My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 707: Anyo tonsilitis

In October and a half, the golden autumn was refreshing, but it was plain.

Anyang just put down his phone and saw Comrade Xiaoqian coming over from the kitchen with a rag.

He quickly got up: "I'm coming, I'm coming!"

"No!" Comrade Xiaoqian frowned, avoiding the hand that he got up holding the rag, and leaned over to wipe the table.

Only Anyang's helpless lip was left.

It feels like I'm a waste ...

I have to sigh that Comrade Xiao Qian has been in this world for more than a year. It seems that all aspects have been in line with the real world, but some things that have penetrated into my bones cannot be changed.

As soon as the table was wiped clean, Xiao Chan came holding the dish.

It ’s an exaggeration to say that she does n’t have a table height. In fact, it is a little bit taller than the table, but if she is asked to hold a large dish to serve, Anyang really looks a little daunted, afraid she will raise the dish over her head When I put it on the table, my hands shook, and I poured all the hot dishes on my head.

Fortunately, the remaining two goblins were very sensible and helped, even the rabbit spirit who was always dull.

Anyang was left sitting on the sofa, feeling that he had lost his strength.

After a beautiful meal, Anyang received two text messages from Ji Weiwei in a row, and he suddenly realized that in a few days it was the 100th birthday of his alma mater.

The alma mater here refers to Yizhou University.

The number of one hundred in Chinese eyes has always had a milestone-like meaning, similar to the Great Consummation, and there are often congratulations for the long life. It seems that the school is about to celebrate Daqing.

Ji Weiwei University and Anyang are not in the same department, but Anyang also knows her. Although she is not as active as the current Anyou, she is also a famous person in the department.

After all, university is different from high school. Beautiful appearance and cheerful personality make it easy to impress teachers and classmates.

At that time, Anyang loved to play basketball and also played the guitar. In addition, Jiang Xinrou, who was soaked in the foreign language department, had a cheerful personality. He is also a polite character.

"However, even if the school is Daqing, it is impossible to recall all the graduates in the past. The students who are still in Jinguan City will not be able to accommodate the school."

"In the nature of this celebration, it is the outstanding graduates who can receive the invitation letter. Ji Weiwei works in the sales department of An's Group and often deals with the outside world. I certainly can't run away, but how can I receive the invitation? letter?"

Anyang thought for a moment, it must be Ji Weiwei's ghost.

Glancing at the day marked on the phone, he quickly returned a text message: "Thank you, Li, you must arrive on time."

Lao Li is the director of their department.

Anyang said so, basically decided to participate in this feast.

It is not easy to meet the 100th birthday of Yizhou University.

"I don't know if I can see a few familiar faces."

Anyang knows that even if Yizhou University has a wealth of money, it will spare no expense on its 100th birthday to expand its scale in order to face, but it is still impossible to invite all graduates.

Some people do not receive the invitation letter, some people may not come when they receive the invitation letter, and some people are frustrated when they want to come. It is good for one or two hundred graduates to attend.

From a certain point of view, Anyang and Ji Weiwei are also one-of-a-kind.

It's just that the friendship of the university is very profound. At least, after Anyang graduated, he rarely contacted the university students. He also did not know which of his classmates mixed well, or whose friends who had played together and practiced guitar together became local tyrants, and who could attend this feast after receiving an invitation, or in the eyes of the school, which ones have the ability to feed back School.

The reality of the world is mostly the case.

The purpose of the alumni meeting held by the school is basically to feed back the school to the graduates who are well-mixed. The celebration is estimated to be better. At least one celebration can be used as a cover.

Thinking, Anyang took out his mobile phone and opened the QQ classmates who had not used it for a long time.

A message was quickly sent out: "Classmates, who is going to attend the 100th anniversary celebration!"

After a while, no one came back.

Anyang was a little embarrassed, but it was also expected.

On the one hand, everyone is busy now. It has been three years since I graduated. This group hasn't had any movement for a long time. It is estimated that many people have blocked this group, which is understandable.

On the other hand, although QQ and WeChat are two brothers, the former also dominates the domestic instant messaging field for many years, but the latter, with its powerful functions and enterprise performance, has seized a large proportion of the professional employee market once it appeared. The QQ class group in Anyang was created when I was a university student. Now that I ’m from a job, everyone generally uses micro-credit.

After a long time, a few messages gradually replied.

"Save it, you are all graduated. You don't necessarily recognize you in your school. The threshold for a hundred years of celebration is high."

"Yeah, even if you are cheeky, you will be blocked at the door and you won't let in. What a shame."

"It's impossible to get stuck in the door, it also seems that the leaders are too talented. The school meal is still affordable, but it's a little dangling if you want to sit in and enjoy the show."

