Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 35: Crash

"The remuneration of the four countries is extremely abolished and prosperous. The morning is the Tianluo capital, and the ring is Zheng Tongyu.

In the northwestern part of the capital, it is where most foreign ambassadors live. Except for such a powerful national ambassador as the country of Tutu, all the envoys of the country of the country are located here, even for many innate powers.

Of course, if these innate powers do not come here in the name of the country, they will naturally get better treatment. However, if you come as a master of nursing, you will inevitably live here.

On the second side of the avenue, there are tall trees, which were ordered by the Kailuan King. At the moment; under the shade of the trees, the sun shines through the leaves, and the ground is broken. He walked through the broken gold and was covered in broken gold.

He Yiming and Yuan Lidong walked side by side under the shade of the trees.

The two people laughed and said that it was a happy thing to talk about servants. But in fact, their conversation has no slightest sentiment.

"Young master, do you have any thoughts?"

He Yiming’s gaze has a hint of helplessness: “I hate it.” When he said this, his ears trembled with it.

Yuan Lidong’s gaze fell on his ear, and he suddenly knew that he was definitely paying attention to what. She covered her mouth and said, "Why do you hate it here?"

He Yiming looked at her intently, and no one could think of what he said in his mouth, but his expression was irrelevant.

“There are a lot of people here.” He Yiming said earnestly: “Our every move is under their supervision, so I hate it.”

Yuan Liyu glared at a pair of big eyes that seemed to be talking. He smiled, "Young master, since you hate them, let us leave."

He Yiming hesitated a bit, still shaking his head, said: "After all, it is the opening of the country, if we suddenly disappear, it will certainly alarm a lot of people. Others will stop, I do not want to trouble the water brother."

Yuan Lihuang’s face looked a little stunned. She lowered her voice and said: “Master, is the water master’s body really weak?”

He Yiming sighed and said: "Yes, his old man can take care of the time of Tianluo, it is not too long."

The two men sank at the same time. Since the encounter with the water, the old man gave them a great affection. They get along very well. This feeling is a bit like a friend who has nothing to say, but it is more like a close relative.

So after determining the status quo of the water, their mood is heavy.

After a while, He Yiming shook his head and said: "Li Huang, let's go to the city. The last time in Fengluoxiang of Tianluoguo did not buy anything for you, this time you have to send more. ""

Yuan Lidong gently stunned her head. She naturally understood that He Yiming said that she did not really want to buy anything, and that she was distracted.

Gently pulling Yuan Litong's hand, He Yiming turned his eyes and said: "Give me a horse, I am going to visit the city."

His voice is not big, but it is passed out like a straight line.

Beside the avenue, there are dozens of strong soldiers guarding. These soldiers seem to be ordinary, but each person has more than six layers of internal strength, which is clearly the finest military scarf in the country.

At this moment, in the ears of these people, the sound of He Yiming sounded abruptly, and they glimpsed a little, and suddenly two people ran out quickly. A moment later, a luxurious luxury carriage was sent to He Yiming and Yuan Lihuang.

He Yiming had heard the whispering of this person through the wind and the ear, and they are not only responsible for the outer defense, but also secretly monitor the members of all the dependent countries.

However, for the innate powers, even if they are not the innate powerhouses in their masters, they are also very admired and respected, and they dare not have the slightest scorn.

So after hearing the voice of He Yiming, they immediately arranged a stable for him to drive.

Looking at the carriage, He Yiming was dumbfounded. It seems that these people are really spared no effort to treat the innate power.

He remembered that the collapse of the carriage was very clear. If he did not admit his mistake, this should be the unique logo of the Kailuan Masters.

In this city, those who have a little knowledge, when they see this carriage, know that this carriage belongs to the master's hall, and the ones inside are naturally the innate powerhouses in the master hall.

In the same way, in this city, as long as you are riding this carriage, you can drive without fear in the city. Even in the palace, there will be no open-minded people to intercept the carriage.

Of course, if there is no corresponding status and strength, then you can't ride such a carriage, otherwise you will not be embarrassed, but it will also harm your family.

After pulling Yuan Lijun’s little hand and embarking on this luxury carriage, they went to the city center.

The carriage was driving in the avenue, and most of the ordinary people who saw the carriage were saluting, which shows how respectful the position of the innate strongman in the city is.

Not long after, they have already arrived in the most prosperous streets in the capital. In this street, there are many shops, and the prosperity is far beyond the place that He Yiming has seen before.

They had just arrived, and there were a few fast horses in the rear. These horses were like horse-drawn carriages. The squad was unscrupulous and ran in the center of the boulevard, and they ran straight toward their carriage.

Above the luxury carriage, there are two drivers, each of which is a master of seven layers of internal strength.

Although it is obvious that the loss is obvious and small, and the use of it, but for the vast majority of the burgeoning housemen who do not have a martial art, it is already their dream that they can become such a coach. It's a thing.

