Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 71: Fight each one (6)

Subtitle: Two or three things about the gods

I was about to seize the time to treat the two Musashi who were seriously injured and crashed. Seeing Shira falling like a meteor in the air, a heart suddenly hung up. Musashi's expression changed and he hurriedly confessed to Fan. The Naga on the side ran in the direction where Shi Rabbi had fallen.

Yang Na also watched Musashi leave with concern, but she couldn't go with her, because Shirabi was in distress and she had her responsibility, but the self-explosive magneto monster who could fight to the death for her was still on the verge of life and death. Together with Musashi, if you can’t help you at that time, it’s still possible to be delayed. This is the real mistake. Moreover, the Blast Magneto needs herself. Even if it can’t help, her existence can enhance the Blast Magneto’s desire to survive. This is why Yang Cai had to stay.

"The throne of the sky, the protector of the atmosphere, and the lord of the weather shrine, please be sure to bless Master Shi Rabbi through the difficulties and return to Guandu safely." Yang Cai ignored the mud on the ground, and sat down on her knees and reverently asked. Wandering where the cracked empty seat is sleeping, praying.

The dragon-shaped boulder, which is freely floating outside the atmosphere of the Elf World, quivered slightly, and the dragon's head split with two small scars, revealing a pair of emotionless eyes, or disoriented eyes, as if not asleep. The kind of loss of focus when waking up, but soon a sensation called dexterity appeared in these eyes, but in a blink of an eye, it was filled with endless majesty. The dragon eyes stared at some part of the elf world, and reflected in the eyes. A slightly lazy, but exceptionally pure and pious girl, then her eyes moved slightly, and a pothole in the green forest appeared. At the bottom of the pothole, a certain petite elf was protecting two. The little snake then nodded to him, seemingly conscious. As far as the image is concerned, there is not the slightest embarrassment, and it can even be said that it is in its heyday.

The huge dragon head also nodded slightly. This action seemed so inconspicuous, but the cosmic dust attached to the dragon head all the year round was peeled off and scattered at will in the weightless universe. Some even swiftly towards the elves under the action of gravity. The mainland flies away, but the faster it falls, the faster it dissipates. There may be one or two extremely small fragments that will land safely and become a treasure in the hands of a certain master.

But these are not the points, the point is that this person is so polite.

We must know that he is one of the only sources that can be traced back to the existing dragon clan. The arrogance of the dragon clan derives from him to a large extent. Now he nodded to the existence below him, which is really unbelievable. , But there were no other creatures here, and it didn't cause any sensation.

But it's only limited to this. After all, he will do this, completely because in his perception the strength of the opponent is not much weaker than that of him. The same is strong, and the necessary respect is still necessary.

With this man's movements, his true face also appeared, it was green...Bah, cracking the empty seat.

"Um... interesting, there are still little snakes willing to walk this dead end, huh..."

Even if there is a strong sense of disdain in the words of the cracked empty seat, the warmth in his eyes is real. After all, that unforgettable experience has left a color that is not far away in his endless years. Picture scroll.

Although I noticed the two little snakes behind him by Shirabi at the beginning, yes, dragons without long legs from the perspective of Schizophrenia are snakes, even if they have dragon horns, they can be regarded as scorpions in a broad sense. The dragon species, but from the perspective of the Rifts, it is a snake or a snake that has not grown up.

At this time, I noticed more that the road that these two hackrons chose to move on was exactly the road he created for the first rain god, who was also his former partner, but unfortunately, it is better than the empty seat. Created a straight road for his partner, a path to godhood without any regrets. Even if the vacant seat robbed Gaoka’s theocratic power of rain for this purpose, it made up most of the shortcomings, but a trick is a trick, and still let His partner is truly free and truly eternal, so he would say that this is a dead end where he can't go out.

But now that I have seen it, I also take care of the believers who can touch me by faith. I also bought a favor to Shirabi, opened his mouth, and an extremely subtle light spot floated out, a broken one with mysterious symbols. Spar, as soon as this spar appeared, there was a drizzle around the spar. You must know that the universe is void, and the concept of "rain" is impossible. Now because of the appearance of the spar, "rain" "Also appeared.

