Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 73: army

After hearing He Yiming's words, those people were first and foremost followed by face-to-face confrontation.

For the first time, they saw the people of the Tianluo State speaking in this proud tone when they talked about themselves and the country of Kailuan. At this moment, they seem to think that one of the three great powers in the northwest is not the country of the country but the country of the country.

If other people use this attitude to speak, then they will not sneer at it, they will secretly conceal that this person does not know how to be good.

But after seeing He Yiming's expression, they had an unexpected feeling that this person should have such a proud expression by nature.

After hearing the words of He Yiming, they even produced a sense of pride as if they were far more noble than those who opened the country.

Several people shook their heads and threw away this strange feeling. They secretly glared at themselves in the bottom of their hearts.

Xu Su’s heart is far from his peers, knowing that this person is by no means simple. Immediately, I smiled. "Since a few people can see our caravan, it is our honor to invite you to join us." Several people around him looked at him blankly and couldn’t figure out why the big brother who was cautious was changed this time. I have to talk so well.

Xu Su personally led them into the camp in the middle of the road.

However, the film brakes came to the biggest tent in the camp before Xu Su Gongdao. "Everyone is the leader of this team, but after all, it is employed. If everyone wants to join the caravan, they must get the leader of the caravan. Acknowledgement." The expression on his face with a apology is just right, and it will not make He Yiming feel embarrassed and will not arouse their resentment.

He Yiming smiled in his heart and said that no one can stand out among hundreds of people.

After Xu Su entered the tent alone, a man with a big belly walked out with him.

This person is too fat, a pair of small eyes seem to be drawn with reed leaves, but it flashes a glimmer of light to see the savvy color revealed.

Carefully and conscientiously watching He Yiming and others, his face suddenly filled with a smile. "Sui people, Zhang Cai, ask three high names." He Yiming smiled and said, "In the next step, this is 拙This is the name of the next brother in the lower division." Zhang Cai nodded his head and did not know whether he believed in his heart but his face could not see the slightest clue. Based on this, I know that he must be a well-experienced person and that such people generally do not take advantage of it if they do not take advantage of it.

"Li brothers, you also saw that we are a luxury tent with a limited family of goods." He smiled and said, "If you don't give up, even a small tent is still no problem." He Ming laughed. It’s very good to have a place to stay outside, thank you, Zhang Xiong.”

Zhang Cai has repeatedly waved his hand. "Since it is out of the house, it is natural to help each other. It is convenient for people to use it." He said that he had called a person to order a few times and someone once again took a tent from the caravan of the caravan. And began to build up.

He Yiming stunnedly looked at the faces of those people who seemed to be unwilling to accept this extra labor. However, no one opposed Zhang Cai’s decision and did not refute the fact that this person’s control over the caravan was extremely strong.

Zhang Cai will be invited by He Yiming and others to enter the tent. He and Xu Su are accompanying.

These two people have gone through countless places to see the talented person Zhang Cai’s eloquence is even more flexible. Any topic can make a little new meaning in his mouth, so He Yiming and Yuan Lixun are very satisfied. I don't feel lonely. As for the cold expression of his hundred and eight, he did not know whether he had listened to these words. Two Zhang Cai and Xu Su took time to look at the heart and the more he was sure, He Yiming and Yuan Li.

It should be that a rich lady has traveled to the hundred and eighty in name to be their brothers. But in fact, the purpose of their guards is to ensure their safety.

When the topic turned, Zhang Cai sighed, "The three of you are so lonely here are really too dangerous. It is better to take this road less in the future." He Yiming asked with amazement "Why?" Zhang Cai shook his head. "This is Tianluozhongzhong. Taia County is the most embarrassing place for horse thieves in the country.

If you want to be safe here, it is best to join a large caravan. Many people can protect themselves. ”

Yuan Lixun glared at the beautiful eyes of the beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter jacket m. "The horse thief in Tai'a County was not swept away in Taicang County." Although Yuan Lidong is not interested in such things, but the past The big thing that happened in Taicang County is that everyone knows everything. She stayed in Hejiazhuang for a while. As long as it is not a scorpion, it will be heard. It is no stranger to the horse thieves in Tai’a County. A bitter smile, "Mrs. I don’t know what the group was destroyed is the old group of horse thieves. It is because the old horse thieves have been eliminated, so our days are even more sad." He was really stunned by his sincere intentions, "What is Zhang Xiong?" Zhang Cai shook his head. "The former horse thieves have been entangled here for decades. Although they are greedy, they still know the necessary temperance. But these newcomers The horse thieves are like a group of wolves that have been hungry for a long time. They are all sorrowful in order to stand up. As long as they are slightly unsatisfactory, they are rushing to kill them. It is impossible to raise them for a few years. He Yiming’s face slowly gloomy. After the other party mentioned the horse thief in Tai’a County, he suddenly remembered the conversation between Cheng Fu and the Princess of Kailuan, who was heard in Tianluo.

