Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 36: Home letter

"When the 4th, when the roar of the lungs sounded, the master who injured a few Xie Zong guards suddenly moved. His movements were as fast as lightning, and they crossed the two in one step. A few meters away, came to Xie Mingjin's side.

The man’s wrist stretched out and turned out to be the first comer, blocking the hidden weapon from Xie Mingjin.

Xie Mingjin’s heart suddenly sinks to the extreme, so awesome and terrible, in the Xie family, afraid that only the uncle and the aunt can do it.

He suddenly understood that the man who jumped from the horse should be a top ten master of the inner strength.

After the man intercepted the hidden weapon, he still hit it with such a palm. This palm is not fierce. The power is not enough, but the action is extremely fast.

Xie Ming Jingangzhou jumped out, he tried his best to avoid this palm, but before he really reacted, he felt a strong upper body, and then a feeling of pain in the bone marrow from the point of force The rapid spread to the whole body.

His body flew a few meters in the sky, only to fall heavily on the ground, his face long ago, because of excessive pain and distortion. But at this moment, he has already seen the appearance of the knight immediately, and also saw the face of the man who shot him.

And the faces of these two people have been remembered in his heart forever...............The knights immediately left like the wind, and the ten-level master of the inner strength also left with the horse team, but Before he left, he still saw the luxury carriage that was parked on the side of the boulevard.

After seeing the logo on the carriage, the person glimpsed a little, and then his face changed slightly, which quickly caught up with the horse team and went all the way.

However, after catching up with the team, he immediately issued an order to a member of the team. Although that member is puzzled, he does not agree. But he did not dare to violate the law, had to order to dismount, quietly left, returned to the original place, secretly observed everything that followed.

Xie Mingjin swayed in the ground seven and swayed for half a time, which slowed down from the severe pain.

When he barely stood up, he saw Yuan Lie, a wolf. When he saw Yuan Lidong’s face, he couldn’t help but take a sigh of relief.

At this time, in the face of Yuan Lidong, there was a long blood mark. Xie Mingjin suddenly thought of the strange whip that was played for the knight.

He immediately understood that the man’s shot was absolutely arbitrary. This whip is going to the face of Yuan Lidong.

Although Yuan Litong is also a six-layer repairer of internal strength, it is not under him. However, when he was warm and devoted to training and polishing, Xie Mingjin had rich experience in confrontation with the enemy, but Yuan Lidong was completely ten.

Therefore, after suffering such a sudden whip, Yuan Lidong did not even have the opportunity to escape, so he was directly hit.

However, she is the only one of all who has not been in contact with the horrible inner ten-layer master, so there is no other damage besides the whip marks on her face.

At this point, the drivers of the two luxury carriages came over. After they saw the scene just now, they were helpless. Until the team of the knights ran far away, they dared to come to the rescue.

Xie Mingjin’s face has already become iron blue. He stepped forward and said: “Surname, you should get on the bus first.” Yuan Lihuang can naturally feel the burning pain on her face, and as a girl, she I care a lot about my own looks. After knowing that she was determined to break the ground, her heart was already a mess, and the six gods had no ownership.

After listening to Xie Mingjin's words, she nodded subconsciously and got into the carriage.

Xie Mingjin turned and looked at the two cowards, Ling Ran said: "Two, what was the character of the government in the past?" The two drivers looked at each other and looked at each other with a smile, one of ten, the age Slightly larger humanity: "Those people ran too fast, so we can't see clearly." Xie Mingjin's heart suddenly provoked a burst of anger, he has already seen the performance of these two people, and already guessed These two people must know the background of the group. It’s just that they are jealous, so they dare not say it.

His face was a little deep, but his eyes turned and he saw that the group had barely climbed up, but after all the painful guards, they had to suppress the evil fire in the chest.

The two people in front of me are not ordinary cars. If they do not have strong strength and force them to persecute, I am afraid that the wounded people on their own side may not be able to leave these two people.

Xie Mingjin’s face barely squeezed a smile, but I don’t know if it’s because of the injury or because of the bad mood. This smile is simply more ugly than crying.

"The two big brothers asked the two to send us back."

The two people saw that Xie Mingjin no longer asked the origin of the knight, but he gave a sigh of relief. As for the return of Xie Mingjin and Yuan Lidong, it was a matter for them to take for granted. Naturally, it was full of promises, and Be careful with your actions and be more careful than ever.

Or or the group of fast horses continued to run in the middle of the avenue, after passing through the small half of the city, before stopping in a huge manor.

For the people to jump down, his face looks rather bad, it seems that because of something, he is very angry.

When he dismounted, the rest of the knights also jumped and followed him into the manor.

The ten-layered master of the inner strength quickly stepped forward a few steps, saying: "His Royal Highness of the Four Emperors." For the person who is the four emperors of Tu Yiguo, he is out of town, and the country of Kailuan The second emperor hunted in the suburbs. But the final result was a bad one, and eventually he lost, so he would be angry, after entering the city, the fastest horse in the middle of the avenue.

