My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 24: Accident

Bai Yu returned home from work, and expected to hear the sound of Han Lin returning home and unlocking the door soon, but he didn't hear it all night.

"Mom didn't go home?" Bai Yu waited until five o'clock in the morning, and finally couldn't sit still, got up and messed up some eating arrangements. Bai Ling ate, and hurried to the night market.

At this time, the sky was dark, the streets were sparsely trafficked, and the people were few. In less than 20 minutes, Bai Yu rushed to the night market.

This is a pedestrian street that has been developed for more than two years. The municipal government has naturalized a food street that brings together a variety of snacks from all over the country. Unfortunately, Han Lin’s capital is insufficient and she has no craftsmanship, so she can only sell some small accessories and There are some small crafts from various places, and many people come here every day to visit the night market. Bai Yu’s tuition and Bai Ling’s treatment fees are more than a dozen yuan such as Han Lin’s hairpin, a string of crystal chains, and a small pottery man. It was sold for more than twenty yuan.

Bai Yu pushed the cart and walked to the place where his mother usually set up a stall. He was a mess, and Bai Yu's mind seemed to have been knocked hard. With a bang, his mind was completely blank.

"Something went wrong!?" Various beads, small porcelain, and braid were scattered all over the floor.

He even saw a few drops of blood on the ground!

Bai Yu slowly squatted down.

"If anyone dares to hurt her, I will let him die miserably!"

He stretched out his hand trembling, his index finger touched the blood stains, some dark red glued to the fingertips, and he put his finger to the end of his nose.

"Huh? Not your mother?" He smelled it, but it was an unfamiliar breath, which was in no way similar to the warmth and gentleness of his mother, let alone a sense of **** from the depths of his blood.

"It turns out that someone who is irrelevant was injured? But... where did mom go? Why did it seem to implicate mom?" After Bai Yu distinguished it clearly, a big rock finally fell in his heart.

He stood up and looked at the scene in confusion.

"Wh, huh, huh..." The sound of sweeping the floor came from a distance.

"That's right! I should ask the staff here!" Bai Yu rallied, ran a few steps, jumped on the bicycle, and rushed in the direction of the cleaner.

"Hey! Young man, this is a pedestrian street, you don't want to ride anymore, the security has come to fine you!" The cleaner raised his head, saw someone riding a bicycle in the pedestrian street, and yelled anxiously.

Bai Yu squeezed the brakes and jumped off:

"Uncle, what happened here yesterday? There was a fight in booth 276?"

"276? You said that the stall selling small accessories? It was a fight, and it was resolved at the police station. I don't know what the solution was."

"Do you know what's going on? I'm the son of stall owner 276?" Bai Yu said anxiously.

"You are Xiao Han's son? You are familiar. Didn't you come to help guard the stall during the summer vacation? A filial child..." The cleaner's eyes lit up and he recognized Bai Yu.

"Then, what's the matter with my mother?"

"Hey, isn't it the stall next to your mother? Last night, I didn’t know what kind of wine I drank. I stayed at your mom’s stall and stopped leaving. Then the wife of his family came and saw no one. I saw it there. It’s terrible now. Talk about your mother's old nasty things. Tsk tsk, we all know what kind of person Xiao Han is, and then..." The cleaner stopped here suddenly.

"So what?" Bai Yu clenched his fists.

"How dare I tell you when you look like this? You calm down first, and your mother is fine. It's just aggrieved." The cleaner stopped.

"Okay, I'm not angry, I'm not angry, how is my mother?" Bai Yu tried to adjust his breathing.

"The wife with the belt Zhang slapped your mother, and then, a friend of your mother came out to stop. Then the belt Zhang and his wife beat your mother friend. Later, someone called the police and went to the police station to solve the problem. Up."

So what happened? Fortunately, a friend of my mother came out to help: "Uncle, thank you! Good people are safe for life!"

"Hi, you boy, where are you going?"

"Go to the police station!"

"Do you know which police station? Run so fast!"

"Uh, which police station?"

"It's hairy! Guihe Road Police Station! Slow down on the road, a little brat!" Cleaning scolded.

"I know! Thank you Uncle!"

"My son, Xiao Han, filial piety, he is a good boy!" The cleaner exclaimed, and continued to slowly draw big characters on the pedestrian street.

It only took about five minutes to ride to Guihe Road, and the reception hall of the police station was brightly lit.

"Police officer, hello!" said the policeman who was on duty behind Bai Yu's reception desk and stood up after seeing Bai Yu.

"Hello, comrade, what's the matter?" the policeman replied with a salute.

"Hello, police officer, this is the case. Did you handle a dispute in the pedestrian street yesterday? I am the son of the 276 stall owner Han Lin."

"Is there such a dispute. Are you Han Lin's son? She accompanied her friend to the hospital. His friend suffered some injuries and is now going to deal with it."

"Police officer, has the responsibility been determined?"

"It is confirmed that it is the responsibility of the stall owner of No. 272. They provoked a dispute and then took the initiative. Ms. Han Lin and Mr. Wu Chao were just defending. It's just that those two fighting forces were too strong and Mr. Wu Chao suffered some losses." Tao.

"Do you know which hospital they go to?"

"I heard from Mr. Wu Chao, is it the provincial TCM doctor to go to?"

"Thank you police officer!" Bai Yu ran out anxiously.

"No, it should be done!" The policeman shook his head, and said: "You said that people nowadays are so hostile? Those two are literati at first sight, no wonder they suffer..."

Bai Yu rode his bicycle and hurried to the provincial TCM doctor. The police station was about five stops away from the provincial TCM doctor. In more than ten minutes, Bai Yu rushed to the provincial TCM doctor, locked the car in the shared car, hid it, and ran towards the emergency building.

