Not only mid-level officials participated in the investigation, but some senior officials also came to the society to investigate.

For example, Tao Huanchang, deputy minister of the Ministry of Economic Development.

This man is the nephew of Tao Dongcheng, the director of the General Strategy Department of the Dahua Army. Relying on Tao Dongcheng's relationship, he became the deputy minister of an important department at a young age.

Of course, people also have abilities.

If you can climb to this position by relying on connections, then the person sitting in this position is Tao Dongcheng's biological son, not his nephew.

In Dahua's officialdom, having a backing is better than not having a backing.

But don’t worry too much if you don’t have a backstage, as long as you have the ability, you can get ahead.

In a rapidly developing force, there is no room for incompetent people in any position.

At this point, it's not that Dahua is doing well, but that most of the forces are full of vitality in the beginning.

Only as time goes by, and class solidification coupled with conservatism and other factors, will a force become internally corrupt and irredeemable.

Incompetent people are in high positions, and capable people are living among the people. How can those capable people be willing to do so? The next step is to rebel.

And those who are incompetent will naturally be easily defeated when faced with those ruthless characters who rebel.

In the late Qing Dynasty, the Manchu ministers knew in their hearts that many people in the world were going to rebel, but they were completely unable to prevent them.

Either remove those useless Manchu nobles and give up their positions to capable Han people, or wait for the Han people to rebel and then let those useless people fight those elite Han people.

The methods are different, but the result is the same: power is transferred to the Han people.

From the moment they sent a large number of Han people to study abroad and treated their own nobles like pigs, the Qing Dynasty was already hopeless.

After all, it is people who determine the development of history.

In short, there are currently not many useless people in the officialdom of Dahua.

Tao Huanchang's investigation this time is very important, because the Ministry of Economic Development is currently debating a very important issue, that is, the issue of economic development.

Such a profound subject cannot be ranked even in the 21st century.

In the current era of China and the shortage of economists, this question has no answer.

Sometimes when we argue and neither side has convincing arguments, the academic dispute turns into a battle of positions.

This is definitely not possible. This kind of economic policy has a great impact on Dahua, so we must be cautious and cautious.

Therefore, Tao Huanchang needs to investigate in practice.

Although he didn't know whether this kind of research was useful, he still chose to do it.

You can only know something by doing it, not just dreaming about it.

"Sir, this is the investigation report of Huiyue Company and Changhong Company."

The assistant handed a document to Tao Huanchang.

His research method is somewhat different from that of mid-level officials.

After all, mid-level officials only need to solve minor problems and have less to investigate.

What Tao Huanchang needs to decide is Dahua's economic development model, which is too involved. He needs to investigate a lot of samples before he can draw a conclusion.

You cannot deduce conclusions just because you see a single phenomenon in society.

To give a specific example, mid-level officials saw that watermelons in Linyi could not be sold, and then they concluded that this was due to information asymmetry.

When Tao Huanchang saw this situation, he wanted to think about the root cause.

Is it because melon farmers blindly follow the trend of planting, causing supply to exceed demand, or is it because transportation costs are too high due to inconvenient transportation, is it because local officials do not act, or is it because of information asymmetry...

In short, Tao Huanchang needed to obtain more information. He could not obtain this information himself. Instead, he asked his assistant to do it, and then he summarized and analyzed the information.

For example, the document in front of me records the situation of Huiyue and Changhong.

These two companies are both recently established TV companies, because their bosses have seen the broad prospects of the TV industry, so they want to be the first to eat crabs.

However, when the two of them poured into the industry with capital, they encountered some embarrassing situations.

There are too few TV-related talents, and they can barely meet the talent needs of one company.

If it is divided into two parts, the result is that no one can build a complete production line.

This is indeed the case today. Huiyue robbed half of the talents, and Chang Hong also robbed half of the talents, and then continued to poach each other's people.

If one of the parties was strong, it would be okay to kill the opponent. However, both parties were equally powerful and neither could kill the other. As a result, neither party could start work normally.

This is just a competition for talents, urgently needed parts and accessories, and market customers are also competing.

In these areas, their competition has also caused some trouble.

For example, because a manufacturer of picture tubes received orders from two companies, they hired more people and increased production.

But after production, the two companies were not ready for production due to competition with each other, and they did not want to pay the full price in advance to get the goods. Their capital chains were a little tight.

The manufacturer increased its investment to produce so many picture tubes, but was unable to get payment immediately, causing problems with its capital flow.

Without cash, they can no longer purchase other raw materials for other products, which affects

The production of other products is affected, which delays the progress of downstream manufacturers.

Now they can only keep collecting debts while trying to find ways to get loans to tide them over.

In short, the place is full of dangers. If the capital chain is broken, the impact will be huge for a company.

There are many similar bloody incidents in these two companies.

The failures of their two companies have directly or indirectly affected other companies.

The fundamental reason for this situation is that the current talent pool is not enough to support two high-tech companies.

The best way is to withdraw from one of them, let the other one operate normally, and then cultivate more relevant talents while producing.


No matter Huiyue or Chang Hong, they refused to quit. They both wanted the other side to quit. Both parties made slow progress and low efficiency.

From this incident, we can see one of the shortcomings of the free economy, the blindness and selfishness of capital.

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