My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 706: Skill generation


Slap on the rabbit's soft and elastic buttocks in exchange for her aggrieved look.

"Lazy again!"

Anyang withdrew his hand, his voice pretended to be severe, but the perfect touch and shape surprised him.

"Woo ..."


The rabbit swiftly showed a pitiful expression.

With a compliment, Anyang bit the apple again.

It happened that Huang Lan and Xiao Chan walked down side by side to unravel the encirclement for the rabbit.

She knew that Anyang would not scold her too hard while others were there. Carefully glanced at Anyang, it really is! She quickly scooped a spoonful of fruit and handed it over.

Anyang stared at her dissatisfiedly and opened her mouth.

Huang Lan sat down as if he saw nothing, and took an apple from the coffee table and took a big bite.

"you're back!"

She said something unclear, but Anyang also heard clearly, her face calmed down, and she nodded: "Well."

Xiao Chan also sat quietly beside her.

Huang Lan swallowed the apple in his mouth and said, "Your family is still busy with your global strategy!"

"I can probably guess." Since Anyang urgently implemented the global strategy, the people he deployed in the real world and the end world are basically busy for this matter.

"Quarry, I won't be back until about six in the afternoon."

"Well." Anyang nodded, but suddenly realized that it was wrong and looked at her in surprise. "When were you so interested in fruits? Are you not a carnivore?"

"Yes, there is nothing wrong!" Huang Lan looked at him instead, stunned. He didn't seem to understand why he was so surprised.

"Xiuwei has grown again?"

"The obvious!"

Huang Lan raised his head and was very proud. There was a sense of ‘come and praise me’ hidden in that pride.

Anyang reacted quickly, thoughtfully.

Animals and plants have already crossed a hurdle to become a demon. In theory, demon should have more advantages than humans in cultivation! It ’s just that human beings are better than wisdom and civilization. The endless stream of cultivation methods make up for the shortcomings of human beings. The secret code of optimizing spells from generation to generation pushes the practitioners to the peak of civilization. .

There is almost a gap between modern and original!

Now that Shenzhou is unified and Anyang is treated equally, even though the demon cultivation civilization has just started, it has got rid of the original.

Although the cultivation methods applicable to the demon are not as simple as ridiculous, there are not many, at least let the demon in the world no longer rely on instinct practice, but unite to form a new system.

Huang Lan's authority is very high, she can contact all kinds of best practice methods that are strictly controlled, plus good qualifications, thick accumulation, and cultivation is very normal.

Being able to eat an apple is the best illustration of Xiuwei's promotion.

After a pause, he still decided to put on an exaggerated praise expression as Huang Lan thought: "It's really amazing!"

Huang Lan laughed loudly and bit the apple hard.

"that is not!"

The other two female goblins have different expressions.

Xiao Chan is a little sad, she has worked very hard, much harder than Huang Lan. But apart from being a bit clever at first, it became more and more stupid, and the progress of cultivation was slower and slower.

The rabbit essence is feeding Anyang more and more fruits to eat, as if he hasn't heard the conversation between him and Huang Lan.

After a while, she was contented, and Anyang's legs rested on the coffee table: "Xiao Chan, beat your leg!"

Xiao Chan immediately stood up timidly, not daring to disobey.

The rabbit looked at Xiao Chan stunned for a moment, and seemed a little unhappy, and was not willing to lag behind for Anyang.

Huang Lan pouted: "It's really uncle!"

Uncle Ann ignored her complaints, lying on the sofa beautifully, closing her eyes and enjoying the pleasant moment.

In other worlds, no matter how good the room is, it's cold, how can it be warm and full of life now.

There are pets and maidservants waiting for themselves!

Huang Lan also lay on the sofa, yawned, closed her eyes softly, and seemed to start to take a nap.

Anyang occasionally opened his eyes with a slit, and the pure and beautiful face of Rabbit Jing swayed in front of him. The chest tightly wrapped in a cotton shirt was full and bulging. If there was no one beside him, he really wanted to reach out and realize that Soft touch! Occasionally Xiao Chan glanced at him secretly, and the little melon seeds were white and cute, but they all looked down and avoided with red faces.

Consciousness gradually dimmed and blurred.

"Okay, no need."

Xiao Chan immediately stopped, and silently walked back to the original position.

The rabbit essence also dropped his hand, but he looked at him with interest, reaching out to poke him from time to time, or scratching his chest.

Huang Lan opened her eyes slightly, revealing a smile, even shouting, "Little Fox, come here and beat your legs!"

Xiao Chan flicked her hair timidly, but didn't move.

Huang Lan froze, not because she was ignored by the little fox. She knew that only Anyang could really instruct the little fox to do anything, but because--

At the moment when the little fox flicked her long hair, she actually felt a touch of femininity!

