My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 25: get together

Saturday, afternoon.

Yu Zhiliang arranged a picnic on the outskirts of the city. The learning tasks in the second year of high school are very heavy. On Saturdays and Sundays, he will be assigned to various tuition classes, interest classes, and accompanying training classes. At this time, he can relax himself on the grounds of welcoming new students. , Most of the students are actively participating.

The Suburban Forest Park provides a special picnic place. There are small bridges and flowing water, grass pavilions, and it is also the first choice for many wedding photos of new couples.

Watching those dignified and beautiful brides walking around with long white wedding dresses, the happy smiles and beautiful scenery on their faces complement each other.

For these boys and girls who usually put all their energy on their studies, whether it is fishing or cooking fire and washing vegetables, it gives them an incomparable sense of freshness.

At this time, you can see a person’s hands-on ability. Most of these young people at home are princes and princesses who can’t even hold a broomstick. They can’t hold a kitchen knife firmly, and cut vegetables and meat into strange shapes. The food is everywhere, but fortunately it is just barbecue, the requirements for the shape of the dishes are not so high.

But the process of lighting the fire was full of laughter. The clean little princes and princesses were smoked black and dirty, and the tears were not successful. In the end, there was no way. The staff of the forest park was asked for help. The charcoal fire is good.

The next step is the formal roasting. I didn't expect Yu Zhiliang to have two brushes. The others were either unbaked or burnt, or they were salty and spicy.

Yu Zhiliang brushed the prepared beef skewers with oil and placed them on the stove. But for a moment, the meat strips were twisted and shrunk under high temperature moxibustion. He twisted a pinch of salt, rubbing his fingers, and the salt was evenly grained. The ground was sprinkled on the beef. At this time, the surface of the beef was slightly whitish, and the water in the meat began to seep out, and these salt grains were dissolved in the seeping juice.

Yu Zhiliang picked up the brush and quickly rubbed it on the skewers to make the salt more evenly distributed on the beef.

The surface of the beef has turned golden yellow. Yu Zhiliang sprinkled the chili powder and wiped it evenly with a brush. Suddenly, the beef skewers turned bright red. Turn it over twice to allow the hot oil to produce the chili powder during the moxibustion roasting process. The effect of hot frying, and then sprinkle with a small amount of cumin. At this time, because the two kinds of dry powder absorbed the oil on the surface of the beef, it looked a little dry, so Yu Zhiliang added some vegetable oil and brushed it up, and roasted it for a while and left the stove. The surface of the beef skewers is still bubbling with tiny bubbles.

The girls who were watching the excitement next to him had already stared at the stars.

The ordinary fat girl said: "Wow, the monitor is so capable. He studies well, takes care of others, has a good temper, and the key is so handsome. I don't know if that little watch is lucky enough to marry him in the future!"

Ordinary mean girl said: "Anyway, it's neither you nor me. Don't even think about it. For boys like squad leaders, there are a lot of girls for him to choose."

To girl A said: "We are still young now, we will have a chance when we go to university."

Ordinary mean girl sneered: "When you go to college, there will still be a pair of A's. Besides, the squad leader's grades are so good. At first glance, you can take the test of Beiqing and China University. Which one are you going to take?"


Lu Qiu Hanyan is sitting on the shore. Compared to playing with her unfamiliar classmates, she thinks that sitting here fishing is the best way to get along with them, but obviously her fishing skills are not too great. After passing the customs, there is still no catch.

"Student Luqiu, you don’t need to fish anymore. Today everyone is going to have a party. You don’t have to eat fish. Look, there are a lot of ingredients. No fish will not affect anything. I will grill some meat for you. Everyone Just come here, I didn't eat any food, you must be hungry too." Yu Zhiliang passed the handful of roasted beef in his hand.

"Thank you, I'll just taste a bunch." Lu Qiu Hanyan nodded and took the bunch.

"How? It's in your taste, right?" Yu Zhiliang asked with concern.

