Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 72: Each fight (end)

Musashi silently watched that it had become a corner of the world's extinct lush forest. There were tree fragments with fresh stubbles, **** flesh attached to the fur, dark feathers with blood traces, and a well-preserved one. , But some twisted fire-breathing dragon corpses.

If you are closer, you can still be under the body of the fire-breathing dragon, and you can see a flame that feels everything is under control from beginning to end.

Not long ago, he was standing on the back of the Arrow Eagle with high spirits, slamming the sky and fighting for the great cause of the Lava team. He was a victorious general. At this time, he was dying like a dead corpse, and his breath was almost imperceptible.

Of course, the reason for his weak breath is to a large extent attributed to the fire-breathing dragon pressing on him, which is equal to injury and injury.

As for the arrow eagle you asked?

Unfortunately, the first time after Shirabi opened and turned into Gundam, he was shot to death.

The reason is that the dark elf ball that the flame took out was too tricky when the rabbi hated it. As for the reason, it needs to be traced back to more than thirty years ago. I won’t go into too much detail on this, but it’s a blessing and a curse. , That experience made Shi Rabbi suddenly realize the ability to transform into Gundam, which doubled Shi Rabbi's combat power, and the title of Empress Audrey was completely determined after he took Shi Rabbi.

Not much to say, Musashi gazes deeply at the flames of life and death. It is not her character if she is not saved by seeing death, and even if it is an enemy, with her bug-like snake contract ability, the enemy can change with a greater probability. Become one's own.

So he waved his bare hand, the body length was 2 meters, the 150kg big guy dangled and floated, and then fell to the side with a bang, Musashi squatted down and poked his finger at the flame that was basically the same as the dead man. , Felt it for a while and nodded, there is still help.

Turning his head and said to Naga: "Naga, the poisonous needle and the silver needle continue to live."


Naga responded, the blue light in his eyes continued to flow, and the petrochemical work did not scan the whole body of the flame. It was precisely relying on the particularity of the petrochemical work that he easily found the major points and culprits of the flame's body.

Opening his mouth spit out several slender poison needles like cow hair. Each poison needle is hollow and contains a little life essence, and these life essences are derived from Naga’s inner alchemy. It is a bit rarer and more precious than ordinary honeydew, especially for flesh and blood. In addition to the essence of life in the poison needle, there is a little invisible snake venom at the needle point.

Of course, the effect of snake venom is not to poison the flame, but to stimulate the fire of life that is about to extinguish. The effect of touching the snake venom is like blowing a wind on the wick with only sparks, accelerating the burning, and making the sparks change. It has to be vigorous, so that the essence of life that follows closely, that is, lamp oil, can better exert its own effects.

After all, if you don't mention the dose of poison, you are all hooliganism.

The last point is that medicine doesn't divide family. Musashi first learned medicine from Yingu, saving people and curing diseases.

Moreover, since the so-called benevolence of the doctor, since he decided to save lives, Musashi would not do any arbitrary means to the patient.

Along with the penetration of the poisonous needle, the flame's body trembled slightly, and the exposed skin quickly turned red, which was a sign of the rapid spread of neurotoxins.

At this time, Musashi knew that the activity of the whole body of the flame had been activated, and the most important thing was the infusion of life essence, which completely activated the vital signs of the stable flame, and continued his life state. Then Musashi only needed to add fuelwood to it, and the flame would do it. Completely rescued from frequent deaths. After that, he only needs to heal his injuries, and after a while, he will be able to survive again.

The poison needle melted into the flame's body, the original crimson color quickly faded, replaced by a normal and fresh skin tone. Naga felt the flame's digestion of life essence, nodded to Musashi, and was ready to begin.

Musashi prayed silently. The misty, pure white light appeared in Musashi's hand and jumped gently. It was an intermediate healing technique. However, because of the bonus of Musashi's deputy occupation, the healing technique was upgraded by one level and changed to a high-level healing technique. With the addition of advanced healing techniques, the flame's breathing quickly stabilized, and the wounds on the surface of the body were also healed. Except for the slight color difference on the skin, it is almost impossible to notice that the flame's body has been severely injured and is dying.

Now that the flame is free from the threat of death, Musashi also stopped and stopped the treatment. After all, there is no need, right? He stood up and held the things in his hands tightly against the flames. It was dark in color, revealing the evil of society. The strange poke ball bounced out and landed on Musashi's hand.

"Is this a poke ball?"

Then the attributes of this poke ball appeared in Musashi's eyes.

Poke Ball: Hunting Ball

Function: It can capture a Pokémon that has been subdued, and can block the original Poke Ball from tracking the Pokémon.

Capture rate: 0.5

Explanation: Because of the immature technology, the capture rate is only a little higher than that of commercially available red and white balls, but the cost is hundreds of times that of ordinary red and white balls. (The gain is not worth the loss)

Put this pokeball into your own space backpack and give it to Jigme for research after returning. Although Musashi doesn't need this kind of function, it is still necessary to protect his pokeball before it happens.

Then, looking at the huge treant who slowly disintegrated and gradually dissipated in the forest, and when he was about to leave, Rabbi Shirabi, who was not at all tired at all, couldn't help but twitch a little.

Because Musashi has confirmed that he was played by the Rabbi Shirabi, he was worried for so long, but he couldn’t say about Shirabi is the Pokémon of the mother-in-law, and guardian One of the gods in the world is not in her turn to point fingers and accuse the other party of being unkind.

However, before Shirabi left, he also explained to Musashi the reason for doing so, in order to reduce the vitality of some hostile forces through fishing, but this approach can not be repeated, so before the start of the plan. There is nothing special to say with Akira Musashi.

Then Shirabi also talked about the power of faith, and the opportunities that the Sundering Seat and Hackron had obtained from it. As for Musashi, he asked how to deal with the fire geese and the flames. Shirabi waved his hand and asked Musashi to deal with it according to his wishes. It's fine, there is no need to explain to him.

Don't bother him if he clearly explained a few small things. After speaking, he opened the space and disappeared before Musashi's eyes.

"This...Wait...Wait." Musashi wailed. You don't want to deal with the mess in front of you! ! !

"Hey, forget it, let's do it yourself. Titan, the earth will fall."

The brilliance flashed, and the silver-gray steel snake appeared here. He didn't care about the situation here. He rubbed Musashi and Naga quite affectionately. Then, under the impatience of Naga's urging, he lifted his tail, lightly. With a tap, the solid earth is like a squishy muddy ground, engulfing this messy earth bit by bit, except for the fire-breathing dragon.

"Musashi!!" At this moment, Haruna's voice reached Musashi's ears.

Musashi turned around and saw Yang Na and Fan. A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth and said, "Yana, you are here."

"How's Lord Shirabi? Did you leave safely? Was the man named Flame defeated?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, let me answer one by one."

Daily routine, begging and begging.

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