I Can’t Be a Sword God

Chapter 205 First Night at the Ghost House

In the twilight, the city of Shenluo became more and more lively, and the men and women on the streets walked happily. Even in the early winter when it was snowing, there were still various street vendors on both sides of the road. On both sides of Huajie, the main road running from north to south, there are even more tourists.

Although there is still more than one month before the official opening of the Huadu Convention, many tourists from south to north have already arrived here first. When the doors of each brothel are opened in the evening, a ball of heat with the fragrance of powder is first baked.

At this time, the literati on the street often feel that it is too cold outside, and they have to go into the brothel to keep warm.

But when I arrived at the brothel, I often felt that the heating was too hot, so I had to take off my clothes to cool off.

I often feel chilly after taking off my clothes, so I need to move around.

After all.

It's all because of the weather in Shenluo City, it's really hard to figure it out.

The staff of the tooth shop led Li Chu and the fox girl to the mansion in the south of the city that was said to be haunted, and talked a lot along the way.

"The ghost in that house is strange to say. It's not a particularly powerful evil spirit. It's the first time a ghost haunts the house. The master asked the fairy elders from the nearby Taoist temple to get rid of it in the past."

"At that time, I thought it was all over. Who knew that the second night was haunted again, and it continued every night after that. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't kill them all. The master had no choice but to invite a cultivator to live at home for a while, but who knows, he still couldn't find it. Seeing the reason. I have no choice but to sell this house. Otherwise, such a good mansion would not have such a cheap price."

"Haunted every night, no matter how you kill them, you can't kill them all?"

Li Chu's eyes brightened even more.

The guy looked at his sudden excitement, and thought to himself, why does this little Taoist feel that something is wrong?

But he also seemed to be practicing, and the buddy didn't persuade him. According to the discussion between Li Chu and the shopkeeper, they will stay here for one night first, and if they think it is ok, they will discuss the specific matters of handing over the house tomorrow.

Taking him to the big house in the south of the city, the man handed Li Chu a bunch of keys.

"Every bunch of keys is marked on it. You can go in on your own. If you match, come to our shop tomorrow. If... If there is anything, just go out and run forward. There is a Nancheng not far away." Watch..."

The man gave a few more instructions, it was getting late at this time, a gust of cool wind blew over, and he shivered.

"Okay, thank you." Li Chu took the key and nodded.

The guy left in a hurry.

Li Chu took the fox girl into the house again and looked around.

But I don't know, this mansion is much bigger than it looks on the sand table, it is very open when you enter the door, the yard is empty, there is only one well, it looks quite clean. After stepping in, the backyard is wider, and there are corridors connecting the wing rooms.

The fox girl said happily: "Such a big house can be redecorated and converted into a Taoist temple, it will be very grand."

"Yeah." Li Chu agreed, then put down his burden, and said, "Let's see the situation first."

He scanned around with his mind, but he didn't find any dark air in front of or behind the house, so he didn't look for it at all.

Instead, he took a chair and sat down in the courtyard, put the sword pouch on his lap, and closed his eyes.

Hold the sword in front of your knees, close your eyes and rest your mind.

Then it gradually darkened. The sun is setting.

In the well in the courtyard, a dark energy gradually surfaced. Surprisingly, this cloud of Yin Qi appeared out of thin air, as if it had no reason. This situation has never been encountered before.


A cold palm was grasping the edge of the well. The nails on this pale palm were broken and bloody, as if it had been grabbed from the bottom of the well.

"Smells like a living person—"

Accompanied by a ghostly cry, a face covered with black hair slowly rose, followed by a plain white dress.


With black hair covering her face and white clothes lying on the ground, the woman climbed out of the well, and then moved forward with all four limbs in a strange posture.

She smelled it, she saw it.

There is a fresh breath of life ahead.

She approached slowly.

Li Chu opened his eyes and quietly observed the ghost.

It's a little strange, how did this ghost come about?

The ghost also looked up at Li Chu.

It's a little strange, isn't this person afraid of me?

The two sides just looked at each other, and the scene suddenly fell into a strange stalemate...

After a long while, maybe the ghost felt that he was a little ashamed like this, and felt that he should be more confident.

Anyway, she moved first.