"The taste is very good, the meat is not dry, the gravy is locked in the meat, and the surface is crispy after biting, and you can set up a stall!" Lu Qiu Hanyan nodded and exclaimed.

"Just set up a stall, don't dare to lose this person, my dad will break my leg, so that I can cook the meat this time, I specially hired a barbecue master..." Yu Zhiliang said modestly.

Lu Qiu Hanyan looked at him earnestly and said: "It is not shameful to set up a stall. It does not violate the law, does not violate the regulations, pays taxes in accordance with the law, and earns money by the ability."

Yu Zhiliang said embarrassingly: "I'll just say that, if we have to set up a stall at the end of our grades, it would be too unscientific. Speaking of it... Has Luqiu student thought about applying for a university in China?"

"I haven't figured it out yet."

"I think Luqiu's grades will not be too problematic for any university in China. I don't know if I can talk about it. I hope that the university and Luqiu can still be classmates."

"I haven't decided yet. As for whether I can continue to be a classmate... who knows?" Lu Qiu Hanyan frowned unchecked.

"Squad leader! Help! They are not grilling, they are making poison!" The classmates over there began to booze. Indeed, few can cook delicious barbecues as easily as Yu Zhiliang, and they messed up things. , On the contrary, it is more like dark cuisine.

"The squad leader is coming soon, you can't see Lu Wangyou friends!"

Yu Zhiliang blushed slightly when he heard their booing noises: "Don't listen to them, these guys just like booing."

"It's okay, I don't mind, go, they are calling you." Lu Qiu Hanyan shook her head slightly.

"Let's go over together. Today was originally a party that welcomes you to join the class. You are the protagonist. If the protagonist does not participate, this event will be meaningless." Yu Zhiliang smiled.

"Okay, I also want to thank my classmates by the way." Lu Qiu Hanyan nodded.

Some girls who don't like to eat barbecue spread picnic cloth on the floor with snacks and drinks on the floor, sitting on the grass and chatting, sometimes bursting into crisp laughter.

Yu Zhiliang handed the beef in his hand to the green-eyed boy who was hungry, waited for them to **** it, and patted his palms.

"Attention everyone!"

Hearing crisp applause, everyone turned their heads to look at him.

Today, after Yu Zhiliang changed his school uniform, he wore hazel cropped jeans with a pair of round-moon scimitar shoes on his feet, and a red T-shirt on his upper body. He looked energetic, relaxed and unassuming. At this time, his voice was attracted. Everyone's attention slowly gathered around.

"I'm not going to introduce, Luqiu, after transferring to our class, she may be unfamiliar with everyone, so she is the protagonist of today's class gathering, and there should be applause here!" Hearing Yu Zhiliang's words, there was light from the surroundings. There was a light laugh, but everyone still clapped their hands politely.

Lu Qiu Hanyan stood up in applause, and bowed shallowly: "Hello everyone, I am Lu Qiu Hanyan, I hope everyone will take care of it."

"Okay, since it's a party, there are still some programs, please take an active part in it!" Yu Zhiliang said.

"Listen to the squad leader singing!" The students who were sitting around started booing.

"Hey, squad leader, don't make any excuses, we've already prepared it for you!" At this time, the classmate who had something good took out a suitcase, a guitar suitcase.

"Yo! Fanta's piano, who owns this?" Yu Zhiliang's eyes lit up. Although his family conditions are very good, he knows his own level, so he didn't blindly pursue the brand, so he bought a domestically made guitar. , Whether it is price, craftsmanship, tone, feel is not as good as Fanta.

"That's a must. It's a pity to go out for a hike and not listen to you playing the piano and singing. It's a pity. I borrowed my brother's piano, hehe."

"If you are too low-key, you will have no friends, let's sing a boy!"

"Squad leader speed, I'm ready to listen!"

"Well, since everyone wants to listen, I will try! I don’t know the skills well, everyone understands!"My dream can be achieved Real latest chapter address: dream can come true. Read the full text Address: dream can come true txt download address: https: // dream can come true Mobile reading: https://m. the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (the first Chapter 25 Meeting) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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