Along the way, it also knocked over some of the powers of the Kailuan State that can walk in the middle of the avenue. But compared to his identity, these are trivial, not enough to make his heart's anger vent.

However, after hearing the voice of the guards, Stephan Cong’s footsteps were still a meal. He asked: “Stephen, what’s the matter?” Stephan hesitated, saying: “His Royal Highness, the continent we met. Ten, people, it seems to have some origins." Stephan Cong coldly screamed, said: "What is the origin of him? Is it possible that the law of Kailuan can still be controlled by me?" Although step Rong’s heart was dissatisfied, But I dare not pump anything.

As a step-by-step, he is still in the woods. Even if he collided with the royal family members of the Kailuan country, as long as there is no irreparable human life, then everything is negotiable.

At least, look at the wood and the face of the country, the most is to pay a small amount of money to settle the matter.

However, this time I am afraid that it will not be that simple.

Step Geng laughed and said: "His Royal Highness, when I was in the state, I saw a carriage hanging on the edge of the boulevard, and these people seemed to be the owners of the carriage."哼一芦, said: "What carriage, which ten, family?" His tone is full of indifferent attitude, it seems that he did not put the merits of the Kailuan country in the eyes.

The heart sighed, and Stephan knew that His Royal Highness of the Four Emperors was used to the country, so after he came to Kailuan, he brought this bad habit in Japan.

However, after all, it is one of the three major powers in the Northwest, which is the same as that of Tufan. It is not a subordinate country of Tufan. This way, His Royal Highness is only afraid of causing unnecessary trouble for the country.

However, Stephan did not know that the temper of Stephan Cong was brought to them. It was not a trouble, but a big trouble that could not be stopped even if it was all day long.

Seeing the face of Stephan has a hesitant color, Stephan Cong impatiently said: ... Which car is the end? Step by step, he looked up helplessly, and lowered his voice a little. He said: "His Royal Highness is the exclusive carriage in the masters of the country." "Stephan Congyi, this time his face also showed the kind of dignified color. Although he is arrogant, but he knows how the innate power is in the tenth, how is the status in the country?" And more importantly, the innate power has a strong ten, human force, if you want to ignore the identity and want to secretly kill a person, then even if it is wood, do not dare to say that you can definitely save your life.

Because he can't never leave the end of the wood, otherwise it is not equivalent to the house and no doubt.

At the thought of this, his face is also rare to reveal a trace of irritability, said: "You check to see which of the innate masters we met." Stephan bowed his head and whispered a sentence.

Behind them, the rest of the attendants understood the identity of the people they met in the continent. They can't help but rejoice in the heart. Fortunately, they meet the family of the innate strong, not the innate strong. Otherwise, the rest will lie down, when haha, it will not be those people, but they are.

Not long after, the person who had previously arranged for step Rong had returned smoothly.

When Bu Cong knew that the carriage did not enter the master's hall of Kailuan, but entered the embassy district arranged by the Kailuan country for each of the subordinate countries, the big stone in his heart was put down half.

As long as it is not a master of the country, it will not receive the full support of the country. And those masters of nursing in small countries should be able to solve them easily if they pay the corresponding price. After all, not every innate power is willing to offend Wood and the figure behind him because of this.

Within the bear silt or silt embassy district, He Yiming came to the courtyard where the master Shushui Gui lived without delay.

Within the embassy district, the most respected, undoubtedly those who are innate powers, they are the pillars of the entire country, and the treatment they enjoy is naturally consistent with it.

The courtyard where Shui Hsiang’s residence is not only great, but also exquisite and elegant, even similar to his Shaoming residence in Tianluo. It can be seen that for these innate powers in the field, the Kailuan country is also an abnormal concern, and has made great efforts to collect their intelligence and hobbies.

This is also a manifestation of a strong national power, at least in the Tianluo country, it is impossible to do so perfect. Of course, with the prestige of Tianluo, it is difficult to invite so many innate powers to the capital, so it is useless to build such a manor at all costs.

He Yiming walked in the manor, and his heart did not have any worry.

He believes that if there is something urgent about it, then it will not be Xie Mingjin, but some disciples who are fascinated by the water, even he himself.

Before entering the courtyard, He Yiming has already felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the big prince, the prince, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred Forcibly abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty martial arts 乾 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神In this ten, the courtyard has two strong atmospheres. This is the second atmosphere that has already had some kind of communication with the world of heaven and earth, representing two noble and innate powers.

While these innate powers have not concealed their own atmosphere, other masters of the same rank can easily find their position and determine their number. After a while, He Yiming has already arrived at a court building.