In the conversation, He Yiming knew that behind the horse thief group in Tai'a County adjacent to the Kailuan country, there was actually the support of the second king of Kailuan.

If this is not the case, then the national strength of Tianluo will not be able to stop.

If this matter was in the past, he would have no choice but at the moment his status and personal strength and the time he just moved to the country of Kailuan have changed dramatically.

At this time, I met Zhang Cai and others. Maybe this is what God wants.

Seeing the sudden cold flash of the color of He Yiming’s eyes, Zhang Cai and Xu Su both felt that the heart was faintly cold and they were more certain that the three were not ordinary people.

After a while, the camp of He Yiming’s three people has been set up and the dinner is ready for peace.

At the invitation of Zhang Cai and others, He Yiming used dinner. Although these dishes were extremely simple and the taste was salty, it was obvious that the caravans had eaten faster and more often.

After the late tsun, He Yiming came to the tent. This is a tent that can accommodate ten people and it is more than enough for them to live.

Zhang Caikou’s voice is saying that the small tent actually arranged for them is already the best thing in the spare tent in the caravan.

After entering the tent, Yuan Lie whispered, "Is the horse thief here really so?" He Yiming nodded slightly. "There are people behind them who support them. Of course they are unscrupulous." "Someone is supporting Is it true that the horse thief does not care about Tian Luoguo?" Yuan Li Xun Xiu Mei slightly shouted.

He Yiming sneered at the two-channel "tube? Just how they managed it." Yuan Lixun slightly glimpsed her. It was also a smart person who was snowy and intelligent. At this time, the breakthrough was innate and the mind was sharp and seized.

"Is it the backing behind them. Is it the country?" "It’s good to be the second emperor of the country." He Yiming suddenly thought about it. "Perhaps this is the direct inspiration of the royal family." Yuan Lixun sighed a little, although she could not praise the company for such a behavior, but she knew that this kind of country and country was really difficult to say whether it was right or wrong.

The opening of the country has made it clear that it wants to delay the exhibition of Tianluo.

Although the horse thief is not enough for a country to affect her roots, but the group of horse thieves who are gone and gone are enough to make anyone have a headache.

Although there are three people in this tent, He Yiming and Yuan Lizhen are almost invisible to the existence of one hundred and eight.

After all, this guy is not a real person, and he sits quietly on the ground like a real statue. It is natural that he will ignore it without knowing it.

This kind of skill makes He Yiming envious, but he can't learn at all.

When the people laid the tent, the sheepskin blanket was laid on top of it and there was even a warm quilt.

Zhang Cai thought very thoughtfully, even in this simple place, He Yiming felt very satisfied.

The two men lay down side by side. They took up the position of three people unceremoniously. As for the hundred and eight, I was afraid that he never thought about sleeping.

The night has finally arrived.

The sky rises early and the black cloud leaks out. A few stars and waves like the sound of a meal. The infinite grassland during the day is fully digested in the wider night.

In the entire camp, except for the few state of the stables that came by chance, there were only those responsible for the guards.

For those on the road to go long, such a night is very common, especially the one-day traffickers and the rotating guards are basically heads up to the pillow and fall asleep.

This ability is also very useful when going out.

Finally, when the long dark night was about to smash past the burning novel network, He Yiming suddenly sat up from the fur. He turned his face and his ears swayed. The look on his face became extremely weird.

Yuan Li engraved all the questions, "What's wrong?" He Yiming pointed to the distant road. "Someone came to the number of about 200 rides." Good horse. ”

Yuan Li’s intriguing heart was able to be praised as a good horse.

Although more than two hundred horses are unlikely to reach the level of the Red Horse, but they are all good horses, it is also a wealth that cannot be ignored.

Yuan Lizhen half-closed eyes congenital gas in her body slowly running around the air temperature is even lower.

However, she is not the first time to do so. The right control of the infuriating control did not attract the attention of outsiders.

When the infuriating began to gather, her whole person had a strange change. An unspeakable awe-inspiring pressure spread from her body.

