[128) Alpha Star Journey (seeking subscription)

Li Wei began to learn the skills of psychological games from Batman.

Since Li Wei’s purpose is to apply it in practice, Li Wei selectively avoided the purely theoretical part. Although the theory is helpful for better understanding and application, a few talented and intelligent people do not need to waste time on this.

In this way, Batman carefully created a 30-day crash course of psychological games for Li Wei. Li Wei finished it in only ten days. In the next 20 days, Li Wei also learned Hypnotic Ability and some management courses by the way. .

And this kind of learning progress still absorbs Ability, which really makes Batman feel ashamed. He was originally the most talented and intelligent one in the Wayne family in a century, but it took a full year to learn the psychological game, but Li Wei reached this level in ten days.

Batman felt that he was really with the right person.

Not only has strength, vision, ideals, and mind, what Li Wei admires most now is that he can accept other people’s opinions with an humility, and he can truly ask without shame.

Comparing heart to heart, Batman believes that if he has the strength and status of Li Wei, he will definitely not have the mind and peace of mind like Li Wei.

And in this month’s time, Avengers has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

In order to recruit 760 members to the Yellow Lantern Corps as soon as possible, everyone in Avengers can be described as a pioneer. According to the data of the DC Universe provided by Batman, two groups went to each planet.

Their selection criteria are very simple, with a kind heart, the shallower the city, the better, but the physical fitness must be excellent, and more importantly, they must also have a heart that wants to maintain the peace of the universe.

This last point is the most difficult to see. This is a process of seeing people’s hearts over time. It is too difficult to see it in a short time.

However, in order not to be too far behind the Justice League, the captain of the United States and Iron Man decided unanimously to find everyone, and then implement a tail-elimination system based on Iron Man’s contact. After a series of training, elimination and elimination at any time In this way, the sand can be screened out in a short time.

Taking into account the problem of language barrier, Iron Man has developed a brainwave language communicator. With this communicator, even if the two parties are language barriers, they can also lock the brainwaves through eye contact, and then communicate without barriers.

I have to say that Iron Man is a talent who can solve the most difficult problems (aibc) no matter what era.

Considering their unfamiliarity with the DC universe, Iron Man and the captain of the United States decided to lead teams to each planet to screen people.

In this way, the Yellow Lantern Corps began to form.

Iron Man took Spider-man, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Hawkeye and Ant-Man, first to Alpha planet.

This planet highlighted by Batman is the only planet known to the world to have only life, and planet Alpha often sends patrols to visit the earth quietly.

Iron Man believes that since this planet has advanced intelligent creatures, and has technology that is several times higher than the current earth, then this place will definitely have many talents.

The journey to this planet 100 million light-years away from the sun took much longer than Iron Man expected.

Since they decided to rely on their own Ability to recruit the Yellow Lantern Corps, all the Avengers did not make any request to Li Wei, so they went to Alpha Planet and could only take their own spacecraft. Although the speed has surpassed the speed of sound, it still takes half a month to go to this distant Alpha planet.

Just after the Iron Man group rushed for half a month, they finally arrived at this completely strange orange-red planet.

“Stark, I think we need a place to stay first, and we have to understand the general situation of this planet, otherwise it would be too rash to find someone directly.”

At a position one light-year away from Planet Alpha, Hawkeye as the pilot stopped the spacecraft and discussed specific strategies with Iron Man.

Iron Man nodded. Originally, his plan was to understand the general situation of the entire planet on the periphery of the planet, and then find their footing first, and try to prevent people on this planet from discovering it.

After all, the invasion of alien species will cause panic on the entire planet. In the face of panic, their first reaction must be an attack.

Iron Man does not want to declare war on a planet, so how to hide is particularly important.

Hawkeye controlled the spacecraft, turned on the reconnaissance and scanning system, and began to scan and analyze the entire planet Alpha.

The planet Alpha is similar to the Earth. The main components in the atmosphere are oxygen and carbon dioxide. The geographical environment is dominated by plains, mountains and hills. The place that is different from the Earth is that Alpha Star does not have any oceans or even flows.

Such an environment makes Alpha star creatures that do not need water to sustain life, and it also directly leads to the higher temperature of the entire Alpha star, especially during the day when the sun is sufficient. The only thing that can adjust the temperature is only a special composition. plant.

And such an environment also provides a vast living space for the inhabitants of Planet Alpha.

Seeing this, Iron Man is a little worried.Since it is such a geographical environment, they can only find a mountain that is inaccessible as a hidden place. Mountains.

However, Iron Man can breathe a sigh of relief. Alpha Star does not have a particularly large population. Since the development of cultural civilization has reached a bottleneck period, the corresponding education costs have gradually increased, and the rate of population reproduction is also inversely proportional. , It has almost reached the point of zero growth.

To be on the safe side, Iron Man decided to temporarily park the spaceship in place, and then he went to explore Alpha with the Scarlet Witch and Spider-man.

Iron Man always takes the lead.

After the preparations were completed, the three of them set out to Alpha Star.

“Mr. Stark, if we go to Alpha Star, what shall we do if we are found to fight as an enemy?”

Spider-man is still young after all, and there is still some fear in his heart for unknown dangers.

“Then let’s sigh, the three of us can at least escape.

Iron Man is a rare no joke this time, because he doesn’t know what is waiting for them, so he is very nervous. If there is any accident, he really has no plan B to retreat.

After all, what the road ahead looks like is still unknown.

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