Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 49: Master Fair

The biggest feature of the northern courtyard is the big one.

In the temple where Zhan Tianfeng lives, the area is very wide. If someone is here, even if it takes a day and a night, they can only walk around.

He Yiming and Shui Xuan Heng and other nine innate powers from different small countries came here under the leadership of Mao Lieguang.

The location of the Masters Fair was not arranged here because no one dared to disturb Zhan Tianfeng’s cleanup.

However, this time suddenly there are more than two strong people in the first-line days. Naturally, there is something wrong with it.

Zhan Tianfeng personally recited this event in the place where he lived, and naturally no one dared to raise objections.

Mao Lieguang walked in front and smiled and said: "He brothers and friends here are the gardens that Zhan Taishi personally ordered to collect and plant. It is a holy place in our country, please take a look at the two."

Water Happiness and others, like He Yiming, are the first to enter this mysterious temple.

Although they all know that there is such a place in Kailuan, it is the first time that they can really enter this place.

Their eyes squinted in the direction of He Yiming from time to time. They all know that this is completely for the benefit of He Yiming. This is the second time that He Yiming is walking in this piece. Among the avenues formed is an inexplicable one with a strange feeling. The most beautiful place here is naturally the area where Zhan Tianfeng lives.

A few hundred meters away from there, there are pieces of trees transplanted from all over the place. These trees, such as covered or covered with gold hooks or hands, are listening to the whispering and whispering. The sound of Songtao really has some fun.

When He Yiming walked through this jungle, his eyes were always on these trees, he could even feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the strongest. Abandon the little Zhou Dynasty royal family will kill the gods of the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the demon, the arrogant world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the gods, the night The goddess of the gods of the gods and gods seeks the devil to be proud of the world. The nine heavens are the strongest to abandon the unique atmosphere of the great royal family from these huge trees.

At this moment he remembered the piece of medicine garden in Yokoyama. Only in the most suitable place for wood exhibitions can he feel a similar atmosphere.

His footsteps have slowed down and his spirit has a hint of embarrassment. There was a strange pattern in his mind.

The only thing that remains the same among these patterns is a person.

This person is practicing in this environment all the year round. Every time he cultivates, he will use these trees to absorb the atmosphere of the outside world.

Decades of cultivation have given this person a high degree of accomplishment in the wood system. At the same time, in this person's cultivation process, these trees have achieved a win-win situation. Not only is his wood system so arrogant as the sea, but even the big trees here are also benefiting from the extraordinary growth.

"The law of planting trees in your country is really unique." Zhao Ruipei said with a smile: "If I have not mistakenly, these poplars should be unique plants of the East. If they are transplanted to the northwest, we can survive." No. And this poplar tree has grown to such a place here is not a day's work."

His words are full of a sly taste that seems to be confusing.

He Yiming’s heart fretting and he thought of something faintly.

Even if Zhan Tianfeng is power, money and status, he will not transplant the poplar trees here for no reason.

Moreover, although the woods here are not very large, the variety of trees planted in them is almost a museum of Dacheng.

A strange thought flashed through his sea.

Is Zhan Tianfeng specifically collecting and planting these trees and these many trees are vital to his martial arts practice?

Unconsciously, everyone has already passed through the woods and He Yiming is even embarrassed to go back or stay there.

Soon everyone finally came to the legendary courtyard where Zhan Tianfeng retired.

In addition to He Yiming, everyone came for the first time. When they saw the simple place of this place, they felt a strange look. Then there were a few people’s eyes showing a hint of enlightenment. They knew that Zhan Tianfeng turned out to be a tough ascetic.

However, there are countless kinds of cultivation methods and attitudes in the practice of cultivation. It is not necessarily suitable for everyone. The masters who can reach the innate realm have their own unique cultivation experience, and they will not envy this arduous cultivation method.

At this time, many innate powers in the Kailuan Masters Hall have come to six people. Apart from Zhan Tianfeng, the other few people are not in the country. After being unable to attend for two moments, Zhan Tianfeng has already come out of the inner room.

When he walked into the room, everyone was respectful greetings and did not dare to have the slightest scorn.

After all, the innate powers that appear here are within the sphere of influence of the country. Before they were promoted, Zhan Tianfeng was already the innate master of the world. When they stepped into this rank with unparalleled perseverance and luck, Zhan Tianfeng was a further success.

The three words of Zhan Tianfeng are like an unshakable mountain that has always been suppressed in the hearts of everyone.

