Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 50: 2 kinds of treasures

Under the gaze of everyone, Mao Lieguang once again clap the hands of the children who just went out and walked in respectfully.

Then Mao Liguang came to the round table. He waved a handful of men and then stepped forward to remove the unintentional gold plates and watched them with care. They knew that they were well trained and probably took care of them on weekdays. The good hand.

He Yiming's gaze turned to the heart and screamed. Unfortunately, there are many things in this area that are rare. The value of the items is much higher than that of the steel magnets presented by Ting Shiguang.

If it is possible, he really wants to rob the work items.

Even the value of those who have not fallen out is not inferior. But no one is working here right now.

After a few moments, some gold plates have been withdrawn, but the table is still full of things.

Mao Lieguang stopped in front of a gold plate. His gaze patrolled back and forth between the items in the gold plate and the items next to him. He didn’t know anything about these two things.

In fact, the basic workers that can appear here are all over the age of 100. Even though there are two advanced congenital realms less than twenty or thirty years old, they are also eighty or ninety years old.

These people have had the experience of traveling the world. It is said that the knowledge is broad, especially the identification of rare items is far above He Yiming, so they all see why Mao Lieguang hesitated.

Because the items in the gold plate and the items outside the plate are really similar in value and are not particularly rare items. Perhaps these two things are all things that are necessary for Kailuan, so he will be hesitant.

However, he has only decided to light up the time of counting.

He reached out and collected the item outside the gold plate.

When he made this action, He Yiji clearly heard that one of the masters in Tuyuguo had a long breath.

Although no one has turned back, everyone knows that it is the person who wants to exchange this thing and that person is quite valued in this transaction.

Mao Lieguang took another step forward and came to another gold plate. He glanced at the brows of the goods next to the plate and was obviously dissatisfied. He pointed at the gold plate in front of him and shook his head. When he took the gold plate by hand, the item next to the plate was quietly placed in place.

He Yiming recognized that this item was placed in the small country alliance. Because this person sat behind him, He Yiming was embarrassed to look back but his ears shook a little and suddenly heard a long sigh filled with regrets in the mouth of the show.

No matter whether it is precious or not, it is certain that it is not allowed to make Mao Lieguang tempted.

Mao Lieguang’s movements are not slow. In fact, his mind has long been concerned after seeing the exchange items that everyone has taken out. If he is willing, he can even complete all the transactions in the amount of interest. However, there are still many issues that are considered by the traders here. Not only the value of the goods themselves, but also the identity of the person who takes out the goods.

Don't look at Mao Zeguang's prestige at the moment. It seems that everything is in his grasp, but his heart is carefully watched as thin ice.

Finally he came to the gold plate of Huang Jing.

I saw him sighing and sighing for a long time and finally sighed a long sigh. "He brother, do you want this yellow essence?" He Yiming slightly followed the rules introduced by Shuixing Heng at the beginning of the round There should be no one to open the transaction.

However, since Mao Lieguang asked him to speak, he would not hear it.

"It’s good to look at Mao’s brother and become the second.” Mao Lieguang laughed happily: "Since He brother is so determined, this Huang Jing will be used as an open country gift to the brothers." He Yiming’s heart is so smart that he can’t I thought that there was such a change. He looked up at the crowd and saw that everyone was a stranger with a chest and a natural appearance.

Shui Hyun slammed into a light cough and he nodded to He Yiming.

Although He Yiming is puzzled but vaguely understands that this seems to be a kind of unknown rule that is popular among many masters.

He nodded slightly, He Yiming said, "Thank you so much for your brother." Mao Lieguang smiled and put He Yiming on the wooden box above and took it and placed it on the gold plate.

Then he walked down to the second. It didn't take long for everything to be processed. After this first round of exchanges, it is said that there are people who have a happy and happy exchange. Naturally, they are overjoyed but unsuccessful.

Under the guise of Mao Liguang, the men gathered things and took the items on the table one by one to the corresponding innate masters and then slowly and quietly retired.

Mao Lieguang shook his fists to the crowd: "The first round of trading can end the public. You can rest on the second round of the tea. You are asked to be the master of the second round... Wood is all dumb and laughs: "The items that Mao brother took out in the first round It’s already so good that I’m afraid that what we’re prepared is hard to get into the eyes of the public. "Mao Liguang was polite and a group of people walked out of the room."

