Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 74: The choice of everyone

Although Yuan Lixun is not a person of Tianluoguo, but his face is not good to look at the country under the love of the house and the Uganda. It is really deceiving.

And she is also very clear about why He Yiming is so angry.

Since the Kailuan State Army has used it, it can still afford to live.

This kind of thing may have been seen by the top of the country, but no one stood up to speak.

In this moment, He Yiming’s heart sighs that the weak country is being bullied. This is indeed a famous saying.

His gaze swept around and the vendors here were a little nervous. Some of the son-in-laws were crowded together and had an unspeakable horror in their eyes.

When He Yiming saw these gaze, his heart seemed to be stabbed by something.

These are the people of the Tianluo people who lived under the water and under his protection.

Their worries and fears about the future made He Yiming’s inexplicable anger. This **** sentiment did not know where it came from, but it slowly spread until it was filled with his heart.

The two guys in charge of monitoring them suddenly hit a sly look at the tent where He Yizhen lived and remembered that when the curtain was just opened, he felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, and the night god, the **** of the throne. Seeking the magic of the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty, the royal family will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandoned The great Zhou Dynasty royal gods will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, and seek the devil to be proud of the world. The most powerful and abandoning of the big Zhou royal family to the chilly.

They thought they felt cold because the tent was cold. It is only in their hearts that there is a problem that is puzzling. How did the three of them stay in the cold tent?

Finally, many fast horses heard it in a place more than a hundred meters away from the camp.

Their movements became less tidy when they approached the camp. It’s just that they seem to be very sloppy, but He Yiming knows that this is just what they deliberately do.

This group of people is definitely a team that is banned from doing a good job. It is also a powerful team that can only be exercised in the military camp.

Xu Su and others have already turned their Ma Feng into a circle around the dough group. Although this may not be able to play a big role, it is better than nothing.

Seeing that they stopped, Xu Su’s heart was slightly safe. “The big brothers, we are from the small caravans of Kailuan, and there are filial piety in your place.”

A spear suddenly flew out of the camp and passed a bright line in the air. It went straight to the tens of meters and slanted out and inserted a few meters in front of the horse thief.

There is a parcel above the spear.

Although not very big, it looks quite heavy.

The inside is definitely yellow and white and the quantity is not too small.

He Yiming's heart is slightly moving, Xu Su is really sophisticated. He is obviously not the first time to deal with similar things, behave properly and hardly.

If they encounter a horse thief similar to the previous red towel thief and not led by the top ten elites, perhaps they will really let them pass easily.

After all, from the strength shown on that spear, at least it is also a repair with more than eight layers of internal strength.

When these ordinary one or two hundred horse thieves want to kill such a master, it is not worth the candle.

However, there was a thunderous laughter across the road. The voice of the sneak peek in the voice was like a high-spirited person who looked at the roadside beggars and was full of disdain and disdain.

"The people inside listen to the woman who handed over the goods to half of all the women left behind."

The caravan suddenly disappeared............

Yuan Lidong’s face was a cold road. “Too much, they are going to kill them.”

In her tone, she said, "What do you think of the army of the Kailuan State? They are not afraid of scaring people, and there is no trader to take this road again?"

He Yiming sneaked a sigh of relief. "The merchants of Tianluoguo are gone, but the businessmen who open the country are still there."

Yuan Lixun suddenly stunned her eyes and looked around with the eyes of the women and children.

Xu Su’s face was gloomy and afraid of people. A big fat man was so painstakingly and cautiously came to his side and whispered, “How about Xu Xiong?”

Xu Su shook his head with a voice that was as low as inaudible. "It’s not a big trouble."

Zhang Cai was shocked and said, "They are only two hundred people."

"Their 200 people are much more powerful than ours here." Xu Su said coldly. "We have been listening to me for decades. I lost your goods with your people and later fled."

Zhang Cai’s body trembled with the fat on his face and said, “What about you?”

Xu Su smiled and said, "Since I have eaten this bowl of rice with blood and blood, what can I do?"

Zhang Cai’s small eyes flashed a fierce whisper and whispered, "Let's go together."

Xu Su shook his head slightly and said, "You can't go, I can't." His eyes suddenly showed a rare crazy color. "If I want to die, I will leave them enough price............... Zhang The finance minister sighed and knew that Xu Su had already died and would never persuade him again. And Xu Su said that since he chose this road, if he is in the future, he will not be able to lift his head before the day.

He moved his fat body back into his tent and glanced at the precious goods. Although he was full of resentment, when he regained his gaze, he no longer had a bit of attachment. It seemed that those things were Not belonging to him.

