In the dim laboratory, Bai Ye stood in front of a pile of complex mechanical drawings and electronic equipment, his eyes firm and profound. He turned to the busy technicians on the side and said in a steady and powerful voice: "I ask you to further refine the power armor improvement plan. Every detail cannot be missed. What we want is the most perfect work."

The technicians nodded in agreement, their faces reflecting the dim light of the computer screen, and their fingers tapping rapidly on the keyboard. Some lowered their heads and meditated, some discussed with each other, and the air was filled with a tense and orderly working atmosphere.

Bai Ye looked at them, nodded with satisfaction, then turned and walked out of the laboratory. His footsteps echoed in the corridor, each step seemed so firm and powerful.

On the training ground, the sun shines on the armor, reflecting dazzling light. A group of soldiers are training in power armor weightlifting here. Wearing heavy power armor, they seemed to have become steel giants on the future battlefield.

Bai Ye walked to the sidelines and quietly observed their training. The soldiers' movements were uniform, and every lift seemed so strenuous but determined. Their sweat shone in the sun, intertwined with the light of the armor, forming a picture full of strength and tenacity.

"Report!" A soldier walked up to Bai Ye with a loud voice.

"Say." Bai Ye didn't look back, his eyes still stared at the soldiers on the training ground.


"Okay, since the officer said so, let's go all out!" A soldier took the lead in expressing his stance, his voice full of firmness and determination.

At first, the soldiers were not very fast, and they were still adjusting to the weight and limitations of the power armor. But soon, they began to gradually accelerate, and the distance between them began to widen.

The soldiers' faces were covered with sweat, and their eyes were firm and persistent. They clenched the weightlifting bar with both hands, their veins popped out, and their muscles tightened, as if they wanted to devote all their strength to this moment. With a low roar from them, the weight lifting rod was slowly raised, and the hydraulic rod on the power armor also expanded and contracted, making a slight hissing sound, as if applauding their strength.

The sun was shining slantingly, and the soldiers were wearing power armor and conducting weight training nervously and orderly. Every breath they took seemed heavy, and every lift was accompanied by the sound of metal rubbing against the air. The power armor shone coldly in the sun, in stark contrast to the sweaty skin of the soldiers.

The sun shines on the soldiers, and their figures stretch out on the runway. Sweat dripped from their foreheads and mixed with the dust beneath their feet. Their breathing became more and more rapid, but their eyes remained firm and persistent.

In the center of the open space, a wide runway ran across it, stretching like a giant dragon. On both sides of the track are neatly organized training areas, each area marked with clear boundaries and signs. In these areas, soldiers conduct various arduous trainings according to strict plans and requirements.

The soldier nodded awkwardly and said, "Yes, sir. I'm trying to adjust."

In the sky above the training ground, a few birds would occasionally fly by, and their calls echoed in the open field, adding a touch of vitality and vitality. However, in this land full of steel and fire, these natural creatures seem to have become insignificant.

Time seemed to become slow and heavy at this moment, but Bai Ye didn't seem to notice it. His eyes were always fixed on the soldiers, and his heart was full of expectations and longing for the future. He knows that only through continuous efforts and pursuit can they remain invincible in this era full of challenges and opportunities.

"Get ready-" Bai Ye shouted, and the soldiers immediately adjusted their breathing and got ready.

Bai Ye did not answer directly, but continued: "From today on, we will change the training plan. We will put the weight training on hold for a while, and then we will do competitive running."

"Very good, you all did a good job." Although Bai Ye's voice was low, it was full of encouragement and recognition, "But this is just the beginning. The next training will be more difficult and cruel, so you must be prepared. "

Except for the sound of soldiers training, the training ground was almost silent. Occasionally, the roar of machinery or the sharp sound of sirens can be heard in the distance, but these sounds are quickly drowned in the emptiness. Here, only the sweat and efforts of the soldiers are the most real and powerful presence on this land.

Bai Ye frowned, thought for a moment and then said: "It is inevitable to be strenuous. After all, the weight and strength of power armor are not something ordinary people can bear. However, we must find a way to reduce the burden on soldiers so that they can be more flexible on the battlefield. freely."

During the process of lifting weights, the soldiers' breathing became rapid and heavy, and every breath was accompanied by the ups and downs of the chest and the slight vibration of the power armor. Their footsteps left deep marks on the ground, and each step seemed so solid and powerful. Their eyes never left the weightlifting bar, as if they wanted to see right through it.

Bai Ye stood on the sidelines for a long time, his eyes darting back and forth among the soldiers, seemingly searching for something. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he seemed to have discovered something interesting.

"Sir, we just started, right?" A soldier said hesitantly, obviously confused by the sudden interruption of training.

The soldiers immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at the source of the sound. Bai Ye was seen standing on the sidelines, his hands behind his back, his eyes sternly scanning every soldier.

"Your movements are a bit stiff and not smooth enough." Bai Ye pointed out the problem.

On the runway, the ground material is a special alloy that is hard and wear-resistant. It can withstand the huge pressure caused by power armor, and can also provide good grip to ensure that soldiers can be stable and fast when running. On the edge of the runway are neat rows of street lights, which light up automatically at night to provide necessary lighting for training.

The training ground is surrounded by a high wall. The fence is made of thick steel plates and coated with an anti-corrosion coating, making it strong and durable. The top of the wall is also equipped with sharp iron spikes to prevent any unauthorized intrusion. In the corner of the wall, there is a small sentry box with several guards stationed inside. They are always vigilant about all the movements around them.

In this era full of challenges and opportunities, soldiers use their strength and faith to guard the country's tranquility and prosperity. And power armor, as their most solid backing and sharpest weapon, is constantly being improved and perfected. It carries the hopes and dreams of the soldiers and witnesses every step of their growth and progress.