If you are in the car, when you are taken by a congenital strongman, or if you are in a hurry, and you are free to give a few words, then for them, it is already a rare harvest.

For this illusory hope, the seven-layer master of the game, even if it is the master of the eight-layer or even the nine-layered inner strength, will not mind being a driver.

This or, see the rear of the horse is approaching, the faces of the two changed slightly, and looked at each other. Although even they can't believe it, there are people who dare to attack the carriage of Master Hall, but he dare not have the slightest scorn.

One of them suddenly turned up and flew to the ground, turned the carriage, and came to the center of the boulevard. He circumvented the burning novel network from the side of the carriage, and he did not dare to leap over the carriage.

"Stop, one"

A burst of drink from his mouth, at the same time, he also put out a ten, defensive posture, if these people are not willing to stop the horse, then he will not hesitate to stop.

Although He Yiming is not the innate powerhouse of the country, the Secretary does not allow people to offend the dignity of the strong.

The fast horses immediately stopped, and the knights immediately lifted their horses with their hands, and suddenly they fell from the horse as if they were light. He had just breathed a sigh of relief and had not spoken yet. Hearing the voice of He Yiming from the carriage.

"Mingjin, are you coming to me?"

The nerves of the two cars on the carriage suddenly loosened. Since they are the people who He knew, they don’t need their worry.

However, looking at this young man who can be called a brother by He, but his strength seems to be worse than their own in the Qing Dynasty, their eyes also flashed a hint of jealousy.

This slow life is really great.

Xie Mingjin responded with a sigh of relief, and relaxed to the front of the carriage.

The man who had blocked it had a slight glimpse, and he took over the horse, even though he was willing, but in his face, there was no strange look. He seemed to be the most ordinary driver. This kind of thing is his special item.

"He Da Ge" Xie Mingjin lowered his voice and said: "Water dazzle to the master asked me to ask you to go back and said that there is something to discuss."

He Yiming sighed and hesitated a bit, looking back at Yuan Lidong.

Yuan Lidong was at his side, and Xie Mingjin did not scratch her to avoid her. It was clear that at this time, although she was disappointed, it was a kind of understanding: "Young Master, Master of Water is looking for you. There must be something to do with business, so let's go quickly."

He Yiming nodded slightly and said: "Well, I will go here, but since it has already come, then you will fill it in." After that, he patted Xie Mingjin's arm and said: "Yinjin Your surname is going to wander around here, you help me take care of the continent."

Xie Mingjin took a look at his chest and said: "Big brother assured," the younger brother understood. ”

Yuan Lidong listened to his words, but his face was reddish, but he did not refute it, but his heart was sweet. Although she did not hear this title for the first time, every time she heard this sentence, her heart had a similar feeling.

He Yiming turned and strode away, his movements seemed to be very slow, but after a few steps, he had disappeared.

The two drivers with seven layers of internal strength looked at Yuan Lihuang and Xie Mingjin. This carriage was a tool specially provided by the Kailuan to the masters in the master hall and to the foreign masters who came to the capital. According to the rules of the Master's Hall, only the masters who have reached the innate realm can enjoy this treatment.

This moment, Yi Ming has left, but Yuan Lihuang has stayed.

They did not continue to qualify for this carriage, but even if they borrowed these two drivers, they would not dare to rush.

The two looked at each other and eventually laughed at each other and finally decided to turn a blind eye.

Or Xiong Wei or on the most bustling streets in Kailuan, Xie Mingjin screamed at the invaders. Although he was naturally bold, he was not a fool, knowing the truth of his own route. Here, as long as Yuan Lidong pays attention to something, he is a big hand, and naturally someone comes forward to buy it.

Yuan Lidong was humble at the beginning of the second sentence, but in the end it was helpless to give up.

She is also clever and intelligent, and she knows Xie Mingjin's mind a little bit, and she knows that He Yiming values ​​this good friend very much, so she is not good at complaining and has no choice but to let it go.

However, she has also been careful, and she will never pay attention to anything other than what she is really interested in.

Even so, after a lap, the hands of several guards around Xie Mingjin have already been mentioned in the big bag.

The vast majority of them are not the things that Yuan Lihuang pays attention to, but as long as they are taken by Xie Mingjin, the photos are correct, and most of them are objects used by some women. His heart is naturally not enough. Yuan Lidong, only in the dark, smiled.

Since He Yiming did not accompany the company, Yuan Lidong’s interest would not be very high, but she understood He Yiming’s intentions, so she stayed for a while and then returned from the original road.

Xie Mingjin accompanied her to the Avenue of Bud, but the carriage was on the side of the avenue.

Yuan Lidong’s footsteps suddenly said, “Thank you brother, please forgive me, why should the water master let you come?”

