Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 741: Big Purchase

Later, Agarit and the others saw their ship in the elf's dock. The dilapidated ship that was originally damaged by the storm has already been properly repaired and maintained with the help of the elves. Not only that, Agarit also found that the appearance of his ship has undergone a certain degree of modification, and the surface has been painted with white paint, and the ship has also been decorated to a certain extent by the good elves. At present, the ship is parked in the dock, and the technicians of the elves are checking the ship.

"Oh my god, is this still our ship?" The sailors stared dumbfounded at the changed ship. In the past, although their ships were new ships, their style and appearance were not very good-looking. Because it is used for long-distance voyage exploration, there are few decorations on the ship and there are no various reliefs. Except for the royal emblem and the name of the ship that symbolize a country, the whole ship looks very ordinary.

But now, their ship has been repaired by the elves and has been modified and decorated to a certain extent. Now the entire ship is extremely beautiful and various decorations full of elves' artistic atmosphere also give the whole ship an indescribable special feeling .

"Is this the group of distressed human sailors?" When he noticed someone coming from behind, one of the elves who looked very old turned around and asked the guards who led Agarit and the others here. The guard was obedient and extremely respectful in his attitude, "Yes, Mr. Elimos!"

"Oh." The old elf named Elimos looked at Agarit and the others, and walked over, "Is the current human shipbuilding technology so backward?"

"..." Agarit didn't know how to answer, and then he looked at the old elf in disbelief, "You, do you know Latin?" His expression became very excited, "Have you been here before?" Europa?"

"Europa?" Elimos shook his head, "No, I haven't been there."

"Then how did you learn Latin?"

Elimos laughed, "I learned from your nautical diary privately. Please forgive me for reading your diary without your consent."

"No, how could this happen." Agarit said in shock: "I am shocked by your learning ability, sir."

Elimos laughed, "Haha, since our land was closed by the king, no humans have come to us for many years. Except for a small number of our fleets that go to sea every year to carry out a certain degree of communication with that Warlock Kingdom. For trade, we elves always stay in our own land. We learn the knowledge compiled by the wizards, obey the king's orders, and do various things."

"Elves, are they all the same as you?" He was referring to Elimos' ability to learn.

"Most of them are!" Elimos laughed, "We have too long a life. This life is so long that if we don't learn as much as possible, our hearts will age early. , and will become tired of endless life. Therefore, end your life in the place of the holy tree, and your soul will sleep in the hall of elves."

"Do souls exist?" Agarit was also very interested in this question.

"Yes, souls exist." Alimos said: "This was confirmed a long, long time ago. At that time, our tribe was still very small, far less than there are now. However, we He fought against a very powerful evil god again, and under the leadership of our king, he fought against the gods!" He was full of memories and emotions, "That was the most proud time for our family, the ancient king, he was so powerful, and he was so powerful at the beginning. the strongest elf." He said to Agarit: "Since then, there has never been any elf in our clan who can stand up to our ancient king."

"Is he still alive?" Agarit asked cautiously.

Elimos said: "Yes, our king has always been alive. His heart is always so young, which makes his appearance always in a young state. Sometimes I wonder how the king keeps young in heart.

He looked at his rough hands, "I am different, my heart is old, and my appearance has changed from the appearance of a young man to the present appearance. I really want to end my eternal life and go to sleep in the hall of elves, what a pity! My king does not allow me to die. He wants to continue to teach the children in the clan all kinds of knowledge. He really...doesn't sympathize with me at all. "

Agarit: "..." He was speechless and didn't know how to answer the old elf's question. He didn't even know how to communicate with him, the messages revealed from his words conveyed amazing secrets one after another. According to Elimos, they had a small population at first, but they fought against powerful gods, and they seemed to win. This makes Agarit unbelievable. Another point is that their original group of people seems to have lived until now. Moreover, the old elf in front of him seemed to be tired of his endless life and wanted to think about it, but his king did not allow him to die and wanted him to continue living. Thinking of this, Agarit felt bad all over.

Ordinary people have worked so hard to pursue an endless life. Even if it is only a hundred years, or even a short ten or twenty years, it is enough to make countless people try their best to prolong their lives. However, for elves, sometimes living too long is also an annoyance. This made Agarit completely at a loss as to what to say.

It may be that Elimos has not seen human beings for a long time, so he has been communicating with Agarit non-stop, communicating with him in Latin that is more proficient than Agarit. They chatted about various things, while Agarit ordered his first mate and crew to return to the ship, take out the gold given by the king, and go to the elf city to purchase various commodities. This is the gold that the king handed over to them before leaving for the purchase of oriental commodities such as silk.

But they didn't explore new routes, they didn't find China, and they didn't find an unknown new continent. Instead, they found the legendary kingdom of elves.

Such a fantastic journey will never be forgotten by Agarit and his crew.

Afterwards, when the first mate and the crew members who went out to purchase came back, they drove four or five carriages, each of which was filled with various goods from the elves. There are various artworks of elves, daily necessities, luxury goods, books, scrolls and weapons. They used all the gold on board to buy goods from the elves. They didn't know how much gold they brought with them could buy, nor did they know the prices of the elves. However, no matter whether they lost money or made money, they only understand that when the goods in this ship are shipped back to Europe, each of them will earn a huge profit of more than a hundred times! And these commodities are also the best proof that they have reached the kingdom of elves!

Afterwards, Agarit and his crew bid farewell to the elves and Elimos, and set off under the guidance of the elf navy ships. They were driving on a beautiful sea area, looking at the beautiful garden city that was gradually going away behind them, and then they passed through a sea vortex under the guidance of the elf navy, and then their entire ship was completely swallowed by the vortex.

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