My Dungeons Are Popular

Chapter 2 The Nightmare Lord

When Qiu Ren opened his eyes again, he found himself in a completely dark space.

There is a wooden table in this space, and a desk lamp on the wooden table is the only light source.

" my domain, what should I call you?"

A masked figure sat behind the wooden table, wearing a meticulous suit, as if waiting for Qiuren for a long time.

"Qiu Ren."

"Then you can call me a tapir, or the lord of nightmares, whatever you want."

It pointed to the wooden chair across the table and said to Qiuren that Qiuren couldn't tell a man or woman from its voice, but the tone seemed more feminine?

"Please take a seat, Mr. Qiu Ren."

Lord of nightmares?

Hearing this claim, Qiu Ren instantly thought of the Rubik's Cube-shaped nightmare seed and the split pupils in the Rubik's Cube.

Is this his consciousness being sucked into that S-class nightmare seed?

Qiu Ren didn't think too much and sat directly opposite the Nightmare Lord.

It looked at Qiu Ren's calm look and nodded his forehead in approval.

"What do you want from me?" Qiu Ren asked.

Qiu Ren was not thrown into the death game of this nightmare dungeon, but met the owner of the nightmare in person, presumably the owner of the nightmare had other wishes.

"Your creativity, Mr. Qiu Ren... I feel something complicated in you, but what I value more is your potential in creation. The fantasy of young people is always wild, isn't it?" Nightmare Lord Shen Said loudly.

Didn't you see my real identity?

Qiu Ren breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't show it.

"What exactly do you want me to create?" Although Qiu Ren asked, he already had the answer in his heart.


The Nightmare Lord's answer was also more direct.

"Although we are the masters of this dream space, we don't have the ability to imagine. Only you humans... There are always countless wonderful fantasies in your mind, and here I can turn all your fantasies into reality."

When it said this, it kept clicking its index fingers at each other, like a person who had been hungry for a long time, looking forward to a delicious meal presented by Qiuren.

"But it has to be to your liking, right?"

Qiu Ren also read books about dream creators. If it was his own dream dungeon space, building things would consume a lot of dream creation points.

But this is the nightmare space of the Nightmare Lord, and Qiu Ren only needs to be responsible for the construction, and the consumption will be borne by the Nightmare Lord.

The premise is that the dream created by Qiu Ren is enough to satisfy the nightmare master.

To put it simply, the master of the nightmare is Qiu Ren's father. If the father of Party A is satisfied, Qiu Ren can not only leave this nightmare safely, but also get a lot of benefits.


Qiu Ren probably has no room to consider this possibility.

"I love talking to smart people."

The Nightmare Lord tapped the wooden table, and Qiu Ren's environment suddenly changed dramatically.

In the blink of an eye, Qiu Ren's surroundings turned into an arena filled with dust and the smell of blood.

Qiu Ren was in the center of the arena. The wooden table and chairs were still there, but there were two more gladiators fighting to the death on one side of the arena.

They were already dripping with blood, and the intestines of one of them flowed directly from the abdomen to the ground.

"This is my...memory." The Nightmare Lord said, "The memory from a long time ago is also the dream constructed for me by the first human dream maker. It is your...predecessor's predecessor."

It looked at the two gladiators fighting, and then took a deep breath, as if pondering what it said.

"Although it is bloody, cruel, and full of barbaric taste, it is too straightforward. I have been tired of it many years ago."

The Nightmare Lord said and tapped the wooden table again, and the whole scene turned into a closed iron space again.

In this space, a group of people are running away in a panic, and various organs and monsters will keep popping up in the space to kill this group of people.

Qiu Ren recognized that these people were the death row inmates in the previous prison!

"It's... now."

The Nightmare Lord looked at the condemned prisoners who fled in a panic with tired eyes.

"The death traps that appear everywhere, and the panic when they flee did bring me a lot of fun for a long time, but I always felt that something was missing..."

"So what exactly do you want?" Qiu Ren asked blankly.

"Your nature!"

When it said this, its voice suddenly became frenzied.

"I want to see the most despicable and vicious part of your heart! The indulgence of taking other people's lives without being restricted by the rules! The conspiracy of using any means to achieve the goal! The madness of giving up your conscience when you are desperate! Finally, you betray yourself for profit Greed when you are close! I want all of these...all..."

The Nightmare Lord's expression became more and more crazy the more he said this, and finally he stood up and his voice trembled slightly, but soon he realized his gaffe.

The Nightmare Lord sat back in his seat, tidied up his somewhat messy suit and tie, and his expression returned to his previous grim expression.

"I want you to construct a nightmare that has the potential to expose dreamers to all of the above, real... nightmares, not these tedious ketchup pantomime."

Good guy, if these requirements were really put into a movie or TV series, wouldn't it be a sad drama?

Qiuren doesn't know whether to abuse or not, but the drama is certain.

It's a pity that none of the people who explored in the nightmare dungeon were actors, and they couldn't follow Qiu Ren's script.

But fortunately, Qiu Ren happened to have a game rule that could perfectly fulfill these requirements of the Nightmare Lord.

"Then Mr. Qiu Ren, can you show me these?"

"Maybe it's possible..." Qiu Ren already had a general plan in mind.

"So fast? Very good... very good! I hope you are not bluffing. Now this nightmare is at your disposal. I am looking forward construct a nightmare that is enough to make my eyes shine."

The Nightmare Lord stood up and made a 'please' gesture to Qiu Ren.

"How many people can the previous dream dungeon accommodate at most?"

Qiu Ren looked at the group of condemned prisoners who were struggling to survive in the death chamber and asked.

"Twenty people." When it said this, the voice was a little teasing. "This is what your seniors tried their best to win from me. Of course, you can also reduce the number of people who enter the nightmare at one time, but the premise is... less people will be exciting enough .”

"No, I might have to expand."

The game Qiu Ren imagined cannot be played by just twenty people.

"Oh? Your senior has been trying to curb the number of people entering at one time all these years. People outside may be unhappy if you do this." The Nightmare Lord's reminder was very friendly.

Qiu Ren also understood this point. If he died in the nightmare world, he might not really die, but his spirit would be seriously injured.

Those condemned prisoners have to be suspended for a long time before they can enter the nightmare again.

But this Nightmare Lord should be like a human being, who has to 'eat' every once in a while. If it doesn't get enough to eat, there will be serious consequences.

The two dream makers before were thinking about how to feed the nightmare master with the least number of people.

"Did you cause the negative effect of their death in the nightmare?" Qiu Ren was also trying to negotiate with the nightmare master.

If these condemned prisoners are viewed as consumables, it is really not good to let them consume too quickly.

"Me? I won't deliberately hurt anyone in the nightmare. They can't distinguish between reality and dreams, so after they die in the nightmare, their fragile spirits will be severely injured. You can design something like a safe house, so that They should not be so desperate in their nightmares," said the Nightmare Lord.

So it turns out... as long as the nightmares are interesting enough for the dreamers, then they will take less damage from dying in the nightmares.

"No, I think they will like the dream I created," Qiu Ren said.

"Like nightmares?" The Nightmare Lord chuckled and said, "Don't you think it's contradictory for people to like death?"

"Just watch."

Qiu Ren directly kicked out those condemned prisoners who participated in the death game, and then began to rebuild this nightmare.

It is said to be refactoring, but in fact, the Nightmare Master kept backups of the original two copies of Nightmare, in case Qiu Ren made something that was not to his liking, and it could go back and enjoy the old 'cold meal'.

However, as Qiu Ren's nightmare dungeon structure was gradually revealed, the Nightmare Lord suddenly felt that the previous cold food was a bit unsavory.

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