My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 328: Initial confrontation

As mentioned earlier, the evil demon king had to show up.

Thin black smoke rises over this dense forest, like a mountain mist in the morning, but it is a strange black. It will be thicker in the air and it will cover the sky.

Anyang was a little shocked. After coming to this world for so long, he was the first time he saw such a powerful monk.

Although it is a evil monster.

But seeing this hazy black smoke, the blue sky and white clouds that were exposed just after the black clouds were scattered were covered again, and the black smoke was still tumbling, converging into a huge face, with cold and evil eyes, and watching the distant big People who are enlightened by monasticism.

Only then did Anyang discover that he still underestimated the demon king.

I don't know how long they have planned in this deep mountain old forest. They actually branded the evil spirit in every inch of the mountain, every tree and every tree, and the demon king with the help of geography undoubtedly increased in strength.

Being able to be the leader of the entire demon's vanguard is really not to be underestimated.

But no one would be stupid enough to think that this demon king can win. After all, he only occupies the geographical position, and the righteous people occupy the time and the peace!

Anyang flexed his leg on the shoulder of the giant stone, and easily jumped more than ten meters high. The armor slammed with a light blue light, driving him to the gathering place of the mighty and expert in the far road.

Just heard Kunlun's old voice.

"Everyone shouldn't panic. This is just the demon king's incarnation. We must find his body. Otherwise, even smashing this group of black smoke will at most cause him heavy damage and damage for a hundred years. His body is hidden Under this mountain forest, relying on the trees of this mountain forest, it hides in places we can't find. "

"Senior, how should that be?"

"It's very simple, a group of people dragged the demon king, Chunyangmen continued to lower the sky fire, and at the same time dispatched the disciples, burned the mountain to him with magic!"

"I'll arrange it immediately!"

The old Tao nodded with satisfaction. Facts prove that Tiandao practitioners are born leaders.

They are knowledgeable and well-known, with powerful computing power, proper analysis of pros and cons, not easy to be impulsive, step by step, and the ability to predict and predict, which can be described as strategic. Unlike those who are good at fighting, Taoist practitioners will not go downhill with age. Not only that, but the ability to break numerology and deduce Tiandao is becoming stronger and stronger, so he can command so many great people with good status. Ability, superior.

Except for one person.

Lao Tao raised his head and looked at the silver and white figure hanging in mid-air and emitting light blue light on the soles of his feet, just like the legendary heaven general.

This heavy metal figure crashed to the ground, without buffering and unloading action, so it fell from a few floors high, and fell directly on the ground.

The two nodded at each other, and both looked at the demon king.

Those who originally practiced Heavenly Dao were not good at fighting directly, but in order to calculate the position of other demons, the powerful Dao and Lingfeng had to come in contact with this evil Dao demon king. It is also better than many good people, even if the offense is insufficient, but self-preservation is no problem.

If you do n’t die, you can die so easily.

Anyang glanced into the distance, and the disciples of Chunyangmen had cast spells again.

The sky was blooming with a fiery red, obviously early in the morning, but it was like Yunxia in the evening. Unfortunately, this Yunxia was not on the horizon, but directly above this deep mountain. Under the dreamy beauty similar to dusk, there is a huge energy hidden, and the turbulent crimson sky fire is constantly turning in the clouds.

The temperature between heaven and earth rises sharply.

The martial disciples, wandering Taoists, and Zhengdao monsters surrounded by the deep mountains have all been dispatched. Tens of thousands of troops flocked to the central jungle, but did not rush into it. Uproot a tree, or burn it with spells.

Unfortunately, there is no Forestry Bureau in this world.

Kunlun Old Road first turned his head and nodded to Anyang: "Anyang Taoist, we are ready to shoot."

Anyang nodded and said nothing.

Kunlun Laodao turned to others now: "Are you Taoist friends ready?"

Everyone nodded to show that the demon king could be killed here at any time.

Everyone on the scene was very human, so there was no need to say much. When the time came, they flew up and showed their magical powers, partly to the demon king in the sky, and partly to the woods on the ground.

Anyang flew out with a leap, turning into a meteor rushing towards the demon king.

He was one of the few people with flying skills, and his flying speed was so fast, he broke through the sound barrier in the blink of an eye, and even left Shushan middle-aged people far behind, and the other few cast magic spells or used magic tools The power of flying is even worse, naturally attracting the attention and looking up of countless disciples below.

In the eyes of these disciples, he is a peerless master!

With a brush, the armor stopped under the huge face of the demon king.

Just by looking at how wide this forest is, one can imagine how thick and dense the black mist rising in this forest is, but when one comes face-to-face with this face, one can realize how horrible it really is.

The armor is like an ant and an elephant.

This face glanced coldly at Anyang, but he ignored him. He opened his blood basin and spit out a thick black smoke like pouring ink, which instantly made the red cloud not far away.

It looks like a beautiful picture is polluted.