This is the unique momentum of the innate powers. Even unconsciously, Yuan Lixun has gradually become accustomed.

A moment later, her eyelashes twitched slightly. "I also heard it." Her voice was so excited that she did not master the power of the wind system, but when she used innate instinct, she could greatly improve the sensitivity of the individual's eyes and ears. It’s just that Yuan Li’s first official use is a bit of a fuss.

He Yiming shook his head and saw the appearance of Yuan Lixun as well as the scene when he first learned the wind and qigong.

After all, if the two young men and women who are under twenty are talking about the city, the nature is far worse than thunder and water.

There was a shrill whistle in the camp. This is a special instrument made of bamboo. It is indeed the best choice to wake up the crowd once it is sound and sweet.

Suddenly, the whole camp began to be lively. Two Yuan Li Xun gave a slight smile and went to the infuriating. She once again became a ten-normal little woman and never had the majesty feeling just now.

The footsteps screamed and rushed toward it.

"Is your brother here?" Xu Su’s steady voice sounded, but I don’t know why He Yiming heard a hint of vagueness.

His heart suddenly moved to understand that Su was suspected that he and others were related to the gradually approaching cavalry.

But this can't blame him for calling the time between them to be so clever. Even if He Yiming has a heartfelt explanation, I am afraid it is difficult to get Xu Su’s approval.

After opening the tent curtain, He Yiming took Yuan Lixun’s hand and walked out. As for the hundred and eight, he was behind them.

At the moment when the curtain opened, a chill of water swarmed and let Xu Su tremble and chilled. His heart was amazed how the weather suddenly became so cold.

But now it's winter, and it's already faintly heard the roar of the horseshoe, so he just left it a little hesitant.

After all, it is impossible to reach out to the innate realm with his knowledge and status. He is even less aware that some infuriating people have the ability to change the temperature around them.

After seeing the calm look of He Yiming and others, Xu Su’s face was a little slow. He immediately said, “Lie brother, we just have the existing horse thief coming to us. For your safety, it’s best to stay in the tent. Don’t go away. Arrange two brothers to protect you."

He said that he had to turn around and turn around and there was no stop for the brakes.

This kind of resolute attitude has made He Yiming have a glimpse of the appreciation of the heart has come to this critical point, of course, is to quickly deal with everything. If you still have to drag the mother-in-law. It’s a dead end.

More than a dozen people behind him followed, but left the two with a vigilant look and stared at them to see the posture seems to be a little wrong if they are not right.

He Yiming is not annoyed by this. His status at this time is not really in the mind for such a thing.

One of the two men, "The big brother, Mr. Xu, told me to ask you to go into the tent province and later he was injured."

He Yiming said with a smile and calmly said, "It doesn't matter if we are here to see what the horse thief in Tai'a County has taken."

The two of them saw that for the first time, when they heard the name of the horse thief, they did not show the fear of hesitation, but they were interested.

Before He Yiming and others, they did doubt that the three guests were actually a group with the upcoming horse thief. But after seeing this moment, I don’t know why this idea is getting weaker. It seems that comparing them with the horse thief is really insulting them.

I looked at one person and said, "Okay, you are here to watch but you must not leave. Otherwise, our brothers are not good enough to explain."

He Lu Ming smiled and nodded, so they were relieved, but they did not leave but were careful not to be on the alert. However, their eyes have been turned from time to time. He Yiming and others clearly have the task of monitoring them.

After a while, the sound of horseshoes gradually became clear. Although there were only two hundred people and more than two hundred rides, the strong momentum caused by these people when they rushed toward the camp was so fascinating that they could see the glory. Most people in the camp between the two scenes were So disciplined horse thieves are really rare.

He screamed and slammed a channel of "Army. Yuan Lixun's big eyeballs turned immediately and was the heart of the gods." ”

He Yiming sneered and said, "I originally thought that they were calling the idle people to act as horse thieves but did not expect them to send troops directly."

Although his voice is low, but it contains a chilling killing of a deep brake.

"His Royal Highness of the Second Emperor of Kailuan is really a soft spot for me to Tianluo." Yuan Li feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the most powerful The young Zhou Dynasty will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the young, the royal family, the gods, the night The **** of the gods, the throne of the gods, and the arrogance of the world, the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the powerful anger and resentment of He Yiming’s heart. She looked back and saw the flash of light in the eyes. Yuan City. Suddenly remembered the four kings of the Tu-Yu country who had died in a foreign land.

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