My Best Actor Ex-Husband and I Became A Role-Model Couple

Chapter 639 It's so delicious that you swallow it with your tongue

Ning Yun glanced at the name of the dish on Jiang Anzhi's fingertips: "You know how to choose."

Those are all new products he researched, and they haven't been officially released yet.

Jiang Anzhi nodded with a smile, waiting for his work.

Ning Yun was tall, with a cynical and playful face, but as soon as he got the kitchen knife in his hand, he seemed to be a different person, and the cold light of the knife was flickering, very scary.

Jiang Che stared dumbfounded at Xiao Ning, who had always been sloppy and not in good shape, suddenly turned into a fast swordsman. After a while, he praised Jiang Anzhi in disbelief: "Xiao Ning is so amazing."

Jiang Anzhi nodded calmly: "When you eat what he made, you will feel even more powerful."

Back then, when Jiang Anzhi was practicing calligraphy, Ning Yun used a small carving knife to carve the twelve zodiac signs beside him.

Later, when Jiang Anzhi moved to the imperial capital, Ning Yun could only carve the twelve zodiac signs by himself, but every year Jiang Anzhi would receive chickens, ducks, geese, horses, dogs and cattle from Ning Yun. It's all moldy.

Of course, the mildew can't affect Ning Yun's mood when sending out. After all, the elders in the family never allow food to be wasted. He has to complete three works every day, and he has to eat it himself after carving. This is really torture.

There was no other way, Ning Yun had no choice but to send all the things to Jiang Anzhi.

Time flies, time flies, and later Ning Yun is able to carve not only palaces and buildings of the twelve zodiac signs, but also figures. When he is in a good mood, Ning Yun will also carve villains for him based on Jiang Anzhi's photos.

Little Brother Chen didn't know about Ning Yun's existence, and even joked that Jiang Anzhi had a ten-year-old fan, and would often carve a Q version of Jiang Anzhi himself and send it to him. But not at all.

Every time he heard brother Chen say this, Jiang Anzhi just laughed and said nothing.

Jiang Anzhi, who was remembering bitterness and sweetness in the past years, was suddenly attracted by the rising fragrance, and it was Ning Yun who started cooking.

Jiang Che's glutton was completely hooked out, and he couldn't stop swallowing.

Ning Yun seemed to sense the yelling in Jiang Che's heart, and brought a bowl of soup in front of him.

"This is my brother's new dessert."

Looking at the pink streamer, a few cherry blossom petals floating on it, and a few bright red goji berries falling in it, it's like a cute girl smiling at people, very sweet.

Jiang Che was so attracted by this bowl of soup that he even forgot to drink it.

Ning Yun seemed to be used to others being intoxicated by the sales of his own works, so he rubbed Jiang Che's head: "Eat it while it's hot, you're the only one."

The implication is that Jiang Anzhi is only worthy of watching from the sidelines.

Jiang Anzhi shook his head helplessly, Ning Yun's stingy character has been consistent for ten years.

"I boiled it for more than 7 hours, and I didn't have time to drink it myself, so don't even think about it." Ning Yun said it as a matter of course and turned to continue cooking.

At this time, Jiang Che tenderly picked up the small spoon and took a spoonful of sweet soup to his mouth. The faint fragrance of cherry blossom and peach blossom came to his nostrils. Almost devoured.

Jiang Anzhi watched his son eating like a piglet, his hands curled up like lotus joints, white and tender and cute, he couldn't help rubbing Jiang Che's head.

Jiang Che raised his eyes and glanced at his father who was smiling flatteringly. After thinking for a while, he reluctantly took a spoonful of peach blossom soup and handed it to him: "Dad, drink it."

Jiang Anzhi laughed, "Drink it yourself."

"Drink it, your saliva is about to flow out."

"..." Jiang Anzhi.

After listening to the whole paragraph, Ning Yun couldn't help laughing, "Do fans know that you are so humble at home?"

Jiang Anzhi shook his head to express his sadness.

Ning Yun continued to sigh: "However, it is quite enjoyable to have such a cute little thing by your side. It is a winner in life."

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