I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 736 It's small, the layout is small

This kind of strong man cuts off his wrist, or deliberately digs a hole for himself, letting the whole ship hit the rocks and then take the opportunity to clean it.

Zhao Dezhu learned it from sister Xia's demolition.

But whether Citigroup can understand it is up to him.

Zhao Dezhu just needs everyone to follow along.

This is how Dopta entered the North American market.

The agreement reached between Sun Xingping and Pang Yong is that he still holds 10% of Dopta's brand shares.

Zhao Dezhu paid 40 million yuan and got 70% of the shares, while Wang Fenglian still kept 20% of the shares, but she only helped to enjoy the benefits in the form of a shareholder, without management and exercise rights, and was completely operated by Zhao Dezhu.

Wang Fenglian is still very satisfied with this agreement. She is very clear that she is a technical businessman, and her judgment on electronic technology far exceeds that of marketing.

Zhao Dezhu has proved his keen market perception in previous battles, so he will be in charge of Dopta.

Everyone performs their duties, maybe it will be better.

It's just that the relationship with Sun Xingping has been severed, so Sun Xingping independently went to the high-tech industrial park to establish a mobile phone research and development center.

Speaking from Chen Xiaolong's scientific research institute, Microsoft Mobile Internet R\u0026D Center, Sun Xingping's Dopta R\u0026D Center, and HPC's technology production R\u0026D center.

These few parts alone are enough weight.

Zhao Dezhu and Chen Xiaolong discussed on the transoceanic flight that after the Spring Festival, they would find Jiangzhou City to acquire a piece of land and turn it into an industrial park for small and medium-sized enterprises. The relaxed environment of modern villa buildings will move the R\u0026D center and scientific research center there, and become independent in the future. The various teams of the army, such as Pentium Mobile Assistant and Somao Input Method, which have a size of less than two or three hundred people, also moved there.

The key point is to allow the R\u0026D team to enjoy better conditions, which will have a strong promotion effect on the entire huge enterprise.

Since last year, there has been a peak of recruiting students from famous domestic colleges and universities. This year, there is a promotion of a minimum salary of 100,000 yuan, which is expected to be even crazier.

Coupled with the number of vocational students and the constantly expanding number of people, Chen Xiaolong, who never cared about these things, was a little thrilled.

Especially last year’s Spring Festival, the activity of not going home was popular. This year’s Spring Festival is even more popular. In addition to a large number of employees staying to communicate, carry out activities, and find partners during the holiday, there are also many fresh graduates who have winter vacations from other places. born.

Before the graduation season, let's take a look at what kind of magic power this nationally famous high-tech industrial park has, and whether it is worth going to work for.

You must know that just three to five years ago, the general climate of scientific research in China was still low. It was better to be a self-employed businessman. As the saying goes, it is better to sell tea eggs than to engage in atomic bombs.

Suddenly, Jiangzhou High-tech Industrial Park showed that it was not limited to the Internet. Many other scientific research directions, as long as they can be involved with the Internet, may find opportunities here.

That's very attractive.

Therefore, it is more in line with the future development trend to make some large-scale parks suitable for the development of small and medium teams.

Jiangzhou City will definitely support it.

Zhao Dezhu promised himself that he would have a good talk with Pang Yong after the festival, and Chen Xiaolong was satisfied to switch to discuss technology with Sun Xingping.

Since he was going to meet the richest man in the world and also see the legendary mansion of the top rich man, Zhao Dezhu naturally pulled Chen Xiaolong into his tour group, only Pang Yong desperately took Chen Yanling and others to negotiate with Gu Ge to collect money.

Zhao Dezhu had a lot of intentions, so he simply brought Sun Xingping with him, so that this technical expert who was full of resentment against the Microsoft system but had been unable to communicate with high-level officials could go straight to Tianting.

This alone makes the arrogant Sun Xingping a little convinced. Zhao Dezhu, who is 21 years old, has already surpassed the peak he once thought. Chen Xiaolong, who is in his early thirties, is more adapted to the current Internet situation. He needs to readjust his position up.

The reason why Long Zhiyu didn't sit with her husband was that she invited Mother Yi to travel with her before she left the house. She knew the feeling of a single woman in an empty home when her daughter went to the Spring Festival Gala.

Along the way, we applied facial masks together and exchanged nursing experiences. It was so comfortable that Nana couldn't get in the conversation.

Zhao Dezhu glanced at it by chance, and in a trance, he really felt that it was two sisters sitting together. He thought about the house of the richest man in the world. If there are more people, you won’t be charged for accommodation, right?

He is also stingy from the countryside.

In addition to the bodyguards, um, Shen Jianing, Li Yuanyuan, Feng Xiaoting and Gao Yuxin, all brought Yi's mother, and Zhao Dezhu simply called Lao Xu and sister Hong who were going to spend the Spring Festival in Jiangzhou.

In his view, visiting the richest man's house as a guest is not a business negotiation, but a benefit that can make insiders feel rewarded.

Even let Shen Yuhong and Li Shengjun participate.

Anyway, just spend some travel expenses, so there are still more than 20 people in the whole tour group.

But this little calculation is nothing but floating clouds in front of the mansion of the richest man in the world.

The flight landed in Seattle, and a business convoy followed directly.

A very short distance is to a lake that is very close to the sea, even in areas with higher latitudes in the northern hemisphere in winter.