At the top of the weightlifting, the soldiers' faces showed a brief moment of joy and satisfaction. They felt the powerful power brought by the power armor, as if at this moment, they could overcome all difficulties and challenges. However, this joy did not last long. As the weightlifting bar slowly fell, their faces returned to their previous seriousness and determination.

The sun leaves its mark on every corner of the training ground. It shines on the soldiers' resolute faces, and also shines on the cold light flashing on their power armor. The training ground under the sun seemed to have turned into a huge stage, and the soldiers were the most dazzling actors on this stage.

Bai Ye said nothing. He stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on the soldier's power armor. The soldier felt a force coming from his armor, as if someone was helping him adjust his posture and strength. His movements immediately became smoother and lifting became much easier.

He walked up to a soldier who was lifting weights and carefully observed his movements and expressions. The soldier felt Bai Ye's gaze and stopped nervously.

The entire training ground was full of tension and excitement. Every lift the soldiers make touches the heartstrings of those around them, and every effort they make makes people feel shocked and admired. Here, no one dares to slack off or relax at all, because they know that only through continuous hard work and training can they become stronger and better.

The soldiers were silent for a while, seeming to digest Bai Ye's words. Then, they all nodded in understanding.

Finally, when the last soldier crossed the finish line, the entire training ground burst into applause and cheers. Although the soldiers were exhausted, their faces showed smiles of satisfaction and pride.

On the training ground, the soldiers are still undergoing arduous training. Bai Ye stood on the sidelines and gave them some guidance and advice from time to time. Although his voice was not high, it was full of strength and confidence, making the soldiers feel extremely reassured and inspired.

The soldier nodded to show his understanding. He turned back to the training ground and continued to guide the soldiers in training.

As time goes by, the environment of the training ground is also quietly changing. As the sun rises, the fog gradually dissipates, and the training ground becomes more and more lively. The figures of the soldiers shuttled on the runway, and their shouts and footsteps intertwined to form a passionate symphony.

Bai Ye walked among them and looked at them sweating profusely and panting, and couldn't help but feel a surge of complicated emotions in her heart. He knew that although this competitive run was over, their training journey was far from over.

The outer shell of the power armor shines with a cold metallic luster, and each piece of armor is carefully polished, with smooth and hard lines. The lines on the armor are clearly visible, as if telling their extraordinary life experience and the harsh tests they have undergone. The soldiers' movements became extremely powerful with the blessing of power armor. Every lift was accompanied by a low metal collision sound, which seemed to declare their strength and determination.

The sun is gradually setting, but the soldiers on the training ground are still holding on. Their figures looked so tall and firm in the afterglow of the setting sun. They interpret the tenacity and perseverance of soldiers with their actions, and write their own glory and glory with their sweat.

Bai Ye stood on the sidelines, his eyes closely following the figures of the soldiers. There was no expression on his face, but a sharp light shone in his eyes. He knew that this competitive running was not only a test of the soldiers' physical fitness, but also a test of their will and perseverance.

The soldier looked at Bai Ye in surprise, his eyes full of admiration and gratitude. Bai Ye smiled and nodded, then turned and left. He knew it was just a small adjustment, but it would make the soldiers more relaxed during training.

"The performance of the power armor has reached the expected standard, but the soldiers still feel some difficulty when using it." Soldier Report reported.

The soldiers looked at each other with surprised expressions on their faces. Running is no stranger to them, but running under the weight of power armor is an unprecedented challenge.

As time passed, some soldiers began to show signs of fatigue. Their speed gradually slowed down and their pace became heavier. But even so, they still did not give up, but gritted their teeth and persisted.

The training ground is a vast and desolate open space, like a corner forgotten by time. The sun shone slantly, dyeing every inch of the land golden. In the distance, several towering steel buildings are looming, as if telling the vicissitudes and changes of this land.

Suddenly, a loud command broke the tranquility of the training ground: "Stop weight training!"

On the training ground, the sun shone slantingly, coating the steel jungle with a layer of golden color. The soldiers were wearing heavy power armor, as if they were transformed into steel giants. Every movement they made seemed so heavy and firm.

"Sir, will the weight of the power armor have a great impact on our running speed?" Another soldier couldn't help but ask.

As the last ray of sunlight disappeared, the training ground gradually became quiet. The soldiers took off their power armor and showed tired and satisfied smiles. They high-fived each other to celebrate today's achievements while also looking forward to tomorrow's challenges and opportunities.

Bai Ye nodded and said: "Yes, this is exactly the challenge we have to face. The weight and limitations of power armor will make our actions slow and clumsy. However, only by overcoming these difficulties can we More flexibility on the battlefield.”

Following Bai Ye's order, the soldiers rushed out of the starting line like arrows leaving the string. Their footsteps were heavy and powerful, and their power armor made a low roar as they ran.

Other soldiers also echoed, knowing that this was another test of their will and physical strength.

Bai Ye nodded with satisfaction. He turned and walked to the starting line aside, signaling for the soldiers to follow. The soldiers quickly took off their weight lifting equipment, leaving only the basic parts of their power armor, and then stood in a neat row.

In this world full of steel and fire, soldiers use their courage and perseverance to write the glory and legend of military personnel. And power armor, as their most loyal partner and most powerful weapon, will continue to accompany them through every difficult and glorious moment.

The soldiers didn't speak, just nodded silently. They knew that Bai Ye's words were not alarmist. In this era full of challenges and opportunities, only through continuous efforts and progress can we become stronger and better.

On the training ground, the sun is still shining brightly. The soldiers packed up their equipment and prepared to start the next round of training. Their figures look so tough and tenacious in the sunshine, as if no matter how difficult and challenging they face, they can move forward courageously and fearlessly.

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