My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 372: The surrender of all nations

About seven days later, a message exploded in the major states of the Dayi dynasty almost simultaneously.

This news that made countless people dumbfounded was not spreading around the Dayi emperor as the shock wave, but using the nodes buried in Dayi in advance as the source of diffusion, directly letting the high-level bases use the guarded unit rights. Carry out information transmission, so that this news spreads all over the world instantly!

I did n’t see the messenger of the new dynasty, he spurred on, and there was no publicity in the mansion, no sorrow and sorrow of the poets, no singing of the singers and singers all night, like a wake up after a sleep, everyone was shocked to find

For hundreds of years, the Dayi Dynasty changed hands!

Even the peasants in the country know that the current Dayi dynasty is at its heyday, with an enlightened internal politics, a wise emperor, a group of ministers who are dedicated to the world, and a group of loyal and capable warriors, who There are no strong enemies on all sides, and there are rare enemies in the South and North Wars. It is the prosperous world that everyone desires. But how can such a prosperous world change so quietly?

The readers are happy that the corruption and bribery of the officials of the Zhaotang government has decreased significantly. They are preparing to serve as officials and assist the king. The rural farmers are happy because the tax has been reduced. Although the people are suffering, they can finally be free from harsh politics. Cannibalism!

There were a lot of poems praising the prosperous age of Ming Jun, especially the recent gratifying news from the frontier. The elite cavalry of General Wang Xianzhi was invincible on the prairie. Even the one who had been fighting with the dynasty for a hundred years had a tendency to lose recently. Countless poets take wine as a song, breathing a scorching breath, and the poems written in full are full of pride.

But under such circumstances, the empire died silently!

This ... how is this possible? !

From retired ministers, princes and nobles, to market vendors, small rural farmers, and merchants on the rich side, scholars who study hard, this sentence almost represents the shock and doubt of everyone, and also makes everyone unbelievable. The mood is undoubted!

Officials and generals from all over the world completed the handover with the military and political system headed by He Zhiping during this time, so they knew in advance, but they were also very bitter in their hearts. Until now, they still dreamed and could n’t believe it all. it is true.

This change of dynasty came so suddenly that their rights in their hands were taken over by the military and political officials who appeared suddenly without exception!

Some people still stay on post, but if they do not do well, they may lose their officials at any time. Some of those who hold the heavier power have even lost their officials directly. The little officials who stayed in the post initially thought that the new emperor would take all the power into their own hands, but it was not until later that it was because dynasty politics was taking place It gradually became more advanced, complex, and perfect. All the officials who were originally an important part of the Dayi dynasty machine were not enough to shoulder this task. In order to ensure the smooth operation of the new empire, only this gear could be replaced!

This process naturally encountered resistance, but in the face of armored soldiers flying freely in the sky like a general soldier, and there were few officials in the Dayi dynasty who believed in the theory of fairy gods to resist! Of course, there are a few people who vowed to defend the dignity of the royal family, but without exception, they were easily suppressed, and this group of people seemed to rebound regardless of the world, and the means used were extremely bloody!

Until the Emperor Chongjia announced the world, all ordinary soldiers who had rebelled against the Dayi dynasty and had been quelled by the soldiers in armor.

The people of insight only remembered that before the group took over the local government, they were the first to lay down the local garrison. The major towns and the armed forces of the local Hunan army have fallen, either mastered or destroyed, what do they take Rebellion against this terrifying regime?

Pitying the ignorant civilians, and paying homage to the group of people flying in the sky, but did not expect that it was simply a group of demons. After first seizing military power by iron-blooded means, it was the official mission, the government, and even religion. The destructive trend has taken over the empire's power.

In this case, even if the royal family has not fallen, this world does not belong to the Ji family?

Looking at the present, in fact, the appearance of the dynasty is still the same, and the rest of the people can not feel it, including the group of pretentious readers who have no knowledge. The current empire is completely unrecognizable. More than 20 new departments have replaced the original three provinces and six states The prefecture is now called the province. The former ministers of the Muchi prefecture and even the subordinate departments of the central departments are all served by new officials. The original local military power, official missions, and fast arrests were taken over by another group of people who were mixed between civilian officials and generals. Those people, without exception, all have weird outfits, and it ’s unusual to talk about it, it ’s not like people in this world.

Perhaps what they are proclaiming is that their remarks from heaven are true?

So in such an environment, when a group of prideful readers came to the prefectural government office and asked the official to give an explanation, the officials in various places did not hesitate to order them to be suppressed, completely without the politeness to the readers, it was totally deserved If you hit it, you should be fined!

The sir above said that in the future empire, the useless ones are those who are so pedantic that they only know how to read!

The readers ’motivation has always been very strong. Regardless of the past, the parade is a powerful means for the readers, but this time it is destined to be different, no matter how many people they instigate to demonstrate, no matter how they listen to the angry, **** name by how they listen The government will no longer succumb to them, or even reason with them. The garrisons and officers of the parties have been ready to go, and they really feel the feeling that they have met the soldiers after the show.

