I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 593 I am your supporting role

That foreign software happens to be Microsoft...

Penguin is the only one in China, but it is already a special phenomenon in the world.

It's just that the center of the Internet is Citigroup, and no one has noticed this small market in Asia these days.

At the same time, European and American social software such as Facebook and Twitter have not yet emerged, and the mainstream chat software abroad is Microsoft's MSN.

Including many foreign-related companies are proud of using MSN, and dislike penguins as an indecent means used by children to flirt with girls.

Penguin is also developing a business version to compete with MSN for the business market, and wants to clear this position.

So in 2003 and 2004, the tactics MSN adopted was to form an alliance with all other domestic chat software, so that everyone's users could share with each other.

Although it still can't handle the penguins, it can be regarded as a seesaw.

It's just that the situation is like a certain treasure is facing TM, and one-tenth of the combat power is not there.

Penguin is thinking about uniting with Microsoft, which shows the pressure.

Because the feedback from all aspects of the enterprise can feel the change.

This year, when enrolling students in major colleges and universities, outstanding students, except for a few foreign moon factions, still prefer Microsoft, and a considerable number of them prefer to go to TM and WB.

The TM network, which receives several tons of banknotes every day, has begun to attract talents from colleges and universities.

Once this virtuous circle and word-of-mouth effect are formed, it will be even more terrifying to other Internet companies.

But at this time, college enrollment is also in full swing this year, and Southwest College is a private secondary vocational college that can't be ranked at all.

It has become famous all over the country!

It was in the eight-to-six competition that Wang Han promoted the "Super Girl Flagship Store".

Feng Xiaoting launched an advertisement to audiences all over the country!

They have reached the stage of eight to six, and there are only a few people singing in each episode, and they are still familiar characters who have sung for several episodes.

No matter what, I have to find something to say to fill up the time.

When it was Feng Xiaoting's turn to take the stage, she changed the hip-hop style of the last time with fat jeans and a waistless T-shirt, and changed into a girl next door with a ponytail in denim shorts, a T-shirt and a plaid shirt.

She was supposed to talk about her mental journey, but this girl once again demonstrated the characteristics that surpassed all the contestants!

She is an anchor who hosts shows for e-sports fans across the country every week.

She has a special ability that all singers do not have, and she can quickly find the camera!

This is the basic skill of the host, and Nanli's assembly line of cultivating idols emphasizes this skill.

The background of actors like Yao Min and Yi Fei is exactly the opposite. Their professional habits are to ignore the camera and never look at the camera.

The domestic draft industry has not yet reached this level of refinement.

So when I sing, I don't feel it, but when I speak with the microphone alone, the audience will feel that Feng Moti has a different charm.

No matter how the camera is switched, she will subconsciously look at the camera she feels comfortable with, and keep switching.

Make the director feel very comfortable...

But what is more important is the expression of her speech. Don't forget, this girl is a professional broadcaster.

Even if it is a very low-level pheasant art school, it is more skilled in this project than other singing majors: "Last week, there is something wrong with the sponsor incident. I am indeed from TM.com, and I am even from this company. Senior Human Resources Director, my department..."

At this point, the recording scene was filled with genuine amazement, and even the judges applauded.

Wang Han and Sister Xiang also cooperated with surprise and got several close-ups.

But they really don't know.

Feng Xiaoting had to pause, and smiled at the camera: "The customer service department I directly manage alone has more than 300 beauties...and I am only 20 years old this year, what makes me lucky to participate As for the high-level operation of TM, what makes me lucky to be here? It is because I am from Jiangzhou Southwest College. I am actually a vocational student who just graduated this year. In the group that came out of the TV series "Latent"..."

Once again, the whole scene couldn't help being amazed!

Even the on-site director had to pause, and tried his best to call everyone to control the emotions of the scene.

Sister Xiang also took advantage of the gap to remind Feng Xiaoting that it was almost done, and besides, she was a little bit to other players... In short, it affected the audience's judgment too much.

This is too impressive.

Feng Xiaoting smiled helplessly, and skillfully adjusted the sentence so that the post-editing editor could pick it up: "Actually, I have always firmly remembered that I am a supporting role, and I just want to prove to many higher vocational students that I came to participate in Super Girls. At Southwest College, we will do our best to create opportunities for you to change your destiny. This year, we will specially recruit singing senior vocational students who are oriented to the super girl draft, and specially recruit high vocational students who are willing to participate in film and television drama performances. Welcome to Jiangzhou Southwest Applying for the college entrance examination..."

Shonan Satellite TV felt that Boss Zhao's subordinates are all top-notch!

Actually put the advertisement directly on the stage of Super Girls.

But this exactly coincides with Zhao Dezhu's claim that what he did was for higher vocational education.

After all, Shonan Satellite TV is not a commercial organization, but also has the function of a propaganda department.

