I Can Fish All Things In the Last Days

Chapter Four: School Belle Qin Ruxue

"The ability to perceive crises within ten meters allows me to detect dangers in advance and make preparations, which greatly makes up for my shortcoming of poor agility. It not only improves my survivability, but also reduces my risk of finding a constant currency. and difficulty factor!"

Xiao Zhan is very satisfied with this ability.

Before that, when he was looking for a constant currency, he could only search from one place to another. He encountered five waves of zombies and almost lost his life.

But now, with the ability to sense crises within a range of ten meters, he can sense the existence of zombies in advance, avoid danger, and even use this perception to find constant currency within a range of ten meters, without having to rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find up.

"It's time to go to the small shop downstairs!"

The acquisition of the ability to perceive crises has greatly increased Xiao Zhan's self-confidence.


Just when Xiao Zhan turned around and was about to go downstairs, ten meters away from him, a zombie piebald snake full of fangs approached silently and quickly, wanting to sneak attack.


Xiao Zhan sensed the crisis ahead of time, and without even looking at it, he swung the baseball bat with precision, smashing the head of the zombie piebald snake.

"Shh, thanks to the ability to perceive the crisis in time, otherwise I would have died!"

Looking at the two-meter-long zombie piebald snake on the ground, which is as thick as an adult man's arm, Xiao Zhan couldn't help gasping.

Such a big snake, if it doesn't have the ability to sense danger, it will definitely be successfully attacked, and it will probably kill Shekou.

"This time, the doomsday world, and I, feel a bit like a back garden."

Xiao Zhan became more and more aware of the benefits of the ability to perceive crises, couldn't help grinning, and happily walked downstairs with a baseball bat in his hand.

ho ho ho ho...

As soon as Xiao Zhan walked downstairs, a dozen or so zombies nearby rushed towards him.

However, although these zombies were fierce in appearance, they were slow to move due to their broken legs and feet, so they did not pose any threat to Xiao Zhan at all.

Swinging a baseball bat, Xiao Zhan easily eliminated the dozens of zombies.

Carefully observing and sensing the surroundings, and making sure that there are no zombies within a 100-meter radius, Xiao Zhan walked towards the canteen on the first floor.

Caution is the boat.

Although he is not weak now, if a large group of zombies jump out and besiege him when he enters the canteen, he will definitely die.


When Xiao Zhan walked into the canteen, he found that the door of the canteen was wide open.

When the apocalypse broke out, he clearly saw Fat Liu, the owner of the canteen, escape into the canteen and lock the door from the inside.

Fat Liu escaped or turned into a zombie!

No matter what the possibility is, Fat Liu is definitely not in the canteen.

Dozens of grams of gold just flew away, which made Xiao Zhan a little disappointed.

"But it's not a waste of time, at least there's plenty of food and drink in the canteen!"

Xiao Zhan comforted himself.

The end of the world came too suddenly, so everyone who was infected, those who were not infected, fled frantically, looking for shelter, food and water in the commissary, but not much was taken away, and there was still a lot of food and water.

"Eat and drink before we talk!"

After eating sashimi for eight days in a row, Xiao Zhan's mouth was about to fade out, and now seeing the dazzling array of food and water in the canteen, his saliva was almost drooling.

After confirming that there was no danger in the canteen, he couldn't wait to go inside.

"Help, help!"

Just as Xiao Zhan was about to enter the canteen, a woman's voice full of fear sounded behind him.

When Xiao Zhan turned his head, he saw a hot girl in a sexy uniform running out of the corridor in a panic in the opposite dormitory building.

Behind Da Bomei, three pale-faced zombies with bloodshot eyes opened their teeth and claws, like a madman, chasing Da Bomei crazily.

Xiao Zhan knows this big girl.

The school belle of Jiangbei University, Qin Ruxue.

Before the end of the world broke out, Qin Ruxue could fill her desk with love letters every day, and those who chased her could form a reinforcement platoon.

When he was a freshman, Xiao Zhan had a whim, he followed the people in the dormitory to join in the fun, and even wrote a love letter to Qin Ruxue, but it was a pity that nothing came of it, and he didn't get any reply.

Unexpectedly, after the end of the world broke out, he would meet Qin Ruxue again.

At this time, if he came to save the beauty with a hero, Qin Ruxue would most likely agree with her body, right?

Looking at Qin Ruxue's incomparably hot body, Xiao Zhan couldn't help but feel a little yelling in his heart.

But yy belongs to yy, he has no intention of being a hero to save the beauty.

It's not that he doesn't want to, nor is he indifferent, but that he doesn't have this ability now.

Although his strength has been greatly improved, he can barely protect himself in the last days. If he saves Qin Ruxue, he can't let her go, right? You have to take her and protect her, right?

In this world full of zombies, bringing a powerless woman with her is completely cumbersome, the risk factor will be greatly increased, and the survival rate will be severely reduced.

People are selfish, no one would make fun of their own life for someone they don’t know or even have nothing to do with, Xiao Zhan is the same.

So Xiao Zhan just glanced at Qin Ruxue, then looked away, and continued to walk into the canteen.

He chose to ignore it.

But Qin Ruxue ran towards him.

"Save me, please save me, as long as you save me, I am willing to do anything..."

Qin Ruxue rushed up, her face was pale, her eyes were full of fear, and her tone was full of humble pleas.

While speaking, Qin Ruxue hugged Xiao Zhan's arm with a pair of white jade hands

Twenty years old, is the age of a wolf like a tiger, full of blood, and he has never even held a girl's hand, this kind of scene is simply unbearable, and his heart is full of fanaticism.

However, Xiao Zhan did not lose his mind.

He can clearly distinguish between sex and survival, which is more important.

Ho ho!

But just when Xiao Zhan was about to reject Qin Ruxue's request, three zombies rushed up with their teeth and claws open.

Maybe his meat is more fragrant and more attractive to zombies. The three zombies actually shifted their targets and rushed towards him.

Now, he can't do anything.

"Step aside!"

Xiao Zhan pushed Qin Ruxue away, picked up a baseball bat and threw it at the three zombies.




After killing a few waves of zombies, Xiao Zhan's movements are already very proficient, and he quickly smashed three sticks like flowing clouds and flowing water, and solved the three zombies.

"This classmate, thank you for saving me. I keep my word. From now on, I will be your woman. You can do whatever you want to me. I will never resist!"

Qin Ruxue's eyes were full of gratitude, she straightened her proud peak, closed her eyes, and looked like she was letting you pick.

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