The soldiers are immersed in intense training. The sun shines through the barbed wire fence of the training ground and dapples their sweat-soaked camouflage uniforms. The air is filled with the smell of dirt and sweat, occasionally mixed with the distant roar of truck engines.

Suddenly, a figure hurried across the training ground, breaking the moment of tranquility. It was a researcher wearing a white lab coat, with nervousness and eagerness written all over his face. He ran to Bai Ye's side, and before he could even catch his breath, he hurriedly spoke: "Captain Bai Ye, it's not good, there are radioactive creatures in the wild again, there are a lot of them, the situation is urgent!"

When Bai Ye heard this, he frowned and a sharp light flashed in his eyes. He quickly turned around and glanced at the soldiers who were training. Their movements instantly became more standard, as if he felt the majesty and urgency emanating from the captain.

"Everyone gather!" Bai Ye's voice was low and powerful, like an order, which instantly spread throughout the training ground.

The soldiers quickly stopped their training and stood in a row, with seriousness and nervousness written on everyone's face. They know that behind every field mission, there are unknown dangers and challenges.

Bai Ye walked up to the team and glanced at everyone's face, as if cheering them up with his eyes. His voice was calm and powerful: "Brothers, we are setting off again. Radiated creatures have appeared in the wild. Our mission is to eliminate them and protect the peace of our homeland."

The soldiers responded in unison: "Yes, captain!" Their voices were neat and firm, full of confidence and determination.

There are also some radiation creatures that are even weirder. Their bodies flow erratically like liquids, sometimes condensing into entities, and sometimes turning into nothingness. The surface of their bodies shines with colorful lights, like twisted oil paintings. These creatures are agile and can move across the wasteland in an instant, making them elusive.

Bai Ye stood aside and observed all this silently. His heart was full of emotion and pride. He knew that these soldiers were his most valuable asset. It was their joint efforts and dedication that led to the victory in this battle.

Above the wasteland, the wind was rustling, and the setting sun dyed the sky golden. In this seemingly peaceful land, there is an unknown crisis hidden. A group of radioactive creatures wander the wasteland. Their appearance is strange, as if they are deformed products of nature and disaster.

Bai Ye stood on a high ground and used a telescope to observe the movement in the distance. Those radioactive creatures wandered in the wilderness. They exuded a faint light and had strange shapes. Some were like twisted vines, while others were like monsters made of stone and metal. They moved slowly, as if looking for something.

However, just when the soldiers thought victory was in sight, a particularly huge radioactive creature suddenly broke through the encirclement and came straight into the white night. Its body exudes intense radiation energy, as if it were a mobile nuclear reactor.

After the battle, the soldiers were panting from exhaustion, but they had victory smiles on their faces. They knew that although the mission was difficult, they were ultimately victorious.

The soldiers immediately entered combat mode. They clenched their weapons and held their breath, waiting for the best opportunity to attack.

The soldiers quickly changed their weapons, and the fire from the flamethrower instantly spread on the battlefield. Those radiated creatures let out shrill screams under the burning flames, and their bodies began to melt, eventually turning into ashes.

However, in this seemingly peaceful land, there is a huge crisis hidden. The soldiers knew that their destination was where the radioactive creatures were, which was full of unknown dangers and challenges. But they also know that as soldiers, their duty is to defend their homeland and protect the safety of the people.

As the radioactive creatures approach, the atmosphere on the battlefield becomes increasingly tense. The soldiers could clearly hear their own heartbeats, as well as the low roars of distant radioactive creatures.

Suddenly, Bai Ye gave an order: "Fire!"

However, these radioactive creatures are no ordinary creatures. The radioactive energy emitted from their bodies caused the soldiers' weapons to malfunction. Some firearms began to freeze, while others exploded. This made the soldiers' offensive somewhat inadequate.

"Captain, there's a big rock ahead!" the driver shouted.

