I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 722 Here it is, can you handle it?

It must be admitted that Zhen Yuejin is a character.

Even though he was notorious in the last life, and cheated, but the film and television ecology he proposed, the model of platform + content + terminal + application, is actually correct.

It's just that he didn't have enough capital to support his approach. Later, a certain treasure and Penguin were rich and powerful and slowly deployed.

In fact, it's all his tricks.

Even building cars behind him is purely a gimmick to continue bragging.

It can also attract a large group of people to follow suit and follow suit.

It is simply the patriarch who bluffs and deceives in the name of high technology.

Right now, his decisiveness is extraordinary.

Originally, the focus was on the line of TV set-top boxes, but when it was discovered that the smartphone supported by Zhao Dezhu did have unparalleled advantages and future.

Immediately turned to this side, from this point, he and Chen Banqiao don't say who is stronger, at least there is a big difference in business thinking.

But he has no money, which is very different from Chen Banqiao.

The scheming cheeks kept a smile, and he stood up in front of the camera lightly: "Let's cooperate, my entire film and television ecological structure is very promising..."

Well, maybe he has fooled countless people, even high-ranking figures into believing him, but Zhao Dezhu knows better than the whole world what kind of shit this guy is.

Absconding with money, slapping your ass and leaving, slapping yourself in the face at any time, swearing every word is like farting.

After hearing this, I laughed: "Don't, I'm too busy with my own ecological structure now, let me tell you this, big companies like Microsoft and Penguin all use real money to produce products, and I will give Microsoft The cost is 600 million US dollars, and Penguin will only be higher than this. If you want 500 million, it is just the R\u0026D and production line costs. The ex-factory price will be shared according to your order quantity, but I am not interested in going around in circles without seeing this money. I'm busy, and this is just the money to make a few movies, so I don't have time to dawdle."

Wow, a group of young actors can drip water from their eyes, all of them are full of choppy waves.

For such a young super rich man, once he reaches the top, can he reach the sky in one step?

Among other things, look at Yao Min, since he climbed the line of Zhao Dezhu, he has everything from movies, TV, luxury cars, and luxury houses.

Now it is even more graceful in ancient costumes, holding Zhao Dezhu's slim figure.

If the eyes can gather fire, it is estimated that the actors in this circle have burned Yao Min to ashes.

What else did Zhen Yuejin want to say, there are already a circle of foreigners at the guest seat!

Hello when we meet, Charles...

Uh, Zhao Dezhu in the back couldn't understand, Yao Min was blind too, and Zhen Yuejin showed a simple and honest blank look.

Chen Yanling and Wang Fenglian were far away, Zhao Dezhu naturally turned to his wife for help.

But Long Zhiyu looked at the cameras swarming around her, and took a half step back to signal Yi Fei: "As family members, we don't show up in public all the time, why don't you help him translate?"

Nana, who was eager to try, was gently held by her mother's hand.

Seeing that Yi Fei was slightly surprised, she nodded and walked over, and then complained in a low voice: "I can do it too!"

Long Zhiyu shook his head: "You have to learn to understand your dad's thinking. Why is the situation so big today? Influence, how to maximize influence, is the support your dad needs most..."

Following the direction of her finger, Yi Fei in a strapless dress walked over.

That is to be able to complement each other in front of rich names like Zhao Dezhu and Zhen Yuejin.

Even if there is no spotlight here, the girl who just won the title of Goddess of the Shonan Golden Goose TV Festival this year is suddenly shining brightly.

It felt like she had turned on some switch. She was sitting on the chair in the guest seat in the gymnasium before, and her inward momentum was a little hidden from everyone.

There are all kinds of show business stars everywhere, and it will not be obvious how dazzling she is.

Now the light blue off-the-shoulder dress makes the skin shine, and the long hair coiled up is even more noble and elegant with fairy air.

Involuntarily attracting so many shots, there was a flash of flashes.

It feels like it's setting off her appearance.

Yao Min was so angry that his expression twisted, but he still controlled it well.

Her white and light green ancient costume is also exquisite, not afraid.

But because she was afraid of being uneducated, Yi Fei killed a bunch of schoolgirls in front of her with a smile, and treated those foreigners Volkam like a blooming narcissus...

Anyway, I got a passport at Citigroup and went to middle school, and my daily conversations are very relaxed: "Mr. Tim is the president of Microsoft China and the global vice president. I am very amazed at your vision of the mobile Internet. I hope that the next Microsoft mobile phone conference will also be You can do just as well.”

In fact, when Yi Fei spoke English, Zhao Dezhu patted Yao Min's hand on his arm to comfort him: "It's okay, we are all uneducated."

