My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 327: Wanjian Guizong and the Death

At the location of Jinfeng Peak, a disciple of the famous Shushan was ordered to go, and many disciples who entered the depths of the jungle and fought against demons have become the basis for the estimation of the Taoist practitioners.

Anyang even saw a corpse that was still exuding the evil spirit being lifted up. This corpse was wearing the white robe of the Shushan School. The negative sword behind it had not died before it was pulled out. Man and Kunlun's mastery of the magic spell, repeatedly black air floating in the sky to form an illusory huge face, the cold and evil eyes are very familiar.

Undoubtedly, this disciple was killed by the evil demon king!

Anyang thought about it, but saw that the middle-aged man of the Shushan School stood with the Kunlun Road, his face was very calm, but his eyebrows still contained sword meaning, his lips were united, and he seemed to be talking with the Kunlun Road. It was just too far away, he could not hear the voice, and did not want to eavesdrop on the conversation between them.

Naturally, he did not know that this unfamiliar Shushan senior had paid attention to him for a long time, and what he was talking about at this time also happened to be related to him.

"Senior Le Shui, that Taoist is your Kunlun person?"

"Yuqing Daoyou, the old Tao is only a few decades older than you. This senior does not need to shout. As for the man, he is only destined to Kunlun, not my Kunlun people."

"Oh? Can that senior tell Yu Qing about the Taoist friend?"

"Seeing that Yuqing Taoist is very interested in Anyang Taoist!"

"He turned out to be Anyang."


After some discussion, many Xianshan Caves decided to attack this deep mountain with the most stupid way-

Large-scale spell coverage!

This method requires the elite disciples of all major schools to cast spells together. More ordinary disciples will be used as spectators. The efficiency is much worse than that of many disciples attacking the mountains together, and it does not achieve the effect of training disciples. The only benefit is Can reduce casualties a lot.

Since the leaders of the Taoist forces have all decided, it is natural for the Taoist Taoists to have no choice, even if the other immortal palaces of outstanding strength are hidden, they will not lead their disciples to attack alone.

The strategy has been set.

Anyang and Huang Lan were sitting on the shoulders of a five-meter-high stone giant, watching the Kunlun disciples not far away start to cast their spells. The defensive circle that ignores the demon and directly attacks the demon is a well-deserved weapon for war with the demon.

This time Dayan's removal of Devil Sky Lei is more powerful than yesterday. Not only did it increase the support of many magical instruments as disciples, but it was also personally controlled by the head of Kunlun.

Not all of the remaining disciples were idle. Some people summoned a thunder spell, some hit the divine light, and some attacked the defensive means established by the demon with long-range spells.

Zangxiu Xianfu used a wide range of "Lingling Ice Souls", the ice crystals dropped can be frozen through the soul, claiming to have all the powers to freeze; Zhu Shuiju uses magic to call out all kinds of illusory spirit beast magic soldiers, just like Formed an army with good combat strength but no fear of sacrifice, and rushed into the depths of the dense forest; the pure Yangmen lowered the sky fire, swept the mountain forest, and the disciples of Zhenfeng formed a large formation, but did not launch an attack, but Constructed a "* component" similar to "auxiliary computer" in Anyang's eyes, to help Aifeng to be able to deduce the heaven and the numerology.

The twelve caves of Tianshan evoked the "fairy man", such as the presence of the gods and immortals in the world, staring at the demon defense line in front of them; Changge Cave House joined forces to disturb the heart of the demon, so that it could not break through; the most gorgeous and colorful should be in Shushan Under the leadership of the head of Shushan, many disciples cast the flying sword technique together, and threw their swords in the air to hang in the air, like a cloud of ancient swords.


Looking at this huge momentum, everyone knew that the demon could not sustain it for long.

Due to the accidental intervention of Anyang itself, the unrest in the world that had swept through the world and disturbed the divine power in the past ten years was tampered with. The illusory avenue in the old road entrance of Kunlun Mountain arranged such a demon chaos in order to balance and repair the numerology. The turmoil of the present has been advanced to the present, and this is the scene in front of us now.

This chaos of catching ducks on the shelves would naturally not constitute a chaotic world. For example, the evil spirits who have been on the right track for ten years and have not yet developed a fierce battle are simply not opponents.

What's more, this is just a small branch of the demon, and was suddenly attacked by the decent people, and the ending is self-evident.

At this time, the sky is brilliant, giving people great confidence.

The dark and dark clouds drenched the entire sky, where the electric snake raged violently, and from time to time a thunder and lightning, forked in countless times, like a punishment; the blue ice crystals accompanied by the red sky fire, the cold and hot objects collided and caused a sudden explosion , Constantly challenging the resistance capabilities of the evil magic circle; all kinds of spirit beasts and soldiers rushed forward crazy, killed by the demon batch after batch, still going on to succeed. These things are illusory, and even if the result of being killed is nothing more than the face of Zhu Shuiju's disciple, it will recover after a few days of cultivation.

The head of Shushan held the sword tactic in one hand, made the fingers together in one hand, looked at the light, pointed at the sword rain constructed by thousands of dangling sharp swords in one hand, and waved his arms in the other.