Although the relationship between Xie Mingjin and He Yiming is already a well-known thing, but he is not a Tianluo national, after all, Shui Xuui chose to let him come to Heming, no matter how can he not say that the burning novel network Xie Mingjin looked around Eyes, "At that time, the master of water and the master of the micro-country to discuss the matter together, did not want someone to come in suddenly, and handed a letter to the master of water. After the master of the water read the letter, he ordered the master to go. The brother just happened to be there, so he came over with self-confidence."

Yuan Litong was relieved, but her heart was somewhat worried. She didn't understand what it was. She even asked the water to hurry to find He Yiming.

After blinking Yuan Lidong and seeing the unnatural look on her face, Xie Mingjin naturally understood what she was worried about.

The double eyebrows suddenly rise, Xie Ming Jin Lang said: "Xunzi, you just rest assured, in this ten, the world, there is no such thing as a rare big brother. As long as he is out, he will be able to solve."

Since he witnessed the success of He Yiming's promotion to the innate realm on the 16th birthday, in his heart, He Yiming's image has been unrestricted and tall. In his view, He Yiming is definitely the kind of omnipotent character. No matter what, it falls on his hand and will be solved.

Yuan Lidong gave a slight glimpse, then shook his head and smiled. She accompanied Hu Yiming's movement and experienced a lot, but the confidence in He Yiming would not even be as good as Xie Mingjin.

Huoran, from their front came a rush of thunderous horseshoes.

Xie Mingjin's face changed slightly, and immediately stepped forward, and faster than him, it was the Xiejia guards in his body.

These guards are all masters who have been carefully selected from Xie or Zhong. They all know that their own young masters have climbed the relationship of He Yiming, and they are willing to go in the future, so they are very incompetent at the moment. Actively want to leave the most profound impact on the young master.

There are more than a dozen horses running from afar, and these people are far more overbearing than Xie Mingjin. Although they saw Yuan Lidong and Xie Mingjin in the middle of the road. But they didn't mean to want to reduce it at all.

Xie Mingjin’s face suddenly changed. He shouted and called: “Stop”

However, the fierce horses did not stop, but they were even faster, and there was a burst of laughter from there.

But in the blink of an eye, those fast horses have already rushed to them.

The guards of Xie’s family dumped the things that the continent had just bought. They all took out the weapons they were carrying and chopped forward without any mercy.

Although they all know that people who can rush here are not simple people. Maybe they can't afford to sin even one.

However, at this time behind them, but their young master. In this case, no matter what character is running from the front, these guards will keep them in front of them.

The knight screamed and shouted: "Bold."

As he screamed, he jumped out of the back of a horse behind him, and the person’s degree was even higher than that of the fast horse. He jumped into the lightning. Xie home guards.

The escorts even couldn’t see the movements of this person, and they felt that they had a pain in their body and had been kicked out by him.

Almost immediately, the few guards in front of Yuan Lihuang and Xie Mingjin flew out like wings.

Xie Mingjin's face changed greatly. When the expert took a shot, he knew the depth and height. Once the person started, he immediately showed the powerful force.

Xie's escorts are at least seven layers of masters, but in this person's hands, even a move can not go. Fortunately, this person has no mercy and no real killer. Although the guards who were flying seemed to be afraid of people, they did not hurt the roots. With their physique, they could recover completely from the beginning.

Xie Mingjin’s face has become no longer a trace of blood, and the other’s arrogance has reached the extreme, far beyond his imagination. Moreover, the strength of the person who shot is incredible, at least it has the internal strength of nine layers or more. This kind of strength is what he can resist.

Seeing that the horse was rushing over without stopping, he couldn’t care for the other. One of them came to Yuan Lihuang’s side, and he pushed it back to the side of the road.

When he was in the company, he struggled to leap to the other side. In an instant, he had already given up the central avenue.

People have to bow their heads under the roof. When the strength is not good, avoidance is already the only choice.

However, is at this moment, for the fast horse is like a meteor catching the moon, smashing the past burning novel network, the knight immediately laughed, the whip in the hand, the long whip The poisonous snake of the letter turned around in the air, and turned to the burning novel network with a weird point of extremes.


The crisp sound blew out in the air, Yuan Litong was miserable, and when it was heard, several blood beads were swayed in the air.

Xie Mingjin was stunned. He was taken care of by Yuan Yiming and took care of Yuan Lihuang. But now it is suffering from inexplicable disasters. The only certainty is that Yuan Lihuang has been injured.

His heart is full of anger, and this requires him to explain to He Yiming.

A roar like a wild blasted out of his mouth, his eyes filled with **** eyes. A rage, in the instant of exposing the fastest life, rushed to the queen of the man.

His wrists shook, and a black and black light suddenly came out, and in the air, a beautiful Taobao Taobao women's winter jacket, the arc of the m, to chase for people.

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