Into Unscientific

Chapter 362 News of the Yongle Grand Ceremony (Part 1)

be honest.

For the vast majority of hard-working postgraduates.

A separate second district two paper may not be very important to their graduate career.

For example, some professors’ requirements for recruiting in the laboratory even require three papers in the second area and first authorship during the doctoral period, let alone the second authorship of the second author.

But again.

You said how cheap the second district and second work are, but that's not true.

In many cases, it may be several months, and in the end only one third work, or the second work of the third district is signed.

The difference between the second district and the third district, the second work and the third work, is like a natural moat.

Especially in the case of already having certain achievements, the value of a second district and second work is often even higher.

If the journal can mention another file, it will change from the second district to the first district.

Although the rules of each institution are different, most of the authors of one area and two works can generally add about 10 points in the comprehensive evaluation-while the comprehensive evaluation of the first work of ordinary journals will only add one to two points.

Of course.

The above premise is that the first work is the mentor, and there are some common situations, so I won’t go into details about the messy things in it.

all in all.

In the eyes of these tools people in the field.

Being able to make a breakthrough on the first day of the experiment is obviously a good thing from any angle.

After everyone's mood gradually calmed down.

Xu Yun looked up at the time on the wall.

At this time, the hour hand was infinitely close to the number 12, and it was only five or six minutes away from the complete coincidence.

Seeing this situation, he clapped his hands to everyone in the audience:

"OK, friends, it's getting late, and everyone's stomachs must be starting to complain."

"I have asked Ye Zhi Xuemei to order takeaway for everyone, and the food has been delivered to the next door. Now everyone put down the work in hand, go fill your stomach and have a rest!"


Hearing the word eating, the atmosphere in the laboratory suddenly relaxed.

A meal after hard work can often not only satisfy the appetite, but also bring some spiritual comfort.

Then under the leadership of Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang.

A group of people quickly sorted out the work in the laboratory, turned off the equipment, and came to the activity room next to the laboratory.

The area of ​​the activity room is about 60 to 70 square meters. There are three spinning bicycles diagonally opposite the entrance, and a rectangular wooden table that can accommodate more than ten people is placed in the center.

In addition, there is a ping-pong table and a simple cot in the corner of the house, which can be used for leisure sports or shift rest during night shifts.

At this time, on the dining table very close to Xu Yun and others, there were three closed foam boxes.

The word 'rice' was written with a carbon pen on the foam box on the far left, and 'vegetables' were written on the other two.

Although the sealing performance of the foam box is very good, no smell escapes from it.

But many people swallowed heavily as if they smelled delicious food.

With his hands behind his back, Lu Chaoyang came to one of the foam boxes with dishes written on it, gently lifted its lid, and a scent rushed over his face.

Lu Chaoyang poked his head in, and said unexpectedly:

"Huo'er, boiled beef appetizer fish head. This is braised chicken nuggets. Sauerkraut fat intestines Xiao Xu, your food is fine."

Xu Yun smiled and didn't explain too much.

As a scientific researcher with two lifetimes, he understands the feelings of the tool people in the research group too well.

For many scientific researchers, being able to eat on time is not an easy task.

It is even more difficult to eat a good meal on a punctual basis.

Many science students have lost a lot of hair and their eyes are hundreds of degrees after finishing their third master's degree and fourth degree.

The stomach has also left an old problem that is difficult to recuperate.

More than a miserable word.

Although the Listening Truth project team is a small module subcontracted from Academician Pan's project, the relevant funds are fully borne by Huadun Biotechnology.

So when it comes to food or logistics, Xu Yun will naturally be full.

Such as three meals.

The specs he gave are .

Three meals per person are 60, plus supper!

be honest.

This is already considered very high food treatment.

After all, college cafeterias are subsidized by scientific research, and the cost of eating with a group of people is much lower than that of a single person.

Afterwards, everyone rushed to bring out the dishes one after another from the foam box. Some dishes were packed in small portions, while others were packed in large portions in round plastic boxes.

All in all a variety.

In terms of box lunches, it is calculated on the basis of two boxes per person—in fact, most people may be almost full with one box, but in case someone has a big appetite and can’t fill their stomachs, Xu Yun still asked Zhang Han, who is in charge of ordering, to order more Some.

You can add some old godmother and ham sausage to these endless rice to make supper fried rice, so there will be no waste.

After allocating food.

Everyone got together in twos and threes, and ate lunch happily.

Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang, as project leaders and senior brothers, found a place to eat alone.

Although the Chinese people have a saying that they don't eat or sleep, but for a "rough guy" like scientific research Wang, there are not many such rules when eating - at most, don't chew in your mouth when talking That's it.

"Little Xu."