"go with!"

Countless long swords seem to be given life in an instant, flying forward like locusts, the famous sword even issued a whistle that pierced the air, a handle covered the sky and the sun rushed to the jungle, and some directly attacked the demon Taoist to build A part of the magic circle that rose out of the sky rose into the sky until it reached 10,000 meters. It shook and shattered into tens of thousands of swords. It took a bend in the sky, and immediately descended like a raindrop.

From a distance, the whole sky was covered with fierce sword light.

Anyang opened his eyes wide.

This is the true return of the Wanjian Sect. Thousands of long swords thrown by the disciples of Shushan, together with the tens of thousands of swords issued by the spell, the sound of the fall is simply appalling.

This is a large-scale spell similar to the banned spell "Meteor Fire Rain" in magic, which is even more fierce, more ruthless, and more cold.

The long sword falling at a height of 10,000 meters is streamlined and has little resistance, so how much power does it fall?

There are spell blessings!

Anyang seems to be able to hear the sound of the leaves of the dense jungle being pierced piercingly by the sword, as well as the sound of the blade falling against the air, the sound of the piercing into the earth, and the difference between falling on the demon and piercing it even on the ground The voice, of course, is the scream of the demon.

It was also at this time that the distant sky's 100-meter-high figure, which looked like a towering figure, moved, and punched the highest point of this deep mountain old forest.

Many attacks came side by side, and the shaky evil magic circle collapsed instantly.


The sword tactics of the head of Shushan changed, and the long swords inserted in the trees, the ground, and the demon flew to the sky, as if they were alive, and formed a second offensive again.

Anyang Yuguang swept away and saw that the disciples of Shushan had turned pale, and even the head of Shushan could not bear it anymore. It seemed that this "Wanjian Guizong" was not difficult. Think about it too, after all, this world is not a magical world or a fairy-tale or fantasy world in the novel. It is already terrifying to have such a strong attack.

Looking at the speed at which those long swords fall, as long as the body of the sword is not brittle, I am afraid that an armor cluster will be pierced underneath.

And pure force is just the lowest link in this world of monasticism.

At this moment, the middle-aged Shushan School middle-aged man who had been chatting with Kunlun Road at the Jifeng Peak came as if the sword flashed in front of him, and the person had arrived in front of the Shushan School.

He waved his hand and did n’t know what to say, but it should have caused the Shushan faction to give up the offensive and the like, because the Shushan master who was preparing for the second round of the offensive immediately changed the sword tactics and began to collect the replay. Long sword, thousands of pale-faced Shushan disciples also breathed a sigh of relief, stopped the spell operation and violent mana output.

I saw a long sword rising from the dense forest, and a handle flew back toward this side, falling into the hands of the original master, orderly.

Anyang glanced away and said nothing.

Now that the demon is defeated, there is no need for Shushan to attack with these other large-scale spells. This middle-aged person would like to save some energy and save his strength for his disciples. After all, the more power he saves, he will deal with others in a few days. The easier the demon is, the more likely it is to save lives on the battlefield.

These powerful spells are still the most suitable for the most critical moment.

However, he did not see it. When the middle-aged people saw that the Shushan disciples had withdrawn their long swords, they glanced at him vaguely.

Rumble ...

Lightning, ice, and skyfire were still falling, making a dull sound.

In the blink of an eye, countless demons died.

This is one-sided slaughter!

It's like a bomber full of heavy ammunition bombarding a lack of air defense weapons.

Anyang glanced at Huang Lan next to her, shook her head and told her not to shoot, so she stood on the shoulder of the giant stone, but her body slowly began to be covered with a silver-white armor.

Under the slightly admired and surprised eyes of the Kunlun disciples all around, the armor quickly covered the whole body, and the material of the eternal alloy was shining in the sun, setting him up as powerful as a **** soldier.

The defense was forced, and the evil demon king could no longer bear it, and he had to take action at this time.

After all, it's a death ...

The head of Kunlun also brought back the discussion news for him, that is, all the masters of the Dao jointly fought against the demon king, showing their magical powers, and whoever took the lead in the final demon pill.

He is inevitable!

as predicted--


A thick black mist rises from the depths of the jungle ~ ~ straight from the ground into the sky, like the giant pillar of Optimus which will pierce the sky, stands in the depths of the jungle.

With a bang!

The sky was like a bucket of water stirred by a stick. The dark clouds and the electric snake began to rotate around the pillar of smoke, and quickly spread out. Even the ice soul and the sky fire were scattered. The three disciples of the Xianshan Cave House released together 'S large-scale attack spell was instantly wiped out by this gigantic column.

Anyang seemed to hear a cry from the demon's soul. Obviously, this demon king used this trick for no cost.

But what about that, this deep mountain old forest was besieged by the regiment, and the earth was banned, even if it did not cover and attack this group of demons, it could not escape, it was nothing more than being forced into a deadly battle.

Unsurprisingly, as soon as the demon king came out, many elders in Xianshan Cave House and the hidden world shot out to intercept this smoke column, intending to force the evil demon king out.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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