I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 493: A Blow That Touches the Soul

But it was already shocking.

At least it shocked the returnees studying abroad architects.

This is already about political economy, or the more advanced social and humanistic fields.

In fact, for Zhao Dezhu, all he could know was when a certain treasure.com became popular in Zhejiang and Hangzhou.

Turn that city into the most intelligent and leading city in the country, and the most full of these new concepts?

Now that TM Network has been brought to Jiangzhou, Zhao Dezhu also wants to follow this line and do experiments.

He really can't think of any socioeconomics, compassion and other heights.

It would be nice to have a sense of social responsibility that Boss Xia mentioned.

Xi's father and Xi's mother were completely shocked by the whole floor of the office.

I looked in all directions and listened to Zhao Dezhu carefully explain the meaning of the four buildings, especially when he mentioned the appearance of the media in the future, it seemed like a lifetime away.

This illusion is most likely to occur in small counties.

Because we are exposed to the same scenes and characters every day, there are very few external impacts.

The rhythm of everything is so slow that there seems to be no difference in five or ten years, so I am very surprised by this change in the outside world.

The family of three finally sent off the contented elders on the side of the road, and Wang Fang drove the old couple back directly in a commercial vehicle.

Xi Lianying is completely convinced: "I used to think that your success was a little bit lucky, including when you were in HK, you seemed to have no culture, but you may be taking advantage of the advanced coastal areas to benefit from benefits, but now I confirm that you have some ideas and practices, which are beyond In this era, Xi Huan has a good father."

Just as Zhao Dezhu was about to say something, the phone rang.

Tao Zheng called: "Let's take a trip to the southern part of the city. Our whole stone crew will go to the Happy Conference to gain a lot of popularity, and try to warm up for "庙囧" in advance. Huang Bai will meet at the airport immediately."

Zhao Dezhu laughed out loud: "I am hundreds of thousands of dollars per minute, and you ask me to go on the show? What show can afford me?"

The exaggerated tone made Xi Lianying laugh, she grabbed her daughter's hand to say goodbye to Zhao Dezhu, she also waved her hand gracefully, handed it to the nanny in the back seat, climbed on the tall Hummer, and galloped away.

Tao Zheng called Zhao Dezhu over with a single sentence: "Xu Ning is here with the publisher's finances, and by the way, I asked you to share the account. As of now, the total box office is 240 million. Don't you come to send a red envelope to the whole crew?"

Zhao Dezhu immediately succumbed to the huge box office commission.

Immediately call my wife: "We're going to the Happiness Conference in Shonan, and we'll drive to the airport quickly. I'll catch up with you, a trickster, and maybe we can see stars."

Long Zhiyu was surprised that she felt a strong sense of reluctance immediately, and took a deep breath: "Tomorrow, the internal inspection of the school building will be conducted, and the day after tomorrow, the competent department will come to inspect and accept it. How can I get away... call Nana... forget it, In case she doesn't come back once a week, she has been spoiled to the limit, and she just needs to be clean, so go."

Zhao Dezhu no longer needs to show off to his wife to collect money: "That's fine...I'll bring you back stinky tofu."

The wife actually arranged: "Then I will ask Jia Jia to follow you and take care of you."

Zhao Dezhu: "You don't have to test me like this, I'm very innocent!"

Long Zhiyu smiled: "You take Yuanyuan with you again, and let them see the world, and you need to support the scene even more."

Zhao Dezhu wailed with joy in his heart: "What kind of situation can the two of them hold up? It's because I have to free up my hands to take care of the children!"

The gentle tone of Long Zhiyu's mother, Yitianxia: "Okay, okay, go and come back early."

On the contrary, Zhao Dezhu had no intention of cheating, and said warmly in his heart, "I love you, wife."

Long Zhiyu still smiled: "Understood, me too, hang up."

Here is Wang Baoqiang driving Zhao Dezhu and Li Yuanyuan to the airport.

The driver hesitated to speak along the way.

Zhao Dezhu could see it: "Why don't you go with me too? I'm mainly going to do errands and catch up with the scene. Next year, it's time for these shows to invite you."

Wang Baoqiang immediately smiled unabashedly: "Okay!"

The secretary who had never thought of sitting in the co-pilot exploded: "Okay! What a fart! Lao Zhao went to work to promote the movie. Did he make money from the movie? With such a big company, he made a fortune from the money." Well, it’s pulling our vocational students to escape, what about you? Why did you go? It’s fine to have a good time, even if you learn from Brother Huang Bai at the college and concentrate on teaching and teaching students, you just sit in the office every day in a daze, wasting time I'm ashamed of you!"

Don't forget, this is a irascible street girl who can scold Xiaoqingchong casually, and the girls of the nineteenth ladder are not easy to bully.

Usually in the company college, she can play Q so delicately that she can pinch water, that is her appearance to most people.

It's very fierce.

Wang Baoqiang should have never seen the fierceness of Jiangzhou girls.