In the end, this passage was broadcast. After all, Southwest College wanted to train singing students specifically for the Super Girls audition. This is also an excellent publicity stunt.

Unexpectedly, there was a school-going event that was no less than the registration for the super girl audition!

Because Feng Xiaoting's next song "Exaggeration" is really amazing.

Let’s say she is the original singer. This Cantonese version has just become popular, and it’s very trendy. Some contestants have sung it before.

It is said that she is a cover song. This adapted Mandarin version of the lyrics quite straightforwardly conveys the mentality of hard work and exploration, which is much higher than the Cantonese version, which is a bit depressed and complaining.

Feng Xiaoting herself is even more devoted, but her petite figure stands on the stage and releases her emotions explosively.

From the time she got this song, which was said to be specially composed by Zhao Dezhu for her, and spent more than 100,000 yuan in copyright adaptation fees, this girl spent all her time on rehearsals.

It seems that this song is Zhao Dezhu's understanding and response to her thoughts.

I was stimulated by Yao Min to participate in the competition, hoping to be famous to increase my weight.

But in fact, her weight in Zhao Dezhu's heart has nothing to do with how much money she earns.

It's only related to the figure who accompanied him to sell wine back then, the one who accompanied him when he jumped out of the richest man's father's car and was looked down upon by others.

So Feng Xiaoting sang it as a devotion!

The facial expressions of the audience followed up and down, and even the famous scene full of tears appeared at this moment in advance.

So in this round of competition, Feng Xiaoting actually won the first place in the game!

Mina won the second place in one fell swoop with "Starry Sky", a rock song that perfectly fits her temperament.

Alargul came to Shonan with Dao Zai, and personally assisted her in re-arranging and polishing an Ai Jieke song in Dao Zai's album.

Wearing a national costume, playing and singing with an extremely exquisite bowed string instrument like Aijiejie, and dancing...


Among the top six contestants, Southwest College occupied three seats!

Now even the Shonan Satellite TV program team is scratching their heads...

It feels like a wedding dress.

But the performance of these three girls is indeed remarkable.

The performance of the two ethnic minorities is contagious, perfectly showing the characteristics of the show!

Feng Xiaoting's sincere performance was even more impressive, and the judges applauded frequently.

What can fans of other players say?

Picking a show, you guys are too arrogant.

The level of various original songs is so high, the mentor is a famous pop singer, and there is a sponsorship bonus.

Because there is generally no charge for singing other people's songs in talent shows, but copyright fees are required for adapting other people's songs.

You play like this, who can afford it!

Do you want to live?

In short, after this round of competition, WB started a new round of complaints, and finally someone found a way to get all kinds of yin and yang in Feng Mori's WB content.

For a while, Feng Xiaoting's WB was even more popular than Yao Min.

Fortunately, all of this is under Chen Yanling's control, and all swear words and insults will be deleted.

Feng Xiaoting didn't take it too seriously, except to post a few brochures about the admissions of Southwest College's acting major, singing major, and game major.

It is after discussing with the Super Girl program group, repeatedly adjusting the caliber and rhetoric.

About two or three days after the match, the entire network released a news at the same time, withdrawing from the competition for the ranking...

Given that she is indeed a senior executive of TM, even though the program crew didn't even know her real professional identity from the beginning to the end, let alone take care of her rating.

However, in order to avoid suspicion, Feng Moti officially withdrew from the ranking competition, but continued to follow the competition until he was eliminated.

When Zhao Dezhu got the news, he made a long-distance phone call unexpectedly: "What's wrong? You can't bear the pressure of such a little discussion?"

Feng Xiaoting, however, has transformed like a reborn, and responded easily and freely: "No, I suddenly figured out, what is the purpose of my participation in the competition? To promote TM, WB, and college. In fact, I planned to withdraw directly from the competition, Yan Ling Advise me that if you feel like we don't respect the program group, then discuss it with the program group, avoid suspicion and withdraw from the competition for rankings, besides, I don't have time to follow them to participate in the national tour, so I want to go back and help you watch the house."

Zhao Dezhu heard the tone: "I'm going back soon, I'll bring you a gift."

Feng Xiaoting provoked: "Buy an expensive one! Is it more expensive than Long Jie's?"

Zhao Dezhu is like a senior scumbag: "Can't we compare ourselves? Why don't you go to the Maldives on vacation after this show is over..."

Feng Xiaoting complained: "You are with me, I am happy in any poor mountain and bad water place, what's the point if you don't go."

Zhao Dezhu scoffed at this kind of idealism: "I don't know much... well, it's settled, when I go back, you guys will take a vacation together and go to Madai, I'll pay the bill, maybe you'll catch a handsome guy."

Feng Xiaoting laughed and scolded him to get out!

The corners of the eyes are a little moist.

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