It seems to be impatient in the distance.

The thief’s collar suddenly shouted, “If you don’t pay attention to the big face, you will kill a piece of film.”

He raised his big knife in his hand and burst into a sound like a thunder.


Behind him, more than two hundred people raised their weapons together and pointed out that it was here that the campsite "killed."

The violent voice formed a huge sound screaming over the camp.

In the interim, the silent silence in the entire camp, after seeing the momentum of the people like a rainbow, no one would think that Xu Su and others can withstand it.

Even the old man who followed Xu Xu’s confidence in him for more than ten years was shaken at this moment.

Anyone knows that when this group of people rushed over, it was absolutely unstoppable. And their rudimentary car defense may not even be a little obstacle in the eyes of others. The "wow" loud cries suddenly rang from the camp.

Although the number of people who have a family of these vendors is not so many, the number of women and children is only forty. But at this time, some people couldn't stand it and burst into tears.

The tragic atmosphere of the moment spread throughout the camp, and the atmosphere that was already fearful spread spread.

Xu Suxin was not good, but unexpectedly, the opposing cavalry did not take this opportunity to kill but came in the direction of a mocking sneer. It seems that they have never worried about this action and disdain it.

Xu Suchang sighed and sighed with a bitter smile. The English name accumulated in the past few decades will be paid for today.

He looked into the distance in this dark world. He seemed to have seen his wife and children waiting for his return to the distant home.

His mouth squirmed gently and pulled out the sword a little bit.

From his body, the most powerful momentum in his life has risen.

"Put it down once they attacked everyone, don't resist, immediately flee the goods, and be sure to escape."

The people in his body face each other when Xu Su pulled out the sword. They all thought that this was the head to show their determination to fight to the end. However, Xu Su’s words made them very surprised.

One person stepped forward and said, "Big brother is not a horse thief. If we fight with them, we will certainly lose."

Xu Su smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "Listen to me."

The people around him were all sinking but only obeyed under his gaze.

When the last person left, Xu Su’s face became more and more bitter. He whispered to himself, “When the elite of the country is open, what do we have to fight with them?”

Suddenly an unexpectedly low voice rang in his ear "Of course it was taken to fight."

Xu Su was shocked. He turned sharply and saw He Yiming not knowing when he had come to him. His face changed so much that he did not arrange for two people to monitor them, but he let him come here.

The sword in his hand was cold and said, "Who do you want to do?"

He Yiming turned a blind eye to the swaying sword in his hand. He just walked toward the front and looked at the body of the second Xu Su He Heming. As he walked, he saw that the sword in his hand would pierce his body. He couldn't help but take the sword back two steps to give up the passage.

He Yiming stopped at the time of passing by him and looked at him deeply. This eye contained the eyes of Xu Suwei. Then he walked out of the carriage circle and stopped at the front ten meters.

Xu Suzhen looked at He Yiming's back and his mind was filled with countless thoughts.

Suddenly, he felt that he was looking up and looking at dozens of brothers who followed him on the road between life and death, and the brothers who came over were already reunited with him.

Although the expressions in the eyes of the people are all different, they are full of trust in their eyes.

His heart was hot but he immediately remembered the power of the regular army of Kailuan. The enthusiasm that had just surged suddenly seemed to be cold and cold by the water.

Taking a deep breath, he waved his hand and said, "You are all scattered, you can escape. One is two, remember to live."

He strode forward and pushed the crowd out of the carriage to come to He Yiming.

He Ming looked at him with a smile and smiled. "How come you are alone?"

Xu Su smiled and said, "They are all home and small. I can't let them die here in vain."

He Yiming said with a smile and said, "So what about you?"

Xu Su's teeth close his eyes, and there is a hint of pain in his eyes. He Yiming's voice gently screams in the noisy ridicule, although it is not big but it is clearly audible as if it is close to him. The ear is like talking.

"If even someone like you loses the confidence to win, then Tian Luoguo really wants to lose."

Xu Su Zhang had a big mouth and his heart was mixed. I don't know why he faintly felt that He Yiming's words had a power that made him feel excited. The blood that had already been cold in his body seemed to boil again. The body that was already young is seemingly full of the power and fighting spirit that does not belong to him.

His cockroach turned his head and looked at the group of cavalrymen who were like a cat and a mouse. The eyes of his eyes gradually turned red. The two bright red bloods... The shards carved behind them, the dozens of men you see. I see you, the faces of people who are facing each other are blinking, but more people's eyes are filled with a brighter and brighter brilliance.