Suddenly, the truck shook violently, as if it hit something hard. The soldiers immediately clenched their weapons with vigilance and scanned the surroundings with vigilance. Bai Ye also quickly came back from his thoughts. He stared ahead, trying to find the reason for the bumping of the truck.

In this land eroded by radiation, these creatures have become dominant. They run amok and no one can stop them. Although their appearance is terrifying, what is even more terrifying is the radiation energy they emit. This energy can not only destroy the cell structure of living organisms, but also cause various genetic mutations, causing living organisms to become deformed and distorted.

The truck slowly drove out of the training ground and headed toward the wild along the winding mountain road. The scenery outside the car window is constantly changing, from lush woods to barren grasslands to rugged mountains. At every turn, there may be unknown dangers waiting for them.

The soldiers quickly got out of the car and, following Bai Ye's order, dispersed with thunderous force, forming a tight encirclement. They held weapons and had firm eyes, as if they were ready to face any challenge.

As the car bumped, the soldiers' nerves became tense. They silently checked their equipment, adjusted their status, and prepared for the upcoming battle.

The experimenter nodded quickly, turned around and ran to deliver the order. Bai Ye quickly walked to the truck nearby and began to check the weapons, equipment and supplies on the truck. He knows that every mission is a test for the soldiers, as well as a test of their trust and tacit understanding.

The soldiers cheered in unison, their voices echoing in the wilderness, as if celebrating this hard and victorious battle. They know that this is just a test in their long fighting career. There is still a long way to go, but they are ready to meet new challenges at any time.

As night falls, these radioactive creatures become more active. They glowed faintly in the darkness, like ghosts. Their roars became more frequent, as if calling their companions, or announcing their presence to the land.

Bai Ye nodded, turned to the experimenter and said, "Details will be discussed as we go. Notify logistics to prepare trucks and weapons and equipment. We will set off immediately."

As the truck moved forward, the wilderness scenery kept changing outside the window. Sometimes it is a piece of withered grass, sometimes it is a barren hill. On the distant skyline, a few remaining clouds were floating like torn cotton wool, adding a bit of desolate beauty to the land.

Bai Ye nodded and signaled the driver to go around carefully. The truck slowly circled the wilderness, and the soldiers' nerves became tense. They know that this land is full of unknown dangers, and any small negligence may have fatal consequences.

The soldiers looked at these radioactive creatures from a distance, their hearts filled with awe and fear. They knew that these creatures were the main targets of their mission, but they also knew that it would not be easy to eliminate these creatures. They must approach carefully and find the best opportunity to attack to ensure the successful completion of the mission.

Bai Ye walked among the soldiers and patted them on the shoulders: "Well done, brothers!" Although his voice was a little hoarse, it was full of gratitude and pride.

The soldiers immediately entered a fighting state. They cooperated with each other and cautiously approached the radioactive creatures.

The setting sun is like blood, falling on the undulating wilderness, adding a bit of desolation and mystery to this desolate land. The soldiers and Bai Ye sat on the bumpy truck and traveled through this vast and desolate land. Their hearts were filled with tension and expectation.

Seeing this, Bai Ye rushed forward without hesitation. He held a special electromagnetic rifle, aimed at the huge radioactive creature, and pulled the trigger. The high-energy beam fired by the electromagnetic rifle hit the target instantly, knocking it staggering.

After a fierce battle, the soldiers finally knocked the huge radioactive creature to the ground. Its body gradually turned into ashes under the burning flames, and finally disappeared into the air.

The sound of gunshots sounded instantly, as dense as a heavy rain. The soldiers aimed at the target, pulled the trigger, and the bullets streaked across the sky like meteors, shooting at the radioactive creatures.

Bai Ye stood on a high ground and used a telescope to observe the movement in the distance. He could see some strange creatures wandering in the wilderness. They were emitting a faint light and were obviously contaminated by radiation.

"Get ready to fight!" Bai Ye ordered in a low voice.

