I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 492 You Can Succeed Even If You Know What You Don’t Know Why

When Xi Lianying and his family came to the game company with their child in their arms, they were accompanied by the receptionist on a tour.

Zhao Dezhu was sitting on the desk of the operation department of the game company with his butt tilted, talking casually.

There are also many people in the technical department who are listening.

Now we all know that Mr. Zhao won the highest-level chief experience officer position of Penguin Group, a listed company, not for nothing, regardless of his lack of culture.

"The Legend of Condor Heroes" is old wine in new bottles, so it goes without saying that it is selling so well.

"Snow Mountain Flying Fox" focuses on the female market, and now it seems that both the game company and the Penguin business department are full of confidence.

Although the market has been on the market since last year, there have been several cartoon girls entering the game.

But neither the effect of the 2D plane nor the old routine of fighting monsters and upgrading has really captured the essence of female players.

After Zhao Dezhu directed it, the entire game team was enlightened from the very beginning!

This is a whole new way of thinking about game design.

Female players should do everything in the tune that girls like.

It's not a group of nerds who take it for granted that girls will like something.

When it comes to getting to know girls, who else can compare to the suave Mr. Zhao?

Therefore, as long as Zhao Dezhu speaks publicly in the game company, he will squeeze in as much as possible to listen in.

No matter which position you are in, being able to understand and master it will definitely benefit your future career development.

Because Mr. Zhao never talks about how to do it technically, but points out some directions, some unimaginable directions.

It's the same at this moment: "Yes, The Legend of Condor Heroes must not be hot enough now. Give up? We only need to leave a very small number of people to maintain the game and continue to lie down and collect money. Why give up? Okay, now It's time for the operation..."

Li Yuanyuan was not stupid at all, she watched the family over there come in, quietly opened a little distance, and even squeezed her chest slightly to make herself less conspicuous.

Xi's father and Xi's mother immediately saw the son-in-law among the one or two hundred people, young and promising, dressed in a black casual suit.

The expression is a little lively: "What are you going to do? Care... Anyone who has been with me knows that we have to send people to do child care when we open an online store. It is obvious that the business is very good. Don't you need it for games? Is it? Only trust can make the player's experience better..."

The supervisors are all absorbed in taking notes.

Xi Lianying watched in amazement, because the little one in her arms poked her head out of the swaddling baby and found her father, and became excited.

Zhao Dezhu didn't seem to see his wife and daughter: "In every server, there should be such a person who quickly climbed to the second place, putting enough pressure on the whole server to be the first, understand? As long as the first one does not recharge, the second I will surpass him, and even go to PK him... How do you think he will feel?"

The entire operation department is uproarious, boss, you are too cheap!

But everyone knows that this trick is simple and has excellent results.

It's not over yet: "When this person recharges, we will be beaten by him obediently, and then he must be satisfied, right? This is the experience that fully satisfies players. After all, we make games What are you doing, doing service!"

The staff supervisors of the operation department suddenly realized again.

This is how the mind is opened. As long as you change your mind, think about it with the mentality of serving krypton gold players well.

Hmm... This game has become the job of hunting and recharging players.

The operation and maintenance department is really not about maintaining the fairness of the game and ensuring the normal operation of the game, but serving the players who spend money well and satisfying them psychologically.

As soon as Zhao Dezhu finished speaking, the staff supervisors had already put their ideas on other players by analogy.

The top ten can be teased, and in the process of being promoted to second, challenge and humiliate one by one.

Didn't the whole server just go crazy.

There are currently more than 60 servers, and new servers will be opened to provoke newcomers to the rankings. It is really impossible to save the server. The number of people is too small, so the server will be merged. The server was bleeding like a river.

Wouldn't it be a fight?

As long as the boss promotes this concept, some people will think about it.

Zhao Dezhu pointed to the design team and operation team of the new game and pointed out: ""Snow Mountain Flying Fox" is a game for women, but the most important thing is to allow boys and girls to play together in it, and it is advocated that playing this game can find a girlfriend, advocate There are a lot of good-looking young ladies, so can we also open a brand new girls' uniform on the side of Condor Heroes... Let's borrow some staff from the customer service department to help."

It felt like one word awakened someone in a dream. The game department of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", which was a little slack, immediately returned to work with vigor.