Yes, this is theocracy·Rain, but this is not a complete theocracy, but a broken, mostly destroyed theocracy. It is a miracle that it can remain in the state of a spar, and this miracle is created by the vacant seat. The only proof that his partner's first generation rain **** survived the world, but the fraternity he had already figured it out a long time ago, and has always kept this spar that is of no use to him, but there is no chance to send it out.

Now that you find a suitable junior, naturally there is no need to save it. When you blow the spar, the spar turns into a stream of light and plunges into the world of the elves. It just arrives next to Rabbi Shi in an instant, and then divides The second blended into the eyebrows of the two hackrons and disappeared.

The rift seat nodded in satisfaction, closed his eyes, fell asleep again, breathing, scattered cosmic dust once again covered the rift seat, a lifeless dragon-shaped boulder once again freely floating around the world of the elves in.

Shirabi looked at the two little dragons who had suddenly had an adventure, frowned slightly, but soon calmed down, and even showed some smiles. He glanced at a place in Fengyuan Continent, where is Guan Yagu. The place where Lado, or the place where Gulardo passively fell asleep. Then there is another place corresponding to it, where is a bottomless trench, and also the place where Guyoka sleeps.

Don’t look at the place where they slept very secretly, and there is no aura leaking. Knowing the existence of these two places is the person who participated in the incident at the beginning, and although the Sri Rabbi did not participate in the major incident at the beginning, but as Travelers in time and space, it is easy to know some secret things, after all, as long as they have existed in time and space, then it will be learned by Shi Rabbi sooner or later.

Then he took this favor, and even before returning it, he had to bother him to move again.

But soon, the smile on Shirabi's face disappeared, because of the lingering flames, his temptation came again.

Let us turn our attention to Musashi.

"Srabbi, you must have nothing to do."

While avoiding the savagely growing branches in the forest and the huge withered tree trunks that lay on the only way, Musashi prayed silently in his heart.

After all, Shi Rabbi was summoned by himself, so he had to go back as it was. If Shi Rabbi was captured by the Lava Team, then the mother’s combat power would be reduced by three levels and her influence on the outside world would also decline. half.

At that time, let alone organizing allies to fight against the Rainbow Rockets headed by If they can preserve their original foundation among the greedy allies, they are very kind and kind.

So there must be nothing wrong with the Rabbi!

The flame waited in the air for a while, but when he didn’t see the rabbi appeared from the pit, suddenly a new suspicious form, according to his understanding of the beast, even if it is weak, it won’t fall in a single blow. Is it to restore this forest? Squeezed him dry?

If you have doubts, naturally you can't commit the danger with your own body, and decisively command the fire-breathing dragon Y and other Pokémon to drop some height, aiming at the crater where the rabbi fell in a covering blow.

The faint green protective cover in the pit rose up and stopped all attacks, but the protective cover also turned bright and dark, and the flames were not surprised when they saw it. As long as the rabbi was still there, it was easy to handle, and , It is enough to confirm that the time rabbi at this time is already weak enough to open the door of time and space that is easy for him, and more strength will definitely be able to severely wound it, and then that thing will be useful.

The flame stood on the back of the arrow eagle, holding a pitch black poke ball in his hand. The pitch black seemed to swallow all the colors close to it. This is the poke ball newly developed by the Rockets, which can capture the poke ball of the beast. Although the capture rate is not high, the production is also very difficult.

But this poke ball has a special function, that is, it can block the influence of other poke **** on the main Pokémon, that is to say, using this poke ball can catch other people's Pokémon.

However, because the process is too difficult, and there are not many in Flames' hands, we must defeat Shirabi, and it is best to be in a state of severe injuries and frequent deaths, so that the success rate of capture is the highest.

Daily routine, begging and begging.

Without breaking my promise, I will update it.

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