My Dungeons Are Popular

Chapter 1 Underworld Profession

Qiu Ren sat on a bus and looked out the window.

Calculating the time carefully, it has been three days since Qiu Ren came to this world.

This is a world similar to the earth, but there is a very strange place.

Qiu Ren looked at the billboards along the street outside the window, and it was supposed to be a billboard showing movie posters, but it said...

'The brand new dream movie "Interstellar Jump" created by the famous movie dreamer Chris Nolan has been released'

And it's like...'The multiplayer online strategy dream game "Swordsman" is launched today, young heroes, please continue to lead the way together! ’ This kind of advertisement.

At first glance, it looks like an ordinary advertisement for movies and games.


Dream dungeon, dream maker.

It took Qiu Ren some time to figure out what this dream maker and the copy of the dream were.

According to the memory of the original owner, everyone in this world will awaken a dream copy space after reaching the age of eighteen.

Anyone can create their own fantasy characters and stories in their dream copy space.

Of course, this requires the consumption of something called Creation Points. There is also a limit on the size of the dream copy space that people just awakened. The dream copy space for the first awakening is at most ten cubic meters.

The existence of dream dungeons has also given birth to the world's most popular profession... Dream Maker.

As the name suggests, the dream maker relies on the dream copy to create a variety of novel story experiences to benefit the public.

Movies and games, the two original pillar industries of human entertainment, have also been directly transferred to the dream dungeon.

Although the traditional film and game industries still exist in this world.

But more people are more willing to enter the beautiful dreams created by the dreamers, personally play the characters in those movies to take thrilling adventures one after another, and experience the thrill of being a hero.

"It's amazing that this ghost world isn't seriously involved."

Qiu Ren sighed again.

"What egg roll?" The person sitting next to Qiu Ren suddenly asked.


Sitting next to Qiu Ren was the original owner's tablemate and part-time friend Xu Sheng.

Now Qiu Ren is a senior high school student, a senior high school student who is about to face the dream maker college entrance examination.

"I still don't quite understand Qiu Ren why you applied for the nightmare purification major."

Xu Sheng has been thinking about it since he got on the bus.

The school arranged an extracurricular practice for Qiu Ren and some students in the class.

Originally, in the tense period of senior high school, there was such an extracurricular practice of reading, and the arrangement of writing outings was outrageous enough.

The most outrageous place for an outing...or prison.

It's still the kind of prison that specializes in detaining death row inmates!

"Maybe it's because you make a lot of money?"

Qiu Ren answered Xu Sheng casually.

There were not many students coming to this extracurricular practice, only some students like Qiu Ren who applied for the major of 'Nightmare Purification'.

There are also people like Xu Sheng who come here to see the world when they don't want to go to class.

"A lot of money? But I heard from gossip that the death rate of dreamers who specialize in nightmare purification is extremely high. Maybe they were swallowed by nightmares that day?" Xu Sheng shuddered as he said.

Where there is light, there must be shadow.

The dream copy provides a platform for humans in this world to swim in their own and other people's fantasy world.

But along with the extension, there is also a 'nightmare copy'.

'Nightmare copy', as the name suggests, is a dream copy that brings death and fear, and can take a person's life from the spiritual level.

As for what the more specific nightmare dungeon looks like, I don't know how to purify Qiu Ren.

It's just that when the original owner applied for the major, he directly filled in the high-mortality major of nightmare purification.

The reason is... this stupid kid is really poor, and wants to take a major that makes money.

"Don't think so much, maybe the high death rate is just a rumor?" Qiu Ren said.

"The rumors are all true! Well, anyway, I won't take the exam for this major. I came here today for the sake of classmate Wanxiang's face."

When Xu Sheng said this, he could still lower his voice, and secretly glanced at the girl sitting at the end of the bus.

She was quietly reading a novel that could be opened and closed with one hand.

Lin Wanxiang...

Just like in every class, there will be a girl who is much more beautiful than the other girls.

Lin Wanxiang is the girl who raises the average appearance of the girls in the class

Qiu Ren felt that even if this girl went to college, she could raise the average appearance of all college girls.

Coincidentally, Qiu Ren can also do the same, but it's just to elevate boys.

It's a pity that Qiu Ren and Xu Sheng hadn't admired this girl for long before the bus stopped outside a heavily guarded building.

"Fengdu Prison is here, students, be careful not to run around with the teacher after getting off the bus, or you will be arrested by the prison guards!"

The head teacher made a joke here to relieve the tension of the students in the car.

Fengdu? Fengdu?

Qiu Ren originally thought that a prison full of death-row inmates after extracurricular practice was enough hell, but the name of this prison is also quite hell.

There are not many students on the bus, only about forty people, which is the sum of ten college entrance examination classes in the school.

Most of them, like Xu Sheng, didn't want to go to class to just play around, and only a few of them applied for the major of nightmare purification.

After getting off the car, Qiu Ren stood at the gate of this prison, and his first feeling was... this place doesn't look like a prison.

