How To Wear a Goddess Statue

Chapter 128: Blasphemy and Betrayal

In the government room beside the royal court, a heated discussion just ended.

After the emergency report of the Sanur attack, Eleuil immediately convened a temporary court meeting to discuss how to deal with this unexpected raid.

After all the matters were negotiated, the ministers hurriedly retired, and the expressions on their faces when they left were not easy.

Eleuil sat alone for a while, and continued to read the first batch of books, without looking overly.

Eleuil knows the layout of the city defense of Tigbia.

In the past, the Sanur were brutal and rude, and their fighting power was strong, but they never formed a complete and unified regime, and the tribes were not united, and the threat was always within the controllable range.

As the first line of defense in the northwest of Solancia, the city of Tigbia has always had enough troops. If it is used well, it can be completely impregnable and unbreakable. Just like what Eleuil did when she was in the barracks.

Thinking about the enemy's formation described in the battle report, it is difficult for Eleuil to be optimistic about the situation at this time.

& nbsp;

This urgent report, which just arrived in Wangcheng in the afternoon, is actually three days ago.

And now.

The evening light fell down the skylight of the government room, and was scattered into several beams by the window edges, casting mottled light and shadow on the documents.

Eliuil stared at the paper and wrote in vermilion.

No matter how urgent, the established fact cannot be changed. Even if the arrangement has already started overnight, the Royal City Legion is ready to go, and it will not be dispatched until tomorrow morning at the earliest.

In addition to the time spent on the road, I'm afraid it's too late.

I hope that the large cities behind the city of Tigbia can at least send some reinforcements on their own initiative, and don't just hide in their own cities and other orders.

But based on Eliuil's understanding of those nobles, the latter is more likely.

Time passed, and the sky was dark and dark.

A wave of tiredness surged up, and Eliu paused for a while, then noticed something strange.

Although she usually pays attention to her health like an elderly minister and a lady, Eleuil is only in her twenties, full of energy and rarely sleepy.

Now how is this…

The invisible wind swept past me.

Eliuil couldn't see, the dream banshee from a foreign country flew next to her, and gathered her gray wings.

Before this, the tiny powder sprinkled from the wings floated in the room like butterfly scale powder. This is the powder that can make humans fall asleep. Man's fantasy of dream gods in ancient mythology.

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

The dream banshee waited a little impatiently. According to the characteristics of divine power, as soon as human beings are contaminated with her powder, they will immediately fall to the ground and fall asleep, where do they need to wait.

After a few seconds, Eleuil's hand finally released, and the quill fell on the table and rolled.

She put her head on one hand and closed her eyes quietly, looking like she was closing her eyes and resting. The dream banshee confirmed again and again that she was really asleep.

"Okay, Princess of Solancia. Let me see, what is your weakness?"

The dream banshee smiled with satisfaction, stretched out her claw-shaped hand, and when it was about to touch Eleuil, it jolted and retracted suddenly.

"What's the matter!" The dream banshee widened her eyes, suddenly noticed the amulet that was quietly falling, and suddenly realized, "It turned out to be a believer under the protection of Solan, no wonder you can't touch the dream …”

Dream is the exclusive power of the gods, and can only enter the dream of devout believers.

The dream banshee is an exception. Because of her vocation, she has the ability to enter the human dream with her true body. However, in the face of believers who have been classified as shelter by the upper gods, she can only retreat .

Utilize divine power to transform into shadows. Lead out the dark side of human greed, evil desire, indulgence, and so on.

The dream banshee pouted, and in the end it was a pair of wings, and another scale powder of different colors fell.

They are like fine snow, as soon as they touch the queen's skin, they disappear like melting.

Eleuil's eyelashes fluttered slightly.

She is dreaming.

Back to the original day, the garden of a certain noble in Senna City, Northland.

The shrubs are lush, the grass is spreading, and the flowering period of the local unique flowers is about to end.

Two slender and twisted corpses of poisonous snakes were lying on the ground, one of them was not far away, and the sharp sword nailed it to the ground, silently.

Eleuil listened to the dissecting words she once said, and confided it from her mouth again.

"Because it's a dream, I'll kiss you without any scruples."

"I'm sober, always."

"Knowing this, you still don't want to say anything to me?"

This time, no Lena came to interrupt.

Luodasi stood still in front of Eleuil, with a stunned expression for a moment, and then said gently: "These are just the illusions brought about by our past getting along."

"Since you are all right, we should separate for a while, so that you can calm down."

"And then you'll find out, it's no big deal. Okay?"

How could it be no big deal, how could it be nothing... how could it be an illusion?

What has tormented her for the past four years?

Eleuil lowered her eyes, hiding the darkening color in her eyes.

This is inappropriate.

However, the madness passed down from the blood of the Solan royal family seems to be only manifested in two aspects in Eleuil, who has always been aware of the ninja system.