This place is just like the nearby Vancouver of Canada, it is a good place that is affected by the warm and humid air of the ocean, and it is like spring all the year round.

Mother Yi said that they had lived in Vancouver for a while, that Long Zhiyu was more familiar with North American routes, and that Shen Yuhong had studied in Canada and Massachusetts, so they could give everyone a general knowledge of the climate characteristics.

But just after leaving the coastline, I saw the blue lake here, the sparkling lake has a panoramic view, and the more majestic snow-capped mountains in the distance against the clear sky seem to be close at hand.

This kind of beautiful scenery of the lake and Tianshan is really fascinating.

Li Yuanyuan and Shen Jianing, who came to the Lighthouse Country for the first time, had several foreign affairs activities, and they could keep raising their mobile phones to take pictures in a low voice, but Feng Xiaoting always looked at Zhao Dezhu with a light smile, and occasionally lowered her head to whisper to Gao Yuxin.

Zhao Dezhu was driven crazy by Chen Xiaolong's twin daughters.

Because Nana sat with them on the transoceanic flight, and after they got used to it, she teased them to play tricks on Zhao Dezhu.

Sunshine's smiling older sister and irascible younger sister dress exactly alike, and it's really hard to tell them apart from their appearance.

As a result, Zhao Dezhu didn't know who he was facing at all, and he deeply felt the feeling that you are an idiot that Hamei said.

Then I felt that I was a bit worthless, and I missed my daughter when I went out.

The convoy went to the pier and boarded a yacht, either a luxurious large yacht, or a small motorboat with exquisite decoration and classical style. The little girls were all laughing and laughing.

It’s just that when the tour guide introduced what’s wrong with this huge lake, Zhao Dezhu complained that there are Qinghai Lake and Erhai Lake in our country, and Long Zhiyu beat him up and told him to shut up.

Because when you cross the lake that looks like a small strait, and arrive at the other side of the lake where there are dense green forests with villas and residences, you can see the richest man in the world already standing on the private pier trestle, welcoming the guests with a smile.

This reminded Zhao Dezhu that the richest man in HK who was pouring wine next to him was also so humble.

He couldn't help reaching out and hugging Yuanyuan who was beside him, as if he was using this action to remind himself that he should face the fight as firmly as he did back then.

Don't be softened by this superficial warmth.

The secretary was startled, and quickly touched the boss's arms while reminding in a low voice, "Where is Long Jie!"

Feng Xiaoting actually pulls Gao Yuxin to pick and roll!

Nana still caught a glimpse, and coughed sternly!

Zhao Dezhu laughed happily. He walked up the steps of the motorboat that had just landed, shook hands with Gates, and then reached out to help his wife and daughter to go ashore, and introduced the companions behind him one by one.

It was just that it was pulled to Mother Yi's hand, it was really soft and slippery.

Zhao Dezhu, the old snake skin, couldn't help but feel his heart flutter in such a scene.

Nana still saw it!

She stretched out her hand to block the front, and all the ladies in the back belonged to her.

Everyone has been amazed.

The mansion of the richest man in the world.

Before coming, I may have various imaginations, probably thinking that it is still the kind of palace-style extravagance.

You can only feel it by seeing it with your own eyes. It turns out that the building is also imposing.

Zhao Dezhu once felt that it was a pity that Xi Lianying was not called.

The large North American solid wood pillars, which should be red cedar wood, are paired with floor-to-ceiling glass. The small two- or three-story building is half-hidden in the middle of the dense forest.

It looks like an ordinary building, but there is a long staircase extending to the water bank. Its broad and imposing style immediately has the taste of civil and military officials standing in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony waiting to go up to the inside.

Both Chen Xiaolong and Shen Yuhong were amazed, and Sun Xingping seemed to be on a pilgrimage.

Gates nodded politely to welcome each one, and Zhao Dezhu inevitably felt that this was different from Lao Li with his modest appearance.

All in all, it was a learning opportunity for him.

The couple walked in front with Mr. Gates, and listened to the richest man's casual introduction of this home that he spent seven or eight years to complete the decoration along the way.

Mother Yi and Nana are walking behind, which can also explain that she has probably heard of this top mansion, and it cost about 200 million US dollars!

And it was ten years ago when money was worth more.

Everyone stands tall.

It turns out that the richest people in the world live in such a place.

Children don't have to walk up the steps, there is an elevator next to it.

Zhao Dezhu kept laughing and didn't speak a word, and he couldn't speak English, so he didn't like this kind of country style full of North American design style.

Simply put your hands behind your back and smile.

When walking in front of the building, a blond and blue-eyed assistant butler smiled and gave each guest a pin that could be used as a souvenir.

Long Zhiyu reported in surprise: "Wow, it turns out that this pin is equipped with a chip, which is convenient for the entire area to identify the identity of each guest, so that whether it is to automatically open the door or confirm the direction, it is clear at a glance, and each room can also recommend smart solutions according to the situation of the guests. Woolen cloth……"

Gates has been observing Zhao Dezhu's reaction. It should be said that everyone who has been here before will be amazed. Is this the case for smart homes in the future?

Zhao Dezhu looked at the pin in his hand and laughed loudly: "It's small, the layout is small!"

Made, don't pretend to be uncomfortable, Ski.

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