He Yiming stood up and dazzled the water to make a big stride of the eyes and dazzled the water. Naturally, the heart would follow closely.

A few steps between them have come to the place where the shade is forested.

He Yiming opened the door and asked: "Why is the water brother Mao Lieguang so generous?" Shui Hyun said with a smile: "It is not that he is generous but he wants to please you." He said that he took a long breath. "This first round of trading is actually nothing more than a treasure at the beginning. For the strongman of the first-line sky, the basic work is invisible." The rewards reminded me of Zhuo Wanlian. It’s really remarkable that you can’t look at the things in your heart.

Although he is also one of the first-line powerhouses, if the light and the family's richness is afraid, it is not even a hundred days.

Shui Hyun continued: "The value of the sandalwood that you brought out is far more important than that of Huang Jing. If you are only a hundred days, then he naturally accepts it quietly. But what is the first line?" He smiled awkwardly. The two-channel "this kind of trade fair for the first-line days is actually quite fair.

He Yiming looked at his strange eyes and finally understood the truth.

The so-called fair trade meeting was still unfair.

It’s just that this kind of unfairness is good for him. So he naturally won’t object to it. After the second tea time, everyone returned to the house. This time, the woods all walked up and took the initiative to show the people all the guys behind him. When you stand up, you will carry the things you carry with you on the desktop.

He Yiming’s eyes swept him. Unfortunately, most of these things are not known.

However, one thing is certain that there are few real treasures in the second round of trading, such as herbs and rare ores.

And even if there are accidental two treasures, there are some clearly visible cracks or defects.

For these innate powers, such things can only be said to be better than nothing, so everyone’s eyes are just a glimpse of nothing.

The rules of this round of trading are the same as the ones at the same time. However, the difference from the last time is that everyone behind the woods has no work before the masters of the Shu Kingdom and the small country alliance are carefully selected. Binoculars clearly met the favorite items.

He Yiming did not shoot this time because there is no such thing as his needs. In fact, even most of his things can't be named, and naturally he is even more reluctant to work out.

The end of the second round of trading was the beginning of the third round of tea martial arts. This time, the people who took the water and the other people took out the items they carried and placed them on the table.

There has been a secret exchange between the masters of the Small League, so the things they have come out are not what they need. However, for the other two parties, some of them may be the treasures they dream of and want to acquire.

Finally, the third round of trading ended. "Two-thirds of the items in the small country alliance were successfully exchanged. However, most of the exchanges were made by the people of the woods, and the things they carried were rich and obvious. Outside the pre-state. Almost every item has more than two things before it is chosen. The success rate of such exchanges naturally goes a lot.

Moreover, He Yiming also noticed that there is a tricolor stone in the items taken out by a master of Tuyuguo. After the tricolor stone is taken out, the master of the Kailuan country or the master of the small country alliance will choose success. transaction.

It can be seen that this tricolor stone should be a special product of the country of Shu, but it is rare within the scope of the Kailuan state.

After the three rounds of trading, Mao Liguang walked out and laughed. "The position is since the collective transaction has been completed. Then the private communication is followed. But there is a little open person here to repeat the things that are traded privately according to the usual rules. The National Masters Hall is not responsible." He said this sentence intentionally or unintentionally in the direction of He Yiming. It seems that it is specifically for He Yiming’s words. Expressionless. After a few years of turmoil, his face has been much thicker than before.

After Mao Lieguang finished, he had already put out the things he wanted to exchange before the work, and put it on the round table. Some people even took out a piece of cow and prepared the wooden sign. Some words indicate what they want to redeem. .

Soon everyone’s success in trading with each other is certainly a smile without success, and it’s not that the bad words are just a shoulderless gesture.

The gaze of the reverence must be filled with knowledge in this aspect after the work of those things has swept his heart and determined to go back. Keep some of the world's rare items in mind as much as possible. Otherwise, you will be blind at the next similar trade fair. Even if there are really good things, you will miss it.

Just want to keep all the rare items of the world workers in mind. This is also a vast project, even if it is a front-line powerhouse like him.