Instead, it looks like a research institute, a research institute that studies some kind of high technology.

When Qiu Ren walked into the prison with the picnic team, this feeling was even stronger.

Whether it is the ground or the walls, there is a clean and efficient sense of technology.

"Students, this is the outer area of ​​Fengdu Prison."

The narrator who leads the procession is a young woman dressed more like a civilian than a prison guard.

"You may be very curious, why did you take you to visit the prison when you applied for the nightmare purification major, and ask the students to look down through the window."

The female guide pointed to the transparent glass on the side of the corridor and said.

These words made Qiu Ren think that he had come to the zoo, but the scenery here was much more terrifying than the zoo.

On the left side of the corridor is a huge picture window, which is obviously bulletproof.

Outside the window is an empty space. This space is like a water reservoir. If you want to look down at the bottom, you need to use a telescope or other equipment.

Qiu Ren used one of the telescopes to see clearly a rotating black Rubik's cube-like object sealed in the mechanical container at the bottom of the space.

"That is the nightmare seed?" A student asked curiously.

"Exactly, nightmare seeds come in different shapes, and that one is the most dangerous S-level nightmare seed, and the current purification progress is only less than half." The guide patiently answered the doubts of the students.

S-class nightmare seeds?

You show such a dangerous thing to the students?

When Qiu Ren was still wondering, he suddenly found a lot of people gathered beside the Rubik's Cube.

They were wearing prison uniforms, and they seemed to be the death row prisoners here. These death row prisoners gathered next to the nightmare seed and fell into a deep sleep.

But soon a condemned prisoner suddenly woke up. After waking up, he yelled something in horror, then vomited blood and fell directly to the ground.

This scene made those who still thought, 'Nightmare seeds are so handsome! ’ The students trembled all over.

"He... what happened to them?"

Xu Sheng looked down at the death row prisoners who woke up one after another. Most of the death row prisoners who woke up vomited blood and became unconscious, and some of them fell into madness.

Several prison guards joined forces to suppress him.

"They were killed in nightmares."

The lecturer said with a smile on his face.

"There are two steps to purify low-level nightmare seeds. The first step is to send personnel to the nightmare to kill monsters or other things that can represent the nightmare. Of course, if you die in the nightmare, your spirit will be severely injured. The first step You might survive the first time, but you won’t be so lucky the second time.”

"Then...then applying for the Nightmare Purification major...isn't it the same as these death row prisoners?"

Xu Sheng looked at the miserable appearance of the death row prisoner bleeding from seven holes below, and his fearful eyes had already turned to Qiu Ren.

He almost pinched Qiu Ren by the collar and said, 'Brother, please change your major! Don't choose this underworld major! '

"Of course it's different. The duty of the nightmare purification profession is to construct nightmares. This is the first step beforehand." The lady guide said with a smile on her face.

"Nightmare seeds are inherently chaotic, and a dream maker is needed to construct each nightmare scene."

"But the nightmare seeds themselves are conscious. The dream maker's duty is to construct a dream that satisfies the nightmare seeds. As for how to satisfy the nightmare seeds and reduce the casualties of the dream hunters entering the nightmare, that's the question. It’s a test of the dreamer’s skills.”

Qiu Ren understood what the lecturer lady meant.

Probably the dream maker wants to use the space of the nightmare seeds to create copies of dreams such as "My Little Pony", "Pokémon", and "Teletubbies", which will be backlashed by the nightmare seeds.

On the contrary, if it is used as a copy of dreams such as "Resident Evil", "The Conjuring", and "Chain Saw", it will greatly please the nightmare seeds.

But the dreamers in these dungeons weren't so...happy.

"Students, if you like horror games or movies, you can try to apply for this major. Of course, nightmare dreamers also have the risk of being swallowed by nightmares, and they may end up dying worse than dream hunters."

After the lecturer finished speaking, most of the students in the class wanted to escape from this underworld as soon as possible.

Qiu Ren also understood the purpose of this extra-curricular practice, in short, to persuade them to quit!

Discourage those students who don't know the heights of the world and want to apply for the nightmare purification major.

It seems that this major was conceived from above, that's why the professionals below persuaded these brats to stay away from this dangerous career.

"Okay, let's not talk about scary topics. It's lunch time. We have arranged a lot of delicious food for the students. Please come here." Miss the guide didn't scare the children anymore.

When she led everyone to go to the other side, the alarm suddenly sounded in the prison!

"What happened?" Xu Sheng was shocked instantly.

"That Rubik's Cube...Nightmare Seed..."

Qiu Ren noticed that the nightmare seed was emitting light, but it also noticed Qiu Ren the moment Qiu Ren noticed it.

Suddenly a huge eye opened on the Rubik's Cube.

The moment Qiu Ren looked up at that eye, Qiu Ren felt that his consciousness was directly torn into that nightmare seed!

In the end, all Qiuren could hear were the shouts of the students and teachers around him.

PS: Wanxiang No. 3 machine is dispatched! But it’s the new book anxiety period again, please recommend!

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