When his footsteps stepped on the court floor, he heard the familiar sound of water and dazzling:

"He brothers, it’s really fast when you come back." He Yiming smiled dumbly and said: "Brothers invite people to recruit" "How dare to delay the younger brother." "The water is dazzling and laughing, listening to He Yiming. This sentence is a compliment. After half respect, he is quite proud of his heart. At the last moment of life, being able to make such a friend is indeed He was the luckiest in his life. But he also understood that this is because He Yiming knows that he has not had much time, so he will be so arrogant.

On the contrary, sitting in the opposite direction of the world, he is still showing the color of regret.

He was the first in the 10th after He Yiming became a congenital powerhouse.

If he knew that He Yiming would accept the invitation of Tian Luoguo and served as the master of the country of Bu, then he would certainly ask He Yiming to be the master of the Huoguo State at all costs.

However, this cut is too late, and once this matter is missed, it will be difficult to recover.

"He brother, please sit." The water has been standing up and said with a smile.

When I saw the water and dazzling, there was no bad news. He Yiming’s heart was gone. He sat down beside the two innate powers and saw the tea on the table. Drinking a cup of drink and licking his mouth, he simply couldn’t appreciate anything.

Seeing his model, Tingshiguang shook his head and said nothing, and sighed: "It’s a pity, but it’s a pity." The water is dazzling, but he laughed and said: "There are different ways, feelings and coolness. It’s the truth.” He Yiming naturally knows what the world is, but he can’t help but laugh. “In my opinion, the so-called famous tea, after soaking it, is just a kind of water that quenches thirst. .

Some people may be able to use the tea ceremony to enhance their personal accomplishment, but this road is definitely not suitable for me. "Ten Shiwen stunned. He indulged for a moment and finally nodded. "Hehe is right. There are thousands of avenues. Everyone is suitable for different roads." "Shui Xuan is also a long sigh, said: "In this world, there are so many things that can make us tempted, even if it is our life, it is impossible to fully explore. It is already our honour to find the same things that can make you devote yourself to it. "Ting Shiguang looked at the water and dazzled, and he felt vaguely. The old friend’s mentality seems to have changed a lot from the past. Even there is a feeling of being unconventional. Psychological changes are often a hundred times more difficult than the growth of infuriating. I really don't understand how he sees through it.

"Shui brother, your cultivation is a step forward from the big step ten years ago."

Sincerely said, "I really don't know when I can catch up with you." The stunned eyes of the water suddenly had a bit of weirdness. He smiled and said, "Dear brother, I can break through the shackles of the soul. In fact, I am helpless. Under the accident, you still don't have to envy." Ting Shiguang is puzzled, but the look of He Yiming is a slight glimpse.

The things that do not last long are not well known. Without the strange feeling of He Yiming, even if the Soviets did not do anything, they could not understand his foundation.

Therefore, these innate powers do not know that the reason why the watery mood has given birth to such a change is actually because he knows that the deadline is coming, so that he can see through what he has not seen before.

But this is only the liberation of thought. If you want to go further, it is absolutely impossible for him to be in terms of his age and strength.

He Yiming coughed a little and opened this sad topic. "Water brother, you let me come back, what is it for?" Shui Hsiao-Jing stretched out a sealed letter, saying: "This is from the domestic Hejiazhuang, named after the surname to let you read immediately.

He Yiming nodded slightly and looked at the seal on the eye, knowing that no one had touched his hands and feet. Later, he took the envelope apart and took out the letters inside.

Feel free to browse a few eyes, He Yiming's face immediately showed a smile.

Water Happiness asked curiously: "He brother, but what's the matter?" He Yiming collected the letter and said: "There is nothing big but an elder in the family returned to Zhuang, so let me Peace of mind." The content of the letter is very simple. He Laibao returned to Hejiazhuang with five Hengshan disciples with nine layers of internal strength.

Among the five disciples, two are the descendants of the Emperor Wufeng Wuhe, and three are the pro-disciples of the 6 Zhengyi.

They returned to Hejiazhuang with He The peak of Hejiazhuang in Wujia suddenly jumped to Taichong County. As long as there is no innate power, then Hejiazhuang is absolutely stable.

What makes He Yiming feel relieved is that the uncle is also in the middle of Hengshan. Looking at He Yiming's face, the four elders and the elders who lived in Hengshan now have different eyes on him.

The elixir of Lingji Fengb was open to him, and he personally pointed out his martial arts practice.

With such a strong external condition, if He Zhixin could not be promoted to the innate, it would be that he was destined to be able to recover.

The three people talked and laughed for a long time, and exchanged their experiences with each other.

Suddenly, there was a bang from the distance, and it was straight to the courtyard where He Yiming lived.

He Yiming’s ears shook a little, and suddenly his face changed greatly. Even if he never said hello, he immediately went to his feet and went away instantly. At around 10 o'clock in the evening, there should be a chapter, sweat... It’s really a last resort. It’s hard to be a day without a manuscript. Time is always not enough, so please forgive me! ! !

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