Lu Chaoyang took a sip of kelp soup first, then snapped the disposable chopsticks, and said to Xu Yun at the same time:

"Now that we have completed the ground state processing of the isolated point particles, it is almost time to divide the work and do their own work in the future."

"It's just that compared to the ground state treatment, no matter which project it is, I am afraid it will not be easy, and you have to be mentally prepared."

Xu Yun nodded in agreement.

Although the omen of a good start is very good, it is impossible to be so easy and smooth every time.

All the following links are far more difficult than today, and they must be protracted battles again and again, with extremely high difficulty.

At least it is impossible to solve the problem in a few hours like today.


It is good luck to complete 80% of the projects within two months.

Of course.

This refers to progress under normal circumstances.

If Xu Yun used a thinking card like Gaussian, it probably would have shortened the time a lot.

But right now the project does not need to be rushed, so Xu Yun is not going to open it for the time being - those thinking cards are one less if you use one, and you must spend it wisely.

While Xu Yun was deep in thought, Lu Chaoyang asked again:

"By the way, Xiao Xu, are you planning to go home for Chinese New Year this year?"

Xu Yun was slightly taken aback, and put the piece of beef that was going to be stuffed into his mouth back on the rice, and sighed softly:

"The company is on a crunch right now, so it may not be going back this year."

"Not going back."

Lu Chaoyang didn't seem too surprised by Xu Yun's answer, he didn't go home much during his years of studying in Cambridge:

"Did you tell your parents?"

Xu Yun shook his head:

"Not yet, I plan to talk about it next month."

Different from the standard protagonist template, Xu Yun is an only child with no siblings, and both parents are still alive.

Xu Yun's parents currently run an optical shop in their hometown county, and the business is so-so.

Didn't make a lot of money, but didn't starve to death.

So according to the normal situation, Xu Yun must go home for the Spring Festival.


Today's Huadun Biotechnology is at a critical juncture of development, with many projects under intensive preparation or research and development, and there will be a wave of shopping peaks before the Spring Festival.

As Xu Yun is one of the leaders of the company, it is really inconvenient to leave this kind of node.

Not to mention that there is Lao Su temporarily living in his house in Luzhou, which is also a difficult situation to deal with:

It is not appropriate to leave Lao Su alone and go back to his hometown, after all, Lao Su has not fully adapted to modern life.

But it would be even more embarrassing to take Lao Su home——Bring a strange boy home during the Chinese New Year, and if he fails to keep them together, he will be mistaken for coming out of the closet.

Moreover, there are strangers present, and it is difficult for everyone at the dinner table to let go.

Therefore, under balance, Xu Yun could only give up the idea of ​​going home for the time being.

In addition, the company's Gu Qunqing and others also planned this way, and everyone planned to find a place to have a New Year's Eve dinner together at that time, so they could be regarded as having a companion to take care of them.

"Ding dong—"

Just as Xu Yun was talking with Lu Chaoyang.

Suddenly, a notification tone came from Lu Chaoyang's mobile phone on the table.

He put down his chopsticks, took the phone, and turned on the screen.

Xu Yun didn't pay much attention to this, and picked up the rice on his own.

But soon.

Lu Chaoyang's whisper came from his ears:


Seeing this, Xu Yun raised his head, removed a grain of rice sticking to the corner of his mouth, and asked:

"What's wrong, Professor Lu?"

Lu Chaoyang turned the phone over, the screen shook towards Xu Yun, and a push message was displayed on it:

"Look, Xinhua News Agency issued a notice that the country seems to be preparing to plan to excavate the Yongling Mausoleum of the Ming Tombs—the tomb of Emperor Jiajing."


Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment, and after recovering, he quickly took out his mobile phone and opened Weibo.

as expected.

On the soaring list of hot searches, there is a hot search about # The country plans to start the Yongling excavation project # .

The relevant news was released an hour ago, and it has already reached the fifth place in the hot search.

Among them, the one that hangs at the top is an article issued by Xinhua News Agency:

[According to today’s news from the GWY office, many historians jointly submitted a signed letter of intent, believing that today’s archaeological techniques are relatively mature, and applying for the establishment of the Yongling Project Committee to excavate Yongling, the mausoleum of Emperor Jiajing in the Ming Tombs. 】

Lu Chaoyang on the side was also flicking the screen, as if he was looking at some comments:

"The trending searches are really fast. Now it's fifth. Oh no, it's fourth."

Lu Chaoyang and Xu Yun were located very close to other members of the project team, and the voice of the conversation naturally spread to the ears of those around them.

So soon.

A few people followed suit and flipped over their phones.

Looking at it, a girl with short hair blinked curiously:

"Emperor Jiajing's Yongling Mausoleum is the tomb that is said to have the "Yongle Dadian"?"