Zhao Dezhu just came over and took his daughter with a smile, and hugged her in his arms: "The whole building was designed by Xiaoying, but the time was too tight, so many places were not perfected, so I moved in. Let's go, go to my temporary office to see Look, there are more Xiaoying's work around."

Li Yuanyuan quickly seized the opportunity, and quietly approached the designer at this time, and exchanged the content of her previous work.

In the end, I didn't even follow the elevator, but took another one with the front desk to keep up.

Don't add to the chaos in the complicated situation of Zhuzi.

It can be said that all the people close to Zhao Dezhu now have a kind of dependence on him to help him share the small things around him as much as possible.

Only by serving Zhao Dezhu well can such a huge enterprise develop better.

Everyone believed it, especially the guys who came out of Southwestern College.

Zhao Dezhu covered everything, but in the elevator, it was Xi Lianying who asked him strangely why he needed the drawings and data around him.

Isn't it a bit strange for the couple to ask this question?

So when he walked into the super empty office on the whole floor, Zhao Dezhu held the child in one hand, and hugged the child's mother affectionately in the other: "The biggest customers of this mid-to-high-end apartment may be white-collar workers like me. The spending power is still good. Then Do you think we want to make something different in this city?"

Really, for a moment, Xi Lianying wanted to lean on that shoulder socket.

But she is indeed full of independence, at least she understands what she wants, and quickly adjusts her spirit: "What tricks?"

Zhao Dezhu said: "Smart digital community, how about this gimmick? The absolute first in China, we use technology to support you, let me give you a few examples..."

Xi Lianying cheered up: "Shall I record it?"

Zhao Dezhu said in a low voice, "Then parents can tell that something is wrong with us... record it with a mobile phone."

Really, people in those days didn't use the functions of mobile phones so comprehensively.

He hurriedly took it out and opened it. Even the recorder was directed by Zhao Dezhu, and Nokia's latest model couldn't cover up the company's wrong path.

Zhao Dezhu was a little distracted: "For example, we will have a courier locker downstairs in each building. When your courier arrives, you can put it in, and then automatically generate a SMS password to your mobile phone, and you can get it out by pressing the password when you get back from work..."

Xi Lianying raised her eyebrows, it must be fresh.

Zhao Dezhu came again: "We will develop a small software. After opening it, you can see the shopping and dining stores in the commercial center of the community and the industrial park. Whether you are buying a bottle of Coke or ordering a hot dumpling, you can place an order online and immediately can be delivered home.”

The female designer couldn't help applauding: "I want to move here, but what can I do? What you said has nothing to do with architecture."

This is how Zhao Dezhu's ambition quietly swelled up: "We will try to use drones to fly there to deliver things, but you want to make the whole community look like a sci-fi technology, understand, it looks..."

After all, Xi Lianying is still one of the queen designers of Tianhu Real Estate, and she has often contacted the government with real estate companies, especially this industrial park of unfinished buildings, isn't it the result of a company that likes to brag and finds the government to enclose land.

She immediately had a sign: "Show... the government?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded slowly: "Really, since we met at Sister Song's commercial real estate last year, I haven't had these thoughts, you know, but I've always wanted to do something, including us chasing stolen cars. Sister Xia also taught More than me, you must have a sense of social responsibility, you see..."

Freed the hand that was holding Xi Lianying, hugged the little daughter and looked into the distance: "Over there... it will be a low-rent housing community, so densely packed that it will accommodate tens of thousands of people, do you know what will happen there?"

This statement with a profound tone made the architect a little shocked: "You know?"

In more than ten years, low-rent housing and public rental housing are not uncommon in major cities across the country after the urbanization process.

Even if he doesn't care about these things, Zhao Dezhu has indeed seen them.

Nodding slowly: "There will be nineteen stairs of new houses..."

Zhao Dezhu didn't know how to describe it.

But that's really what he's thinking these days as he sits here and looks into the distance.

To put it harshly, low-rent housing is a slum that is relatively beautiful and tidy.

It is difficult to start in a big city, and it is impossible to obtain a low- and middle-income residence where the competition wins.

Even if they live in a new house, the neighborhood will soon become the scene they are more used to.

Because the heart is poor.

This will form a huge gap with the white-collar apartment communities of middle and high-income groups.

Zhao Dezhu deliberately widened the gap.

But why he did this, he didn't fully think about it himself.

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