The first is the battlefield, and the second is the emotion. But in these two things, it has never been possible to win as long as you give everything to the point of madness, they are not fair.

The river goddess in front of her saw that she did not make a sound, she nodded slightly, turned around and was about to leave, the back of her skirt was floating and draped, like a cluster of white flames , burning straight to the eyes.

Back view.

She really had enough of this back.

Eleuil stepped forward.

She didn't notice that the tiny powder from nowhere surrounded her body, as if it could evoke something that had been suppressed all along.

The poisonous snake on the ground seemed to come alive at this time, its body twisted and twisted, the snake existed in this grass, and also existed in the bottom of Eleuil's heart, breeding wantonly and dancing.

The Solanchians believe that the viper is the opposite, an animal that should be hated, insidious, cunning, highly poisonous... At the same time, it also symbolizes the poisonous desire.

When anyone resorts to vicious tricks or disrespects the gods, someone will accuse him: "You viper!"

Eleuil now feels that she probably deserves such a scolding.

Toes uncontrollably, or very honestly, approached the back step by step.

Grab her. hide her.

Destroy all temples, dismiss all priests, and make her my own god.

Nothing can take Lotus from me, not even herself.

No more leftovers.


Is it really possible.

Eleuil’s footprints are still moving forward, and a very light sigh overflows between her lips: “Luodus.”

The dream banshee had to stay outside, waiting boredly for the result, and suddenly, she pricked up her long, narrow, pointed ears.

"I heard it right, Luodus?"

The dream banshee looked at the sleeping princess inquisitively, her eyes twinkling.

Although I don't know why, as a devout follower of the river goddess, the indulgence, evil desires and dark side of this Solancia princess are related to Luodus, but I always think it will be a good opportunity.

The dream banshee thought for a while, raised her gray wings, let more scale powder fall, and conveyed her voice to the dream princess.

In order to better use her divine power, she even transformed into an entity.

"Angry? Tired? Hate? Not reconciled, a last resort..."

After listing all the negative situations she could think of, the dream banshee changed her mind and seemed to regret it: "However, no matter how unwilling it is, it is impossible for human beings to do anything to gods of."

After finishing speaking, she tried her best to capture Eliuil's "heart sound" in her dream, but she didn't hear anything, as if the master of the dream was completely still at this moment.

The dream banshee was secretly strange, but she continued to bewitched: "But God can. As long as you want, you can do anything you want to her—"

—Even if you want to kill a god, it’s not impossible.

However, before the second half of the sentence was uttered, the dream banshee noticed that the divine power was unstable, and the sleep induced by the divine power naturally changed.

The dream banshee was stunned, and her expression changed suddenly.

She couldn't fall asleep, so she didn't know what kind of cold eyes Eleuil was staring at the snake corpse on the ground.

The voice of the dream banshee was transmitted through the mouth of the poisonous snake.

Eleuil gripped the hilt.

The palm twisted and turned the blade, smashing the nailed snake head to pieces, she looked at the poisonous snake and the things behind the snake, her voice was cold, word by word.

"What are you?"

The next moment, the dream is broken.

The feeling of losing some of her divine power in an instant made the dream banshee's face turn pale. She looked down subconsciously, and Eleuil opened her eyes at an unknown time.

Not waiting for the dream banshee to react, Eleuil has already slashed the long sword standing beside him with his backhand, the blade is drawn out of the scabbard, and in the blink of an eye, it is placed across the dream banshee's neck, firmly Resist the skin of different colors than humans.

The blade in Eleuil's hand didn't move at all, and at the same time slowly got up and looked at the dream god.

The dream banshee ignored the sword on her neck and stared at her in surprise.

"How did you wake up..."

"It's not." Eleuil's eyes swept over the gray wings behind the other party, and she smiled inexplicably, and continued, "I swore that I would never betray, never blaspheme. "

"It's already occupied one of them, if both are occupied, it's really damn."

The dream banshee did not understand the meaning of the human princess, but she could hear that the other party was just talking to herself, not an explanation for her at all.

"I don't know."

She hummed, regretting that she could not achieve the goal this time, but there was nothing she could do.

Eleuil's sword was still in front of her neck, but the dream banshee spread her claws and said indifferently:

"I admit, you are a tricky human being, but what if you can wake up from a dream? As I said, it is impossible for humans to kill gods."

Speaking, the dream banshee tilted her head and smiled contemptuously, and wanted to lean her neck forward to demonstrate it on the spot.

There was malice in her eyes.

In an instant, Eleuil remembered the killer who tried to attack Luodus but died strangely.

"People can't kill gods, so what about me."

At the time of the stalemate, a familiar, light and cold voice sounded at the door.

Eleuil took a breath, and the broken light in her eyes swayed, like the clear golden water swaying under the sun.

She turned her head very slowly, facing Luodus frost blue eyes.

The author has something to say:

Dream Banshee: ? Respect the **** next door!


Fail early, continue tomorrow.JPG

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