How To Wear a Goddess Statue

Chapter 129: that's not blasphemy

A moment ago, as soon as Luo Das arrived outside the royal court, he sensed the nearby divine power.

It is very subtle, with a faint and illusory quality, but it does not hide her perception.

The previously envisioned situation may become a reality, and Luo Das can hardly hold any extra thoughts in his mind. He is afraid that he will be late and face irreversible consequences.

Yes, gods can't use divine power to kill humans - but that was the rule before the battle of gods.

The God of Wisdom said that the restrictions on gods in the battle of gods will be reduced, but to what extent? she does not know.

Just like the thousands of fantastic fantasies that humans cast on myths, there are too many uses of divine power.

And when Luodus rushed to the door, he happened to hear that sentence, and his figure couldn't help but pause.

—I have sworn I will never betray, never blaspheme.

—It's already taken up one of them, and if both are taken up, it's really damn.

The dream banshee was confused and whispered, listening to Luodus' ears, like a puzzle with the answer in front of her.

But what kind of blasphemy...

Controlling the opponent's actions, Luo Das walked into the room slowly, and looked at Eleuil.

“…I’m back. What did she do?”

Eliuil pursed her lips, and did not answer immediately, her long eyelashes were half-drooped, and the shadow fell in her eyes, which was dark and unclear.

The dream banshee tried to struggle, but in fact she knew that this struggle would not have any effect.

Her divine power is weak, otherwise she would not be able to sneak into Solancia at the beginning of the battle of the gods. The reason why she can affect the princess is only because of the special vocation.

Faced with one of the main gods of Solancia, the dream banshee has no chance of escape.


The dream banshee opened her mouth, revealing sharp fangs like shark teeth, and said fiercely: "I know you, Solan Water God."

"Did you make a special trip to take care of this human at such a critical juncture?"

Lotus frowned and glanced at her, but did not notice Eleuil's suddenly curled knuckles.

But the dream banshee noticed it, consciously grabbed a huge handle, and laughed more and more wantonly.

"It's really interesting, you gave her the token of God and hung it on that amulet. But you didn't think about it at all? This human being is not so religious to you, it can even be said to be the complete opposite."

"I am the dream **** of Kasne, and I can travel freely through human dreams, so I can hear that she didn't hide her dark thoughts about you in her dreams, even I was surprised !"

As soon as these words came out, the goddess Sesen Leng on the side pressed her fingers on the hilt of the sword.

Luo Das has long known about her love for herself, and she is not afraid of the dream banshee speaking out, but those sad and abominable evil thoughts that are desperately pressed in the bottom of my heart, no matter what Lotus heard.

If it weren't for the doubts about the nature of the gods, Eleuil might have pierced the throat of the foreign **** with a sword.

The dream banshee is not afraid of the threat of human beings, and is still waiting for Luodus to respond.

However, Lotus: "…"

No way, does this guy know?

The river goddess remained calm, looking at the eyes of the dream banshee, her blue eyes flashing lightly.

"Then tell me, what kind of thoughts?"

Luodus tilted her head to show her all ears.

Therefore, the dream banshee hesitated: "She, this Princess Solan doesn't want to believe in you at all, she is tired of your existence..."

Can't make it up anymore, the dream banshee broke the jar: "Anyway, it's all evil thoughts. Does it matter what kind of evil thoughts?"

Lotus looked away.

Eleuil looked at her from behind her downcast eyes.

Dream Banshee: "...?"

Although she didn't expect to achieve the level of anti-goal on the spot, after she revealed the dark side, how could you think that this reaction should not be between the two!

"You—" The dream banshee was puzzled and unwilling, and tried to continue speaking.

Luodus returned to his senses, his face became cold, and he raised his hand and swiped in front of him.

The divine power that binds the dream banshee changes accordingly, extending and deforming into a huge water ball.

The banshee with gray wings was wrapped in a water polo, and its movements solidified, like a large bird sealed with transparent resin.

Thank goodness she's finally quiet.

But as soon as the dream banshee shut up, the room seemed too quiet.

It seems that only two people's breathing and perhaps heartbeats can be heard. almost coherent.

Luodasi's expression was calm, but he was a little helpless.

I don't know what to say.