"Wu Chao? Why haven't I heard Mom say that he has this friend?"

"I helped mom at a critical time, I must repay him!"

At this time, the provincial TCM doctor was already full of registered people, and Bai Yu rushed to the emergency department: "Sister Doctor, was there an injured person named Wu Chao who was in the emergency department here yesterday?"

When the middle-aged woman looked up, she turned out to be a refreshing ***, listening to his sweet mouth, she was suddenly very comfortable: "Wait a moment, I will help you look at the record, um, No. 27, Wu Chao, 3:37 , There is such a person, let me see for you again, and transferred to the inpatient department, building 3, room 722 with 4 beds."

"Thank you sister! A good person is safe forever!" Bai Yu greeted him anxiously, turned and ran.

"Oh, my family used to be so popular."

The person who followed: "Doctor, I'm sorry, I have a stomachache..."

"Stomach pains go to the internal medicine department. This is the emergency department." The middle-aged woman looked up and saw a greasy old face. She was extremely uncomfortable and she pointed her finger to the long line.


Looking at the signpost, Bai Yu circled twice and found that he had returned to the original place again.

"Goose roast, who designed this special sign!"

"Sister, can I ask you, where is the No. 3 building of the inpatient department?" Bai Yu saw a woman wearing nursing uniforms and hurriedly greeted her.

"Oh, keep walking along this side, turn left at the second entrance, then right again, and after another entrance, you will be building No. 3. Please pay attention to the word No. 3 on the building." The nurse said very enthusiastically.

"Thank you sister, a good person is safe forever!"

"This child, it's so polite!" The nurse greeted Bai Yu happily as he rushed away, thinking of something again:

"Young man, don't run, there are many patients here, don't bump into it!"

Bai Yu slowed down when he heard the nurse's call.

The elevator was as slow as a tortoise, and what was even more frightening was that it had to stop on each floor. Bai Yu was patient, and finally waited until the elevator doors let go to both sides.

"Many people!" Bai Yu smacked.

"Wait, don't go in, go down!"


The elevator doors opened again.

Bai Yu was crowded into the elevator. At this time, he thought maliciously, if Du Ziqiang was here to release three to four poisonous gases per minute, would it cause the sudden workload of the provincial TCM emergency department today? increase.

"Ding Dong! The seventh floor is here!"

"Thank you for a moment, I want to go out." Bai Yu struggled to squeeze out of the wall, letting out a long breath.

"Room 22." Bai Yu counted the room numbers and walked forward.


Looking inside, the mother was sitting with a girl about her age and guarding a hospital bed.

"Mom!" Bai Yu hurried in.

Holding the disposable paper cup in her hand, Han Lin was listening to the girl next to her whispering, hearing her son's familiar voice, she shook her hand and almost dropped the paper cup to the ground.

Han Lin seemed to glance at the person on the bed slightly, and then at her son: "I'm sorry, son, something happened to my mother's friend, mom will come and guard."

"Mom, it's okay, I know all about it, don't worry." Bai Yu looked at her mother's face distressedly. As expected, her left side was very red and swollen, and there was a blood hole on it, which was already scabs.

He squatted over and touched his mother's face gently: "Mom, it's okay, it's just a small hole, it won't leave a scar."

"You, what do you say you know?" Han Lin hesitated.

"I know that Uncle Wu helped you, but the enemy was cruel." Bai Yu said strangely, what else would he know?

Han Lin seemed to relax: "This is your Uncle Wu's daughter, Wu Zhiqing. You are half a year older than her. She is now in the first year of high school."

Bai Yu nodded to Wu Zhiqing: "Hello, my name is Bai Yu."

"Hello, I heard Aunt Han mentioned you."

"That's your Uncle Wu Chao. He helped mother. He suffered a bit. There was a crack in the rib. The doctor said the problem is not too big..."

"Where are the two murderers?" Bai Yu tried to suppress the killing intent and asked in a soft voice. If ordinary people like mother and Uncle Wu met those couples who were accustomed to unreasonable hob meat, they would definitely If it is true, he will never keep his hands.

"The two... Your Uncle Wu is a lawyer. He had a terrible pain when he came. The doctor gave him painkillers and woke up later and asked him what to do."

Wu Zhiqing said: "Brother Bai Yu, don't worry, my dad is a lawyer, and his mouth is unreasonable. This time, the couple does not get rid of their skin, so what kind of lawyer is he?"

This girl's voice was unexpectedly nice, Bai Yu just looked at her, she turned out to be a young and beautiful girl? It’s not worse than the squad leader, it even seems to be even worse than Shangwei...

When Wu Zhiqing saw him looking at herself, her face couldn't help but flushed, her chest straightened like a demonstration, Bai Yu quickly avoided her eyes and touched her nose.

Han Lin also came from a boy and a girl. She didn't know that the two little guys were fighting with each other. They were funny in their hearts and patted Wu Zhiqing's arm lightly.

Bai Yu saw this subtle movement, and couldn't help but feel jealous, but wondered in his heart: "This girl... why is so close to mom? Why have I never heard mom talk about it?"

Does his own son do not understand the truth? Seeing the doubt flashing in his eyes, Han Lin suddenly felt that her actions seemed a bit unreasonable. She hurriedly sat upright and coughed: "Xiao Yu, Mom is okay, you go to school, you can't delay your homework now..." pstyle=\"color:#999;font-size:10px;line-height:18px;\">My dream can come true, the latest chapter address: dream can come true full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 24 What happened), next time you open the bookshelf Can be seen! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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