Anyang manipulated the armor to stop in the air, looked up at his eyes, but did not rush to attack.

It ’s not to admit it, but it ’s too big. He does n’t have a lot of weapons of mass destruction. At this time, the demon king still has all his strength. He hastily attacked and wasted ammunition!

"Hey, evil Daowang, we meet again!"

Just turned the face that the sky fire cloud blows out, staring at Anyang with ill-sighted eyes, his eyes suppressed with a lot of anger.

Yesterday, Anyang had dealt with him several times, all in the depths of the jungle, but every time he could not cause any substantial damage to Anyang, instead he watched as he slaughtered under his eyelids. How many demons also messed up their defensive positions to some extent. He wished to remove Anyang's skin, but he was helpless.

Without him, every time he appeared, Anyang ran away, and did not fight him at all, giving him a feeling of suffocation that was powerful and useless.

Now he is also hesitating, so he is not in a hurry to shoot. He knows how fast this guy is. Don't say if he can keep up, his spells may not catch up with him.

He was afraid that Anyang would run again, and it was almost destined that his attack would end without ill.

But he finally chose to tentatively, after all, if you let a person provoke and do not respond, it is indeed not the demon king's style.

"Mr. Anyang, there are strange changes around you, please check."

Anyang's expression changed slightly, and a thin layer of black smoke appeared on the surrounding 100-meter-wide circle on the suspended projection. He was quietly moving closer to himself. If it was not the reminder of the auxiliary chip, it could hardly be noticed.

As the "black smoke circle" gathered, the originally thin black smoke slowly thickened, and the density began to increase, it is not difficult to see the devil's wishful thinking.

"Knowing that I'm fast, I'm afraid the attack will be avoided by myself, do you want to surround me slowly?"

Anyang sneered at the bottom of his heart, maneuvering his armor into the sky, and at the same time a golden light was on his body. No harm.

The look of the huge face does not change, as if such a situation had been expected long ago.

The disciple below raised his head, watching the faint black smoke that had just caught his eyes gradually dissipating, staring at the confrontation that seemed to be a god, although not gorgeous, it almost closed with a touch.

Anyang, standing on top of the cloud, remained motionless, watching the demon king quietly, not wanting to waste even a missile.

He didn't even use Qiankun's borrowing method easily. After all, Qiankun's borrowing method didn't have much mana at one time. And although Qiankun can use the method to cause not weak damage to the black armor demon, it is not necessarily true that it will cause much damage to this unpredictable demon king.

Let's drag it first, and wait for the group of monastic monks to come to subdue the demon king.

Well, if you do n’t work together, you ca n’t help it. Looking at this group of people, if you go heads-up, it ’s estimated that you will give the demon king a dish.

The demon king turned his eyes wisely, looked at the red clouds in the sky, and once again spit out a thick black smoke, which was as black as substance.

Even if there is a place underneath, it is enough to prove that the demon king is strong enough to be able to use his own power to fight against or even eliminate the skyfire cast by so many pure Yangmen disciples.

Hongyun had been crumbling as early as possible, and the disciples of Chunyangmen faced with cold sweat and tried their best to maintain the stability of the Skyfire, but everyone knew that this piece of red cloud could not be guaranteed.

At this moment, Anyang shot, the armor of the armor and shoulders opened one after another, exposing the sophisticated missile compartment, aiming at the front,


Several missiles flew out at the same time, dragging a long flame, each aiming at a section of the smoke column, easily catching up with the smoke column that was first taken out, and drilling to explode.


The deafening sound swept through the air, the blazing fire spread out, and the clouds of nitrate rolled up, making the black smoke spread out.

It turned out ... that the pillar of smoke was blown away!

Below, disciples who saw this scene opened their mouths wide, rejoicing at making fists, and could not help yelling.

"Predecessors are mighty!"

The power of these missiles is definitely not as powerful as that of the Dayan Demon Thunder Thunder, which is used by many Kunlun disciples, and it is not so long-lasting, but the technological weapons are sufficiently violent, direct, and the speed of the blink of an eye. The huge muffled noise and the shock wave visible to the naked eye due to the black smoke ~ ~ are so shocking.

The most important thing is that this powerful blow was made by a person.

Not only is the demon king of the sky, but even the middle-aged Shushan School middle-aged people who have observed Anyang for a long time are also surprised.

They did not expect that Anyang had such a method, and it was not used yesterday.

Looking at the face that could not be seen under the silver mask, and remembering his amazing speed and his calmness from beginning to end, the evil demon king was a little dignified.

"Humanity, you clearly do not value the difference between right and evil, why should you participate in this war."

"Who said I do n’t value it, I do n’t think of myself as a righteous person, it does n’t mean I can sit by and watch you confuse the world, and I agreed to Kunlun Mountain ’s battle request. By the way ... also get your demon pill."

The evil demon king immediately fell silent and looked at the high-ranking people who had arrived. He suddenly felt as if he had nothing to say.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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