Yao Min just smiled sweetly, really charming.

Only then did Zhao Dezhu shake hands with the other party.

In a few words, it was confirmed that the press conference of Microsoft's mobile phone would be held in Shanghai, but Zhao Dezhu was unwilling to go on stage.

He wasn't worried about offending the Gu Ge boss, but he felt from the bottom of his heart that Microsoft's system was not good. This was really a systemic problem.

Unless it is overthrown and restarted, including the attitude of the regional president in front of him, he can't see the prospect of mobile phones changing the world.

Not everyone is as visionary as Gates' father, and not all Microsoft executives are willing to accept the revolution brought by mobile phones.

In fact, the Microsoft mobile phone is just an attempt made by Gates in his own name before he retires.

The giant Microsoft is already used to harvesting system dividends in the computer market, and it is not so easy to turn around.

This is a trend issue. Even if Zhao Dezhu helps Microsoft's mobile phone system to last for a few years, this system will be eliminated sooner or later, and it will become Zhao Dezhu's dark history.

In particular, he just launched the Android version of the phone, and immediately went to brag about the performance of the Microsoft version. Isn't this slapping himself in the face?

But in the eyes of the people around him, Zhen Yuejin, those young actors, and the various media with long guns and short guns, seeing Yi Fei as an interpreter, Zhao Dezhu being held by Yao Min, talking to Microsoft with ease The guy exchanged greetings, but he was talking about such important things.

It's easy to be overwhelmed.

So young and powerful, so capable, so beautiful as a pair.

Just seeing Yi Fei come over and start translating on her own initiative, one can tell that the relationship is extraordinary.

Then Zhao Dezhu finally thought about it: "Why don't we just ask Yi Fei to be the spokesperson of this phone, and she will host the press conference by herself, is there no problem?"

I felt like my arms were being clenched immediately.

Yi Fei couldn't help but brighten her eyes, made a mischievous expression, and turned her head to speak to foreigners.

Zhao Dezhu still turned his head to Yao Min: "Here, can you handle it?"

Yao Min raised his head and looked at each other fiercely for a moment.

But it softened instantly and turned into a pout.

Wisdom eventually overwhelms nature.

Zhao Dezhu leaned into her ear: "If there is something wrong with the phone, I dare not go there."

Yao Min was pleasantly surprised again: "Give it to me next time!"

Zhao Dezhu also understood the meaning of the sentence "Benefit and Power": "It's still the same sentence, if you can catch it, I will naturally give it to you, right?"

Only then did Yao Min look at Zhao Dezhu seriously, confirming that he was not playing with him, and nodded slowly.

Even if the people around couldn't hear the subtle voices of these two people, they could tell that the beauty had been favored again.


The actresses were envious.

And Yi Fei has already communicated with the other party quickly, and she didn't translate it to Zhao Dezhu.

Finally, Mr. Tim stretched out his hand: "OK..."

Yi Fei is not stupid, she confirmed on the spot that she is willing to serve as the spokesperson of this Microsoft mobile phone and the host of the global press conference, and said that she is very familiar with the operation of Microsoft mobile phones... In fact, the 828 mobile phone she has been using is the Microsoft system. To improve the test experience, Zhao Dezhu also asked her to participate, after all, the frequency of the two of them chatting on WB is too high.

Moreover, various items from voice, text input, video transmission, etc. are purposefully covered.

The rest is how much Microsoft is willing to spend to hire such a spokesperson, and what level of endorsement, just the Chinese business district or something, you can talk to her agent, that is, her mother, for details.

This is standard business practice.

The largest company in the world by market capitalization is still imposing, and after only a few discussions, they nodded their heads to confirm.

Yi Fei in 2006 can be said to outshine the young actresses in China.

With Citigroup status and an international style fluent in Chinese and English, she is the only one who can handle this high-tech endorsement.

The actors and media at the scene were all excited.

A role model for the predecessors!

Once again, it pointed out what kind of chance to ascend to heaven if you hugged the thigh of the patron boss.

The media is already impatient to send news immediately.

Yi Fei will be the host of the Microsoft mobile phone conference. As the endorsement of the Microsoft brand, this...is not the same as a luxury endorsement, but which luxury brand is worth a leg of Microsoft?

This could make headlines like "Microsoft's first-ever brand ambassador is born!".

Does this mean that big international brands are optimistic about the domestic market?

All in all, this temporary business negotiation standing in front of the entire infield has attracted the attention of many people, and it is destined to be a hot news topic.

But that's not all.

Microsoft chatted very well, shaking hands and reaching an agreement.

Several other people couldn't help but came over.

Zhao Dezhu recognized one of them.

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