[129) True thoughts (for subscription)

Passing through the atmosphere, the three of them flew towards a mountain range.

Since the spacesuits of Spider-man and Scarlet Witch are both designed and manufactured by Iron Man, they have stealth function.

In the sky of Alpha Star, nothing was seen, but the Alpha bird flying freely in the sky suddenly felt something wrong with the air current around him.

“Mr. Stark, where should we go now?”

The trio who had just successfully landed safely, are now at a loss and don’t know what to do.

We “Now, let’s see if the properties of the creatures in this area meet our requirements. Pay attention to concealment. We can do everything we can to ensure that no one finds us.”

Iron Man said in a deep voice.

In Iron Man’s psychology, everything has been planned. In order to screen people more efficiently, Iron Man deliberately made a brain wave detection based on three conditions to screen out those who meet the conditions.

As a result, the three began to probe.

I have to say that bringing little Spider-Man is a smarter-but a decision.

Because the buildings of Planet Alpha are similar to those of the earth, the urban buildings here are more suitable for the Spider-man, who is known as a good neighbor of the city, to get in here.

Soon, they scanned a city.

What they didn’t expect was that in this city, they found a total of 300 qualified people.

By analogy, this planet alone can gather all the members of the Yellow Lantern Corps.

“Mr. Stark, do we want to drink the captain of the United States to discuss, since we can think of so many suitable people, then I believe that they are similar. I think we can recruit more and then conduct a strict screening. In this case, you can pick out the gold.”

Spider-man was also surprised by this result, so he came up with a solution.

“No, no, you have a problem with your thinking.

Iron Man said.

“All your ideas are correct, but the main premise is somewhat wrong. Your assumption is that everyone will catch up to join our Yellow Lantern Corps, but such a predecessor is notorious and has a very low influence. , Will not be as appealing as the Green Lantern Corps. And in my opinion, even if we directly invite, there will not be many people willing to join.”

Iron Man spoke to Spider-man earnestly.

This is the reality. After all, they were very stable and even happy when they lived on their own planet. Why did they abandon their hometown and then leave their own planet to join an unknown organization, and they might not come back for a lifetime.

“Then, why do you still look for it like this?”

Spider-man said a little discouraged, he felt his enthusiasm and enthusiasm dissipating little by little. Obviously, Iron Man is right.

“Because, the real purpose of Steve and I is to create an elite force.

Iron Man sighed and confessed.

In fact, from the very beginning, Iron Man and the captain of the United States have thought of this idea, and they have also discussed this issue to Avengers internally, but as the invincible superhero in the Marvel universe, they have long been arrogant. , So much so that they have changed the universe before turning over, and no one knows them here at all.

In order to avoid direct conflict, Iron Man and the captain of the United States can only set this goal privately, and proceed according to the pre-discussed on the bright side. come over.

Therefore, Iron Man and the captain of the United States designed PlanB early, and first entangled some people who were abandoned by society but were particularly capable and still kind-hearted to force them to join the Yellow Lantern Corps, because they did not care and joined the Yellow Lantern Corps. For them, the Lantern Corps team is better than continuing to live at the bottom of society.

Immediately afterwards, a Yellow Lantern Corps of ten or twenty people composed of these people was used to destroy a villain who was running through the universe, in order to build a reputation, and recruit across the universe, so that it can get twice the result with half the effort. And the reputation is far-reaching.

Although this process is slow, it is indeed more effective and will lay a better foundation for the development of the Yellow Lantern Corps in the future.

Iron Man and the captain of the United States believe that whether they can return to the Marvel universe or not, they all want to complete the Yellow Lantern Corps as the most influential organization in the universe. This is because they can prove that they have been there, and even more for this. The most effective thing the universe makes a contribution to.

0.……Look for flowers…

Spider-man and Scarlet Witch nodded their heads, who understood the whole story. They agreed with Iron Man’s approach and understood their difficulties better.

After all, they are the target, and things that affect the unity of the team must not be done, so they can only make their true ideas accepted by everyone through some seemingly complicated and cumbersome things.

“Then do we need to go back now, or follow the original plan to find these qualified people?”

Scarlet Witch broke the silence first.

We “have to proceed according to the original plan, but we have to let them go by themselves.”

Iron Man smiled slightly, and must let them see the coffin before giving up.

“By the way, Parker, you give me a copy of the list of people found in the slum, and I will make a route for them to find candidates for a while.”

Iron Man smirked. If you want to make a play, you must make a full set so that you won’t get caught in the future.

Soon after, the Iron Man trio returned to the spaceship.

“How about Stark, are there many people who meet the conditions?”

Hawkeye asked anxiously. He didn’t expect Iron Man and the others to be able to walk for such a long time. If they come back later, it is likely that Hawkeye can’t help but go find them in person.

Don’t worry, “The things went very smoothly, and it was beyond our expectation. I didn’t expect that there were so many qualified people.”

Iron Man pretended to be happy to give Hawkeye a glance at the number of eligible people.

“And this planet is quite safe, so in order to improve efficiency, I will contact us for a while and go to Alphastar to find these qualified people.”

Iron Man said to the others.

Everyone is bright, after all, they are superhero, and the exploration of the unknown can always ignite their interest, so Iron Man’s proposal makes each of them particularly excited, especially Hawkeye, who can’t wait to start wearing spacesuits.

Iron Man turned his head and smiled at Spider-man and Scarlet Witch knowingly, everything was going according to their plan. Ding,

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