Si Shi, a man who is almost legendary in the eyes of everyone, is also the pinnacle of the whole country.

His reputation within the sphere of power of the Kailuan is like the difference between the water and the horizontal in the country of Tianluo is even better.

It is because when the people standing in front of him stood in front of him, although he was filled with emotions, his respect for him was not from the heart.

Zhan Tianfeng’s face greeted everyone with a gentle smile.

It’s just that everyone can easily see that he’s really worried about He Yiming’s position and even the presence of the audience.

Throughout the room, it turned out that the many seats were turned into a round shape.

Among them, there are three seats in the middle and the seats are behind the three seats and are faintly divided into three parts.

Of course, there is a big round table in the middle of all the seats.

Although this arrangement looks a bit weird, it is clear in the eyes of everyone.

At the invitation of Zhan Tianfeng, He Yiming was only slightly hesitant to sit on the three seats in the middle of the light, while Shui Hyunheng and others sat in the seats behind him.

If it was in the past, although it was the most middle-aged of all innate powers, it could not sit in the first place.

After all, in the innate is not ranked by age ... but to speak with personal strength.

But at the moment, when He Yiming sat down, the other masters in the small country alliance quietly waited for the water to dazzle down until they sat down and sat down one by one in the previous order.

Although this action is not conspicuous, it is quite exciting in the heart of the water.

He looked at He Yiming, who was not particularly tall, and he had such a chance. It was because his relationship did not immediately take out his own things after the people were seated, but they talked about laughter and happiness.

However, everyone's eyes also accidentally cast their doors to the gates. They are waiting for the arrival of the masters of Tuyu.

After the meal, everyone’s eyes were bright, and they all sensed a few powerful breaths from afar to the place. It didn’t take long for the innate masters from Tuyu State under the leadership of Zhuo Wanlian and Mutiantian. We have already appeared here.

Zhuo Wanlian laughed happily: "Zhan brothers, brothers, you are coming early."

The rough voice of his appearance is like thunder, but he just greeted the two first-line powerhouses present. The rest of the innate masters, but he did not care, simply did not put it in his eyes.

However, in the face of such arrogant people, apart from looking at each other, there was no other thought to accept this calmly. Zhan Tianfeng and He Yiming stood up and greeted him. Then their eyes fell. He is behind the woods.

Not only the two of them, the eyes of everyone in the room are concentrated on him. At this moment, it seems that Wood is more eye-catching than his brother Zhuo Wanlian.

Since the debut, there have been only a handful of times in which the woods have lost their battles. Nowadays, it is already the peak of the sky in the middle of the sky.

But at this moment, he was the biggest failure in his life, even if he had a blood relationship with him, he died under his eyelids.

All this is a big shock to his psychological impact. Although he said that Wood will definitely be able to break through the current realm, it is only speculation. At this time, since he appears in front of him, of course, he must personally evaluate it.

When everyone's eyes were concentrated on the wood, he saw his calm smile and said: "Wood has seen the masters of Zhan's senior brothers."

His attitude is not humble, even if it is in front of the two first-line powerhouses.

Moreover, He Yiming also sensed that his heart was really unsettled rather than forced to suppress. Even in the face of He Yiming, his eyes are still silent and there is no vengeful hatred.

For a time, He Yiming suddenly made a strange feeling. He rang: "Wood brother, are you going to retreat this time to hit the realm of heaven?"

Wood’s face finally showed a faint color and then laughed. “He brother’s eyesight is high. I am going to return to the mountain gate with my brother and try to hit the realm of heaven.”

His words are still calm. It seems that this is not something that has a vital interest in him. It is just a trivial little thing. In the eyes of everyone, it is slightly discolored. They look at the eyes of the wood all with envy.

For these innate masters, what can be more exciting than the promotion of the first-line days.

And it is only a genius in the genius that Wood is only a hundred and twenty years old at this age.

It’s only when the eyes of everyone fall on He Yiming’s body, it will inevitably bring a strange color.

If Wood is the genius of genius, then what is He Yiming who is promoted to the sky at the age of fifteen?

After a slight loss of life, Zhan Tianwei laughed: "The old man is here to wish the wooden brothers a successful promotion."

Wood made a deep sigh: "Thank you for your predecessors."

Everyone once again sat down, but the eyes of everyone looking at the woods have been a little different from before. They faintly feel that perhaps in the next one or two decades, there will be another top-level master of the first-line level in the country.

