I Can Fish All Things In the Last Days

Chapter 3 The Second Fishing

In the apocalypse, time has become the most precious thing, and it is necessary to be swift and efficient in handling affairs. If you hesitate a little, you may encounter a large number of zombies, be bitten, and be eaten.

Xiao Zhan realized this on the first day when the apocalypse broke out.

In the dormitory, he saw with his own eyes that hundreds of students downstairs were bitten to death by zombies because of their unresponsiveness, infected them, and turned into similar zombies.

He didn't want to have that kind of encounter.

Xiao Zhan wrapped a thick layer of books around his body with transparent tape, and wrapped a thick layer of books around his head to make a simple helmet. Then he tiptoed out with a baseball bat in hand. dormitory.

Although his strength has been greatly improved, he is not yet arrogant enough to run amok in the last days.

No one knew if there were any zombies in the dormitory building. If another group of zombies popped up, three or five, he could still deal with it. If there were more, he would be overwhelmed and would be eaten up by zombies in minutes.

Xiao Zhan made a preliminary estimate of his own abilities, five of which should be his limit for ordinary zombies.

"Although the strength is strong, the agility is too poor. As a result, I have a powerful strength, but I can't use it perfectly. I must improve my agility as soon as possible!"

Xiao Zhan has a very good advantage, that is, no matter what the environment, he can keep a clear mind, quickly analyze his own strengths and weaknesses, and find ways to make up for it.

This advantage is especially precious in the last days.

When Xiao Zhan walked out of the dormitory, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

On the ground, there were broken limbs everywhere, gnawed or half-gnawed bones, heads, puddles of sticky blood...


The strong smell of blood and stench poured into his nose and mouth, Xiao Zhan felt violently nauseous, and almost vomited out, but other than that, he didn't feel anything else.

When he saw zombies before, he couldn't help feeling panic and panic in his heart, but after binding the god-level fishing system, his courage seemed to have grown a lot, and his ability to withstand it had also become extremely strong. When he killed five zombies before , he didn't feel the slightest panic, fear, or even a little discomfort.

It's the same now, except for being a little shocked and disgusted, there is no wave in his heart.

Many of the mutilated corpses on the ground were familiar faces to Xiao Zhan, and even a few of his close friends.

Seeing these familiar faces with tragic deaths, Xiao Zhan felt a little sad. After all, these faces have been with him for two years. Everyone eats, plays games, and fights together...

However, Xiao Zhan didn't get too immersed in sadness, because he knew that this was the end of the world.

Brutal, unfortunate and full of gore.

He doesn't have the ability to manage other people's lives, and he doesn't even have the right to grieve for others, because it's still unknown whether he can survive.

In the last days, the weak do not deserve mercy.

At least, for now.

Taking a deep breath and maintaining a high degree of vigilance, Xiao Zhan began to search the dormitories carefully one by one.

He didn't want to let go of any chance to obtain constant currency. There may be constant currency in the boys' dormitory. If you find it, you are lucky. If you can't find it, it will be used as an investigation environment.

It took a full four hours, Xiao Zhan searched the boys' dormitory, the six floors, and encountered five waves of zombies during the period. The first four waves were okay, and there were only four waves in the first wave, which he easily dealt with. up.

In the fifth wave, he encountered seven zombies!

Fortunately, he had the foresight to take protective measures in advance, withstood several bites from the zombies, and killed seven zombies in a thrilling manner, otherwise, he would have died safely.

However, the harvest is also rich.

After searching the six floors, he found a total of 56 grams of silver and 9 grams of gold. After exchanging them, he got a total of 146 energy points.

"Dear host, you now have 146 energy points, and you have a chance to go fishing. Do you want to go fishing?"

The moment Xiao Zhan converted silver and gold into energy values, the mechanical voice of the system rang in his mind.


Without the slightest hesitation, Xiao Zhan chose fishing.

"This fishing consumes a total of 100 energy points, and the energy value balance is 46 points!"

The mechanical sound of the system sounded again.

A blue light flashed in front of Xiao Zhan's eyes, and the vast and boundless ocean appeared in front of Xiao Zhan again. The sea fishing rod also appeared out of thin air, and automatically fell into Xiao Zhan's hands.


Xiao Zhan swung his rod, feeling excited and nervous again, wondering what he could catch this time?

Buzz buzz!

Just like fishing for the first time, after a short wait, the buoy suddenly sank, the fishing line was straightened, and trembled violently, and the fishing rod was pulled even more bent, almost at ninety degrees.

"Big guy, even better than last time!"

Feeling the strength of the fish struggling in the water, Xiao Zhan looked happy and began to frantically pull the fishing rod.

call out!

Xiao Zhan, whose strength has been greatly improved, did not feel much effort this time, and pulled the fish out of the water very easily.


Huge waves stirred up, and a golden grouper one meter long jumped out of the water.

"Fishing was successful, and I got a Grade A Crisis Perception Devil Fruit!"

Accompanied by the mechanical sound of the system, the golden grouper turned into a golden fruit the size of a baby's fist and fell into Xiao Zhan's hands.

The moment the golden fruit fell into Xiao Zhan's hands, just like last time, a translucent information panel appeared in front of Xiao Zhan's eyes——

Name: Grade A Crisis Perception Devil Fruit

Function: Crisis perception within ten meters

Mode of administration: oral

"Crisis perception within ten meters? What kind of ability is this?"

With doubts in his heart, Xiao Zhan stuffed the golden devil fruit into his mouth.

This golden devil fruit was softer than the previous devil fruit. It just entered the mouth, before Xiao Zhan could chew it, it turned into juice, which flowed down the throat and into Xiao Zhan's stomach.

This time, he was like Zhu Bajie swallowing ginseng fruit, without even tasting the taste, it was over.

A few seconds later, Xiao Zhan's body started to heat up, and after a while, the feeling of fever disappeared, and Xiao Zhan didn't notice any changes in himself.

"Fuck, what the hell?"

Xiao Zhan looked dazed and disappointed.

The plot shouldn't be like this!

How could it be possible to not obtain any ability?

No, he must have acquired some kind of ability, but he didn't discover it.

In other words, what kind of superpower is crisis perception within the range of ten meters?

Could it be that he can perceive everything that is dangerous to him within ten meters?

With doubts, Xiao Zhan calmed down, moved his mind, and sensed the past towards the surroundings.

Something magical happened.

He doesn't use his eyes to see, but only uses his mind to perceive, and he can clearly perceive everything within a radius of ten meters, even the wind and grass!


Three meters away, in a dark corner of the balcony, inside a closed bookcase, a mutant mouse with fangs, red eyes, and rotting body was gnawing on a human arm.

Five meters away, on the floor of the corridor, a group of maggots were wriggling on a leg bone.

Eight meters away, two snails are doing shameful things...

"Fuck, that's how it is! This ability is so heaven-defying!"

Xiao Zhan was extremely excited and excited.

In the doomsday world, there are zombies everywhere. No matter where you go, a group of zombies may sneak up on you and besiege you at any time. Just having strong strength is not enough.

Strong strength, fighting head-on, may be able to overwhelm all zombies, but it is easy to hide and difficult to defend against.

If you are walking on the road, a group of zombies suddenly appear to attack you, no matter how powerful you are, as long as you are not against the sky, you are not supernatural, and you are caught off guard, nine times out of ten you will belch.

And this kind of crisis perception ability can perceive all dangers within ten meters without any obstacles, even every plant and tree, which can well avoid dangers and prevent sneak attacks by zombies.

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