She shook her head, let her scarlet eyes shine through her hair, and cried out eerily, "I died so badly—"

"How did you die?" Li Chu's expression remained unchanged, and he replied, "Tell me more."


Obviously, the female ghost's simple wisdom did not record how to deal with this reaction.

So she shouted in a more cold voice: "I've been waiting for you for a long time——"

"Oh? Really?" Li Chu was still neither sad nor happy, shaking his head and said, "I don't believe it."

"..." The female ghost was completely angry.

I worked so hard to climb up from the bottom of the well, do you think I'm here to chat with you?

When she got angry, she exerted strength with all four limbs, twisted her body, and rushed towards Li Chu quickly!

Li Chu is naturally not afraid of this kind of ghost, which is equivalent to dozens of lantern monsters, but he is still very afraid.


Once the strength is not well controlled, the house may be destroyed...

From now on, it will be my own Taoism.

So he carefully drew out the Chunyang sword, carefully squeezed out a tenth of the spiritual power, and handed it up carefully, the spiritual power was attracted but not released...


The ghost exploded when it touched the tip of the sword, but the pure Yang sword energy still shattered several green bricks on the ground after killing the ghost.


Li Chu sighed silently.

It seems that my micromanagement still needs to be practiced.

But a tenth of the spiritual power is already too weak, and it is really difficult to separate out even smaller parts.

In view of this situation……

Li Chu thought for a while, and thought that perhaps "dilution" was a solution.

It's just that how to dilute the spiritual power, whether it is feasible or not, still needs to go through a long trial.

Later, the fox girl came out of the house and asked, "Master, is everything resolved?"

"Well, you can tell the master." Li Chu nodded slightly.

The fox girl obeyed, took out a jade stove from the bundle, and took out three long incense sticks, inserted them in the jade stove, and ignited them.

Smoke curled up.

I saw that the upward smoke floated for a while, and suddenly condensed in the air, turning into an ethereal human face, and gradually revealing the scene of Deyun Guan's backyard.

The locust tree, the stone table, the old Taoist priest under the tree...

It turned out that this jade stove was exactly the treasure that Li Chu brought back from the Gourd Cave, and it could be used together with a magic mirror he got later.

Now the magic mirror is in Yu Qi'an's hands, and the objects that the magic mirror is facing can be presented through the smoke.

But in Yu Qi'an's hands, what Fa Jing showed was Li Chu's appearance.

A very useful communication device.


Seeing that familiar old face full of superior demeanor, Li Chu called softly.

"Hehe, it's getting dark now, isn't it? How's it going, is everything going well?" Yu Qi'an asked.

"Everything is going well." Li Chudao: "It should be possible to establish the Deyun view soon."

"That's good." Yu Qi'an twisted his beard and smiled, "It's a long way to go to open up a new perspective in an unfamiliar place, and we still have to be careful in everything. Apart from being careful of evil spirits, we have to be careful when we walk together."

"Disciple knows." Li Chu replied.

"By the way, before I left, I gave Xiaobai three kits, but did you keep them well?" the old Taoist asked again.

"Yes." The fox girl next to her nodded immediately.

She took out three exquisitely crafted brocade pouches from her bag, and held them up to Yu Qi'an to have a look. The insides were all bulging, and she didn't know what was in them.

"As a teacher, I can't go there in person. Those three kits can be regarded as a little help from me. If you encounter any difficulties that cannot be solved, just open one." Yu Qi'an urged.

"Of course, don't open it if you have nothing to do. Don't open it all at once, just save it."


"Besides, don't bother with business." Yu Qi'an laughed again: "Always pay attention to the balance between work and rest, and go out for a walk when you have nothing to do. I heard that last year's top ten oirans were of high quality, Hua Qiluo... Yuan Yayi...should participate again this year, it is well-known in Hangzhou Mansion, hehe, if the teacher is twenty years younger..."

"Master, there isn't much incense left." Li Chu looked at the 1% burnt head of the incense, and said lightly, "How about... let's talk next time."

"Oh..." Yu Qi'an sighed, and finally said: "No matter what, I must bring my son back safely."

"Yes." Li Chu nodded solemnly: "The disciple will definitely bring Guo Xiaobao back to Deyun Temple safely."

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