A little goblin who hadn't started to develop, flashed a kind of femininity that women could feel!

Huang Lan blinked and took a closer look.

As usual, Xiao Chan was still that weak-looking, his cheeks were white and delicate, and there was nothing charming about it.

But Huang Lan is sure, that is not an illusion!

"The fox spirits are really confusing! It's so small when it's so small, wouldn't it be if it grew up ..." Huang Lan thought secretly, but suddenly remembered something.

Why didn't I find out before, this guy came back ...

"It seems that Xiao Chan has grown up too!"

Huang Lan squinted her eyes and pretended to sleep, but the past scenes were replayed in her eyes, including some things that were thought to be hallucinations.

I don't know how long it took, Anyang took a breath, a familiar fragrance came into his nose, like a light and elegant orchid.

He was sober and opened his eyes.

A face with fair skin and a little fat on his cheeks appeared in front of him. His eyes were falling in autumn, and he looked at him with a smile: "Fujun early."

Anyang immediately discovered that something was wrong, and when he looked back, he realized that he didn't know when he was resting on the rabbit's legs.

The rabbit spirit also lowered his head a little bit, his eyes closed naturally, and he just fell asleep sitting like this! And maybe it was due to the easy life of this time. Her original vigilance as a wild rabbit has been forgotten, leaving only the dullness in her character. The arrival of Comrade Xiaoqian didn't wake her up at all, and only slightly noticed the voice.

Her eyelashes were shaking, and she was about to wake up.

Anyang quickly got up: "Cough, it's late at night, it's late, it's dark outside, cough ..."

Xiao Qian chuckled and did not answer.

At this moment, the rabbit essence also woke up, looked up at Xiao Qian blankly, then lowered his head and rubbed his eyes.

Look up again, Xiao Qian is still there!

Her expression froze.

The bunny is so embarrassing.

The embarrassment on Anyang's face has disappeared, and Comrade Xiaoqian is taken seriously, "Comrade Xiaoqian has worked hard."

"The husband, too, come back?"

"Come back in the afternoon."


As the weather falls, the night comes early.

The aroma of the food in the kitchen always makes the returning home salivate, and all the fatigue can be disintegrated at this moment.

Anyang leaned against the edge of the kitchen glass door and looked at the two figures busy in the big kitchen. This is probably a thing that many people love to do, and he is no exception.

"What is it, it's too early!" Comrade Xiaoqian glanced back at him, revealing a sense of anger.

"I'm not in a hurry to eat."

"Go watch the news on the sofa."

"Uh, okay."

Anyang turned and walked back to the sofa and took out his mobile phone.

"System, bring up personal data."

"Called out."

A long data suddenly appeared on the phone screen.

Anyang kept turning down, and it took a long time to finish reading.

"Let's draw props."

"In the extraction, the extraction is successful, and the ability to obtain props: skill generation. The selected person can generate a certain ability that he owns as a skill, and this ability will be rated as the personal data of the selected person. "A column, and you can use skill points to upgrade."

"What skills are generated ..." Anyang thoughtfully.

"First add physical fitness points to your physical fitness."

"Assigning ... successfully assigned!"

Anyang suddenly felt a strong sensation rising, and now he feels the importance of physique more and more.

As the number of points in personal data becomes larger and larger, each additional point is a qualitative improvement, which is more and more rare.

And this is the same as the power given to the power unit by the space-time force system. In fact, the biggest role is to assist. It is really necessary to investigate how few these points are, but these increases in physiques with the same initial values ​​give people a higher starting point. No matter what practice is a genius, it is extremely helpful to any cultivation system.

Then Anyang fell into deep thought.

He had also obtained a skill generation before, which was used in the Kunlun decision, which allowed him to advance by leaps and bounds.

The mysterious civilization and the Taoist civilization share something in common, and the accomplishments of either party can drive the other party's rapid improvement. Just as his previous Daoxing was equivalent to a third-order scholar, it led him to be incredibly fast from a trainee to a third-order scholar, and if he solidified the mysterious civilization into a skill, it would at most make this aspect. It is increased before Taoism.

"It seems that the price / performance ratio is not high enough, but other than the accomplishment, it seems that there is nothing worthwhile ~ ~ solidify the demon body into a skill!"

"Prop ability is in use, it's finished."

Looking at Anyang again, the "demon body" has been upgraded from other abilities to the "master skills" column.

Now it is level 5!

"Level 5 is already close to immortality, especially in the face of technological weapons, I don't know what will happen if I upgrade."

Anyang decisively added a point to the demon body.

No change ... but he had expected it.

Added another point, and finally became level 6.

Anyang did not add any more.

Skill points are also useful.

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