His face was full of astonishment, and he was so nervous that he was at a loss.

Zhao Dezhu sat in the boss seat behind and wanted to laugh wildly, but he couldn't make a sound.

Watch with the mood of a father watching his children fall in love.

He also secretly craned his neck to look at Wang Baoqiang's mature face, feeling ashamed, and secretly glanced at the co-pilot.

As a result, Yuanyuan brand rocket bombs were bombarded again: "What are you looking at! Can't a man just look at it openly? You look like a mouse, look at how Lao Zhao taught us, be open and frank! Look at your face... ..."

Wang Baoqiang's appearance is wrinkled, and now he doesn't even know how to put his own facial features.

Fortunately, Zhao Dezhu's cell phone rang again, this time it was Feng Xiaoting: "My God, Chen Xiaolong, who was here that morning, came here again, saying that he wanted to talk to you again."

Zhao Dezhu snorted: "Don't talk about it, don't try to steal information from me to dig treasures, tell him to figure out what he can do, what he can do, how much salary he wants, and when he applies for a job, he must look like an applicant and follow my words every day. Well, he still called me at two o'clock in the middle of the night last night, and I said he had bad intentions and that I was on a business trip!"

Feng Xiaoting closed the phone and exaggerated Zhao Dezhu's attitude, indifferently: "Mr. Zhao is on a business trip. If you really want to apply for something, then fill out the form and do the job. The probation period is three months. We must make sure that you are not from a colleague. We want to play tricks here..."

Chen Xiaolong couldn't believe his ears, so he jumped at the crime!

What the hell, the email system that wasn't sold for 150,000 yuan back then was sold for 12 million yuan in the end, which is almost the result of being left out in the cold.

Your hard work is looked down upon, and in the end you will not be able to climb high!

It can be said that at this moment, he almost has a huge sense of competitiveness, I want to make you short-sighted things easy to watch!

turn and leave...

So fucking humiliating.

The impermanence of the world is changing rapidly, and this is what we are talking about.

Chen Xiaolong didn't even take the elevator, he hurried down the fire stairs to the lobby, walked through the messy place that was still under construction, came out to smoke a cigarette, took out his mobile phone and prepared to book a ticket back to Guangdong Province, where he would stay forever place.

But looking at the Nokia 9500 in his hand, he was a little dazed...

Living in the coastal east of Guangdong, Chen Xiaolong is also a pioneer in the forefront of IT. Naturally, he often goes to HK to get in touch with the latest electronic products.

This can be called Nokia's business smart phone that has climbed to the top of wisdom and is a master.

It looks like a bar computer, and when the side is opened like a notebook, it is actually a complete screen and a complete keyboard.

This reminded Chen Xiaolong of Zhao Dezhu's words again, that smartphones will completely replace newspapers and magazines and become the media carrier of the future...

This is the biggest feeling in his heart this year. He didn't think it through, but he was told by such a young guy.

He was a little reconciled.

Well, it’s still the mentality of a technical person. Once he thinks of technology, he forgets his face and dignity, and the anger just now disappears.

He dialed Zhao Dezhu's phone casually: "Mr. Zhao, I'm Chen Xiaolong..."

Ordinarily, Zhao Dezhu could have hung up the phone impatiently.

But just now, the carriage fell into an embarrassing silence.

Yuanyuan seems to be reminded that the boss's father is behind, and the driver is actually a major customer of the company, and he may also become a star.

I just shut up and controlled my emotions.

Wang Baoqiang, on the other hand, was completely scolded until his face was covered with sweat.

In fact, a year ago, he was still a martial artist running around in Pingjing, not even an extra.

Suddenly he was cast in a not-so-famous movie, but he went abroad and won the Best Actor award. Then this year, he appeared in Fang Xiaogang's New Year's Eve movie, and then he filmed "庙囧".

This alone took more than 400,000 yuan, mainly because Jiong got more, and there will be box office dividends in the future.

I'm a bit flustered, and want to find a wife.

As a result, being scolded by the little girl like this made me feel flustered and ashamed!

So it was a little awkward inside the carriage, Zhao Dezhu had nothing to say: "Well, you said..."

Chen Xiaolong seems to have returned to the way he just graduated: "You are right, there is no need to hang on the e-mail tree, logging in with the penguin username is indeed the most powerful way to attract traffic, and it can bring huge users Group, I went back at noon and carefully analyzed the software architecture of Facebook, and carefully observed the recent popular software in Silicon Valley and Nasdaq..."

Zhao Dezhu was eager to break the atmosphere of the carriage with his words, so he interrupted unceremoniously: "How about you stand up? You have been kneeling in front of foreigners for a long time, and you are not used to standing up? How about Citigroup's software, you guys In addition to frying cold rice for foreigners, come to China to eat, can you have some ideas of your own?"

Chen Xiaolong was hit hard by Zhao Dezhu for the third time!

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