Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 742: About to Make a Sensation in Europe

The sea breeze is blowing, the blue sea and blue sky, looking from a distance, the sky and the sea seem to be connected in a line, which confirms the saying that water and sky are the same color. With the breeze blowing, the sea without turmoil and waves, the scenery is the most charming. Especially when one is in a high place overlooking the sea, the magnificent scene can open one's mind, and the depression will disappear with the wind. The sea has this charm.

This scene is nothing in the eyes of old sailors who have been at sea for many years. They have been at sea for many years, and they may still have such curiosity at the beginning, but when the boring days come, even if the sea is beautiful, it has lost its charm in the eyes of the sailors. What's more, the sea is also known for its fickleness; it is moody, and it may be sunny and sunny at one moment, but in the next second, it will be full of wind and rain, and the stormy and stormy waves will come one after another, making people surrender to its female. Weizhong.

But at this time, for the sailors who had escaped, they looked at the vast and boundless sea in front of them with great joy.

"Is it the Atlantic Ocean?" A sailor asked incredulously. Afterwards, some old sailors who have been in the sea for many years replied with intoxicated expressions and voices, "Yes, it is the smell of the Atlantic Ocean!" He said: "My family is in the Azores, and I have been familiar with the smell of the Atlantic Ocean since I was a child. That's right, this is the Atlantic and we're back."


The sailors cheered, took off their sailor caps and threw them into the sky. Everyone revels in their own way, and who can escape from the 100-year-old storm like them. Not only that, but they also came to a mysterious fantasy kingdom, the kingdom of elves. Moreover, they stayed there for a few days and witnessed the elves and even had contact with the elves in person. If it weren't for the full load of cargo in the cabin, they themselves would not have believed it. Although they went to sea, they failed to find China, but they found the legendary elves!

Everyone knows exactly what awaits them once they return to Europe. Naturally, it is heroic treatment and honor, and each of them will become the guests of the European kings and nobles. At that time, there must be many nobles who invited them to various parties and let them tell what they saw from the elves.

Compared with China, elves are obviously more interesting to everyone. Because the two are different races in the legend, one is human and the other is elf. They will pursue the elves with a more fanatical pursuit than China, and then the goods of this ship will be sold at a sky-high price in Europe!

Therefore, at this moment, they wish they could return to Europe immediately; then, let their name spread throughout Europe, and their deeds and experiences be recorded in the annals of history. Human beings will praise them, and all sailors will remember them and be proud of them! Perhaps, they will also take this opportunity to become a saint in one fell swoop. There is a "Holy" in front of the name, haha, just thinking about it makes people excited!

"Boys, we go home, gold and beauty,

They are all waiting for us! The first mate Smith raised his arms and cheered, and the sailors responded to his cheers. Now, they are eager to return to Europe and introduce their legendary sailing experience to the world. And they will also rely on a ship of elf goods, everyone Become an enviable rich man!

Even though the gold was provided by the royal family, they still had a share of the cargo of this ship. Because this is the condition that was negotiated with each other at the beginning.

Enthusiastic sailors climbed the ropes, lowered the sails, and the helmsman fine-tuned the direction. Facing the sea breeze, the full sails officially set sail and returned to Europe! It took them half a month to see the continental coastline belonging to Europe from a distance. Because of the elven commodity factor of a ship, everyone steers the ship very carefully, for fear of accidents on the ship. However, the sailboat that has been repaired by elf technology is extremely strong, and it is impossible for this to happen. However, from the captain to the ordinary sailors, they still sailed cautiously, for fear that the too fast sailing would bump and damage the goods purchased from the elves.

Therefore, the sailboat sailed at an extremely slow speed along the way, and it took half a month to arrive at the destination slowly. Everyone was thrilled when they saw the clearly visible coastline of the mainland. Then, the sails were all lowered, catching as much wind as possible, and the streamlined bow broke through the waves and headed for Seville in Castile.

The history in the parallel time and space has already changed from the very beginning; from the beginning, the Caribbean Islands should be discovered, and then the Americas should be glimpsed to know the existence of the New World. Instead, they leaped over the Americas, and instead discovered the kingdom of elves that shouldn't exist. However, there is no doubt that the era of great voyages will definitely come.

Getting closer and closer to the coastline, Agalite and the others found more and more merchant ships and navies of countries along the way in the sea area. There are Tang people's goods embroidered with black bird patterns and writing "Tang" hanging on the mast. There are also ships flying the flags of European countries. There is no doubt that there is only one destination for them, and that is the country of the Tang Dynasty in the Mediterranean Sea. Today, it is the whole of Europe, a well-deserved economic center, a trade center, and the final meeting place of the East and the West. Every day, on that rich and prosperous big island, the goods and gold and silver handled by various ports are staggering, enviable to the point of envy.

However, the densely packed warships patrolling back and forth in the Mediterranean Sea made countless people envious and jealous, and dared not cross the threshold! Now, when their 'white ship' modified by the elves sailed towards Seville. Every merchant ship that passed by looked at their white ship with a surprised look. They had never seen this type of ship. At first, I thought it was a merchant ship from another country. But when they saw the flag of Castile flying on the mast, they knew that this elegant and beautiful white ship belonged to Castile.

Therefore, every captain was muttering in his heart, everyone knows how Castile's shipbuilding technology is. It is impossible for them to build such elegant and beautiful white ships, and their shipbuilding technology is not well developed. In the whole of Europe, there is only one country with top-notch shipbuilding technology, and that is the evil dragons in the Mediterranean, those Tang people. Their shipbuilding technology is the best, and even the merchant ships and even warships of European countries are built according to the ships of the Tang Dynasty. However, when did Castile, a country suppressed by the Moors, actually build such a beautiful white ship? This is the answer that every captain wants to know most urgently.

Agarit and each of his sailors stood proudly on the deck with their heads held high, enjoying the attention of everyone. Everyone's heart is full of secret joy, this kind of attention is so enjoyable. Later, when their ships were notified to enter the port, the port officials also recognized them, apparently not expecting them to return so soon. Moreover, the officials knew very well what the ship looked like when they went out. It's just that they didn't expect that when they came back again, the appearance of the ship changed drastically. This made the officials very curious, so he asked them about it, but the answer he got made him open his mouth wide!

"You didn't find China, but you found the elves?" When the officials started, the first thought that came to mind was that they were lying collectively. "Captain Agarit, elves do not exist, they only exist in legends. And you were hired by His Majesty the King to help him explore the route to China, not for you to go sightseeing and then make up a False spirits have come to try to deceive His Majesty the King."

"Sir, in my cabin, there are goods from elves. I think you should be able to see that their manufacture is different from that in China. Moreover, I also brought many books of elves, and I don't think you know their characters. But, I am sure and believe that the goods in my cabin are not produced by any human country. Although, this is not enough to prove that I have been to the elves, but I think their value is enough.”

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