Tang Fei, who was second only to Lu Chaoyang in age, nodded and explained:

"That's right, but this is just a rumor, and it's unlikely—according to the current exploration results of Yongling Mausoleum, there should not be enough space in Yongling Mausoleum for the "Yongle Dadian" to flourish."

It is clear.

This old man is also a senior fan.

Then Tang Fei clicked his tongue lightly, and the expression on his face gradually became a little puzzled:

"However, it's a little strange that the higher-ups would propose the excavation plan of Yongling Mausoleum."

Hearing this, Ye Zhi, who was in charge of ordering takeout, was very cooperative and praised:

"Dr. Tang, why is it so strange? I see that many emperors' tombs have been excavated, haven't they?"

Tang Fei shook his head lightly, put down his chopsticks, and said:

"There is a saying in our Chinese archaeological circle, which is called 'archaeology does not go to the Ming Dynasty', which means that tombs after the Ming Dynasty are rarely excavated."

"Because the traditional view is that the later the age, the richer the literature and the more comprehensive the research of history, and the smaller the role that archaeology can play.

"Of course, the exception is the case of tomb robbers-many tombs of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty have been destroyed by tomb robbers."

"As for the tombs of the Ming Dynasty, only Dingling was excavated after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and that excavation work"

"It caused a tragedy in the history of Chinese archaeology."

Ye Zhi said 'hey':


Tang Fei nodded, with a heavy expression on his face, and sighed:

"Due to technical and conceptual problems, a large number of cultural relics were quickly weathered and destroyed after being unearthed. The coffins were thrown off the cliff by the director of the museum office. The bones of the Wanli emperor and empress were smashed in those years. There are no bones left. The loss is incalculable."

"For this reason, in 1997, GWY also issued the "Notice on Strengthening and Improving Work on Cultural Relics."

"The "Notice" clearly stipulates for the first time that due to the lack of scientific and technological means and other conditions for the protection of cultural relics, the active excavation of large imperial mausoleums will not be carried out for the time being, and it has continued until now."

Hearing Tang Fei's words.

Xu Yun at the side also sighed slightly.

The Dingling excavation mentioned by Tang Fei is also the first emperor's tomb project approved by the state, planned, organized, and proactively excavated in New China.


The first project to be excavated is Changling, which is the tomb of Ming Chengzu Zhu Di.

It was in October 1955. Mr. Guo Moruo, the first president of HKUST, received a letter from Wu Han, the then deputy mayor of Yanjing.

Neizhong said:

"Mr. Guo: Discuss the excavation of the Changling Mausoleum and talk to all parties. They all agree with it. I am planning to submit a manuscript to GWY. Please consider and correct it if it is available. Please take the lead. Fan Wenlan, Shen Yanbing, Deng Tuo, and Zhang Su will all sign in favor of it."

This report was quickly sent to the above, but due to the difficulty of excavation, it was decided to try excavating Dingling first in April 1956.

May 17, 1956.

Dingling excavation project officially started.

And this officially opened the prelude to the famous tragedy in the history of Chinese archaeology.

The excavation process of the entire mausoleum went smoothly, there were no casualties, and there were no ghosts and ghosts encountered in archaeological novels.

In just a few days, the archaeological team quickly entered the underground palace.

In the apse of the underground palace, there are three coffins of Emperor Wanli, Empress Xiaoduan Wang, and Empress Xiaojing Wang. None of them have been damaged before, and the funeral objects are complete.

In addition, there were 2,648 pieces of all kinds of utensils (excluding coins and buttons).

Among them, the number of textiles and clothing is the largest, with a total of 644 pieces, mainly silk products.

In addition, there are 289 gold wares, 271 silver wares, 65 bronze wares, 370 tin wares, 51 jade wares, and 84 lacquer wares. , two hundred and forty-eight pieces of jewelry.

However, due to the serious shortage of cultural relics restoration and preservation technology at that time, experts used polymethyl methacrylate toluene solution to strengthen these unearthed silk fabrics.

The result was good initial results, however after some time problems started to appear with these treated silk fabrics:

They gradually lost their luster, softness and elasticity, and became not only black and hard, but also brittle.

In addition, at that time there was no warehouse with constant temperature and humidity to protect cultural relics, and as a result, most of these silk fabrics were seriously damaged.

At the same time, in order to meet the exhibition needs of the Dingling Museum, a replica was made of the coffin of the Wanli Emperor.

Unexpectedly, after the replica was built, a person in charge of the Dingling Museum ordered people to throw the original coffin into the ravine as garbage.

From then on, the original coffin of Emperor Wanli disappeared without a trace.

What is displayed in the underground palace today is still a replica of that year.

As for the corpses of the Wanli emperor and empress, they were also publicly smashed and burned in the Dingling Museum Square during the years of great change.

So since then.

Huaxia has never started the excavation of the emperor's tomb.

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