Finally, a middle-aged man pulled out his own waist knife and his waist knife was nearly one meter long. The blade is generous.

He stretched out his thick tongue and licked the blade and the bright red liquid flowed out along the sharp edge. He snorted and smiled a few times and glanced at the faces of the companions.

Then he turned and strode through the carriage and followed Xu Su's footsteps.

The original few people whose eyes were flickering were swept away by his gaze, and the look of his face was suddenly a sweeping thought in the heart of the red.

A one-eyed, one-armed old man sighed and sighed. He lifted a long thing from behind and slowly removed the carriage and walked there.

He is the master of the fire in this team.

He is a crippled person, not only has one eye and one hand lost, but his feet are also awkward. In the dark night, his steps seem to be more difficult. But at this moment no one dared to laugh at him.


A violent voice cut through the silent night sky. A strong man stood up and didn't know whether it was red because of excitement or fear.

"It’s just taking the lead with Lao Tzu."

After his voice was loud and deafening, he picked up a big axe almost equal to him and walked forward.

However, his figure has not crossed the rut. A thin figure has already rushed out first. He flew to the side of the old fire. It was like a follower-like cockroach that supported the old man's trembling body.

Everyone has recognized this little guy in an instant. It is the orphan who was adopted on the old fire. The ten-year-old boy, who was only 12 years old, stepped out from the carriage and they came silently behind Xu Su.

Xu Su did not look back but if he turned back then he would know why He Yiming could come here silently.

Because twenty of those people behind him are the young people he sent out to monitor He Yiming.

At this time, the eyes of these two young people flashed with excitement. Their noses were nervous and pumping. After they stood out with a **** blood, they felt the martial arts and the sacred king made the sacred king to kill the gods and the gods. Proud of the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty, the royal family will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the week. The royal gods will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, and seek for the devil. The world’s most powerful abandonment of the great Zhou Dynasty’s imperial family has also produced a strong disregard for the momentum of life.

There is a kind of momentum that is dying in their bodies.

The atmosphere seemed to be quiet and awkward in the originally confusing camp.

From the gap between every carriage, there are a few pairs of eyes watching all of this silently.

However, not everyone has gone out.

After the vast majority of people walked out of the carriage, several people looked at each other and their eyes had an uncontrollable horror.

Silently, they turned and walked under the cover of the night. They rode their horses and desperately fled to the distance.

They abandoned their companions and abandoned the caravans they guarded. In the face of life and death, they chose their own lives, even if they were defeated in the future, even if they were far away from home, even if they were despised from this incognito.

But they are alive after all... Yuan Lizhen looked at the distant people who fled from here, and her eyes also floated a trace of sorrow.

The effect of the silt chopsticks is not far away. The more than two hundred knights looked coldly at them. He Yiming and others who were less than 100 meters away had a cruel and calm smile on the faces of these knights.

One person stunned. "I don't think I saw a few warriors this time."

"Warrior?" The voice of the Cavaliers was cold and there was no feeling of apologizing. "The Warriors will only be born in the country of the Kailuan. It is not the Warriors but the cowards who are obedient."

This person has a very high reputation among the knights. When he started talking, no one dared to interject.

Looking at the direction of the eastern horizon, the knight laughed. "The moment the sun rises, we attack and remember that anyone who escapes will not kill. The people who resisted killed me."

"Yes." The sound of the same voice spit out from the mouth of every knight.

He lifted the giant scimitar in his hand and he sneaked a sigh. "The things under the group also dare to resist me. I want you to know that anyone who tries to resist the opening of the country will be turned into a gray fly. As for that "His smile is like a trivial little thing in the narrative. "I want to divide his five horses."

It seems as if you feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred king, the sacred heaven, the strongest, the younger, the prince, the sacred god, the sacred god, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful Qiankun will kill the gods of the gods and seal the throne, seek the devil, respect the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abundance of the big Zhou, the royal family, and the gradual enhancement of the entire camp. They are all Most people look at them and they just can't decide how to be good.

There were also more than a dozen people standing up and they stood silently outside the big rim with their weapons.

It’s just that one of the tenth is really able to stand up here.

Everyone made a choice at this moment. Finally, the troops in front of them began to line up. They seemed to have given up the plan to install the powdered horse thief. More than 200 rides were neatly arranged.

The distance between the horse and the horse has opened up for anyone to see this scene can be guessed.

These people are not the thieves who are ridiculously disciplined but the well-trained elite.

They shot the queue in full view, and the knights in the hands of the knights lifted up and suddenly slammed into the first row of cavalrymen who screamed like a thousand horses.

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