These radiation creatures have different shapes, some are like twisted vines, with intricate roots, and their bodies are covered with sharp thorns. Each thorn emits a faint blue light, as if it contains deadly toxins. Their bodies squirmed on the wasteland, leaving twisted traces that made people shudder.

Some radioactive creatures are like monsters made of stone and metal. Their appearance is extremely hard, and their bodies are covered with mottled rust and cracks. Dark light flashes from time to time in these cracks, as if the radiation energy in their bodies is leaking. Their movements were slow and heavy, but every step seemed to shake the earth.

However, the power of the radiation creature was beyond imagination. It broke through Bai Ye's defense line again and again, forcing him to retreat. Upon seeing this, the soldiers rushed forward to support the captain. They used their bodies to block Bai Ye's attacks, and at the same time kept shooting at the monster.

Finally, the truck arrived at its destination. The soldiers quickly got out of the car and spread out according to Bai Ye's order, forming an encirclement. They held weapons and watched their surroundings vigilantly.

Bai Ye sat in the passenger seat, closing his eyes and concentrating, but his mind kept spinning. He was thinking about various scenarios that might arise and how to best direct the soldiers to deal with them. He knew that this mission would not be easy, but he also believed that as long as everyone worked together, they would be able to succeed.

But the radioactive creature did not fall down. It roared and launched a fierce attack on Bai Ye. Bai Ye dodges its attack with agility while continuing to shoot in an attempt to subdue it.

Bai Ye saw it in his eyes and felt anxious in his heart. He knew that if these radioactive creatures could not be dealt with as soon as possible, the soldiers would face greater danger. So, he decisively ordered: "Switch to a flamethrower!"

After some twists and turns, the truck finally got around the big rock.

"Attention, they are coming!" Bai Ye ordered in a low voice.

The truck sped across the wilderness, kicking up clouds of dust. The soldiers sat in the carriage, their bodies swaying with the bumps of the vehicle. Their faces were full of perseverance and determination, as if they were ready to face any challenge. Bai Ye sat in the passenger seat, looking firmly ahead. His heart was filled with curiosity about the unknown and worries about the mission.

As night falls, the temperature in the wilderness gradually drops. The soldiers wrapped up their camouflage uniforms tightly to try to resist the cold wind. The lights inside the truck were dim and warm, providing some solace to the soldiers. They started talking in low voices, sharing experiences and stories with each other to ease the tension.

The radioactive creatures began to panic under the baptism of gunfire. They roared more shrillly and tried to break through the encirclement. But the soldiers didn't give them any chance. They kept shooting, forcing the monsters to retreat.

These radioactive creatures wandered the wasteland, as if looking for something. Their roars are low and shrill, echoing in the open fields, making people feel frightened. Their eyes sparkle with a dark light, as if they can discern the secrets of all life.

Bai Ye listened quietly to the soldiers' conversation, and his heart was filled with emotion. He knew that these soldiers were his brothers. They had experienced life and death together and guarded this land together. Their friendship and trust are the source of strength that enables them to overcome all difficulties.

As the orders were delivered, the training ground became busy. The soldiers quickly organized their equipment and boarded the truck in an orderly manner. Their faces no longer had the usual laughter and relaxation, only determination and determination remained.

As the battle ended, soldiers began to clear the battlefield. They carefully collected the remains of the radioactive creatures and prepared to take them back to the laboratory for study. At the same time, they also began to check their weapons and equipment to ensure that they could exert their maximum power in the next battle.

The sun gradually sets in the west and the sky begins to darken. Soldiers packed up the field, loaded onto trucks, and prepared to return to base. Their faces were full of exhaustion, but their eyes shone with determination. They know that no matter when and where they are needed, they will step forward without hesitation to protect the peace of their homeland.

However, Bai Ye knew that this was just a small test in their long fighting career. There is still a long way to go, and they still need to face more challenges and dangers. But he also believes that as long as everyone works together, we will be able to protect the peace of this home.

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