My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 371: What to eat tonight? (4000 words)

It was dusk at the end of the meeting.

Anyang turned around and walked in the promenade. The imperial guards and imperial guards in the palace had been expelled cleanly, fearing that someone who did not open their eyes would offend him.

Naturally, with the power of these mortal soldiers, no matter how **** and brave the country is, it will not hurt him.

Anyang put away the complicated day's emotions, took a deep breath, stretched his lazy waist to soothe his spirits, and looked ahead.

The promenade is deep and tortuous, with no sight of the head. The lush sides are full of flowers and trees. The height and position of each one are very elegant. The unknown floral fragrance is melodious. The clean, empty and lonely front reflects the corridor back to the road. Just like an endless verse, telling about the history, the change of power and the tragic crying, no one knows what is buried in this deep palace, what is hidden.

Anyang shook his head and sighed the surrounding scenery.

Although limited to time and technology, the depths of this palace are not more luxurious than some of the manor villas known for their extravagance, but the deep meaning, the labor and material resources and the design of famous craftsmen are far away from the mansion of later generations. Out of reach. What is more attractive is that it bears the significance of the world's rights for thousands of years. The taste of the change of political power and the vicissitudes of history has made it full of charm.

After all, this is the symbol of countless days and nights of an empire!

Anyang remembered the experience of traveling to Yanjing when he was in college, booked a train ticket, the two men finished the last subject, and they set off with their bags on their backs, which is more concise than the mountain climbing that he needs to prepare all kinds of equipment, and there is no need to prepare a strategy. There is no need to prepare local folk customs, so it is so straightforward.

It was also his only trip with Jiang Xinrou.

Anyang was very fond of traveling when he was in college. Except for this, he did n’t have much hobbies. Strictly speaking, he was a mountaineering and hiking enthusiast. He likes challenging crossings and summits. He needs to travel in the back row for daily travel. Not everyone can do it. They must have good physical fitness, be able to cope with altitude sickness, have rich outdoor experience, and have a set of equipment. Jiang Xinrou obviously cannot.

Even in a relaxed journey, he loves natural scenery more than the human atmosphere, but Jiang Xinrou has some obsession with the Forbidden City, so he can only accompany him.

But at that time, he realized the thick breath contained in this imperial city for hundreds of years.

In the winter of that year, the snow in Yanjing, everything was wrapped in silver, covering the roof of the Forbidden City, leaving a red wall alone, and the classical palaces that were not visible in the snow, and the pavilions were endless. This makes the political center of the Ming and Qing Dynasties appear particularly sacred and inviolable!

Even Anyang, who did n’t like humanities, was stunned by the majesty of the imperial city at that time. He seemed to be able to return to the prosperous capital of the original city, saw countless people worship here, and saw the emperor dragon robe sitting on it to examine the world. , Seeing the playmates of the palace ladies in the imperial garden, seeing what happened at the Taihe Gate and Qianqing Gate, as well as the grief and grief in the corner of the deep palace compound that the emperor could not see ...

At that time, Jiang Xinrou said that what she was most obsessed with was the unknown stories deep in the palace. The court lady gradually grew old and the beautiful woman selected by the world became an old lady who no one wanted, and Zhu Yan became gray-haired. The **** waited here silently, eager to accept the heavy responsibility, and suddenly turned into a celebrity, to stop the mocking eyes that rest rested on because he was purged. The concubine was looking forward to this, waiting for the favor of the emperor, but he was old by accident, and his good youth wasted in this deep palace.

She said she did n’t believe that these people in the deep palace would be so safe and secure. There must be a maid who is desperately in love with which bodyguard. There must be a concubine who cares about the lover of her hometown. She fantasizes that the story is as depicted in the youth novels she read in high school and junior high school. It is mournful and exciting, and it is best to have a tragic ending that can make you cry ...

At that time, Anyang laughed at her, and must have been brainwashed by those Qing Palace dramas.

Returning to Yizhou is nearing graduation. The last semester of senior year passed exceptionally fast. Once you leave this ivory tower, it means that all students have to face the grim social conditions. It also means that they are no longer equal students. , A person with rich official power and a life of mediocre life, is not faced with the persecution of his parents alone, nor is it the male host who is so cold-eyed as written in the novel, or forced to break up because of her despised family.