Zhan Tianfeng’s eyes swept away: “Since everyone has come together, this time the trade fair will begin.”

Mao Lieguang immediately stood up from behind him and came to the round table. "Since the crowd has come to the opening, let us do the lord's first ugly."

He took a few shots from outside the house and walked into the big man.

These men are one of the most energetic and steady in their lives, even in the presence of many innate masters.

Each of them held a gold plate with some strange objects on their hands.

Or the herbs that are picked and dried, or the medicinal herbs that have been refining or the treasures that make the finished products, there are some strange and light gadgets, but there is no strange place.

They placed the golden plates held in their hands on the big round table in the middle of the room and then abandoned them.

He Yiming's gaze turned into a circle for two eyes and finally revealed a hint of surprise.

Among the many items on it, he was given an herbal medicine.

If he remembers correctly, the name of this herb is called Huang Jing.

The use of this herb is not widespread, even with a slight toxicity.

However, this herb is an essential medicine for refining Yan Dan.

Although there are many rare herbs planted in the medicine garden of Hengshan. However, the medicinal materials that want to make up the refining of Yan Dan are still a lot worse, and Huang Jing is one of them.

In his heart, he secretly sighed and fortunately learned a lot of alchemy in Yokoyama and met many precious herbs. Especially the rare herbs that were not planted in the medicine garden were recorded under the supervision of the pharmacists. Otherwise, even if Huang Jing appeared in front of him, I was afraid that he would not know each other.

Mao Lieguang pointed to the golden plate on the table: "These items are all from the treasures we have selected from the national treasury. You may wish to choose."

Water Happiness and others immediately stood up and they walked around the round table without any sound. If they were interested in an item, they stayed on the item for a while.

Everyone seems to be obeying certain rules. Even the arrogant Zhuo Wanlian and the calm wood are no exception.

After half a ring, someone finally shot.

It was a congenital master from the Union of Small States. He took a piece of pale yellow stone from his arms and placed it next to a gold plate filled with jade bottles.

He Yiming has long understood that if the rules here are what he likes, then he will take things that he thinks are worthy of exchange and put them next to the favorite items.

If someone is willing to exchange it, it is a successful transaction. If someone thinks it is not worth it, they will take back the item.

Of course, if there are many people who have the same thing, then the owner will pick out the most suitable one from all the items.

In the process, everything is quiet and there is no slightest embarrassment.

Since the first person took the shot, everyone would no longer hold it. But in a few moments, several people took out their own items and placed them next to the gold plate of the favorite items.

Wood is also a favorite to take a herbal medicine out of a jade bottle placed next to the gold plate and then shipped back to the seat for another thing never looked at it.

As for Zhuo Wanlian, although he turned around, he eventually shook his head and seemed to dismiss it.

However, his attitude did not arouse the resentment of everyone. After all, as a first-line strongman and a hundred strong-powered people are still different, at least there is a huge gap in the horizon.

He Yiming carefully watched him for a while and he had an interesting phenomenon.

That is, when a person takes a shot, even if there is a second person who is interested in the item, he will not easily take it.

He thought a little bit about the things in his heart and it was more than enough for everyone.

In this case, unless you really encounter something that is necessary, you will not be forced.

Seeing this point, He Yiming did not dare to neglect. He immediately took out a wooden box and gently opened it to the side of Huang Jing's plate.

Today's He Yiming is the first-line powerhouse, and his every move suddenly caught the attention of everyone.

After seeing the things in the wooden box, everyone looked at each other and their thoughts flashed a thought at the same time. That is, He Yiming is determined to be sure about Huang.

The items in the wooden box are a treasure that He Yiming selected from the treasure house of This is a rare rare fruit Mu Muguo.

It can not only be used as a herb. If it is directly swallowed, it also has certain advantages for the innate powers who practice the woodwork.

If it is precious, it is indeed above the essence.

Zhan Tianfeng’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light. He was surprised to look at Mao Liguang’s enquiry. He nodded slightly.

Mao Lieguang was suddenly aware of his heart but his face did not have any expression.

Some of them have already returned to their seats, but others continue to row at the round table. There are a few hesitants who still show their performances. But it seems to be shy or because the items being prepared are worth a lot of money and are not willing to exchange.

After a full quarter of an hour, all the talents returned and there were already four-fifths of the golden plates on the round table.

It can be seen that the items taken out by Mao Lieguang are indeed very popular.

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