It was foggy inside, and the light of the flashlight seemed to be restricted in some way, and it could only illuminate a distance of 2 or 3 meters nearby.

"How is it?" Hua Luo looked at Guan Yuan Ning and asked, pinning all her hopes on her.

After looking inside for a while, Guan Yuanning shook her head and said, "No, I can't see clearly either. The strange thing here is the fog, not pure darkness."

"Then what should we do?" Hua Luo frowned, "Come back later and call some people?"

"Who will come?" Jiao Tailang asked.

"Those people in Building 1." Hua Luo calmed down and said, "The long-haired ghost here should be the ghost that attacked Chu Jiu."

"Of course I know. What I mean is, are you sure they will believe it?" Jiao Tailang tightened his lips, "I'm worried that they suspect that we made up the news and wanted them to go to the mine for us."

"Then what do you think we should do?" Hua Luo said, spreading her hands after hearing that neither this nor that would work.

"I don't agree to go back either." Guan Yuanning analyzed: "At present, it seems that something has happened to Yulan. In the missions I have experienced before, ghosts rarely kill two people in a row."

"As long as we are careful during this period, it should be safe." Her voice had a strange power, and what she said made sense.

"That's it." Walking forward, Jiao Tailang took the knife from Guan Yuaning's hand and said in a low voice: "Follow me closely."

Jiao Tailang walked in the front to clear the way. Hua Luo nodded to Wan Yuan Ning and said, "You walk in the middle, I'll be behind you."

Guan Yuan Ning was slightly surprised, her eyes swept over Hua Luo's face, and she seemed to have changed her mind about this man who was more beautiful than a woman.

"Be careful." Guan Yuanning said.

Hua Luo nodded.

A group of three people walked into the warehouse.

The inside was shrouded in a strange fog, visibility was poor, and surrounded by rows of shelves with model heads placed on them.

Various wigs are worn on people's heads.

In this environment, it is inevitable that people will be nervous.

Hua Luo held the flashlight, and the light shone on the person's head. For a moment, he felt that the person's head in front of him might move at any time.

Peeking at them, or blinking, grinning, etc. where they can't see you.

Taking a deep breath, he tightened his grip on the flashlight in his hand.

Suddenly, Jiao Tailang, who was walking at the front, suddenly paused.

After a while——

"Did you hear anything?" Jiao Tailang asked softly without looking back.

Guan Yuanning and Hua Luo held their breaths. After a few seconds, the three of them looked in the same direction almost at the same time. They all heard it.

It's the sound of dripping water.

"Tick tock."

"Tick tock."

It's not too far, because the area here is not that big.

Unlike Jiao Tailang Wan Yuan Ning who was staring at the direction of the sound coming from in front of her, Hua Luo's attention was focused more on what was behind her.

Almost every two steps he took, he would suddenly look back.

Nothing unusual, just keep walking.

Unlike the ferocious and cruel ghosts in horror movies, most ghosts in nightmares are sinister and mysterious, and they will appear in any place you would not expect.

And harvest your life in ways you never thought possible.

This sound is most likely a trap.

But they have no choice now, because they are trapped in this warehouse, and the door to enter has disappeared.

Finally, they came near the sound of dripping water.

It's between two rows of shelves.

The fog here is particularly dense, and the power of the flashlight seems to have declined particularly sharply. The visibility is now less than one meter in the surrounding area.

"Bata." Jiao Tailang stopped.

He lowered his head and felt a slippery feeling coming from his feet, as if he had stepped on some kind of liquid. He slowly squatted down and concentrated.

Until a bright red pierced his eyes.

There was a large pool of blood on the ground.

At the same time, there was a sudden "click" sound on his shoulder, and liquid splashed on his face.

It's wet, with a hint of warmth.

The next second, he stood up and stepped back. At the same time, he immediately looked above his head, and the flashlight light also shined upward.

The fog seemed to fade away at this moment, and the scene above them made the three of them gasp. A huge black rugby-shaped thing made entirely of hair was hung upside down in the air.

Like a giant cocoon.

From time to time, blood dripped along the gaps in the hair and fell into the pool of blood, making a ticking sound.

What was even more frightening was that the cocoon seemed to sense something and began to slowly squirm. Then, under the gaze of the three people, a corpse was spit out.

It fell to the ground with a "thud".

The corpse had shrunk severely, and the sound it made when it fell to the ground was crisp, like a large piece of dry firewood.

There is no doubt that the dead person is Yulan, but it can't be seen from her face, but from the clothes on her body and the only white leather shoe left on her feet.

Those hairs were like blood-sucking vines, draining her blood.

Her face was unrecognizable, the dry skin and flesh clung to the bones, and the withered mouth was wide open, seeming to be telling the fear and unwillingness before her death.

What makes her even more psychologically uncomfortable is that her mouth, eye sockets, and nostrils are all filled with hair. Very long, very dense hair.

Two hands that were as dry as chicken feet were twisted and placed near his mouth, as if he was struggling to pull the hair out of his mouth before dying.

The flashlight shone on Yu Lan's face, and her skin was as rough as tree bark. Just as Jiao Tailang sighed, a light flashed in Guan Yuan Ning's eyes.


She walked up, not daring to touch her hair directly, so she wrapped it in clothes and pulled the hair out of Yulan's mouth.

Not long after, there was a ring in her palm.

The ring was wrapped in her hair and was obviously not owned by Magnolia.

The ring was changed at an angle, and there was a line of small words on it during the internal test.

Shen, followed by the shape of a heart, and finally the single character Wei.

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