This group of people always feel that the world is in their own hands, always pretentious, always think that sooner or later they will enter the court as an official, but only when the soldiers holding the blade of Sen Han make them splash blood for five steps, they will Knowing that you are a mortal, you will die even if you are pierced!

The courts, bureaucracy, and the clans who mastered the world with knowledge are always sheltering them. But now, the court has changed. Only the central government under Anyang, the bureaucracy is also undergoing rapid reform, and those clans, Oh, I'm on the verge of extinction!

Next is the local army of each state capital, led by officers of the Ministry of Defense, entered the state capital and began to forcefully remove the clan forces. The clan was not allowed to support the private army. All clan land was nationalized, and then distributed according to population. Family members and guards also have strict requirements. All officials in the clan must be subject to strict investigations. Any behavior that seeks to gain power for personal gain or beyond the authority will be tried. In the event of resistance, the army will pay off!

Such a large-scale thorough reform should be carried out with heavy code to ensure its implementation. Class struggle has always been the most difficult battle. Every class change in the past is a result of a century of evolution. Anyang wants to recast his own class system in a short time. , It can only be stronger!

Anyway, the existence of many clans is also a hidden danger. I developed it as a base of Daoism and population export. Once there are clans who dare not cooperate, I will directly eradicate these diehards, and then proceed to build a new system until every part of this imperial machine All under his control!

As a result, some well-known clans were forced to relinquish their rights, and some poetry and book everyone were strictly warned, and even some stubborn Confucian clan relied on their reputation in the literary world, and all the scholars in the world were their backers, so they resisted their eyes. The vulgar soldiers have been ruined!

This series of methods came extremely violent and iron-blooded. The nails that were planted in various places began to show their effects. Every place had senior officials from the Ministry of Government and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The conflict broke out at the same time in all parts of the world, leaving the clans too late to report. It was too late to pass on his own tragedy, or to learn from others ’tragedies, and he was directly surrounded by a heavily armed army.

For a time, the world is full of grief, especially the literati Mo Ke who is most likely to play tricks!

"Woo, since ancient times the kings have ruled the world with clans. There are no exceptions for each dynasty. Now the dynasty has changed, but the new dynasty has not been changed. The new monarch will have to make clear the clan, even including the saints, how to govern the country and how to stabilize the world ? "

"The Ludong clan educates the world, for generations to benefit the world, as a sacred place for literati, but now it has been invaded by the barbarians, people who have never read the sage book put the knife on the neck, it is for the country to be benevolent, new king Can't bear it, the court is not benevolent, so what use does the court want? "

"Dayi no longer exists, and Xinjun is brutal and arbitrariness. After destroying the clan and scorning the sages, he treated the scholars rudely. According to my humble opinion, this is unfortunate for the country. The world will be chaotic, and the people will not talk about life!"

"Yeah, so court, but a bunch of reckless men, how can we govern the world?"


Some people have exaggerated the consequences to be extremely serious, in order to incite more people to march, but the result can only be suppressed. ~ It is particularly serious to gather crowds of troublemakers in such a special period, regardless of whether you are well-known or not Body, no matter which student you are, was killed in the street!

Some people seek help everywhere, and even inciting others to instigate others to rebel, but the power at this time has already been controlled by Anyang, and they can only find themselves in the net when they find the official military commander. Others are a little smarter, looking for civil forces and gangs, but nobody cares about them at all.

Compared with those smart and really smart wits, they are just a group of scholars who have no idea about their brains, and they do n’t want to think about the power to make the prosperous Dayi dynasty collapse instantaneously. They asked them to die?

What's more, the coming news is all kinds of news, or war reports.

After a hundred years of battle with the Dayi dynasty, the tribe is part of the empire!

The Tangge Kingdom in the fertile land of the South is occupied!

The tribe of Xiaoyi who went out independently a hundred years ago announced the return!

The northern nomads, mainly Atta, were conquered!

The Auchan Empire across the sea from the Dayi Dynasty belongs to the imperial territory!

The Kingdom of Baizizimo, which is a large desert away from the Dayi Dynasty, announced its merger into the empire!

The Dayue Dynasty fell thousands of miles south!


There are many names that have never been heard, and at a glance, the imperial dynasties, which are far away from thousands of miles, have submitted to the new regime.

There are even some strange names.

Xianfu Xianfu Mansion, Shushan Mountain, Twelve Caves of Tianshan Mountain, Chunyangmen, Zhushuiju, Kunlun, and Jiufeng ...

As if it was just a blink of an eye, unconsciously, this new dynasty, which has not even been determined by the country, has a large territory. The surrender of the nations that was previously unrealized in the past has suddenly become reality!

It seems too scary!

It's too unreal ...

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