"Seal her first—"

"You killed her?"

Two voices sounded at the same time and stopped at the same time.

Eleuil chuckled instead, making a "you speak first" gesture.

Luodus also continued: "I don't plan to kill the dream banshee now, she is the **** of Kasne, and she more or less knows the situation on the opposite side."

Speaking, Luodus turned the water polo in a direction, making the face of the dream banshee face the wall.

When Luo Das did this, Eleuil's eyes never took her eyes off the face of the god's half.

Thoughtful, profound, not to be ignored.

Aleu varies a lot.

Lotus thought this way when he transformed the divine power and the dream banshee into an unobservable spirit form.

A few years ago, in order to stabilize his position, Luodus slept for three years.

During those three years, Eleuil's changes were also significant, but this change was more manifested in physiology, giving Luodus the feeling that it was closer to "the little girl in the blink of an eye It's grown so big." Sadly.

And this time, Eleuil doesn't seem to have changed, but her eyes, movements, and attitude are all telling—

It's different.

Abandoning the disguise, she stood in front of Luodus, making no secret of her hidden feelings in the past, as if opening everything up.

Although in the eyes of everyone, Her Majesty the ruling princess is synonymous with decisiveness and unequivocal speech, but Eleuil rarely shows a strong presence in front of Luodus.

More often she likes to use coquettish means, she is good at this.

However, now, Eleuil unconsciously released a slight force, and her posture seemed casual, but it was actually tight.

The cat assumed the stance before the attack, struggling whether to go all out or continue to endure, with a strong sense of uncertainty in his eyes.

Luodus sighed silently.

She herself is far from being as calm and calm as she seems. In contrast, Luodus is no less entangled than Eleuil.

I was going to get down to business first, but maybe a meeting would be better for now—for both.

"Eleu, that's not a bad thing."

This is the first sentence of Lotus.

Eleuil suddenly raised her eyes, her long and slightly curled black eyelashes were lifted, and the translucent golden eyes clearly reflected the shadow of the gods.

"It's not evil, it's not dark, it's not like the Banshee said. Of course, it's not like you think it is."

"That's not blasphemy."

"It's not blasphemy, what is it?" Eleuil turned her head and asked in a chatty tone, "Don't you want to tell me that this torture also gives me feelings It's just that he was young and ignorant and mistaken family affection and belief for love...or do you have other explanations?"

Lotus shook his head.

"Perhaps just started thinking in this direction, but I know you don't confuse this."

From the outside world, she was sleeping, but in fact, during the time when she was controlling the healing process, in addition to fighting the turbulent drowsiness, Luodus was also thinking about her and Eleuil.

The princess has always been sober and sensible.

Whether she will be influenced by her feelings, Luo Das can't make a conclusion, but it is certain that Eleuil won't even know these things clearly.

However, Luo Das doesn't think that as long as he is soberly aware of his feelings, it means that there is no problem.

Lotus is equal to the goddess of the Ilu.

Of course, it is.

But did Eleuil have feelings for the goddess of the river, or did she have feelings for Lotus herself?

Luodus doesn't plan to raise this question now, anyway, after that, there will be an opportunity to slowly show the difference between the two.

What needs to be made clear right now is-

"So, you just like God." Luodus. After all, he was too embarrassed to say it outright, so he had to replace "I" with "God" and whispered softly.

"'Like', isn't it a bad feeling? It's not blasphemy, and you haven't broken your oath, so..."

Stop talking about yourself in that lonely and self-deprecating tone.

Eleuil smiled slightly: "I understand."

It's you who don't understand. Lotus.

You have no idea what I really buried, or what I would have done if you hadn't come back, or come back decades later.

And I won't let you find out.

"So what do you think?"

Eleuil took a step forward, no honorific.


"Yeah, I'd be sad if you just wanted to say, oh I see what you're thinking, so we keep getting along like we used to and stuff like that."

Lorduston took two seconds before saying in a complicated tone, "I don't know."

Eleuil: "…"

She squinted.

Luodus pressed her forehead, but did not avoid Eleuil's gaze, even though she knew that this answer was inappropriate.

But Luodus can't be sure.

She couldn't confirm whether the mood she had now recognized was enough to respond to Eleuil.

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