Suddenly, He Yiming sensed a strong line of sight on him.

In the heart, He Yiming looked up and just greeted the woods.

There seems to be no trace of greed in this pair of eyes, but full of a friendly taste. Just after seeing the eyes of the woods, He Yiming’s heart was full of chill. He killed a prince and a master of Tuyu, but it was not too chilling if nothing happened.

Wood came to his side and whispered before the work: "He brother, I have a private matter that I want to discuss with you and I don't know if I can move it."

He Yiming indulged with a smile and said, "Okay." They left the room side by side. Although everyone looked at it, they didn't care if the two people came to the shade under the tree. This time, the misunderstanding between us and the brothers of this time is purely caused by the fact that the second generation of the singer Cong Cong dared to cause harm to the esteemed wife.

He Yiming smiled and said, "While the brothers have already been in the mood, then this matter has been broken."

In fact, in He Yiming's heart towel, there is still a deep deep mustard that does not have the slightest affection for the cultivation of the 悻 悻 悻. But the problem is that even if he is ten times more arrogant, he will not think that he alone can shake the whole picture.

So when he kills Stephan Cong, he can't be provocative anymore, whether he wants it or not.

Wood did his best to say to him: "He brothers thank you a lot.

He Yiming took a step back and returned half a courtesy: "Mu brother, if you ask me out, it will not be for this little thing."

Wood is full of laughter and laughs: "He brothers are quick words, then I will say it straight." He put away the smile on his face: "He brother Mu has a son and grandson. He is practicing three systems. ""

Speaking of here, he stopped his mouth and looked at He Yiming.

What does it mean to be in the heart of He Yiming’s heart?

It seems that I can see that He Yiming’s doubts have been painstakingly reminded: “The grandson of Mu Mou’s 68-year-old is not yet innate, but the three-line exercises have been cultivated to the top ten.”

Speaking of his face here, there is a hint of arrogance. It seems that he is very proud of this. Hehe suddenly stunned and suddenly realized: "Do you want me to bless the meridians for his protection?"

Wood all day nodded and took out two fist-sized square boxes from the body and handed them over to the Secretary: "If the brothers are willing to help him, then two things will be paid."

In addition, if there is any request from the brother, please ask Mumou to do his best. ”

He Yiming indulged in opening two square boxes. Among the two boxes, there was a crystal clear stick with only the middle finger.

When the box opened, a strong ice force from the stick came out. Even the surrounding environment seems to have dropped a few degrees.

In the other box, there is a stone with four colors. The eyes of the two hesitants fell on the stone and suddenly recognized that this thing is definitely the same as the popular three-color jade. The item is just a jade in the box.

He thought that when the masters of the congenital world saw the three-color jade, they immediately exchanged their own items with their own thoughts. They knew that this thing must be a rare thing, and the white stick with the chill can The juxtaposition of things must also be different. But the only thing that made him regret was that he did not recognize what the two items were.

Wood's face has a steady confidence. He took out these two items and actually got a **** one.

The innate powers of the three lines of fellow initiates in the basic five lines were originally rare and even if they had such attributes, they did not match their grandchildren.

If this is not the case, he can't really put aside all the grievances and bring out such two precious items. He is pleased to help you. Cong has a blood relationship with him but it is already In addition to the five uniforms, although the innate master of death also has a certain relationship with him, but these two people are dead after all, how can they compare with the future of his grandparents, the two-phase three-series, perhaps not at the beginning How big is the advantage. But he understands that if this talent can be exhibited, then what great advantage it will have when his infuriating reaches the peak of the sky and successfully breaks through the first-line days.

Of course, his grandson is not a big deal compared to the people in front of him.

However, when he sighed, he saw that He Yiming’s face was not only a surprise, but a slight wrinkling. He was shocked by the fact that the value of these two things is still unable to impress He Yiming?

It’s just that no matter how he guesses, He Yiming, who thinks of being a first-line powerhouse, is not unsuccessful but does not know the true value of these two items.

The hesitation of his performance is actually a close observation of these two things and speculation about their use.

If you let the wood know all the time, I was afraid that he would be depressed and vomiting blood on the spot...

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