It is the ravine brought by the identity gap!

When a person bargains at the vegetable market and prepares to go home to fry two dishes, one sits at the top of Yindu Building and dine, turning his head to overlook the most prosperous area of ​​Jinguan City; one is drinking boiled water with tap water , Even with the addition of ordinary tea leaves, the mouth is full of disinfection, but one is frowning because the Blue Mountain is too bitter, and the waiter is called to change the mocha; the salary of more than 10,000 a month has made many fresh graduates satisfied and even harvested The envious eyes of the classmates came, but the other person asked him for half a year's salary with his clothes and a bag ...

No one cared about this in college. Anyone wearing a hundred-dollar jeans can sit in the same stepped classroom with a Burberry person. People who play with more than a thousand mobile phones can also calmly watch hundreds of thousands of other people's watches. I don't even know the price of that watch. I can't afford it for a lifetime. Most people probably do n’t care that a particularly beautiful girl in her class has a bag that is higher than her four-year tuition fee. When students go out for dinner, they always take the same bus or taxi, eating the same Hot pot or skewers ...

But once you step out of society, everything is different.

You start to care about how you can live well, instead of just using the living expenses to eat in the cafeteria, you start to care about your clothes, and then you suddenly realize that someone with a piece of clothing around you can make you feel inferior. Some people started to go in and out of major star hotels to participate in banquets, some were forced to work overtime overnight, some people naturally drove a sports car, and some people began to care about how much money taxis they did not have in college were more expensive than subways. The gap in life is beginning to show. This is completely the gap between two different circles and different classes of people.

The saddest thing is that you have done your best to fight for your achievements. You should be proud of your achievements, but they are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the people you have lived with and have vowed to protect. Even she does not need to study, You don't have to fight for it, you can have it after birth.

Although she hides well, although she is happy with her superb acting skills, you will still be lost when she calms down, because she has never experienced it, so she never knows that she can not afford her one pack of salary in the first half of the year. Ordinary people are so great, so you can easily find the emotion that is deeply hidden in her heart. That may be an ununderstanding of why she is so happy, an unintelligible, she was unintentional, but The dagger has never become so soft that it cannot pierce one's heart due to whether a person is unintentional!

So the two broke up when they graduated.

This is the third year.

The emotion in Anyang's brain suddenly rose, and he quickly calmed down again, turning to the railing sideways and looking at the garden in front. The ground is still the world's special white jade stone slab, which was covered by several dynasties. At this place, the statues stand everywhere in the garden, adding atmosphere and majesty.

Now the solemn atmosphere of the Dayi imperial palace without losing the forbidden city has fallen into its own hands, all the civil and military officials have been deposed, and the Chongjia emperor and the national teacher are also like themselves, and they will dominate the world by themselves in the future The ruling system represented in the past millennium is completely destroyed!

Today's self also has an identity that Jiang Xinrou's family cannot look up to, right?

It ’s just that he is different after all. His power is now beyond their imagination and beyond the circle of the general princes and nobles. The most important thing is that all he owns is created by him, and he is firmly in his hands. This is an empire, then he is the founding emperor, no need to look at anyone's eyes, and no one can influence his ideas.

Ordinary giants will lose their identity with ordinary people, but he will not. Anyone who comes close to himself will suddenly rise in height. The so-called giants and civilians are not much different in his eyes.

Turning over the promenade, I arrived at the Royal Garden, which is the west, and I walked towards the west. The golden sun at dusk hung in the wrong recess of the mountain peak, exuding thousands of colorful colors. When the eyes adjusted, he Immediately saw the three female goblins.

The promenade is a red-painted wooden structure, both pillars and railings are generally bright, highlighting the royal atmosphere and majesty, the top is exquisitely burnt tiles, both sides are planted with orchids and roses, and the ground is still white Corridor piled with jade.

Dayi Imperial City rises gradually from the surroundings to the center. The most central Qianqiu Hall has at least a thousand-step stone staircase. Moving outwards towards the Royal Garden is naturally a continuous downward process, so the promenade is at least five higher than the Royal Garden. M, you have to go down the stone steps next to it to get there.