"I still don't want to."

"Ah, let's not talk about it for a while. When the boss sees me talking about QQ during work hours, he has to deduct wages and talk after work!"

Anyang put the phone down silently.

After graduating for more than three years, the group of naive college students had become more realistic.

Everyone seems to be having a bad time.

One of the speakers was his roommate in college, but university life was far less relaxed than portrayed on the Internet, and roommates were rarely called brothers and brothers. The relationship between Anyang and several roommates is considered good, but it also stops at the boundary of good friends. After graduation, he occasionally greets a few words, but there is little in-depth communication.

This is true of the world, even if Yizhou University is so famous, there are not many students who paddle all day. Nowadays, even those students who really take the class seriously cannot find a good job, let alone those who have spent the Internet and games in universities. A bad life is a common phenomenon in the post-90s.

Only a small number of outstanding students can find good jobs upon graduation.

At night, the night became heavier, and finally two people said that they had received the invitation letter and decided to go to the school celebration.

One of them was the class leader of his university. His interpersonal communication and academic performance were first-class. He heard that he had passed the interview of one of the three major Internet giants before graduation, called Cheng Luo.

There is also a female classmate named Hua Xueqin who has done a lot of business in the coastal area and is a standard rich second generation.

Anyang did not discuss with them in the group, but chatted privately and agreed to enter the venue together.

At this moment, a sweet voice sounded--

"Go bathing!"


"Well, clothes."

With a swipe, a set of pajamas was thrown in front of him.

There are still a few days before the centennial celebration, Anyang is not in a hurry, put down his phone, put on his pajamas and walked to the bathroom.

The next day, in a hot pot restaurant in Jinguan City.

On the boxy table, three people sat opposite each other, Anyang sat on one side, and two beautiful girls sat on the other side.

One of them was wearing a dress, tall and slender, but very rugged and very hot. Coupled with a delicate and cold girl's face, the jaw is pointed and very beautiful. The other is the black stretch pants to strengthen the dress of the body shirt, although the body is not so attractive, but it is also beautiful and sweet, dressed up very energetic, and the trick age also adds a lot to her.

The two beautiful girls sat side by side, chatting at the booming place and smiling happily, which was very attractive and attracted a lot of attention.

The red hot pot is constantly bubbling, like washing large pieces of chili in it. The rolling pot separates the butter and the soup base, and the steam is boiling.

Anyang also looked at them with a smile, perhaps his parents recovered, his schooling recovered, and a good part-time job. Xiao Xueer also had a lot of smiles on his face.

"How come you suddenly think of eating hot pot?"

"I haven't eaten it in a long time. I'm so greedy. Why, doesn't Anyang like hot pot?"

Anyang shook his head quickly: "How come, I haven't eaten it in a long time, and it feels good sometimes."

An You interjected next to her and said, "It's not a bad smell even after eating a hot pot."

Xiao Xueer smiled sweetly: "So I only came to eat it occasionally. It's easy to get tired of eating too much hot pot. It's just very interesting to eat it once when you are interested!"

Anyang strongly agreed with this.

For Yizhou people, the most important thing about hot pot is the atmosphere. The basic thing to eat is not the dishes, but the people sitting next to them.

Uh, I'm a little scared ...

In general, it is the person sitting next to it who decides whether this hot pot is a pleasure to eat, as for the taste ...

It can only be said that people from other provinces are eager for Yizhou hot pot, and Yizhou people themselves have already developed antibodies to it. I believe that most Yizhou people who have studied in high school have the experience of eating hot pot during the high school dinner. From snacks to big ones that can't spit, there is only universal rice.

Xiao Xueer got up, picked up a pea tip, put a large folder into the red hot pot, and it cooked very soon.

Then dip it in a sauce plate filled with spices and millet spicy peppers, blow it, and immediately put it in your mouth.

Looks pretty and looks good in everything!

She swallowed the dishes, her thin lips were reddish with oil, and spit out a hot air before saying: "It tastes very good, Xiaoyou, you don't put any chili at all, it must not be delicious!"

Anyang poured a few plates of meat to go down ~ ~ and looked at Anyou with surprise: "How to eat so lightly? Haven't you liked spicy food before?"

Xiao Xueer picked up a pill: "It's like this, Xiaoyou ... Umm ..."

Before finishing the speech, Anyou covered her mouth!

Anyang looked suspiciously at Anyou: "Is the tonsil inflamed?"

An You let go of Xiao Xue'er's mouth and nodded. "Yeah, the tonsils are inflamed, the throat is uncomfortable, cough ... cough cough ... can't eat spicy food."

Anyang was even more suspicious: "Is it?"

Anyou looked the same: "Yes!"

Anyang lowered his head and ignored her.

The dishes are ready.

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