It was the rabbit essence in front of her that greeted her. She bypassed the railing and sat on the edge of the promenade, sitting on the stone floor. It was convenient to be a royal garden larger than an ordinary park. She was not afraid of height and supported her chin. As if looking at the front seriously, it was very interesting. A pair of thin and straight legs lay flat on the stone slab. Slender and delicate legs dangled in the air. The curves were soft and rhythmic.

Next to the rabbit essence is Xiao Chan, sitting at the edge of the ground at a distance of a few meters. His short legs are hanging in the air without swaying, and his long hair is hanging down his waist, almost dragging to the floor. She closed her eyes silently, as if practicing very seriously.

Anyang saw the metal figure that was silently guarded next to them, but did not speak. He followed the rabbit's serious eyes and saw four white jade stone pillars standing a few meters high, about one meter wide, on the stone pillar. Carved with many embossed patterns, it looks atmospheric and luxurious.

At the top of the stone pillar, there is a white cloud carving, but there is a slender and beautiful figure, the curve is amazing, sitting in a place a few meters high from the ground, still motionless in the afterglow of the setting sun. With her eyes closed and practicing, the soft golden light set off her like a goddess!

Anyang narrowed his eyes and opened it again quickly, walking forward calmly.

Rabbit Jing heard the sound of footsteps, and immediately looked around with doubt, and froze for a moment before turning back, looked at Xiao Chan, immediately closed his eyes and sat down like Xiao Chan, and set out a pair of me I am absorbing the afterglow of the setting sun to practice.

Several black lines appeared on Anyang ’s face, and the armored soldier waved his hand and let him go down to rest. Then he looked at the rabbit spirit and said, “Do n’t pretend, I have seen it, only you sit here and be lazy The wind is swaying and the legs are shaking. "

Rabbit Jing's eyelashes were trembling, but she didn't open her eyes and did nothing.

Xiao Chan heard Anyang's voice, opened her eyes, and stopped her eyes on the rabbit essence.

With such a comparison, it seems that the rabbit is hardcover and not level!

Anyang sneered and approached, Ju Gaolin patted her head and said, "I'm still pretending, Xiao Chan has opened her eyes, you pretend to be so committed!"

Rabbit Jing opened his eyes a little bit and looked at Xiao Chan next to his eyes, which opened his eyes embarrassedly ~ ~ He lowered his head and rubbed his clothes corner, not looking up at Anyang, as if afraid of being scolded No effort. But she felt that she couldn't help but look at Anyang, so she tilted her head and thought for a while, deflated her mouth to make a wronged look, looked up at him, and wrote with pity on her face ...

Anyang froze for a while: "Are you lazy and wronged?"

The rabbit spirit didn't speak, maybe he was so embarrassed to answer, but only carried out the grievances on his face more thoroughly.

That means very clearly

If you do n’t play with me, I ’m just unhappy!

Anyang turned his head and looked at Huang Lan in the Royal Garden. He also woke up, stretched his back against the sunset, could not see the specific appearance under the backlight, and only saw a dark shadow with a perfect curve and exaggerated, stretching his arms. It is more slender and powerful when it comes to the waist. At least the chest with Dup and the slender and powerful waist. The silhouette that just meets the golden afterglow is enough to inspire people.

Immediately Huang Lan stretched her tight legs and jumped from the stone pillar to the ground. The curvy legs bent slightly to offset the impact and sound of the landing, step by step toward them Coming. Her aura is strong, her steps are graceful, her body rhythm is clear, and she is much better than the catwalks practiced by real-world models.

Until she reached the end of the imperial garden, the five-meter-high corridor was like a step in front of her. It jumped over easily and crossed, showing the light body and the explosive power contained to the extreme, until it stopped. In front of Anyang.

"Hey, what are you going to eat tonight?"


Anyang was struck by the sharp contrast.

Rabbit Jing sat on the ground and raised his head high, his calf was shaking, but his eyes were full of admiration, looking at Huang Lan, occasionally looking at Anyang, and Xiao Chan next to him, feeling that these three people were all his own .

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